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sobota 30. ledna 2021

Rozhovor - SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST - Nápady na skladby můžou přijít odkudkoli.

Rozhovor s death metalovou skupinou z Finska - SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST.

Odpovídal kytarista Janne Satokangas, děkujeme!

Přeložila Duzl, děkujeme!

Recenze/review - SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST - Echoes of the Apocalypse (2020):

Ave SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST! Nikde jsem s vámi nenašel žádný rozhovor v češtině. Poprosím tě tedy nejdřív, abys čtenářům, kteří vás ještě neznají, představil kapelu. Můžeš klidně začít úplně od začátku a provést nás celou historií SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST.

SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST vznikli v roce 2010 ve finském městě Raahe. První demo „Salute the Death“ spatřilo denní světlo během téhož roku. 2013 vyšlo EP „Kingdom of Cadavers“. Byla to naše první nahrávka vydaná prostřednictvím labelu. Brzy poté jsme začali pracovat na našem prvním albu „Feast of Maggots“. Po několika nepříjemnostech a změnách v sestavě nakonec vyšlo v roce 2017. Byl to pro nás důležitý krok. Poté jsme začali být docela aktivní. Odehráli jsme několik koncertů a pracovali na druhém albu „Echoes of the Apocalypse“. To vyšlo loni. Stručně řečeno – deset let, jedno demo, jedno EP, dvě alba a několik živých vystoupení. Naše aktuální sestava je: Tomi Vähäkangas - zpěv, Vesa Hämäläinen - kytara, Janne Satokangas - kytara (bastard, který to píše), Antti Eilola - basa a Ville Yypänaho - bicí.

Právě poslouchám vaši novinku „Echoes of the Apocalypse“ a připadám si, jako bych byl zavřený v nějaké kobce spolu s DISMEMBER, NIHILIST, ENTRAILS a INTERMENT. Deska má skvělý švédský sound. Kde jste album nahrávali a jak jste s výsledkem spokojen? Mluvili jste nějak do výsledného zvuku?

Většinu alba jsme nahráli sami. Bicí, jsme nahrávali ve studiu zvaném Tuupa Records (Heikki Isokoski). Je to kouzelník s tóny bicích. Bylo potěšením s ním znovu pracovat. Další nástroje a vokály jsme nahrávali v domácích studiích a zkušebnách. Na albu je tedy spousta DIY mentality. Takže ano, měli jsme určitě „poslední slovo“. Jsme hrdí na výsledek, ale také víme, že můžeme náš zvuk příště vylepšit.

Jakým způsobem vznikal nový materiál pro „Echoes of the Apocalypse“? Jak vlastně tvoří/skládají SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST?

Hudbu skládám doma. Jen vezmu kytaru a začnu jamovat a doufám, že z toho něco vyjde. Pokud se mi podaří něco skvělého, nahraji to do počítače a pokud budeme mít štěstí, jednoho dne budeme mít novou skladbu. Nejsem si jistý, jak Ville skládá své skladby, ale myslím, že to dělá podobně. Netrávíme spolu moc času ve zkušebně, ale to se během dalšího alba změní. Vlastně to již začalo.

„Echoes of the Apocalypse“ má temný morbidní obal. Kdo je pod ním podepsán? Jeho práce se mi líbí, Jak jste vůbec nápad na obal vybírali a co má znázorňovat?

Obal vytvořil Alexey Sivitsky (GodLikeIkons). Dali jsme mu jen název „Echoes of the Apocalypse“ a nějaké texty a nechali jsme ho tvořit. Spolupracujeme s ním od prvního alba "Feast of Maggots a věříme mu. Je to velmi talentovaný umělec. Nejsem si jistý, co přesně to znázorňuje, ale je to je super. Nechává to prostor pro představivost. Perfektní obal pro naše album.

Kdo je autorem textů a o čem pojednávají? Kde pro témata berete inspiraci?

Většina textů tentokrát pochází ode mě. Vesa napsal část „Worldwide Domination“. Svět je každopádně plný témat. Jen sledujte zprávy, pokud chápeš, co tím myslím. Nápady na skladby můžou přijít odkudkoli. Dost jsem toho přečetl a sledoval jsem spoustu filmů a dokumentů, takže některé nápady vycházely odtud. Zajímám se také o historii a tam najdete spoustu témat.

Novinka vyšla na CD u More Hate Productions. Label má v undergroundu velmi dobré jméno a odvádí skvělou práci, ale nelákalo vás vydat album u nějaké větší firmy? Oslovili jste nějaké? Jak jste vlastně spokojeni s More Hate Productions?

More Hate Productions vydali také naše první album a všechno proběhlo hladce, takže jsme chtěli pokračovat se stejným labelem. Jednoduché jako facka. S More Hate Productions jsme prostě spokojeni.

