Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#ONSLAUGHTKOMMAND. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#ONSLAUGHTKOMMAND. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pondělí 26. února 2024

Recenze/review - ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND - Visions of Blood and Gore (2024)

ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND - Visions of Blood and Gore
EP 2024, Godz ov War Productions

for english please scroll down

Probudíš se uprostřed noci a připadáš si jako bys ležel v ohni. Pálí tě celé tělo a příčinou je stará rána. Před mnoha lety tě napadli v tiché ulici. Padl si k zemi a kolem tebe se rozlila kaluž rudé krve. Bodnutí do břicha. Málem si zemřel, ale jako zázrakem si přežil. Přesto se ti stále někdy stává, že se staré rány znovu ozývají. Jako v případě poslechu nového EP "Visions of Blood and Gore", které letos vydala chilská kapela ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND.

Přečtěte si recenzi na předchozí demo nahrávku i krátký rozhovor (odkazy jsou dole pod článkem). Rozhodně stojí za to, stejně jako nové EP, které stále mokvá jako stará mršina. Smrdí a hnije, jako nakažené tkáně. Kombinace death metalu, špíny, blacku, grindu a absolutní temnoty, rozhodně zaujme všechny dávno prokleté. Stačí jen pořádně přidat volume. 

Tohle je poctivá hrobnická práce. Kus masa prolezlého červy, které vám kapela hodí přímo do ksichtu. Netuším, jestli jste někdy stáli brzy ráno na hřbitově a asistovali při exhumaci starého hrobu. Nicméně, zážitek je velmi podobný, jako setkání s "Visions of Blood and Gore". Tentokrát ale zmizela mrtvola. Toulá se někde po hřbitově, možná poslouchá tuhle nahrávku se svými kolegy. To zatím netuším. Co ale vím jistě je, že se letos povedlo těmhle maniakům nahrát skladby, u kterých povstanou všechny zombie v okolí a začnou tančit na svých vlastních hrobech. Pokud jste vyrůstali na podobné hudbě na začátku devadesátých let minulého století a dodnes sbíráte nahrávky na kazetách, neváhejte ani chvilku. Jasně, je to hluboký underground, je to špína, absolutní tma a nenávist. Ale také muzika, která vzešla ze starých pohřebišť, z prokletých katakomb. Někdy nevím, jestli moje rány opravdu krvácí, ale když poslouchám tuhle desku, zažívám stále dokola velkou bolest. Vše je opravdové, upřímné, zahrané bez kompromisů. Mám to takhle moc rád. Obal, zvuk, produkce, vše je podřízeno jedinému - zabít vás hudbou, pohřbít zaživa. Beru do rukou lopatu a jdu si vykopat vlastní mrtvolu. Jasně že neznalým bude album připadat monotónní a stereotypní, ale to hodně záleží na tom, jak vnímáte metal jako takový. Mám rád podobné morbidní ozvěny ze záhrobí. Mám rád, když songy řežou jako čerstvě nabroušený skalpel. Pokud jste na tom stejně jako já, neváhejte ani chvilku. Dostanete pořádnou porci hororových zážitků. Probudíš se uprostřed noci a připadáš si jako bys ležel v ohni. Pálí tě celé tělo a příčinou je stará rána. Před mnoha lety tě napadli v tiché ulici. Padl si k zemi a kolem tebe se rozlila kaluž rudé krve. Exhumace hnusné, smradlavé black death grindové mršiny! 

Asphyx says:

You wake up in the middle of the night and you feel like you're lying in a fire. Your whole body is burning, and the cause is an old wound. Many years ago, you were attacked in a quiet street. You fell to the ground and a pool of red blood spilled around you. A stab in the stomach. You almost died, but miraculously you survived. Yet sometimes you still find old wounds reappearing. Like in the case of listening to the new EP "Visions of Blood and Gore", released this year by the Chilean band ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND.

Check out the review of the previous demo as well as a short interview (links are at the bottom of the article). Definitely worth checking out, as well as the new EP, which is still dripping like an old carcass. It stinks and rots, like infected tissue. A combination of death metal, filth, black metal, grind and absolute darkness, it's definitely going to appeal to the long damned. All you have to do is turn up the volume.

