Já vím, já vím, tohle album bude u fanoušků probouzet spoustu emocí. Kapela, která byla vždy takovou doom death metalovou jistotou a definicí smutku jako takového, přichází najednou s jiným zvukem i nápady. Taková ta naléhavá bolest je pryč a přichází spíše pozitivnější melodie. Osobně kapelu chápu. Hrát celý život v podstatě to samé, i když skvěle, se nedá navěky. Hodně záleží, jak k hudbě přistupujete celkově. Ti, kteří jsou otevřeni novátorství, objevování a mají pestrou fantazii, budou nadšeni. Ostatní nové album zavrhnou a budou plivat jed.
Ubylo drsných pasáží i hrubého hlasu. Finové se vydali spíše směrem třeba k takové KATATONII, AMORPHIS, TYPE O NEGATIVE, možná i H.I.M.. Skladby působí pozitivně, svěže a úplně jinak, než jsme zvyklí. Jestli je to dobře nebo špatně, nechám na vás. Osobně si dovedu představit, že novinka zaujme o hodně širší publikum, než dřív. Jen už to není takový smutek a temnota. Pravdou ale je, že jsem se při poslechu usmíval.
Zažíval jsem zpočátku velmi podobné emoce, jako většina fanoušků. Byl jsem tak trošku zklamaný, rozpolcený a možná i lehce naštvaný. Jenže potom jsem si sedl, otevřel jednu starou knihu a četl si. "Shining" jsem si pustil jen jako kulisu k sychravému podzimnímu dnu a najednou si říkám: "Ono to ale není vůbec špatný". Přidal jsem hlasitost, otevřel okno do chladu a tmy a najednou došlo k "vzájemnému přenosu mezi mnou a kapelou". Nevím vlastně ani, jak popsat své pocity slovy, ale začal jsem skladby vnímat úplně jinak. Jsou vzdušné, pozitivní, přesto melancholické. SWALLOW THE SUN mají stále svůj jasný a zřetelný rukopis. Jen své nápady uplatňují jiným způsobem. Někde jsem četl, že do novinky promítli muzikanti všechny hudební směry, které je kdy ovlivnily. Dostanete tak odkazy nejen na doom metal, ale i na gothic, prog rock, pop. Navíc je tu ještě jedna věc. Hudba by neměla být stále stejná, očekávaná. Naopak, měla by jitřit mysl, překvapovat a bolet. Dovedl bych si sice představit syrovější zvuk, více temnoty a chladu, ale to může být jenom můj názor. Nové album na mě působí možná až moc přívětivě, klidně bych si jej dovedl představit jako večerní pořad v komerčnějším rádiu. Vlastně ani po delší době nevím, co si o novince myslet. Na jednu stranu mě tak trošku nudí, na druhou mám někde v podvědomí zakódováno, že se k ní budu občas vracet. Asi jen čas ukáže, jestli se kapela vydala správnou cestou. Vlastně ani nevím, jestli vám mám desku doporučit nebo nikoliv. Hodně záleží, jak máte otevřenou mysl. Za mě by to chtělo lepší produkci, aby stále dobré nápady lépe vynikly. Doom metalová legenda se vydala novým směrem, který bude budit spoustu emocí!
Asphyx says:
I know, I know, this album is going to stir up a lot of emotions in the fans. A band that has always been such a doom death metal sure thing and the definition of sadness as such is suddenly coming up with a different sound and ideas. Gone is that urgent pain and in comes more upbeat melodies. Personally, I understand the band. You can't play basically the same thing all your life, however great, forever. A lot depends on how you approach music in general. Those who are open to innovation, exploration and have a varied imagination will be thrilled. Others will dismiss the new album and spit venom.
There are fewer harsh passages and less rough vocals. The Finns have gone more in the direction of, for example, KATATONIA, AMORPHIS, TYPE O NEGATIVE, maybe even H.I.M. The songs feel positive, fresh and completely different than we are used to. Whether it's good or bad, I leave it to you. Personally, I imagine the new stuff will appeal to a much wider audience than before. It's just not as sad and dark anymore. But the truth is, I was smiling while listening to it.
I experienced very similar emotions at first, as most fans do. I was a little disappointed, conflicted and maybe even a little angry. But then I sat down, opened an old book and read. I put "Shining" on just as a backdrop to a drizzly autumn day and suddenly thought, "Oh, it's not bad at all." I turned up the volume, opened the window to the cold and dark and suddenly there was a "mutual transmission between me and the band". I don't really know how to describe my feelings in words, but I started to perceive the songs in a completely different way. They are airy, positive, yet melancholic. SWALLOW THE SUN still have their clear and distinct signature. They just apply their ideas in a different way. I read somewhere that the musicians projected all the musical directions that have ever influenced them into the new album. So you get references not only to doom metal, but also to gothic, prog rock, pop. Plus, there's one more thing. Music shouldn't be the same, expected. On the contrary, it should be mind-blowing, surprising and painful. I could imagine a more raw sound, more darkness and coldness, but that can only be my opinion. The new album is perhaps too friendly for me, I could easily imagine it as an evening show on a more commercial radio. Actually, I don't know what to think of the new album after a long time. On the one hand, I'm a bit bored, on the other hand, I have it coded somewhere in my subconscious that I will return to it from time to time. I guess only time will tell if the band is on the right track. Actually, I don't even know if I should recommend the album or not. A lot depends on how open-minded you are. For me it would need better production to make the still good ideas stand out better. The doom metal legend has taken a new direction that will stir up a lot of emotions!