Hrajete typický, klasický starý švédský death metal. Nikdy jste z téhle cesty neuhnuli, jste „ortodoxní“. Osobně je to jeden z důvodů, proč se mi vaše tvorba tolik líbí, ale nelákalo vás někdy zkusit hrát něco trošku jiného, nějak tvorbu SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST ozvláštnit?

Moc o tom nepřemýšlíme. Necháváme tomu volný průběh. Neexistuje žádný důvod ke změně stylu. Tohle je to, co chceme dělat. To ovšem neznamená, že nezkoušíme nové věci. Zkoušíme a pokud to zní dobře, můžeme to i použít. Ale tohle je prostě death metalová kapela a toho se držíme.

Když si projíždím vaši tvorbu, ušli jste opravdu dlouhou cestu. Je hodně znát, že na sobě jako kapela pracujete. Jak často vlastně SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST zkouší? Jste poctivou skupinou, která se pravidelně schází nebo jste spíš pankáči, kteří tomu nechávají volný průběh?

Totální pankáči. Jsme líní bastardi, ale jak jsem již zmínil, to se změní. Doufejme, že v budoucnu budeme zkoušet častěji, než jednou za měsíc.

Na vaší kapele je opravdu vidět, jak se každé album postupně zlepšujete, vyvíjíte, jste stále lepší. Máte nějaký cíl, kterého byste chtěli dosáhnout? Pro někoho to je slavné vydavatelství, jiný si chce třeba zahrát se slavnou kapelu.

Opravdu?! Díky! Naším hlavním cílem je pobavit se. Samozřejmě chceme hrát více živých koncertů. Je to fajn. Sdílení pódia se slavnou kapelou by bylo fantastické. Jsme malá kapela, takže je tady mnoho cílů, kterých bychom chtěli dosáhnout, ale ve výsledku je to všechno hlavně jen o společné zábavě. Koneckonců jsme týpci co mají rádi legraci.

Jsou nějaké desky, které tě v poslední době oslovily?

„Frontschwein“ od Marduk. Vím, že to není nové album, ale pro mě ano. Ale z nových .. Church of the Dead vydali loni stejnojmenné album a to bylo opravdu skvělé. Co dál ... ach ano! Nové album "Necroceros" od Asphyx je taky zabijácké! Nyní čekám na album od Revulsion.

Znáš, posloucháš nějaké kapely z České republiky?

Mám jedno album od HYPNOS .. jak se sakra jmenuje .. „In Blood We Trust“. Upřímně, zatím jsem to moc neposlouchal. Opravdu bych se měl kouknout, co Česká republika nabízí... Nějaká doporučení?

Blížíme se k závěru a tak bych zkusil jednu více filozofickou otázku. Jak byste definovali styl zvaný švédský death metal? Čím pro vás tato hudba je a proč jste si vybrali právě tento styl?

Možná si tento žánr vybral nás. Švédský death metal a death metal obecně je fascinující. Je terapeutické hrát nahlas těžké a hutné riffy. Je to legrace. Je zábavné poslouchat a vidět kapely živé. Miluji tento žánr. Jsem takřka fanatik do death metalu. Je to obrovská součást mého života.

Co chystají SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST v nejbližších měsících?

Pokračujeme v práci na novém materiálu. To je asi tak vše, co nyní můžeme v těchto podivných dobách pandemie dělat.

Děkuji za rozhovor a přeji spoustu prodaných nosičů, stovky šílených fanoušků a tuny dobrých nápadů.

Díky moc za tenhle rozhovor!

Recenze/review - SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST - Echoes of the Apocalypse (2020):

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čtvrtek 28. ledna 2021

Recenze/review - REVULSION - Revulsion (2021)

REVULSION - Revulsion
CD 2021, Transcending Obscurity Records

for english please scroll down

Dlouhá řada stromů a na každém visí jedna postava. S vyplazeným jazykem, vytřeštěným pohledem, s děsem v očích. Houpá se do rytmu, ve studeném větru, v tichu a beznaději. Budou tu viset, dokud se nerozpadnou, dokud je neohlodají krkavci až na kost. Byla to pomsta nebo hromadná sebevražda? Kdo ví? Procházím se lesem oběšenců a poslouchám death metal. Ten opravdový, klasický, který mi již dlouhé roky koluje v krvi.

REVULSION letos vydali své první dlouhohrající album. Jedná se o kapelu z Finska, která přesně ví, jak rozdrtit vaše lebky tlakem, energií, tmou a šílenstvím. Již od prvních tónů máme co do činění se surovým smrtícím kovem vysoké kvality.