This is honest grave digging. A piece of worm-infested flesh that the band throws in your face. I don't know if you've ever stood in a cemetery early in the morning and assisted in the exhumation of an old grave. However, the experience is very similar to encountering "Visions of Blood and Gore". But this time, the corpse has disappeared. He's wandering around the cemetery, perhaps listening to this recording with his colleagues. I don't know yet. What I do know is that this year these maniacs managed to record songs that made all the zombies in the area rise up and dance on their own graves. If you grew up on music like this in the early 1990s and still collect cassette tapes to this day, don't hesitate a moment. Sure, it's deep underground, it's filth, it's absolute darkness and hate. But it's also music that came out of the old burial grounds, the cursed catacombs. Sometimes I don't know if my wounds are really bleeding, but when I listen to this record, I experience great pain over and over again. Everything is real, honest, played without compromise. I love it that way. The cover, the sound, the production, everything is subordinated to one thing - to kill you with the music, to bury you alive. I'm taking a shovel and digging up my own corpse. Sure, to the uninitiated the album will seem monotonous and stereotypical, but that depends a lot on how you perceive metal as such. I like these morbid echoes from beyond the grave. I like the songs to cut like a freshly sharpened scalpel. If you're like me, don't hesitate a moment. You're gonna get your fill of horror. You'll wake up in the middle of the night and feel like you're lying in a fire. Your whole body is burning and the cause is an old wound. Many years ago, you were attacked in a quiet street. You fell to the ground and a pool of red blood spilled around you. An exhumation of filthy, stinking black death grind carrion!


1. Old Death Ripper
2. Headless
3. Visions Of Blood And Gore
4. Dead Body Love (Pungent Stench Cover)

Necromancer • Guitars
Behemot • Guitars
SplatterHate • Bass, Vocals
Cvnthvnt • Drums

neděle 13. listopadu 2022

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Chile - ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Chile - ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND.

Recenze/review - ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND - Demo I (2022):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Onslaught Kommand was formed in 2022, a year in which most of the members of the band were not in a really active and dedicated band, so the decision to form Onslaught Kommand was mainly to remain active in what moves us and satisfy our thirst to create new abominations. Onslaught Kommand is totally focused on making devilish, sick and extreme music, both in the instrumental and in the voices and lyrics. Onslaught Kommand is a obscure Death/Grind (or Black/Death/Grindcore as others may call it) influenced by the sickest sounds of each style.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

This demo was recorded, mixed and mastered by ourselves. The recording conditions were precise to achieve the sound we wanted and we’re satisfied with it.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

The first edition of the ‘‘Onslaught Kommand‘‘ demo was release by Godz ov War label from Poland, which released 66 copies of the demo on Cassette and we consider it to have been a great job by everyone involved. At the end of 2022, Death Division Rituals will be in charge of the second edition of the demo, which consists of 111 copies on Cassette. And finally, the Mexican label Iron, Blood and Death Corporation will release a CD edition of the demo and these will be 300 copies.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

The lyrics are mainly done by SexMilitia based on the ideas we come up with together. These are mainly focused on gore, demons, real extreme situations, explicit violence, humiliation, perversions, among others.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The art was a joint effort with Daniel Hermosilla (NoxFragor), we gave him the parameters and ideas and he was able to capture it satisfactorily. As for the websites and social networks of the band, we are not interested.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We had the opportunity to start a conversation with the owner of the Godz ov War label, who was very interested in the music we are making, since we take that forgotten part of the European old school related to Death Metal and derivatives. The label offered us a limited number of copies on tape and we thought it was excellent, so we started working together, he for the production part and us for the design part, in addition to the musical part obviously. Regarding the last question, we are very satisfied with the work of Godz ov War Productions! It is a great label and very serious, there is a very fluid communication between all the parties and that surprises us in a good way.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

The truth is that we do not idolize any band, obviously we listen to many bands within what is death metal, black metal and grindcore but I would not call it idolizing. However, in one way or another, the influence of some bands is noticeable in the compositions but it is only a product of what we hear, we are not trying to trace riffs or similar rhythms, it just flows and that's it. We are more focused on making a good mix between styles than pigeonholing ourselves into some specific bands.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

We send a sample to some labels of our interest. The response was very positive, although due to the global economic situation, the labels are releasing fewer and fewer bands, although we are more than satisfied and motivated with the editions that the Onslaught Kommand debut demo has and will have!

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We haven't played live yet. In any case, if we are asked to play an event that we find appropriate, WE WILL DO IT!

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Right now we are mainly focused on our debut album which is in the process of recording and mixing, while we keep writing and rehearsing new songs, we have no rest!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Thanx for the interview.