Někdy to trvá spoustu let, než se rány zacelí. Cítím prázdnotu, když pokládám květiny na pískovcový hrob. Sedávám ve stínu stoletých stromů a mluvím s tebou, jako bys byla ještě mezi námi. Klepou se mi ruce, jsem zahalený ve svém smutku. Vyhledávám stín a přemýšlím, jaké to jednou bude, až se zase setkáme. Už jsem měl v ruce mnohokrát žiletku, ale nemám dost sil. Nebo ano? Umíráme a rodíme se a nakonec po nás zbyde jen šedá šmouha. Promítám si na zeď vzpomínky a poslouchám u toho nové album amerických tmářů MOTHER OF GRAVES.
Tuhle smečku jsem si pro sebe objevil v roce 2022, když kapela vydala své první dlouhohrající album "Where the Shadows Adorn" (recenze a rozhovor jsou odkazovány dole pod článkem). Jejich hudba mě oslovila nejen smutkem, pomalými melodiemi, ale hlavně svojí uvěřitelností a opravdovostí. Letos panychida pokračuje. Pánové nadále rozvíjejí své pochmurné myšlenky a promítají je do svých tklivých melodií. Je brzy ráno a nad hřbitovem se vznáší mlha. Tohle je přesně melodický doom metal podle mého gusta. Podle tvého taky, viď, moje milá, která ležíš ve studené zemi?
Psal jsem to již mnohokrát. Doom metal je velmi těžká disciplína. Nejen, že je náročný na hraní (v pomalosti vyniknou veškeré nesrovnalosti), ale hlavně je poznat, když jej kapela hraje srdcem. Smutek, tíseň, ani deprese, není vůbec lehké zhudebnit. MOTHER OF GRAVES ale tento dar mají. Ano, je to jako vždy o talentu, o touze přenést nás na druhou stranu. Cítím v kostech mráz a moje životní funkce se zpomalily na minimum. Stojím uprostřed davu, přesto sám. Nevnímám chaos všedních dní, ale všimnu si listí, které padá pomalu k zemi. Rád se toulám v lesích a pokaždé skončím na jednom opuštěném hřbitově. Čtu si jména na náhrobcích a představuji si, jaký asi měli pohřbení život a jak zemřeli. Užívám si dobře čitelný a bolestivý zvuk (mastering Dan Swanö) a cítím se stejně jako hříšník na obalu, který se přišel poklonit samotné Smrti (autorem je Caelan Stokkermans). Pokaždé, když je mi smutno a neznám důvod, pokaždé, když mi připadá, že jsou mraky příliš nízko, pokaždé, když beru do rukou žiletky, tak si pustím "The Periapt of Absence" a ve vnitřnostech se mi rozlije chladná velká síla. Najednou vím, že někde je světlo a naděje. Prosvítá mezi stíny. Až půjdu zítra zase navštívit tvůj hrob, tak budu vše vnímat jinak. Fanoušci třeba takových KATATONIA, MY DYING BRIDE, OCTOBER TIDE, SWALLOW THE SUN, OPETH, MARCHE FUNEBRE, OFFICIUM TRISTE, kterými se nechali pánové volně inspirovat, jistě moc dobře ví, o čem píšu. Někdy to trvá spoustu let, než se rány zacelí. Cítím prázdnotu, když pokládám květiny na pískovcový hrob. Sedávám ve stínu stoletých stromů a mluvím s tebou, jako bys byla ještě mezi námi. Klepou se mi ruce, přesto jsem silný. Melodic doom death metalové příběhy plné smutku, ztráty a beznaděje! Silná, pochmurná, záhrobní panychida!
Asphyx says:
Sometimes it takes many years for wounds to heal. I feel the emptiness when I lay flowers on a sandstone grave. I sit in the shade of hundred-year-old trees and talk to you as if you were still with us. My hands are shaking, I'm wrapped in my sadness. I seek the shade and wonder what it will be like when we meet again. I've had a razor in my hand many times, but I don't have the strength. Or do I? We die and we are born and in the end we are just a grey blur. I'm projecting my memories on the wall and listening to the new album by American darkies MOTHER OF GRAVES.
I discovered this pack for myself in 2022, when the band released their first full-length album "Where the Shadows Adorn" (review and interview linked at the bottom of the article). Their music appealed to me not only for its sad, slow melodies, but most importantly for its believability and genuineness. This year the panychida continues. The gentlemen continue to develop their somber thoughts and project them into their wistful melodies. It's early in the morning and a fog is hovering over the cemetery. This is exactly the melodic doom metal for my taste. Yours too, isn't it, my dear, who lies in the cold earth?
I have written this many times. Doom metal is a very difficult discipline. Not only is it demanding to play (all the irregularities stand out in the slowness), but you can especially tell when a band plays it with heart. Sadness, depression, even depression, is not easy to hum at all. But MOTHER OF GRAVES have this gift. Yes, it's as always about talent, about the desire to bring us to the other side. I feel a chill in my bones and my vital signs have slowed to a crawl. I stand in the middle of the crowd, yet alone. I don't notice the chaos of everyday life, but I do notice the leaves falling slowly to the ground. I like to wander in the woods and always end up in an abandoned cemetery. I read the names on the tombstones and imagine what life must have been like for those buried there and how they died. I enjoy the well-read and painful sound (mastering by Dan Swanö) and I feel just like the sinner on the cover who came to pay homage to Death himself (by Caelan Stokkermans). Every time I feel sad and don't know the reason, every time I feel like the clouds are too low, every time I pick up the razor blades I put on "The Periapt of Absence" and a cold great power spills in my gut. Suddenly I know there's light and hope somewhere. Shining through the shadows. When I go back to visit your grave tomorrow, I'll see things differently. Fans of such bands as KATATONIA, MY DYING BRIDE, OCTOBER TIDE, SWALLOW THE SUN, OPETH, MARCHE FUNEBRE, OFFICIUM TRISTE, which the gentlemen were freely inspired by, will know very well what I am writing about. Sometimes it takes many years for wounds to heal. I feel the emptiness when I lay flowers on a sandstone grave. I sit in the shade of hundred-year-old trees and talk to you as if you were still with us. My hands are shaking, yet I am strong. Melodic doom death metal stories full of sadness, loss and hopelessness! Strong, gloomy, beyond the grave panychida!