Stylově lze tvorbu kapely zařadit po bok takových skupin jako jsou CANNIBAL CORPSE, SUFFOCATION, GORGUTS, BROKEN HOPE, MORBID ANGEL. Se surovým zničujícím zvukem, se zvláštním a neobvyklým obalem, jsou REVULSION přesně tím druhem smečky, kterou si musí oblíbit každý zkušený hrobník. Nekompromisní riffy, morbidní vokál, k tomu atmosféra starých hřbitovů, tohle všechno dělá z desky "Revulsion" velmi chutnou krvavou krmi. Podávejte prosím syrové, v chladu a temnotě. Líbí se mi, jakým způsobem jsou songy napsány, jejich gradace, jedovatost, špinavý a smradlavý odér. Jsem rád v lese oběšenců, jsem zvědavý, i když příčina smrti je dávno známa. Finové sice nepřinášejí do záhrobí nic nového, ani převratného, ale bylo by chybné si myslet, že se jedná jen o slušné řemeslo. Album má v sobě něco navíc, těžko definovatelný drive a sílu. Energii starých exhumovaných hrobů. Sebevrazi byli prokleti a pohřbeni za hřbitovní zdí. S nahrávkou "Revulsion" je to hodně podobné. Starý sound, agresivita, ale i spousta melodických temných pasáží, které vás doslova přikovají na zeď. Peklo existuje! Je v každém z nás i v této desce! 

Asphyx says:

A long row of trees and one figure hanging on each. With his tongue out, his eyes wide, terror in his eyes. It swings to the beat, in the cold wind, in silence and despair. They will hang here until they fall apart, until they are gnawed to the bone by the ravens. Was it revenge or mass suicide? Who knows? I walk through the forest of hangmen and listen to death metal. The real, classic one that has been circulating in my blood for many years. 

REVULSION released their first full-length album this year. This is a band from Finland that knows exactly how to crush your skulls with pressure, energy, darkness and madness. From the very first tones, we are dealing with high-quality raw death metal.

Stylistically, the band's work can be included alongside such groups as CANNIBAL CORPSE, SUFFOCATION, GORGUTS, BROKEN HOPE, MORBID ANGEL. With a raw destructive sound, with a special and unusual cover, REVULSION are exactly the kind of band that every experienced gravedigger must love. Uncompromising riffs, morbid vocals, the atmosphere of old cemeteries, all this makes the album "Revulsion" a very tasty bloody food. Please serve raw, in a cool and dark place. I like the way the songs are written, their gradation, toxicity, dirty and smelly odour. I'm happy in the forest of hangmen, I'm curious, even though the cause of death is long known. The Finns do not bring anything new or revolutionary to the grave, but it would be wrong to think that this is just a decent craft. The album has something extra in it, difficult to define drive and power. The energy of old exhumed graves. The suicides were cursed and buried behind the cemetery wall. It's a lot like the "Revulsion" recording. Old sound, aggression, but also a lot of melodic dark passages that literally nail you to the wall. Hell exists! It's in each of us and in this record!

01. Last Echoes of Life (03:06)
02. Pyre (03:23)
03. Walls (03:13)
04. Mustaa Hiiltä (05:21)
05. Lihaan Sidottu Kirja (03:49)
06. Wastelands (02:42)
07. Unravel (03:53)
08. Silence (03:21)
09. Pawns (02:09)
10. Viimeinen Rituaali (05:59)

Line up -
Aleksi Huhta - Vocals
Jari Toppinen - Guitar
Jarkko Viitasalo - Guitar
Tuomas Alatalo - Bass
Atte Karppinen - Drums

Artwork by Kuba Sokolski (Thou)

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Finland - REVULSION.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Finland - REVULSION.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 

We are Revulsion from Oulu, Finland. The band’s origins date all the way back to 2005, but the current line-up is from 2012. Early on, we played more US-style death metal, but our music has since evolved to have a little bit more atmospheric approach to it, even though the emphasis is still very much on guitar riffs. 

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

Everything was recorded in our rehearsal space by us and our unofficial sixth member, Jussi Juntunen, who is a genius in getting great sound on a DIY-basis. We went through quite a lot of work to achieve the final sound that we found was balanced. Gritty around the edges, but also had some actual production quality to it. Mastering was done by Ilpo Heikkinen and the cover art by Kuba Sokólski. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

Our label, Transcending Obscurity Records, is releasing the album in a couple of different CD formats, digipak and a truly metal coffin-shaped box set, as well as digital via the label’s Bandcamp. Vinyl and cassette are still under work, make sure to follow Transcending Obscurity and us on social media to stay updated on that. 

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

Everyone in the band writes lyrics, but the main lyricist is our vocalist, Aleksi. Lyrics are always written by someone individually, and then Aleksi takes them and might change some stuff depending on the vocal arrangement. The lyrics mostly deal with various nightmare scenarios and horror imagery. When we first started out, the lyrics were mainly dealing in violence á la Cannibal Corpse, but as we have veered away from that style of death metal musically, so have the lyrics. 

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

The original logo was created by Panu Tiihonen and a slight update was done by TGRantanen. We don’t have a website as of yet, we have our Facebook, Instagram, and Bandcamp sites. You can find us at, RevulsionFin on Instagram and Make sure you get the right Revulsion! Social networks are definitely a necessary tool in today’s music industry. They’re a kind of a two-edged sword, because it’s easy for the focus to shift away from the music. We want to get our music out there and would like to perform as much as possible, but on the other hand, we have no interest in trying to become ‘famous’ in any way, shape or form. 

