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neděle 3. března 2024

News! - Očekávaná deska „In The Shadow of the Sun“ kapely INNERSPHERE je na prodejních pultech

Očekávaná deska „In The Shadow of the Sun“ kapely INNERSPHERE je na prodejních pultech

Dnes konečně vychází nové album plzeňských death melodiků INNERSPHERE s názvem „In The Shadow of the Sun“, které je nyní k dostání na CD, LP a také na všech digitálních platformách.

Merch INNERSPHERE můžete objednávat zde (

Deska „In The Shadow of the Sun“ není jednoduchým poslechem. Je to hluboká filozofická sonda do duše každého z nás: „Ústředním motivem a symbolem je slunce, které provází vícero skladeb na naší desce. Slunce symbolizující sílu života i destrukci, světlo i vržený stín, vnitřní žár, sílu, naději, svoji vlastní i naši smrtelnost. Takovými hvězdami je pokrytá celá obloha a jejich záře postupně rozsvěcuje nebe. Jejich světlo cestuje skrze obrovské vzdálenosti a je možné, že některé teprve spatříme. U jiných, v době, kdy je spatříme, tak nemusí ani existovat, a nebo ne v podobě, kterou uvidíme… Slunce a jeho energie jako tvůrce světů, jeho teplo a zář dopadající na světy v kombinaci s jeho silou vše zničit buď žárem nebo vychladnutím. Ničí čas - ani čas obrů/velikánů, o kterých pějeme i v dalších skladbách, není nekonečný. Vše se jednou obrátí vniveč a promění se v něco jiného. Zároveň poukazuje na poznání, ke kterému dochází v průběhu naší životní cesty, věcem prožívaným a lidem, které potkáme,“ přibližuje téma zpěvák Míra.

Ač jsou INNERPHERE v tuzemsku koncertně přemíru aktivní, vydání desky tak úplně neoslaví doma, vyrážejí totiž na turné po Finsku: „V březnu jedeme na tour do Finska, přes Lotyšsko a Estonsko, takže na to se teď soustředíme více; logistika a organizace není otázka jednoho večera. Bylo nám nabídnuto jet do Finska na čtyři koncerty s AS THE SUN FALLS, kteří hrají melodicý death metal. Jsou věci, na které se neříká ne. Neváhali jsme a během pár minut jsme tour potvrzovali. Je to pro nás velká příležitost podívat se dál na sever, do evropské modly metalu a ještě s kapelou, se kterou by to mělo hudebně skvěle pasovat. Moc se na to těšíme, bude to skvělá zkušenost a rádi poznáme a zahrajeme pro místní publikum. Je super, že se nám po cestě povedlo sehnat ještě dva koncerty po vlastní ose v Rize (Lotyšsko) a Tallinnu (Estonsko),“ dodává s nadšením zpěvák Míra.


středa 1. listopadu 2023

News! - Mean Messiah vydávají singl Fire!

Mean Messiah vydávají singl Fire

1. listopadu vyšel zbrusu nový singl prog-industrialistů Mean Messiah s názvem Fire. Skladba je předzvěstí třetího alba, jehož vydání je naplánované na 29. února 2024, a které ponese název In Infinite Illusion. Singl je prvním počinem kapely v novém složení, kde se vedle frontmana Dana Frimla objevil bubeník Miloš Meier (Dymytry, Drumming Syndrome) a baskytaristka Lenka Čechová.


úterý 18. července 2023

News! - MEAN MESSIAH oznamují novou sestavu!

MEAN MESSIAH oznamují novou sestavu!