Vím, že se jednou rozplynu v temnotě. Jsem jedním z mnoha. Obyčejným číslem v davu. Přesto si myslím, že bych měl nalézt klid. Snažil jsem se nikomu neubližovat. Ale třeba se bojím zbytečně. Možná se jenom rozložím v zemi. Shniju a sežerou mě červi, úplně stejně jako ty, kteří byli celí život zlí a plní nenávisti. Přemýšlím o tom, když vstupuji do studeného jezera v horách, přemýšlím o tom, když poslouchám novou desku francouzských smutkařů ATARAXIE. Vznáším se na vlnách a zadržuji dech.
Kolem mě plují nafouklá těla utopenců. Stromy se sklánějí skoro až k zemi a jsou tichým mementem. Zastavení, spočinutí. Uvědomění. Tichý šepot nemrtvých. Přesně taková slova mě napadají, když pomalu přidávám hlasitost. Surový death metal se zde potkává s doomovou pomalostí, s pochmurnými náladami. Mnohdy býváme až příliš zahleděni do sebe a nevidíme bolest ostatních. Zavírám oči a padám do hlubiny. Do kostí se mi dostává postupně chlad nicoty.
"Le Déclin" je pro mě jednou z nahrávek, které mají ještě jeden rozměr. Nejedná se jenom o skvěle provedenou hudbu se spoustou pochmurných nápadů, ale také o názor, myšlenky. Jako když padá listí ze spálených stromů, jako když jdete tichou lesní pěšinou, jako když potkáte první mráz a čtete si dobrou knihu u ohně olizujícího včerejší den. Francouzi vás vezmou na výlet do vašeho vlastního nitra. Někdy bývá těžké vydržet sám se sebou, se svými démony. ATARAXIE je přesně tím druhem kapely, která vás donutí se zastavit. Zažíval jsem podobné pocity jako při meditacích. Pomalé, táhlé melodie jsou jako pradávná mantra. Opakující se motivy se mi zadřely hluboko do hlavy. Rád jsem se k desce vracel, obzvláště ve chvílích, když venku pršelo a déšť bubnoval na okno. Jakoby mi kapela nastavila zrcadlo, ve kterém se odráží můj vlastní pokřivený obraz. Pokud máte rádi kapely jako diSEMBOWELMENT, EVOKEN, ESOTERIC, CATHEDRAL, MOURNFUL CONGREGATION, MY DYING BRIDE a INCANTATION, tak by se vám mohlo líbit i tohle nové album. Je totiž po okraj narvané bolestí, smutkem, utrpením. Uvědomujete si, že už dávno nežijeme své vlastní životy? Sdílíme svoje svědomí a cítíme se nadopováni vlastní hloupostí. Netuším, jak z toho ven a ani ATARAXIE nedávají rozhřešení. A tak zase jednou vypínám všechny sítě světa a vydávám se do lesů. Až k jezeru. Vím, že se jednou rozplynu v temnotě. Jsem jedním z mnoha. Obyčejným číslem v davu. Přesto si myslím, že bych měl nalézt klid. I stane se. Funeral doom death metalový obřad, na kterém bude vaše duše roztrhána na kusy! Zrcadlo nastavené našemu vlastnímu smutku!
Asphyx says:
I know that one day I'll disappear into the darkness. I am one of many. A mere number in the crowd. Yet I think I should find peace. I tried not to hurt anyone. But maybe I'm afraid for nothing. Maybe I'm just gonna decompose in the ground. I'll rot and be eaten by worms, just like those who have been evil and full of hate all their lives. I think about it when I step into a cold lake in the mountains, I think about it when I listen to the new record by French mourners ATARAXIE. I float on the waves and hold my breath.
The bloated bodies of drowning men float around me. The trees lean almost to the ground, a silent memento. A pause, a rest. Awareness. The quiet whisper of the undead. Those are the words that come to mind as I slowly turn up the volume. Raw death metal meets doomy slowness, with sombre moods. Often we are too inward looking to see the pain of others. I close my eyes and fall into the depths. The coldness of nothingness gradually gets into my bones.
"Le Déclin" is for me one of the recordings that have another dimension. It's not just about well performed music with lots of gloomy ideas, but also about opinion, thoughts. Like when the leaves fall from the burnt trees, like when you walk through a silent forest path, like when you meet the first frost and read a good book by the fire licking yesterday's day. The French take you on a journey into your own heart. Sometimes it's hard to stand alone with yourself, with your demons. ATARAXIE is exactly the kind of band that makes you stop. I experienced similar feelings to meditations. The slow, drawn-out melodies are like an ancient mantra. The repetitive motifs drilled deep into my head. I loved coming back to the record, especially when it was raining outside and the rain was drumming on the window. It was as if the band had set up a mirror to reflect my own distorted image. If you like bands like diSEMBOWELMENT, EVOKEN, ESOTERIC, CATHEDRAL, MOURNFUL CONGREGATION, MY DYING BRIDE and INCANTATION, you might also like this new album. It's filled to the brim with pain, sadness, suffering. Do you realise that we're not living our own lives anymore? We share our consciences and feel fed up with our own stupidity. I have no idea how to get out of it, and even ATARAXIE doesn't give absolution. And so once again I turn off all the networks of the world and head into the woods. To the lake. I know that one day I'll disappear into the darkness. I am one of many. A mere number in the crowd. Yet I think I should find peace. And I will. A funeral doom death metal ceremony where your soul will be torn apart! A mirror held up to our own sadness!