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takes care about you? 

Transcending Obscurity Records has a broad roster and has been pushing a bunch of quality stuff out into the underground for a long time. We wanted to get an international release and TO is taking good care of us. We’re very happy with them and how the album release is going. 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 

We all have pretty varied tastes in music, there really aren’t that many bands that we all listen to. Would be a lot easier to list a few that none of us like. But on the whole, our varied tastes even within metal and death metal give us a lot of different approaches to how we construct a song and how do we achieve our own sound. Obviously, we’re not reinventing the wheel with our music, but as far as we can tell, we’re not a carbon copy of any other band out there either. 

Inspiration comes from other music – sometimes from other genres – movies, books, etc. Sometimes it can be as simple as coming up with a cool riff that we then work into an entire song as a group. 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

We approached a few labels. Response was good, some labels were interested, but simply did not have the resources to have us on their release schedule any time soon. Transcending Obscurity came out on top with their capacities and impressive roster. 

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

We’ve played a couple of dozen shows around Finland so far. As soon as corona is out of the way, we are going to be heading abroad as well. For this type of music, it’s hard to beat a club gig with a more intense atmosphere. Larger festival stages can lose a lot of that unspoken connection with the audience. Really depends on the setting, there are great festivals dedicated to underground metal as well, such as Helsinki Death Fest. So far, we’ve probably had our best shows in our hometown Oulu. 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

We’ll start working on the follow-up release to the full-length album at some point in the near future, so that’s definitely in the works. We thrive playing live and that’s what we’re looking forward to doing as soon as that’s possible. As mentioned earlier, we’re definitely looking forward to heading outside of Finland, so if there are bands out there looking to set up a killer death metal evening, let us know. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

We can be reached via our social media, RevulsionFin on Facebook and Instagram. 

Thanx for the interview. 

Thank you and support the metal underground!

středa 27. ledna 2021

Recenze/review - DEATHGOAT - Regurgitated into Existence (2021)

DEATHGOAT - Regurgitated into Existence
CD 2021, MusakonttorI

for english please scroll down

Za mnou klidně můžete přijít, pokaždé vás rád vyslechnu. Jen musíte být mrtví. Většinou pomáhám hned po smrti, ukážu směr, někdy převezu přes řeku Styx. Jsem hrobníkem už dlouhá léta a moc dobře vím, že vás tíží svědomí. Není peklo, ani ráj, jenom nekonečné močály zapomnění. V nich se rozložíte a rozpadnete a stanete se potravou démonů. Musím u své práce poslouchat jenom pravý ryzí death metal. Nic jiného nefunguje. Svět je možná dnes úplně jiný, lidé mají raději odlišnou muziku, ale já už se nezměním. Moc dobře totiž vím, co je to Smrt.

Finští DEATHGOAT si mě získali svým novým albem v podstatě ihned. Prašivý zvuk, podmanivé, syrové melodie, odkazy na staré předky, tohle všechno mi dělá moc dobře. Novinka je zároveň první dlouhohrající deskou. Plnou zkažené krve, mrazu a temnoty.


Katakomby jsou otevřeny ve stylu starých finských a švédských death metalových kapel (PURTENANCE, WOMBBATH, SLUGATHOR, ENTOMBED). "Regurgitated into Existence" mi připomíná ty krásně morbidní chvíle, při kterých čekám na mrtvého u čerstvě vykopaného hrobu. Dobře napsané syrové skladby mě vábí jako světlo můry. Užívám si pochmurné, melancholické nálady celé nahrávky a vůbec mi nevadí, že zem je zmrzlá. Až jednou vylezeš ze svého hrobu a budeš se mě ptát, kam máš jít, určím ti směr a na cestu ti dám několik dobrých rad a novou desku DEATHGOAT. Ve Finsku to poslední dobou v undergroundu vře, mám tamní scénu moc rád. Připadá mi, že z této země pocházejí jen samé dobré, prašivé kapely, které umí perfektně vystihnout atmosféru opuštěných katakomb, dlouhých chodeb podzemí a nakonec i močálů, ve kterých navěky jednou všichni spočineme. Bez víry, bez naděje. "Regurgitated into Existence" bych doporučil všem, kteří jsou na tom jako já. Nehledám v muzice nové směry, jsem spokojen ve svém hrobě. Rakve se zase otvírají! Tahle mršina je připravena na dlouhou cestu! Syrový death metal staré školy, u kterého shnijete zaživa!

Asphyx says:

You can come to me, I will be happy to listen you every time. You just have to be dead. Mostly I help right after death, I show the direction, sometimes I cross the river Styx. I have been a gravedigger for many years and I know very well that your conscience weighs you down. There is no hell or paradise, only endless swamps of oblivion. In them you will decompose and disintegrate and become the food of demons. I only have to listen to real pure death metal in my work. Nothing else works. The world may be completely different today, people prefer different music, but I won't change anymore. I know very well what Death is. 

The Finnish DEATHGOAT got me with their new album almost immediately. Dusty sound, captivating, raw melodies, references to old ancestors, all this does me a lot of good. The novelty is also the first full-length record. Full of rotten blood, frost and darkness.

The catacombs are open in the style of old Finnish and Swedish death metal bands (PURTENANCE, WOMBBATH, SLUGATHOR, ENTOMBED). "Regurgitated into Existence" reminds me of those beautifully morbid moments where I wait for the dead at a freshly dug grave. Well-written raw songs appeal to me like the light of a moth. I enjoy the gloomy, melancholic mood of the whole recording and I don't mind at all that the ground is frozen. Once you get out of your grave and ask me where to go, I'll give you a direction and give you some good advice and a new DEATHGOAT record. In Finland, it's been boiling in the underground lately, I really like the scene there. It seems to me that only good, dusty bands come from this country, which can perfectly capture the atmosphere of abandoned catacombs, long underground corridors and finally swamps, in which we will all rest once and forever. No faith, no hope. "Regurgitated into Existence" I would recommend to anyone who is like me. I am not looking for new directions in music, I am satisfied in my grave. The coffins open again! This carcass is ready for the long journey! Old school raw death metal, where you rot alive!

01. Embrace Of Dead Flesh
02. Chainsaw Abortion
03. Rotten Salvation
04. Obsessed With Decapitation
05. Carniwhore
06. Homicide Effect
07. Dismember The Unworthy
08. A Farewell To Humanity

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Finland - DEATHGOAT.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Finland - DEATHGOAT. 

Answered vocalist Putrid Worm and guitarist Nihilist, thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 

Hi and first of all, thanks for contacting us! 

Deathgoat was formed in 2015. Putrid Worm was trying out to be the new drummer for Nihilist’s other band, Stygian Creations. While that didn’t really work out, the jam sessions between him and Nihilist were fruitful in other ways, and eventually that jamming spawned Deathgoat. Fun fact - the current drummer of Stygian Creations is also our dear blaster, Chope666 (or as we call him, Iso K). 

Around 2019 Chope666 and Vicar Miggoat joined the band, and shit started to get real. In 2020 when live shows seemed inevitable, we adopted a poor bassist from Kerava, who called himself L.F. Molestor. Did you know that out of all developing countries, Kerava has the most bassists? 

Our music is simply Death metal, no fancy prefixes needed. Our influences come primarily from the Swedish scene of the early 90s, but over time they have become more diverse. We’re not exactly trying to reinvent the breaking wheel, although we’re aiming not to be just another mass-produced Sunlight turd either. Most of all we’re just making Death metal for the sake of Death metal. 

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

Three of the songs (Rotten Salvation, Carniwhore & Homicide) on the album were already written around 2015-2017 and the rest of the songs were composed around 2019. The whole process was kind of slow because we were first just a duo. 

We basically did the whole album DIY. Drums and vocals were recorded at our rehearsal place in Hyvinkää and Nihilist recorded guitar and bass parts in his apartment. Miggoat recorded a few solo parts and some backing vocals in his apartment in Helsinki, since he was the only one not living in the Hyvinkää area anymore. Our good friend, Eetu, who happens to be singer of our guys another band Stygian Creations also joined our recordings by recording vocals to the outro of “Chainsaw Abortion”. That turned out great and we most likely will use his talent on our next records. 

Album was mixed by our good friend Jasse Hast(“Tomb of Finland”, ex-”Charon”). and mastering was done by Miro Kiiski, also a great dude. 

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

As you might have already realised, there’s no physical release yet, just the digital on Bandcamp and on online distributors and streaming platforms. 

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

Most of the lyrics are written by Putrid Worm, but Nihilist has a part to play in it as well. Usually the music is written first, and then the lyrics because it’s easier to fit them together that way. Our lyrics deal with homicide, cannibalism, paraphilias, and the end of mankind. You know, the usual stuff. We don’t really aim to make a political impact, or go through profound introspection and other pretentious crap. It’s more about making all kinds of nasty stuff rhyme in a fun way. 

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

Both of the Deathgoat logos, old and the new one(on our album) were done by our guitarist Nihilist. Also 90% of designs on FB/Bandcamp/Youtube players are made by him. The album artwork was made by our friend Nelli Kilu. 

Our opinion of the social media and internet in general is that too much shit but what can you do about it? Adapt or die. Despite its downsides, social media is useful for a band like us, particularly at this point of our career. We can’t imagine achieving so much in this amount of time in the days of tape trading. 

We try to be as active as possible on Facebook, Instagram & Youtube, since those are good and well known platforms to use when independently promoting bands online. So far we have been quite happy about the outcome. No Shitcock or Onlypals coming, sorry guys! 