Recenze/review - ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND - Demo I (2022):


středa 26. října 2022

Recenze/review - ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND - Demo I (2022)

MC / DIGITAL, Godz Ov War Productions

for english please scroll down

Můžou tě spoutat, můžou tě mučit. Ponižovat a zavřít do studené kobky. Trápit hladem, můžou ti klidně vyřezávat kusy masa z těla, ale nakonec stejně zvítězíš. Roztrhneš řetězy, pomstíš se a všechno jim vrátíš. Máš v sobě totiž pradávnou sílu, nasbíranou za dlouhé roky strávené na opuštěných pohřebištích. Už dlouho se krmíš jenom tmou a nenávistí. A také prašivým, shnilým death metalem.

Poslední roky je Chile zárukou velmi dobré kvality. Tamní kapely poslouchám hrozně rád. Na nic si totiž nehrají, dávají do hudby srdce a umí mě přesvědčit na svoji stranu. ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND patří mezi vyvolené. Důkazem je jejich nové "Demo I", které mě na nějaký čas naprosto zahalilo do krvavé mlhy. Členy této smečky jsou pánové z dalších rituálních spolků. Jedná se o zkušené maniaky, kteří moc dobře vědí, o čem je pravá smrt.

Základem je starý, prašivý death metal. Nalezneme zde ale i kousky blacku a grindu. Výsledkem je velmi jedovatý koktejl. S maniakálním zvukem a se spoustou poctivých, masakrujících nápadů. Poslouchat ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND je jako otevřít čerstvě exhumovanou rakev. Vylezou z ní červi, maso odpadlo dávno od kostí a zbyly jenom kosti, rozpadající se pomalu v prach. Také cítíte ten neskutečný smrad? To je pach smrti! A také jasný důkaz toho, že takhle smečka je řádným členem hlubokého undergroundu. Všechno je hnusné, ošklivé, mokvající. Nevím, jestli jste někdy byli u opravdové pitvy. Pokud ano, tak asi víte, o čem píšu. Pokud ne, tak se vybodněte na sledování trapných hororových seriálů a pusťte si "Demo I". Je to záležitost pro všechny sběratele morbidních artefaktů. S prašivým zvukem, se spoustou momentů, které se vám vypálí jako cejch do mozku. Smrt má, jak je všeobecně známo, mnoho podob a tu kterou zvolili Chilané, je hodně krutá a ošklivá. Můžou tě spoutat, můžou tě mučit. Ponižovat a zavřít do studené kobky. Trápit hladem, můžou ti klidně vyřezávat kusy masa z těla, ale nakonec stejně zvítězíš. Posloucháš totiž "Demo I". Hnusný, hnisavý black death grindcore proces!

Asphyx says:

They can handcuff you, they can torture you. Humiliate you and put you in a cold dungeon. They can starve you, they can carve chunks of flesh out of your body, but in the end, you'll still win. You'll break the chains, you'll get your revenge and you'll give it all back. For you have ancient strength, gathered from years spent in abandoned burial grounds. You've been feeding on nothing but darkness and hatred. And you've been feeding on the filthy, rotten death metal.

The last years Chile is a guarantee of very good quality. I love listening to the bands there. They don't play games, they put their heart into their music and they can convince me to their side. ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND is one of the chosen ones. The proof is their new "Demo I", which for some time completely wrapped me in a bloody fog. Members of this band are gentlemen from other ritual societies. These are experienced maniacs who know very well what true death is all about.

The basis is old, dusty death metal. But we can also find here bits of black metal and grind. The result is a very toxic cocktail. With a manic sound and a lot of honest, butchering ideas. Listening to ONSLAUGHT KOMMAND is like opening a freshly exhumed coffin. Worms crawl out, the flesh has long since fallen off the bones and only the bones remain, slowly crumbling into dust. Can you smell the incredible stench too? It's the smell of death! And proof that this band is a proper member of the deep underground. It's all ugly, nasty, swampy. I don't know if you've ever been to a real autopsy. If you have, you probably know what I'm writing about. If you don't, get off watching lame horror shows and listen "Demo I". It's a thing for all collectors of morbid artifacts. With a dirty soundtrack, lots of moments that will burn themselves into your brain like a mark. Death, as is well known, takes many forms and the one chosen by the Chileans is very cruel and ugly. They can handcuff you, they can torture you. Humiliate you and put you in a cold dungeon. They can starve you, they can carve chunks of flesh out of your body, but in the end, you will still win. You're listening to "Demo I". A nasty, festering black death grindcore process!

1.Carbonized At The Lynching Tree
2.Inside The Mutilator's Bunker
3.Backyard Of Corpses
4.Pervert Goat Kommand
5.Becoming A Gut Pile
6.Inferno Portal Aggressors

Sex Militia - Vocals
Necromancer - Guitars
Behemot - Guitars
SplatterHate - Bass
Cvnthvnt - Drums