Odkrývám další vrstvu prachu a přemýšlím, co mě čeká. Starodávný hrob, daleko na severu, pod kostelem, který byl několikrát znesvěcený. Slýchávám tu různé podivné zvuky, lekám se každého stínu a poslouchám u toho nové album legendárních finských black metalistů BARATHRUM. Kapely, která stála na počátku tohoto stylu a datuje svůj vznik do roku 1991. Letos se vrátila, aby nás opět všechny zahalila do krvavé mlhy. Stačilo mi několik prvních tónů a věděl jsem, že jsem ztracen.
Do kostí mi pronikl chlad a temnota. Ožívaly přede mnou starodávné přízraky. Bestie, o kterých jste si mysleli, že už jsou dávno mrtvé. Kombinace ostrého black metalu a doomových pasáží, síry i melancholie, mi dělají opět velmi dobře. Je to jasný rukopis, originalita, schopnost zaseknout do mě svůj dráp, která propůjčuje téhle smečce status legendy. Novinka je skvělá po všech stránkách.
Poslouchat nové album je jako návštěva starého pohřebiště v temných lesích. Uprostřed ničeho se kdysi odehrávaly krvavé rituály. Když poslouchám album "Überkill" tak přede mnou vše znovu ožívá. Slyším nářek obětí, cítím ve vzduchu pach krve, odříkávám obrácené modlitby. Co se týká formálních věcí, jako je zvuk, obal a celkové provedení, tak je vše v nejlepším pořádku. Jsem starý pes, který dokáže podobné věci ocenit. Líbí se mi, že se Finové, v rámci svých vlastních stylových zákonů, vyvíjejí. Album tak není jen dalším zásekem v řadě, ale živoucím organizmem. Pokud jste někdy navštívili v noci starou márnici nebo sestoupili do temných katakomb, určitě víte, o čem píšu. Nové album je chladné na povrchu a žhnoucí uvnitř. Je ukováno z té nejkvalitnější oceli a hoří jasným plamenem. Oceňuji i takový ten složitě popsatelný heavy efekt, který v sobě deska obsahuje. Zkrátka a dobře, BARATHRUM nejsou jen starou kapelou, která nahrála další album v řadě. Naopak, jsou stále uvěřitelní, živoucí, reální. Povedlo se jim mě přesvědčit na svou stranu. Už se těším, až přijde zima a ochladí se. Myslím si totiž, že v temné noci a na sněhu, hluboko v lesích, vynikne nová nahrávka nejvíce. Navíc, a to je pro mě samozřejmě nejdůležitější, se novinka velmi dobře poslouchá a rád se k ní vracím. Odkrývám další vrstvu prachu a přemýšlím, co mě čeká. Starodávný hrob, daleko na severu, pod kostelem, který byl několikrát znesvěcený. Slýchávám tu různé podivné zvuky, lekám se každého stínu a poslouchám u toho nové album legendárních finských black metalistů BARATHRUM. Okultní, starodávný black doom metalový rituál! Chladné ozvěny démonů temnoty!
Asphyx says:
I uncover another layer of dust and wonder what's in store for me. An ancient grave, far to the north, under a church that has been desecrated several times. I hear all sorts of strange noises, startle at every shadow and listen to the new album by legendary Finnish black metallers BARATHRUM. The band that stood at the beginning of this style and dates its formation to 1991. This year they came back to envelop us all in a bloody fog again. Just the first few notes and I knew I was lost.
Coldness and darkness seeped into my bones. Ancient ghosts came to life before me. Beasts you thought were long dead. The combination of sharp black metal and doom passages, sulphur and melancholy, make me feel very good again. It's the clear signature, the originality, the ability to sink its claw into me that lends this pack legendary status. The novelty is great in every way.
Listening to the new album is like visiting an old burial ground in the dark woods. In the middle of nowhere, bloody rituals once took place. When I listen to "Überkill", everything comes alive again. I hear the wailing of the victims, I smell the blood in the air, I say the prayers in reverse. As far as formal things like the sound, the cover and the overall performance are concerned, everything is in the best order. I'm an old dog who can appreciate such things. I like that the Finns, within their own stylistic laws, are evolving. This way the album is not just another hit in a row, but a living organism. If you've ever visited an old morgue at night or descended into the dark catacombs, you'll know what I'm writing about. The new album is cool on the surface and glowing on the inside. It's forged from the finest steel and burns with a bright flame. I also appreciate the kind of hard-to-describe heavy effect that the album contains. In short, BARATHRUM aren't just an old band that recorded another album in a row. On the contrary, they are still believable, alive, real. They managed to convince me to their side. I can't wait for winter to come and cool down. Because I think that in the dark night and in the snow, deep in the woods, the new record will stand out the most. Moreover, and this is of course the most important thing for me, the new record is very easy to listen to and I like to come back to it. I uncover another layer of dust and wonder what lies ahead. An ancient grave, far to the north, under a church that has been desecrated several times. I hear all sorts of strange noises, I'm scared of every shadow, and I listen to the new album by legendary Finnish black metallers BARATHRUM. Occult, ancient black doom metal ritual! Cold echoes of the demons of darkness!