Industriálně-progressive metalová kapela Dana Frimla (The Barn Production, Trahir, Surma) Mean Messiah oznamuje novou sestavu, ve které momentálně vzniká i nové album. Sám Dan to komentuje následovně: “Za bicí neusedá nikdo menší než Miloš Meier, kterého znáte především z Dymytry, Drumming Syndrome a mnoha dalších projektů. Miloš patří k absolutně nejlepším českým bubeníkům máme s ním záruku, že bude o bicí party u Mean Messiah postaráno opravdu špičkově! Baskytary se chopila talentovaná a nepřehlédnutelná Lenka Čechová, jinak také zpěvačka kapely Imortela. Lenka se s jistotou popasovala s basovými party a jsme moc rádi, že je nyní součástí Mean Messiah.” Kapela se v této sestavě chystá i koncertovat, ale zatím spíše příležitostně a na zajímavých akcích. Jak Miloš, tak Dan, mají profesně velmi nabitý program a bude záležet na jejich volných termínech, každopádně Mean Messiah jsou odhodláni koncerty hrát jak jen to půjde, chystá se křest alba i propagační miniturné.

Foto: Lydia Vyčítalová

Více informací:


čtvrtek 8. června 2023

News! - PERRACIDE - Silence The World - official video (Emanzipation Productions)

PERRACIDE “Silence the World” official video

After announcing its new project PERRACIDE and its debut album “Underdog”, Perra Karlsson is now back with his friends and a brand new song. The track will also be released as a promotional video. “Silence The World” has that commanding, authoritative riffing that is the footprint of the Swedish underground scene, plus a few extras. One of them is the fact that Perra himself takes the lead vocalist role in it - the only track in the album where this happens. The second one is Hempa Brynolsson (guitar player in Darkened, AngelBlast, and Ordo Infernus, ex-Excruciate) handling some non-usual (on this album) keys and piano to add an extra layer to the song. The third one is Simon Wizén (bassist in Nominon and guitarist/vocalist in Valkyrja and Die Hard, ex-Ondskapt) handling bass, guitars, and backing vocals and given free rein in the compositional department, alongside Perra himself.

All this makes “Silence The World” one of the most interesting tracks on “Underdog” - one that adds extra dramatic feeling and darkness to the record and which sets Perracide as one of the most interesting things to happen to extreme metal this year.

"Lyrically "Silence the world" is about telling all the people I hate to go fuck themselves, at least that's the short version”, Perra Karlsson comments about the song. “If you dare to dig deeper, the lyrics are extremely personal to me as an individual. It actually took me half a century to reach this spot, and it has been a wild and almost inhuman ride, with tons of health issues and "You will never make it!" along the way”.

“Thanks to all my brothers and sisters of Metal around the globe that I have recorded and performed music with the last couple of decades; You know who you are, and you all kick ass the whole lot of ya's - And yes, you better believe it; WE ARE PACK!"

"You have all been so damn supportive and sometimes pushed me (almost too hard) through the rough times, but hey, no one ever said brotherhood is easy. To give up wasn't really an option, so to speak. Now I can actually say that it felt good to grow a pair and tell the rest of the world, who wasn't supporting me, to FUCK OFF! Even though it often led to conflicts and watching the enemies lining up ready to punch the shit out of me at times. Fight fire with fire. Don't fear the ones who think they're better than you, spit in their faces and make them envy you. There's no surrender when you're aiming for the top, right?”, he concludes.

Anyone that’s kept half an ear to the extreme metal underground during the past three decades should be familiar with drumming phantom lord Perra Karlsson. From his humble beginnings in Wortox/Altar via early standout bands like Suffer and Nasum to showcasing his unique drumming in legendary acts like Nominon, In Aeternum, Benediction and Deströyer 666 and also lending his blasting skills to newer acts like Kvaen, Devil’s Force and AngelBlast the list of his contributions to metal seems almost endless.

After a lifetime spent in the underground with a never fading dedication to the craft of metal his name has become synonymous with hard work and a true love for all things metal. Frustrated over the lack of activity in his current regular bands at the time, Perra used his discontent to fuel the fire of creativity and as a result “Underdog” was born.

To realise this monster of an album the drum-lord extraordinaire issued a call to arms that was answered by a squadron of legends from the metal underground seldom gathered on one record. With stand-out performances from the likes of Marc Grewe (Morgoth, Insidious Disease), Hellbutcher (Nifelheim), John Zwetsloot (Dissection, Cardinal Sin), Anders Jacobsson (Nasum, Necrony, Axis of Despair), Dave Hunt (Benediction, Anaal Nathrakh), Jörgen Sandström (Grave, Entombed, Torture Division), Simon Wizén (Valkyrja, Die Hard), K.K. Warslut (Deströyer 666, Bestial Warlust) and Gord Olson (Darkened) this beast will not be denied nor disappoint.