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration? 

Particularly in the beginning, our influences came primarily from Sweden. Entombed, Grave, Dismember, Bloodbath and so on. From Finland, I guess our biggest influences are Torture Killer and Mörbid Vomit. And of course, like so many of our peers, we’re also more or less directly influenced by Slayer. We do enjoy Death metal bands from the USA and UK too, and pretty much around the world. Newer bands too, not just the ones from the 80s and early 90s. But I suppose the early Swedish scene is the influence that you can hear in our music the most. 

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

We were in contact with a few small labels who offered us deals, but sadly we didn’t manage to get into a good agreement with them. It also felt that doing a small Indie release would be much more risk-free for us. 

So, in the nutsack: We are open to a release deal with a label but if no miracles happen, we will make a small physical release during this spring! 

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

So far we have played just three gigs last autumn, two in Helsinki and one in Lahti. The first gig was quite unique as to say. I woke up on Monday and checked the emails while still in bed. There was an email about if we could warm up Barathrum(hopefully you don’t have to use Google) in the Helsinki suburb area on Saturday, the same week! We were able to panic-rehearse and got Molestor to play live bass, before that we had had no full band rehearsals. In the end Barathrum had to cancel the same day because one member ended up in Covid quarantine but Deathgoat performed and it was a success! There was also a fight in the crowd during our song! 

After that, just before the lockdowns in November, we managed to play in Lahti and had another gig in Helsinki, organized by the Helsinki Death Fest crew. That was probably the coolest gig, since the venue and bands were awesome and everything worked out just perfect. There were also quite a lot of people watching. 

All of our band members enjoy live music. All sorts but probably Metal in general. 

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

2020 was kind of a rapid year for us and basically started the movement of the band and now it’s just rolling faster and faster. 

Our plans for 2021 are to record and release at least one song from the next album as soon as possible and then record the whole album as well. First of course we have to do our best with “Regurgitated Into Existence”. So far we have had quite good responses both in Finland and abroad. It’s nice to see that our hard work pays off. And of course, if the situation allows us, we will definitely play some shows. 

There’s also Deathgoat merch coming during this winter! Shirts, patches and stuff like that. But don’t expect any Deathgoat brand buckets or buttscratchers. We’re a band, not a Walmart. 

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

You can find us on 

Thanx for the interview. 

Thank you and regards to our Czech fans. Pivo Kurva & Goatbless!

středa 13. ledna 2021

Recenze/review - SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST - Echoes of the Apocalypse (2020)

SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST - Echoes of the Apocalypse
CD 2020, More Hate Productions

for english please scroll down

Je hluboká černá noc, přesto mi připadá, že vidím jasně. Možná za to může napětí a chvění, které cítím v zádech. Staré pohřebiště hluboko v lesích vydalo další svědectví. O bolesti, o temných rituálech, o démonech, kteří jsou mezi námi. Tajemné symboly, které někdo vyřezal do kostí. Zaschlá krev. Kozlí hlava, naražená na kůl. Jsem najednou obětí rituální vraždy. Přímo součástí. Je mi odřezáváno maso od kostí, cítím, že můj čas nastal.

Pomalu, ale jistě, s otevřenou tepnou, odcházím na druhou stranu. Jako kulisu volím tentokrát finské death metalové komando SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST. Oni jsou těmi, kdo mě pozval na tenhle rituál a já pozvání s chutí a nadšením přijal. Již od prvního setkání moc dobře vím, že podobná prokleté hudba mi koluje odnepaměti v žilách. 


"Echoes of the Apocalypse" je jasnou a zřetelnou odpovědí na death metal, který je navždy otisknut v našich duších. Na smrtící kov, který tvořily kapely jako ENTOMBED, ENTRAILS, CARNAGE, ale i třeba DEICIDE. Jedná se o vysokooktanovou zápalnou směs, u které se samovznítíte. SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST navíc do své hudby přidávají kus melancholie, která je typickým poznávacím znakem finských smeček. Mohu s klidem podepsat vlastní krví, že jsou skladby velmi dobře napsány, drásají, žhnou a pálí a zároveň jsou chladné jako čepel nože. Pánové sice nepřinášejí do undergroundu nic nového, ani objevného. To ale neznamená, že by jejich deska nestála za pozornost. Naopak. Není jen obyčejným, zručně odvedeným řemeslem, ale má v sobě i notnou dávku zajímavých momentů. Album se opravdu velmi dobře poslouchá, má syrový zvuk, tlak a energii. Je příjemné trávit s ním dlouhé hodiny na starých pohřebištích, exhumovat prašivé rakve a nasávat podmanivě tajemnou atmosféru. Oltář od krve, na něm vaše lebka. Stačí pozvednout sekyru a přidat volume. Na jedné kosti je vyryté jméno SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST. Teď už vím proč. Tahle deska totiž zabíjí na potkání! 

Asphyx says:

It's a deep black night, yet I think I can see clearly. Maybe it's the tension and tremors I feel in my back. The old burial ground deep in the woods gave another testimony. About pain, about dark rituals, about demons who are among us. Mysterious symbols that someone carved into bones. Dry blood. Goat's head bumped against a stake. I am suddenly the victim of ritual murder. Directly included. Meat is being cut from my bones, I feel like my time has come. 

Slowly but surely, with my artery open, I leave for the other side. This time I choose the Finnish death metal team SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST as the backdrop. They are the ones who invited me to this ritual, and I accepted the invitation with gusto and enthusiasm. From the first meeting, I know very well that such damned music has been circulating in my veins since time immemorial.

"Echoes of the Apocalypse" is a clear and distinct answer to death metal, which is forever imprinted in our souls. For the deadly metal created by bands like ENTOMBED, ENTRAILS, CARNAGE, but also DEICIDE. It is a high-octane inflammatory mixture in which you ignite spontaneously. In addition, SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST adds a piece of melancholy to their music, which is a typical hallmark of Finnish packs. I can safely sign with my blood that the songs are very well written, scratched, glow and burn, and at the same time, they are as cold as a knife blade. Gentlemen do not bring anything new or discoverable into the underground. But that doesn't mean their record isn't worth the attention. On the contrary. It is not only an ordinary, skillfully done craft, but it also has a significant dose of interesting moments in it. The album listens really well, it has raw sound, pressure and energy. It's nice to spend long hours with him in old cemeteries, exhuming dusty coffins and soaking up the captivatingly mysterious atmosphere. Blood altar with your skull on it. Just raise your ax and add volume. The name SPIRITUAL HOLOCAUST is engraved on one bone. Now I know why. This record is killing rats!

01. Worldwide Domination
02. Faceless Bodies
03. Memories From Mass Grave
04. Trenches Of Despair
05. Serpents For Saints
06. Echoes Of The Apocalypse
07. Awaken In Casket
08. Apocalyptic Aeon
09. Last Rays Of The Sun

pondělí 4. ledna 2021

Interview - CONVULSE - For me it seems the humankind is getting worse day by day and year by year.

Interview with legendary death metal band from Finland - CONVULSE.

Answered vocalist and guitarist Rami Jämsä, thank you!

Questions prepared Jakub Asphyx.

Recenze/review - CONVULSE - Deathstar (2020):

Ave CONVULSE! Greetings Finland! I hope you are doing well even in these difficult times. You released your new album Deathsta; this year. The album immediately got me mainly thanks to the mood. The first word that comes to my mind is melancholy. How the album came about and where did you want to move when compared to your previous work the Cycle of Reveng? 

Hi and thanks for this interview. We started to compose new songs after Cycle of Revenge has done at spring 2016. Afterwards I think Cycle of Revenge was a significant album for us, because it made possible our further progress that lead finally three years later to Deathstar album. We had gradually found our style to express our musical ambitions and also how to play as a trio. We didn´t make any conscious decision to play with certain style and I am sure it can be heard on Deathstar too. We just played together and decided to see what ideas start carry on further. We rehearsed years weekly and it was quite soon clear that we would like to record and mix this album in a same analog studio, where we did Evil Prevails album. 

I remember you as an old classic death metal band. But on the new records you have completely changed your style. Personally, I understand that, I would not want to play the same thing over and over again, but I still can´t help asking. Why? You wanted to evolve, or did you get a new stimulus? Let´s talk about your new thing. Deathstar is a really colourful album. It is interesting and will definitely suit people with a rich imagination. How did you create the record? Or rather, how do you compose new material in CONVULSE? 

I am the main composer and bringer of the musical ideas on our band. For me it has always been quite impossible to write certain music which style has decided in advance. I can´t put myself just in one formula and go on forever with it. On the other hand, I´m also very lucky man, because every time I take the guitar and play, I found myself on creating some new riffs or melodies. Lately I have noticed that I have haunting melodies inside my head and it has lead more melodic approach on music I make. How do we compose new songs? Well, some melodies come to my head out from somewhere. I pick my guitar or piano and start to play it. Then I go to our rehearsal studio, I introduce my idea to Rolle and Juha. Then we start to jam this idea together. If it works, we will go on with it and play and play it again with various ways. Some songs come quite ready in one or two rehearsals. Some songs take year to find their final form. 

I really enjoy the crystal sound of the new recording. Who is signed under it? Where did you mix the record and who produced it? 

I am huge fan of an analog technology. There is an analog JJ-studio near of my hometown. Juuso Nordlund is a well known musician and recording engineer in Finland and I have pleasure to know him a bit. Juuso has ran his studio since 1980 and it is full of the best analog equipment from 80s including 24 track reel to reel tape recorder and analog mixing console. I love to work with Juuso, because he satisfies my ambitions perfectly. We used several tape echoes and vintage microphones to produce timeless sound of Deathstar. It took about 4000 e to cover studio recordings and mixing sessions, but it was worth of every euro. I have to say also that we didn´t have a record deal when we started to make Deathstar album and we produced it with the band´s money and it cost totally 6000 e. 