Nad hřbitovem září měsíc a v dálce vyjí vlci. Probudil jsem se uprostřed tmy a mé kroky mě zavedly až sem, na starodávné pohřebiště. Čtu si v jazycích, kterým normálně nerozumím a nasávám pach smrti. Měli by tu být pohřbeni prokletí. Otevírám první hrob, vytahuji ven rakev pokrytou plísní a hnilobou. Rezavé hřeby, zatlučené kdysi do dřeva, nechtějí povolit. Když se mi to konečně povede, spatřím zcela neporušené tělo. Mrtvola by se měla rozpadat v prach, ale není tomu tak. Usměje se na mě a prokousne mi hrdlo.
K americkým VØLUS se letos dostávám poprvé. Ihned jsem si sehnal celou jejich diskografii. Jedná se totiž o hnilobný death black metal, s příměsí disonance a mrtvolné progresivity. Venku opravdu svítí měsíc a v dálce vyjí vlci. Je hluboká noc a já pomalu přidávám hlasitost. Najednou jsem na staré obrácené černé mši a modlím se k temným silám.
Jediným členem kapely je Justin Genoble, který je podepsán pod veškerými nástroji i vokálem. Fanoušci dostanou pestrou směs, umíchanou z těch nejohavnějších ingrediencí. Pokud rádi a často trávíte svůj čas v absolutní tmě a s chutí vyhledáváte undergroundovou hudbu, potom jste zde správně. Zazní odkazy nejen na již zmiňovaný black a death metal, ale také doom, noise, grindcore. Justin nám letos umíchal koktejl, který když vypijete, tak se ocitnete v jiné, děsivější dimenzi, než je současný podivný svět. Vydáte se na výlet do záhrobí, potkáte pradávné mýty, krvelačné vampýry, proletíte se temným vesmírem, abyste nakonec našli místo ve staré Mezopotámii. Oceňuji způsob i provedení celé desky, líbí se mi Justinův přístup. Nebojí se experimentovat, objevovat nová zákoutí i směry. Každým dalším poslechem objevuji nové pasáže a momenty. Stávám se postupně nemrtvým, čtu si tajemná slova napsaná krví na starém papyru. Historie lidstva je propletená zlem i věcmi, mezi nebem a zemí, které nedokážeme pochopit. VØLUS jsou tu od toho, aby nám je svojí hudbou přiblížili. Nutno rovnou dodat, že to dělají způsobem, který vás nenechá ani chvilku v klidu. Do mě osobně třeba ihned zasekli svůj dráp a těšil jsem se, až se setmí a ochladí. V noci, uprostřed starého opuštěného hřbitova, když v dálce vyli vlci, vyniklo jejich nové album "Merciful the Dying Light" nejvíce. Zhasněte všechna světla a nechte se unášet po řece smrti do záhrobí. Mýtický, okultní, děsivý black death metal, který vás přenese do země nekonečných stínů! Démoni touží po krvi!
Asphyx says:
The moon shines over the cemetery and wolves howl in the distance. I woke up in the middle of the dark and my steps led me here, to an ancient burial ground. I read in languages I don't normally understand and I take in the smell of death. The cursed should be buried here. I open the first grave, pulling out a coffin covered in mould and rot. The rusty nails, once hammered into the wood, refuse to loosen. When I finally do, I see a fully intact body. The corpse should be crumbling into dust, but it isn't. He smiles at me and bites my throat.
This is the first time I've been to the American VØLUS this year. I immediately got their entire discography. This is rotten death black metal, with a dash of dissonance and deadpan progressiveness. The moon is really shining outside and wolves are howling in the distance. It's deep night and I'm slowly turning up the volume. Suddenly I'm at the old inverted black mass, praying to the dark forces.
The only member of the band is Justin Genoble, who is signed on all instruments and vocals. Fans will get a varied mix, blended from the nastiest of ingredients. If you like to spend your time in absolute darkness and often seek out underground music with gusto, then you've come to the right place. There will be references not only to the already mentioned black and death metal, but also doom, noise, grindcore. This year Justin has mixed us a cocktail that, if you drink it, you will find yourself in a different, scarier dimension than the current strange world. You'll take a trip to the beyond, encounter ancient myths, bloodthirsty vampires, fly through a dark universe to eventually find a place in ancient Mesopotamia. I appreciate the manner and execution of the whole album, I like Justin's approach. He's not afraid to experiment, to explore new corners and directions. With each new listen I discover new passages and moments. I gradually become undead, reading the mysterious words written in blood on old papyrus. The history of mankind is intertwined with evil and things between heaven and earth that we cannot comprehend. VØLUS are here to bring them to us with their music. It should be added that they do it in a way that won't leave you in peace for a moment. For example, they immediately stuck their claw into me personally and I was looking forward to it getting darker and colder. At night, in the middle of an old abandoned graveyard, with wolves howling in the distance, their new album "Merciful the Dying Light" stood out the most. Turn off all the lights and let yourself drift down the river of death to the afterlife. Mythical, occult, terrifying black death metal that will transport you to the land of endless shadows! Demons thirst for blood!