The album consists of fourteen slabs of undeniable metal magic. Five of the tracks being new and original songs showcasing the versatility and extremity of Perra and his chosen brothers in arms. Perra initially wrote and demoed the songs on drums only, so that the involved musicians could write guitar riffs and add leads and finally the guests vocalists and bassists could complete them with their parts. The remaining tracks are fresh renditions of Perra’s favorite tracks from the myriad of legendary acts he’s been a part of that really drives the point home. This is 45 minutes of crushing metal that nobody should miss out on!

Brace yourselves and prepare to suffer the Perracide!

“Underdog” will be released on CD, LP (180gr black vinyl, limited to 300) and digital formats via Emanzipation Productions on June 23rd, 2023.

Digital single:




čtvrtek 30. března 2023

News - PERRACIDE - Horripilaton - lyric video

PERRACIDE - “Horripilaton” - lyric video

After a fair amount of anticipation, PERRACIDE, the solo project by respected death metal veteran drummer Per Karlsson, is finally releasing its first song. “Horripilation” is a tune encompassing exactly what you’d expect from the musician that graced several lineups of extreme metal bands, including Nominon, Nasum, Nifelheim, Benediction, Deströyer 666 and Thorium, to name just a few.

With a lineup that includes Perra on the drums, Gord Olson (AngelBlast, Darkened) on vocals and guitars, a solo guitar by Jacob Björnfot (The Duskfall, Kvaen) and the hardcore/speed/thrash Swedish band Kazjurol doing backing riot vocals, “Horripilation” has enough old-school death metal DNA to throw you in a violence spree and make you believe it’s 1989 again.

Perracide’s debut album will be released this Summer.

Perracide - drums
Gord Olson - guitar, bass, vocals
Jacob Björnfot - guitar
Kazjurol - backing riot vocals

Digital single:



úterý 14. března 2023

Info - Pigs Blood (US), Verbum (Chile), Goatcraft, Entrapped, Mörghuul - 19:00 Praha - Underdogs' - 6. dubna 2023

Pigs Blood (US), Verbum (Chile), Goatcraft, Entrapped, Mörghuul

6. dubna 2023, 19:00 Praha - Underdogs'

Temnota, temnota a zase temnota. 6. dubna 648 př.n.l. vnášejí kolegové z Řecka záznam úplného zatmění slunce do svých kronik a temnota rozpíná svá křídla, jež probouzí v lidech ty nejhrůznější pudy. Obětiny falešným bohům, vzájemná nenávist, kovová chuť krve a smrtelný dotyk plamene se stává novým řádem. Černočerný triumvirát Pigs Blood (US), Verbum (Chile) a Goatcraft (SK) se proženou jako morová nákaza jarní evropou aby stáhli všechny do nejhlubší propasti.

Tuzemským supportem budou jihočeští vítači švédska Entrapped a nejmladší oldschool na padesátý rovnoběžce Mörghuul.


čtvrtek 2. března 2023

News! - CHRONICLE - Where Chaos Thrives - official video

CHRONICLE “Where Chaos Thrives” official video

“Where Chaos Thrives”, the new single by the Danish tech melodeath band CHRONICLE, is the final statement and also the title-track of their upcoming album, to be released in May. It is the inevitable conclusion to the thematic concept that will be the backbone of the record and a final farewell for the human race.

“This is where our world is heading, if something fundamental doesn't change in the way we live on this planet”, the band comments on the song. “If we do not act, the Earth will become a place where no human life survives and only chaos thrives. Musically the song is complex with many twists and turns, as the song goes from crushing heaviness to the final passage of melancholic acoustic guitars”.


