Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#scorn. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkem#scorn. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

sobota 28. května 2022

Recenze/review - SCORN - Winds of Torment (2022)

SCORN - Winds of Torment
CD 2022, Great Dane Records

for english please scroll down

V ulicích byl cítit neklid. Šrouby byly utahovány již příliš dlouho. Mělo to svůj smysl, jenže lidé nejsou jenom dobří a hodní, jak si z nás většina myslí. Stačí, aby se rozhořela první jiskra a humanita jde stranou. Ze společnosti se vytratila soudnost, moudrost a pokora. Věříme prázdným slibům, visíme na rtech hezkým tvářím. Lži, přetvářka, záleží, kolik máš sledujících v imaginárním světě. Staří říkají, že by to chtělo restart, návrat k základním hodnotám. Možná by ale stačila obyčejná slušnost a pořádný thrash metal. Jeden bych pro vás dnes měl

Prvotina francouzských SCORN, z mého oblíbeného labelu Great Dane Records, se mi ihned dostala do krve. Jak už totiž bývá dobrým zvykem (a moc za to děkuji), dostávám na recenze vždy velmi dobrou muziku. Pestrou, zajímavou. "Winds of Torment" by měl slyšet každý, kdo má rád poctivý thrash metal i opravdovou smrt. 

Na SCORN se mi líbí, že nejsou jen obyčejnou, dnes tolik častou kopií starých kapel. Naopak, pánové se snaží přinést i něco svého, zajímavého. Skladby jsou napsány s nadhledem a zkušenostmi. V některých momentech jsou sice možná příliš rozevlátí, dlouzí, ale třeba je to jen můj dojem. Každopádně, co se týká produkce, zvuku, obalu i celkového provedení, jsem velmi spokojen - vše je velmi profesionální a zároveň slyším, že desku nahráli lidé, jestli mi rozumíte. Mám rád, když jsou skladby organické, živočišné, neurvalé, ale zároveň propracované a mají dobré nápady. Musím si zkrátka album pustit a musí mě přikovat ke zdi. A u "Winds of Torment" takové pocity mám. Pokud máte rádi kapely jako OVERKILL, EXODUS, MISERY INDEX, CORONER, TESTAMENT, REVOCATION, WARBRINGER, neváhejte. SCORN jsou totiž jako svěží vítr nebo spíše vichřice. Dobré riffy i vokalista, přesné bicí. Co si víc přát? Tohle album sype jako lavina z kostí, kamení a pravého thrash metalu. Oheň byl zažehnut. Chodím ulicemi a cítím zvláštní neklid. Lidé jsou napnutí jako struny. Měli by zůstat rozumní a poslouchat podobné nahrávky, protože u nich je přejde veškerá frustrace. Vymlátíte si mozek z hlavy, vyplavíte adrenalin a necháte nízké pudy zatím spát. Svět se mění a dobrá muzika zůstává. SCORN mě velmi mile překvapili. Díky jim za to! Zničující thrash/death metalová destrukce!

Asphyx says:

There was a sense of unease in the streets. The screws had been tightened for too long. There was a point to it, but people are not just good and kind as most of us think. All it takes is the first spark to ignite and humanity goes by the wayside. Judgment, wisdom, and humility have disappeared from society. We believe empty promises, we hang on the lips of pretty faces. Lies, pretense, depending on how many followers you have in your imaginary world. The old saying it would take a reboot, a return to core values. But maybe some common decency and some proper thrash metal would do the trick. I have one for you today.

The debut album of French SCORN, from my favorite label Great Dane Records, immediately got into my blood. As it is a good habit (and I thank you for it), I always get very good music for reviews. Varied, interesting. "Winds of Torment" should be heard by everyone who likes honest thrash metal and real death.