1) Crowns of Ulthar
2) Sanity Forsaken
3) Blasphemies Infernal Strife
4) Merciful the Dying Light
5) Hissing Dissent
6) Revengeance of Blood
7) Between Two Fires
Justin Vølus - Vocals, Lyrics and Instruments (everything)
Měla si smutný pohled a bojovala si s vlastními démony. Přišla si z pekla války a budila ses uprostřed noci. Volala si do ticha dávno mrtvá jména, lekala ses stínů. Byla si sama uprostřed davu. Našlapovala si opatrně, každý den ráno, když ses vydala za šedivé město. Přemýšlela si o směru, jakým se vydat a kolem se probouzel les. Hladina jezera se leskla do ševelu stromů. Konečně si našla klid.
Jsou desky, které raději poslouchám, než abych o nich psal. Mám totiž pocit, že moje slova nestačí, že jimi nedokážu popsat veškeré pocity. Také jsem potkal dívku, která přišla z temnoty a snažil jsem se jí pomoc. Pouštěl jsem ji nové album doom death metalových CELESTIAL SEASON a vznášeli jsme se na vlnách řeky smutku a beznaděje. Tahle kapela je legendou nejen ve svém žánru. Založena v Nizozemí v roce 1991. Letos jsou pánové a dámy ve skvělé formě, stačí na chvilku zastavit svoje kroky a poslouchat pozorně.
Skladby jsou napsány takovým tím starým, poctivým způsobem. Kapela sice ctí všechny náležitosti žánru (MY DYING BRIDE, ANATHEMA, PARADISE LOST, THE GATHERING, LACRIMAS PROFUNDERE), ale přidává navíc velkou spoustu svých nápadů, stylových odboček, atmosférických ploch. Musím se vám přiznat k jedné věci, já příliš jiných, než tradičních metalových nástrojů nemám rád, ale zde jsou violoncello a cello vloženy a používány tak samozřejmým způsobem, že si bez nich nedovedu skladby ani představit. Je to jako se procházek po pláží a sledovat jemnou hru světla lámajícího se o hladinu. Je to jako si lehnout v lese do trávy a nechat na sebe padat nebe. Hudba těchto mistrů není jenom smutná, je v ní určitý druh naděje, spočinutí, odpuštění, chcete-li. Asi jako každý bývám rád někdy sám a jen si tak čtu, uzavřený ve svých myšlenkách i ulitě. Daleko od podivného světa, od válek, od násilí, od bolesti, od utrpení, od nemocí. Možná to bude znít divně, ale "Mysterium III" je pro mě jakousi terapií. Představte si rušnou ulici, která se najednou zcela zastaví. Odněkud z jiné dimenze, z tohoto alba, přiletí velká spousta energie a všichni se najednou seberou a utečou ven, do lesů, do přírody. Mezi křupající větve pod nohama, mezi zelené keře, do větru, do řeky, do smutku, který je ale očišťující. Asi bych měl zhodnotit i zvuk, obal a celkovou produkci, ale ono je vše v takovém pořádku, že ani nemusím. Raději se soustředím na předané emoce, na sílu, která ke mě stéká z reproduktorů. Měla smutný pohled a bojovala s vlastními démony. Přišla z pekla války a budila se uprostřed noci. Volala do ticha dávno mrtvá jména, lekala se stínů. Teď už je jí dobře. Poslouchá totiž tohle album. Mrazivý a temný smuteční doom death metalový pochod! Hledání světla ve tmě a zármutku!
Asphyx says:
You had a sad look on your face and you were battling your own demons. You came from the hell of war and woke up in the middle of the night. You've called long-dead names into the silence, you've feared the shadows. You were alone in the middle of the crowd. You tread carefully, every morning, when you set out for the grey city. You wondered which direction to take as the forest woke around you. The surface of the lake glistened into the rustle of the trees. You finally found peace.
There are records I'd rather listen to than write about. For I feel that my words are not enough, that I cannot describe all the feelings. I also met a girl who came out of the darkness and I tried to help her. I played her the new album of doom death metal CELESTIAL SEASON and we floated on the waves of the river of sadness and hopelessness. This band is a legend not only in their genre. Founded in the Netherlands in 1991. This year the gentlemen and ladies are in great form, just stop your steps for a moment and listen carefully.
The songs are written in that old, honest way. Although the band honours all the elements of the genre (MY DYING BRIDE, ANATHEMA, PARADISE LOST, THE GATHERING, LACRIMAS PROFUNDERE), they add a lot of their own ideas, stylistic digressions, atmospheric areas. I have to confess one thing, I don't like too many instruments other than traditional metal instruments, but here the cello and cello are inserted and used in such an obvious way that I can't even imagine the songs without them. It's like walking along the beach and watching the gentle play of light refracting against the surface. It's like lying down in the grass in the woods and letting the sky fall in on you. The music of these masters isn't just sad, there's a kind of hope in it, a restfulness, a forgiveness, if you will. I guess like everyone I like to be alone sometimes and just read, enclosed in my thoughts and my shell. Away from the strange world, from wars, from violence, from pain, from suffering, from illness. It may sound strange, but "Mysterium III" is a kind of therapy for me. Imagine a busy street that suddenly comes to a complete stop. From somewhere from another dimension, from this album, a lot of energy comes in and suddenly everybody picks up and runs outside, into the woods, into nature. Into the branches crunching underfoot, into the green bushes, into the wind, into the river, into the sadness, which is cleansing. I should probably also evaluate the sound, the cover and the overall production, but everything is so good that I don't even need to. I prefer to focus on the emotions conveyed, on the power that flows to me from the speakers. She had a sad look and was battling her own demons. She came from the hell of war and woke up in the middle of the night. She called long-dead names into the silence, frightened of shadows. She's fine now. Because she's listening to this album. A cold and dark funeral doom death metal march! Searching for light in the darkness and sorrow!