2023 will be known for a lot of things. And among all of them, the slight “detail” that will be CHRONICLE's third full-length album, “Where Chaos Thrives”, will likely put melodic/technical death metal fans in a frenzy. The record elevates the young Danes’ sound to a new level of brutality and technicality, enhanced by the superior production, mixing and mastering done by Tue Madsen (Meshuggah, The Haunted, The Black Dahlia Murder). With artwork done by Samuel Nelson (Allegaeon, First Fragment, Vale Of Pnath), “Where Chaos Thrives” has all the right ingredients in the right quantities to be a pure death metal onslaught.

The sound of Chronicle is a ferocious combination of melodic death metal and technical thrash elements. Lightning-fast drums, soaring solos and catchy guitar harmonies are the key ingredients in this cocktail of heaviness. The band consists of competent players, who each have many years of experience performing in front of crowds of all sizes. The band’s energetic live shows reveal a true passion for performing and each member of the band is determined to make every performance unique and energetic. Chronicle has played all over Denmark including some of the best metal events and festivals the country has to offer and also ventured into German territory.

Prepare yourself for the death metal sweeping winds of “Where Chaos Thrives”, a true extreme metal masterpiece to be remembered for years to come.

“Where Chaos Thrives” will be released on LP (black vinyl, limited to 300 copies), CD and digital formats via Mighty Music on May 19th, 2023.

Lars Bo Nepper - guitar/vocals
Sebastian Skousgaard - guitar
Jacob Wammen - bass/vocals
Jari S. Holopainen - drums

Digital single:



sobota 18. února 2023

News! - NERVOCHAOS - Taphephobia - official video (Emanzipation)

NERVOCHAOS “Taphephobia” official video

NERVOCHAOS continue the inexorable countdown to their new studio album “Chthonic Wrath”, this time with the digital single “Taphephobia”. The song, based on the phobia of being buried alive, starts in a really heavy mode, with a somber ambient, and continues in a growing mode. The Brazilians capture like almost anyone else the claustrophobic and desperate feeling of waking up inside a coffin and to realise that you were buried alive.


July 2021. Pandemics was still hitting hard the entire globe, specially Brazil, where deaths exceeded the 30 thousand. Local death metal big guns NervoChaos were home for far too long. Being used to tour most of the year and not having that chance, due to Covid-19 related constrictions, the band had a brand new album entirely written and ready to record, even before their current album at that time, “All Colors Of Darkness”, hit the shelves. Not ones to wait for the perfect music industry timing or sit on their arses, the Brazilians got themselves in the Abracadaver Studio, with producers Addasi Adassi and Adriano Daga (Angra, Almah, Torture Squad, etc) and recorded what was to be their next album. “Chthonic Wrath” was born.

Merely two months later, American producer Brendan Duffey, which worked previously with Nervosa, Angra and Andre Matos – to name just a few – got the 14 tracks to mix and master, and was utterly impressed. What NervoChaos achieved with “Chthonic Wrath” was their death metal essence, in all its brutality and technical prowess glory, but with hints of a renewed energy and heaviness. How could a group in their 26th year as a band be so hungry for more, passionated about death metal and still motivated enough to dig up riffs so vile, rhythm patterns so vicious and vocal attacks so violent that shake the listener to the ground? On top of it all, the subtle melody nuances and the superb acoustic guitar interlude (aptly named “Tomb Mold”) recorded by Brazilian traditional music researcher Ricardo Vignini. NervoChaos might be an experienced band with thousands of accumulated stage hours. Some might even call them “old”. But they're nowhere near their descent of the central role in Brazilian – and South American – death metal and they keep firing all cylinders when it comes to no bullshit, truly angry extreme music.

The band gained cult status in the music scene due to their hard work over the past 26 years, offering a sonic extravaganza in their unique way. The group has tenth full-length studio album out, being the latest one “All Colors Of Darkness” - their first for Emanzipation Productions – released in 2022. NervoChaos is also constantly touring worldwide to support their releases, doing around 100 concerts per year – from clubs to big festivals, with everything in between.

“Chthonic Wrath” will be released on digital and CD via Emanzipation Productions on March 31st, 2023.

Digital single:



