pátek 4. března 2016


author of photos – Michal Radoš
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Minirecenze/minireview - RESURRECTION - Betrayed by God (2016)

RESURRECTION - Betrayed by God
CD 2016, vlastní vydání

Z polského podzemí vyšla na povrch další z celé řady death metalových kapel, u kterých se inspirace starou tradiční polskou školou nezapře. Mocné nástupy skladeb, do blacku laděné některé melodie a hutné, sekající spodky. Náměty čerpané ve starých albech BEHEMOTH, TRAUMA, GORTAL, ale i třeba amerických NILE. Je to klasika, přátelé, tentokrát ale zahraná s pořádně černou jiskrou. RESURRECTION jsou mladí, teprve začínají, ale přesto mě v tom neskutečném množství dnešních kapel dokázali zaujmout. Možná je to způsobeno jejich přístupem, dobrým zvukem, velmi solidními (i když klasickými) nápady. Já vlastně ani nevím. Mohu prohlásit jen jediné, novinkové album mě baví poslouchat, užívám si ty chladně černé melodie a rád se k nahrávce vracím.

Některé skladby jsou možná až moc rozvláčné, chybí jim ke konci gradace a občas pánové trošku ztrácí dech, ale jako celek je album velmi příjemnou procházkou v záhrobí. RESURRECTION se rozhodně nemají za co stydět. I přes své mládí nakopávají zadek některým slavnějším jménům, někdy jsou sice příliš dlouzí a je slyšet, že chybí dobrý producent, ale líbí se mi právě ty kousky "nedokonalosti", dělají pro mě novinku o to živější a vstřebatelnější. A na rovinu, hlavně to slušně kope i řeže a o to mi jde stejně především. Ne, "Betrayed by God" není dokonalým albem, ale pánové se rozhodně nemají za co stydět. Jen to chce přidat ještě trošku na intenzitě a energii.

RESURRECTION  vydali solidní, dobře zahrané death metalové album. Je plné klasických polských postupů, ale i ozvěn americké death metalové školy. Nápadů je na novince dostatek, skladby příjemně řežou. Jen by to chtělo lepší produkci a lehce některé motivy zkrátit. Jako celek mě ale nahrávka baví a rád se k ní vracím. Polští maniaci jsou na velmi dobré cestě a myslím si, že pokud na sobě ještě trošku zapracují, musíme s nimi v death metalu rozhodně počítat. "Betrayed by God" je albem, které má v sobě určitou temnou sílu. Slušná morbidní práce!

Asphyx says:

RESURRECTION released a solid, well-played death metal album. It is full of classic Polish methods, but also echoes of the American death metal school. There are lots of ideas on the news, the songs cut nice. It would want to have better production and some themes should be shorter. As a whole I enjoy this recording and I like to listen it again. Polish maniacs are on very good way and I think if they'll work a little bit more, we must count them in death metal. "Betrayed by God" is an album having some certain dark power. Good morbid job!

A few questions - RESURRECTION

A few questions - Resurrection

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play , etc. ?

Ave! Resurrection was founded in February 2012. In early time we wanted play thrash metal but we werent very good in this art - it was connected with different preferences of members of our band. During three years we survived several personal changes which largely impacted on shaping our present style - death metal. It allowed us to release demo in March 2015 named „Death is Necessary“. It contained our old tracks. We reluctantly released these demo- only symbolically because we were totally bored by old material, meanwhile we had some new tracks. It was a time when we had rehearsals a few time a week. Presently we are studying in different cities, so we are playing a little less but we get along. On 1 March 2016 will be premiere of our first longplay - „Betrayed by God“.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

The recordings started in June 2015. We went to the recording studio in our home town, where during the 7-hour session we recorded drums. Our budget was really limited, so we decided to record the guitars in our Rehearsal room. The same month guitars were completed, however, due to lack of funds for further recordings, We had to go to work. So we came back to work on the album in September, WHEN we dubbed over vocals. NEXT two months we were searching for the right studio that would handle mix and mastering. It took so long to make, because everything was made online. In early December, we have started to work with DMB studio from Bialystok. Sometimes consultation about sound or other elements in our records were lasting about a week, but as I mentioned, all took place over the internet and it made it impossible to work fast. We didn't have opportunities to personally visit the studio too , because it is placed on the opposite part of our country! In mid-February 2016, we received the final versions of the songs. It is self release, issued by ourselves.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Haha, maybe it will sound funny, but we released only one hundred of copies. After spendings binded with studio we were tottaly out of money, but we believe that first set will be sold very fast and we will be forced to issue next one.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with ?

The Authors of lyrics in our album are Michał Badowski (me) and Roman Brzeziński, the guitarists. How about me, some of my works are inspired by literature, for example, Medical Murder were written powered by "I was assistant of doctor Mengele" by Miklós Nyiszli. But it is not a rule, because lyrics for Whore of Babylon or Pathetic are made on the grounds of my world view, or just what am i thinking about some things. Roman rather was heading his own experiences, observations. Every day and opportunity that create our mindset was the inspiration. Of course lyrics have to go well with the instrumental part, what was challenge in some ways. Main subject matter of our work is war, religion and human weakness.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The author of logo is our former drummer Janusz Tomaszewicz. He left, but the logo have stayed. At the beginning we were really satisfied with it, but now we are whining a bit, we argue that it doesn't fit to our currently style. Cover is designed by Przemysław Duda from Pastor Xisaq Graphics. He was working with Decapitated among others. Our facebook page is hosted mainly by me. The rest of the band has limited access to the page, because there were situations that drunken guys were sharing funny memes or weird messages. How about social media, i am convinced that in our times they are main source of music promotions among underground bands, they give us a lot more possibilities than before.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Now, we don't cooperate with any label, but we hope that in the future that situation will change.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Currently, probably each of us listen to heavy and technical death metal. We love Nile, Decapitated, Behemoth. I am big fan of band Calm Hatchery. I was on their gig once and to be honest, they are the ones who opened my eyes on death metal. Part of the band likes Fleshgod Apocalypse too. Anyways, we listen to many other, lesser-known bands, which has many influence of our work.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

I was talking with guys about it and probably we will send our material to Via Nocturna label. They released many great bands, including first album of above-mentioned Calm Hatchery. We will see what will be.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Sadly, we played most of our gigs in our native city so far. We are young, without money and poorly motorized. Furthermore, we don't have minds to organise events like that. But time goes on and i believe that we will play in bigger cities. We played once on open air scene and i have really great memories from that time. In clubs there is often tight and very stifling. After every gig we feel very motivated for further playing. I can't list from which one we are pleased the most - I hope that it will change soon.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

When we created the band we were dreaming about the biggest, foreign festivals, about hot chicks and generally, to have a great fun - we had abour 14, 15 years then. Now we get mature , but we still really want to play gigs. It is something that gives us proper boost to work. I think that currently the main thing that we care is playing the gigs. And then we will see, maybe next album? I have a lot of riffs which are waiting for it.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

The easiest way to contact us is simply message on our facebook page - or email - This is the source whereby we get gigs offer or other business. Thanks for the interview.