Ave OFFICIUM TRISTE! To start our conversation with a short story...I got up early and went into the woods. It was quiet and the sun was slowly rising over the horizon. I came to the ruins of an old church. In the ruins, I sat down for a while and listened to your new album "Hortus Venenum". It was at the end of July, the album had come to me for review earlier. I wasn't able to write anything until last week, I preferred to keep listening. Welcome to Hooland and thank you very much for your new album. How did the album come about, when did the first ideas and thoughts come about? What is the basic theme of the whole record?
Thanks for the story.
Just after the release of The Death of Gaia late 2019 we were confronted with the pandemic, which meant we couldn’t actually promote the album doing live shows and so on. So, we started working on new material since we couldn’t do anything else. We actually wrote a lot of new material and carefully decided which songs would end up on a new album. We did record and release a single in between. Late 2022 we started recording the new album. We always take our time doing so and in January 2024 we were finished. In general we always work on ideas that we all like and those become actual finished songs. There’s no special thought behind it. Along the way I usually come up with song titles and lyrics, although this time Martin presented the title Behind Closed Doors.
I first came up with the title Poison Garden and later on decided to translate it into Latin as we have done before. This title is a metaphor for the world we live in. And even when the subjects of the particular songs differ a lot, there’s always a link to the behaviour of mankind on this planet.
I listen mostly to fast music, raw death metal, black and thrash, but doom metal is kind of in my blood since the first albums PARADISE LOST and MY DYING BRIDE. A long time ago, when I was still in college, I discovered this style with my future wife. How did you get into this style? And what is it like to play doom metal in Holland? To be honest, I don't know many bands like that from you.
Before we started with Officium Triste we were called Reïncremated and played death metal. But at that time we already listened to bands such as Paradise Lost, My Dying Bride, Anathema, Katatonia, Type O Negative or Winter to name a few. For our keyboard player Martin, who started out as our drummer, the show of My Dying Bride in early 1994 here in Tilburg in the Netherlands was the trigger to quit Reïncremated and reform as Officium Triste.
Being a doom metal band in the Netherlands is tough. It’s not the most popular genre. There are quite a few bands active though. One of our inspirations Celestial Season is active again and releasing cool albums with classic doom/death. Other than that there are a couple bands that are more underground, like Façade or Sad Whisperings.
I personally discovered you at a gig with OCTOBER TIDE in Pilsen in 2015. I must admit that I was literally fascinated by the atmosphere you were able to create. I immediately ran to buy a CD with a friend and didn't listen to anything else for two months. Every time I'm in a "sad" mood or need to stop, I choose doom metal. Do you remember the tour with OCTOBER TIDE? What do you think about the Czech fans?
I remember that gig well. Also the day after when Nifelheim had to perform for instance. This was our first time in the Czech Republic and we enjoyed it a lot. Especially the reception we got from the Czech audience. And last but not least; to taste pilsner beer in the city where it was invented was cool too. We even did a brewery tour.
If you saw my library, you might be surprised. You'll find old historical books and novels as well as modern detective stories, science fiction. I'm the same with books as I am with music. I like to sample. I'll go to a grindcore concert, listen to black metal. But doom metal is a very specific kind of music. It's got every note, drum beat, vocal. How do you actually compose such music? I'm interested in the process of creating a new song? Is that a motif you can hear somewhere? In the ether, in your head? For me, for example, the words for reviews come to mind most early in the morning when I'm walking to work. I write them down on my phone and then use them when I start writing. How do you do it?
It’s a bit hard fort me to tell as the others usually come up with the ideas en melodies. But I know from them inspiration often comes unexpected. And it comes from different aspects in life. Once an idea is presented we work on the arrangements as a band. And when the composition is almost finished I start working on lyrics. Ideas on lyrics also can come from anywhere. First and foremost they must fit the feeling I get from the music.
I also write down words or sentences in my phone. It’s my little note book i use when I actually start writing lyrics.
I'll confess to one thing. You know what literally fascinates me about Hortus Venenum? The vocals! You have a very urgent voice, it complements and enhances the music perfectly. It's like you guys have a special connection in the band? Do you have a musical background? Do you take singing lessons, for example?
I am completely self-taught. You know, back in 1992 or so, we were a big group of friends who were all active in bands. Ceremony lost their singer and asked the singer of Profane. I tried out for Profane, but I didn’t really know what I was doing. So, Profane asked the then singer of Reïncremated. I was good friends with the bass player of Reïncremated so I started out there. And I just learned going along. Practice makes perfect, right? As you know Reïncremated turned into Officium Triste and we’re still here.
Within the band we get along really fine and it just all comes naturally. No big secrets here.
You're from Rotterdam. I don't know if it's true, but it seems to me that the sea and the surrounding nature must have inspired you a lot? Or am I wrong? I imagine you're walking along the beach or visiting an old church and suddenly you think of a new motif for a song. Because I feel this strange melancholy from the new record, which is something that not only British doom bands have, but also bands from Finland. Does the environment influence you a lot in your work? Where do you actually like to go? What about you and nature, sights?
Well, Rotterdam is a city and at times a rather bleak one. This does inspire me. Together with our bass player Theo I am the only one in the band still living in or very near Rotterdam. The rest of the band lives in other parts of the Netherlands. Martin, our keyboard player moved to Germany many years ago and he actually lives in a part with great nature.
As the lyricist my inspiration largely comes from other sources like books, movies and real life. You know, stuff you see on the news. The state the world is in for instance.
Me personally I like cities, museums, history, literature and nature from time to time too. If you open your eyes there’s a lot of intriguing and beautiful stuff in this rotten world.