What I like about SCORN is that they are not just a simple copy of old bands, so common nowadays. On the contrary, the gentlemen try to bring something of their own, interesting. The songs are written with insight and experience. In some moments they are perhaps too sprawling and long, but maybe that's just my impression. Anyway, in terms of production, sound, cover and overall performance, I'm very satisfied - everything is very professional and at the same time I can hear that the record was recorded by people if you understand me. I like the songs to be organic, animalistic, and non-violent, but at the same time sophisticated and with good ideas. I just have to listen to the album and it has to drive me up the wall. And with "Winds of Torment" I feel that way. If you like bands like OVERKILL, EXODUS, MISERY INDEX, CORONER, TESTAMENT, REVOCATION, WARBRINGER, don't hesitate. SCORN is like a fresh wind or rather a whirlwind. Good riffs and vocalist, precise drums. What more could you ask for? This album pours like an avalanche of bones, rocks, and true thrash metal. The fire has been lit. I walk the streets and I feel a strange unease. People are tense as strings. They should stay sane and listen to records like this because they'll get over all the frustration. You'll beat your brains out, flush out the adrenaline and let the low instincts sleep for now. The world is changing and good music is here to stay. SCORN surprised me very pleasantly. Thank them for that! Devastating thrash/death metal destruction!

01. Let Me See Your Blood
02. Resilient
03. Dripping Veins
04. Scorn
05. Winds Of Torment
06. Despondency
07. The Urge To Kill
08. Deathstroke And Agony
09. The Horde
10. Sentenced To Live

Guillaume / Guitare ex OUTCAST
Rob / Basse
Tony / Batterie ex RED DEAD

A few questions - interview with thrash death metal band from France - SCORN.

A few questions - interview with thrash death metal band from France - SCORN.

Answered vocalist Manu Iriarté, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hi everyone! We're the death thrash metal band called Scorn. We deliver some uncompromising thrash metal with heavy loads of death metal riffs and some growling voices. The band was formed in fall 2020 , but we're on the final line up since the begining of 2021. I'm Manu the singer , Tony hits the drums , Guillaume is the guitar shredmaster and Rob is our bassist , the source of all our loudness! We're ready for some action , agressivity is our leadership!

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

We quickly gathered all together in order to build up ten songs. We all worked a lot and we were able to start the records on may 2021. We managed everything ourselves , a long time friend of mine build up with the mix / master part. Eric from Notos Studio did a master work for sure. Thanks bro!

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

The first release is a worlwide release of 500 CD copies with the death metal label Great Dane Records. The label also released the album on all streaming medias. So , you can say we're everywhere you will be looking for us.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I'm in charge with the lyrics part. I've always been fascinated with the human kind and the way there twisted mind works. I used this on the songs to get in lot of different people who all have some really serious "scorn" problems ( with themselves , overs , killing lust and so many more). Our world is dark and violent , no place for hope and compromise. Just hate and anger.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Dekan Art realised the art of the band , Mosa Eye worked on the cover and Remedy Art design worked on all the booklet and graphic section. About the social networks , of course they're important but i think that's nothing comparated to live gigs. Please , keep this spirit alive! We'll be very to come and crush your face in live!

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

We choosed this label because it's a really good and renowned label. Raph , the boss , is also an old time friend , i've working with him for approximatively 10 years , he's a beast , and a very cool guy leaded by this love of metal music.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We idolise all bands that spread aggressivity. For my part , i'm a huge fan of Misery Index , Testament , Dying Fetus and Machine Gun Kelly. I let you find the intruder ahahaha.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

We only send our record to one other label. The name isn't important (that was Listenable Records). The covid part has really put some heavy breaks i think between bands and label , it's really cool that Great Dane Records trusted in our power and made us a part of them.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

For now , let's say approximatively ten , we have a tour coming this summer in Spain. For my part , i like to play on big stages in festival because of the crowd for sure , and the space to move. I also like very small places where you can grab people by the neck and yell at their face with psycho eyes. The better place to be is the place where you play bro.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

We will start working on a new album this summer and we will look forward for places to play and people to annihilate! I did everything i could have dreamed about personaly with music , but i still want to know how far i can get with all my band mates! Be sure that it's only the begining.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Please , go on facebook on our page or by mail at

Thanx for the interview.