The author of the cover is Jan Yrlund. Why him? The Earth motif, wrapped in barbed wire, which is great! I have to say, it gives me goosebumps. How did you and Jan get together? He also plays in IMPERIA, if I am not mistaken? 

I had an idea of an earth collapsing and perishing to our egoism, greediness and nationalism. The suddenly I saw my old friend Minna´s painting called “Strangled” and it visualized my thoughts so well that I asked Minna´s permission to give her painting to Jan Yrlund, who could breed the idea further. I knew Jan from the 90s when he played in thrash metal called Prestige (and plays still). Jan has also made two album covers for my previous band When the Empire Falls. So I knew and trusted him perfectly and the result is magnificent. 

Deathstar is for me a complex work in all aspects. That´s the way I like it and when fans get a beautiful piece of music. But sometimes in metal we forget about lyrics. What do the lyrics in the newalbum represent? What I like most is the idea in the song Deathstar -We have connected our nations to express our hatred. I often say this when I open the newspaper in the morning. Who is the author of the lyrics and where the inspiration came from? 

I write all the lyrics and this time all the songs except “We sold our soul for rock ´n roll” are dealing with the same theme. As you look back in history and especially last 10 years, I see a very bad progress. We have all keys to collaborate and to love each other and solve worldwide problems and issues. But what we do about it? For me it seems the humankind is getting worse day by day and year by year. 

This new stuff has death metal basics, but you can´t resist rock, progressive metal and a lot of other things. Sometimes bands that do the same have their music fragmented, difficult to understand and chaotic but you managed to avoid this on the new record. The album is really easy to listen to. It´s like a trip to the stars, I´d say. In addition, the songs have a melancholy touch in them, which perhaps nobody can do better than the Finns. How do you explain that? Do you think it´s because of the environment? Personality? Or is it historically inherited? 

It´s very hard to explain. As I said before, I don´t plan my and our songs beforehand. Of course, our surroundings, history of society and as well personal history has an effect for our output. We can´t either forget all the music I have listened to for a decades with very open mind. 

Live performances are an integral part of every band. How is it in CONVULSE? Do you play a lot? Do you go on tours? And how do fans perceive your change of style? I was supposed to see you at the Czech Symbolic festival this year and I was really looking forward to it. You will come next year? 

I love to play live shows and travel all around the world. We always try to make some free days around selected shows we play. Convulse is not our day job and we have quite small children at home, so we can´t do long tours in this personal situation. Of course this covid-19 situation makes impossible to play even those few selected festivals per year. Symbolic festival is deferred to 2022. Let´s see when this all comes better. Mostly we play World without God set on live shows, but we would like to perform new tunes as well, but you can´t fit everything for 45 minutes show. Ideal situation for us would be two shows. One for the classic death metal songs and one for our newer songs. Perhaps they are classics 2040 and we play them then. 

For me, good music is one that can evoke certain emotions in me and to which I want to return. Deathstar is an album that literally enchanted me. I often think where this world is heading to. I would like to be positive, but I can´t manage to do that. How do you perceive the direction of society, music, technology? What do you think our future will be like? 

I share the same worry with you. I have decided to try my best for my family and local surroundings. It is something I can do. It´s my way to see some hope and positive progress. Deathstar album ends to hope, love and good wishes for my son. It´s worth to go on and believe everything will be good. 

What was the first impulse that you started playing music? What were the beginnings of CONVULSE? Please give us some reminiscent thoughts of metal in Finland during the 1990s. 

Weleased Resuscitation of Evilness exactly 30 years ago. World has changed a lot and lot of things are more complicated these days, but running a band is still basically the same as before. We practice together, write new music and hope somebody is interested to release it. I have the same enthusiasm today as back in 1990. We found new music death metal 90´s and now it´s called old school death metal. Those days we had a big metal boom in Finland and we had several young metal bands in every town. Now we still have some mature metal bands, but much less new kids playing metal music. Rap and hiphop a is big thing in Finland now and it´s ok for me. Younger people make music more with computers and it is also a part of this evolve. 

Where will CONVULSE go in the future? Do you have a dream, an unfulfilled vision for example? And what are your plans for the near future? 

We have started to make new songs and if things keep on interesting and fresh, we will do 6th Convulse album some day in future. I don´t see any good reason to bury Convulse as long as new songs keep on coming. 

Thank you so much for the interview, I appreciate a lot. It has been a long time since a band hit me right in the spot and got me in the right mood. I wish you much success not only with Deathstar. Good luck to you in private lives as well. 

Thanks a lot for this interesting interview and sharp points from Deathstar album. All the best wishes for all of you as well! Take care, stay safe and give a chance for a new Convulse album Deathstar.

Recenze/review - CONVULSE - Deathstar (2020):