How are you on the gigging side of things? Do you play a lot and often? We have a few good doom bands in Pilsen and the gigs tend to be really poorly attended. This is a pity, although I understand that this music is not for everyone. How many people come to the club to see you? And what are the Dutch fans like? Do they support the bands?
It is not that different here I suppose. We do play regularly but not a lot. Putting on doom shows is hard. The attendance isn’t that good. The only way to attract more people to a show is to mix it up with other styles. Or to do a festival type thing, which I have been doing with Dutch Doom Days since 2002. Then you’ll attract a bit more people.
I have been wondering about this for a long time. And it all boils down to people. Why do bands like My Dying Bride or Candlemass sell out bigger venues? And why aren‘t 90% of the people attending those shows interested in gigs by similar bands? Something I don’t understand myself as I love to check out new bands or go see bands I haven’t seen live before. I guess I’m part of that small die-hard group of fans.
In the Netherlands you always see the same people at doom gigs. These are also the die-hards.
I also feel bands from abroad get more support opposed to Dutch bands. And I really don’t know why. We have so many great bands here.
Most bands have rather fluctuating quality in their discographies. But it's different for you. I don't think you've recorded a bad album yet. How do you explain that? Are you perfectionists? Or does everything happen only under the "guidance" of one person? They say a band is like a family. Well, yeah, but there's always got to be someone in the band who has the final say. How is it with OFFICIUM TRISTE?
Okay, instead of family I prefer to see the band as being in a relationship. And when things don’t work anymore you’ve got to make changes. That’s why we have had some line-up changes in the past. As a band we do function as a unit, where we decide on everything together. We don’t really have a leader. Creating music is a group process. One person delivers the basic idea, but we work on the song together till everyone is happy. Recording your music is like a snapshot. You deliver the best you can at that moment. You might strife for perfection but there’s always things you can improve or that you might not be totally happy about afterwards. This is only good, because this will make you work harder on your next release and try to do better. Also, if you deliver a perfect album it is time to quit, because perfection can’t be surpassed.
As I'm getting older, I'm becoming more and more aware of what things are important. There's a lot of chaos all around us these days. Social media, the news, wars, depression, it all affects us and every moment we stop and maybe just sit and look at the ruins of old churches and listen to music is terribly precious. Actually, for me, music is not only relaxation, but also a kind of therapy, it helps me to survive in the strange world of today. What does music mean to you as a creator and musician? And why doom metal?
You hit the nail on its head here. Our albums are fuelled by this man made hell on earth.
To me personally music or art in general is one of the things that make life still worthwhile. It indeed is therapeutic. Reading a book or watching a movie (both art forms) for instance make you drift away from all the misery around you. For a moment you don’t have to think about politics, war or stupidity. Creating art yourself is part of the same process. Enjoying art or creating art are both sides of the same coin. And doing this is a relief from every day life and you even learn from it as well.
The fact we decided to play doom metal is basically because of the beauty of this art form. It’s our vessel.
Could you please tell us how your lyrics are created and who is the author? Do you draw from literature, philosophy? But how does it come about that you think - this particular lyric, passage, book appealed to me and would be worth translating into music?
I write all lyrics and I basically try to come up with something that suits the actual music. Inspiration can come from anything. Let me give a few examples. The album’s title, which translates to Poison Garden, I wrote down when I saw the James Bond Movie No Time To Die. To me a Poison Garden is a great metaphor for the world we live in. The song My Poison Garden however has to do with mental problems a person can have. Something that more and more people seem to suffer from.
Angels with Broken Wings was something I came up with when I saw on TV what the impact of war on children is. This was an item about Ukraine but it can be situated anywhere.
Anna’s Woe is based on the story of the last witch sentenced to death in 1608 in the part of the Netherlands that was then called Holland. This happened in the city I was born and grew up in.
So, three different subjects inspired by different sources. It can be anything really as long as it fits the music. Like I said before, I write down things in my phone. Works like a charm for me.
One more trip into history, please. How did you get started in music? Who was your first role model? What about your first concert? And the first performance on stage?
Okay, when I grew up there was always music in our house and from an early stage I really liked music a lot. Still do. I listen to a wide variety of styles. And I love to collect. When I was 9 I got my first album from my oldest sister, which was One Step Beyond by Madness. I still have this record and it was a great start for my collection. In 1982 I went to my first concert. This was a gig by Doe Maar, a Dutch band that was huge around that time. They played reggae/ska inspired music with Dutch lyrics. Around that time I daydreamed about being in a band and I remember I wanted to be Ali Campbell of UB40.
I actually started out being in a band as I told before. But I had no real role model as far as the death metal vocal style is concerned. I just listened to plenty of bands and tried my best.
First live performance was with Reïncremated early 1994 a couple of months before we reformed as Officium Triste.
What are OFFICIUM TRISTE planning in the near future? Do you have anything to say to your fans? Here is the space.
We have a few gigs planned and hopefully we can do a few more. Since we still have quite a few ideas in storage I hope we can write some new songs soon. I know we take a lot of time between albums, but maybe we can return a bit sooner.
I also hope that our new album will be received well and that people will enjoy our music. We are very pleased with it and hopefully you are too!
I was up early preparing these questions, it's also the weekend and it's about to dawn. You can probably guess where I'm going. I've got my headphones ready, "Hortus Venenum" in them, and I'm looking forward to the woods. I'd like to finish by thanking you very much for your music. Thank you of course also for the interview and I wish you lots of inspiration and good ideas. May you do well in your private life too! Playing again...
Recenze/review - OFFICIUM TRISTE - Hortus Venenum (2024):