Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemold school thrash metal. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemold school thrash metal. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

sobota 27. července 2024

Recenze/review - MAGES TERROR - Damnations Sight (2024)

MAGES TERROR - Damnations Sight
CD 2024, Invictus Productions

for english please scroll down

Kosti poházené všude kolem. Ohlodané a rozdrcené. Vzduchem se vznáší zápach rozkládajících se tkání. Někde tady by měla být, alespoň tak se o ní píše ve starých legendách. Bájná bestie, která spala dlouhé roky v jedné starodávné jeskyni. Staří ještě pamatují, že slýchávali její řev. Znovu se začala ztrácet těla. Opět bylo možné potkat roztrhané mrtvoly. Teď už to vím, je zpět, vrátila se. Sestoupím dolů a poprvé pohlédnu do její tváře.

Pokud máte rádi starý, prašivý thrash metal, líbí se vám surovost death metalu a chlad black metalových rituálů, neváhejte ani chvilku. Kapela MAGES TERROR, složená ze členů PORTAL, VOMITOR, PUSTILENCE je zde se svým debutem, který vás zničí. Jestli bezmezně uctíváte temnotu, pach smrti a prokletá pohřebiště, tak neváhejte ani chvilku. Hraje se zde i pro vás. 

Povedl se prašivý zvuk i stylový obal a tak si můžete naplno vychutnat děsivé ozvěny ze záhrobí. V dnešní době se každý někomu podobá a v tvorbě těchto australských rouhačů lze vystopovat prvky, které známe třeba od takových SODOM, SADUS, POSSESSED, KREATOR, VENOM, SABBAT, SLAYER, INFERNAL MAJESTY. Možná ale najdete i něco dalšího. Není to vlastně v závěru vůbec důležité, hlavní je celkový dojem a ten je dle mého skromného názoru výborný. Možná jste čekali dnes tolik častou kopii bez duše a vlastních nápadů, ale v tomto případě tomu tak není. Naopak, pánové jsou natolik zdatnými muzikanty, kteří dokáží svůj talent prodat a promítnout jej do neotřelých a zajímavých skladeb. Ano, zpočátku je možná nahrávka trošku nepřehledná a rozhodně dokáže někoho i odradit, ale nenechte se mýlit. Najdete zde nahrubo nasekanou tmu, velký tlak, spoustu zla, špíny i nenávisti. Jakoby se opravdu znovu probudila stará krvelačná bestie, která spala v opuštěné jeskyni od osmdesátých let minulého století. MAGES TERROR odvedli zkrátka velmi dobrou práci. A nejen to, přidali navíc zcela pohlcující atmosféru plnou chladu a absolutní tmy. Kosti poházené všude kolem. Ohlodané a rozdrcené. Vzduchem se vznáší zápach rozkládajících se tkání. Někde tady by měla být, alespoň tak se o ní píše ve starých legendách. Bájná bestie, která spala dlouhé roky v jedné starodávné jeskyni. Teď už to vím, je zpět, vrátila se. Sestoupím dolů a poprvé pohlédnu do její tváře. Temný, divoký, zničující starodávný black, thrash death metalový atak! Nenávistný řev pradávné bestie! 

Asphyx says:

Bones strewn all over the place. Stabbed and crushed. The smell of decomposing tissue wafts through the air. She should be here somewhere, or so the old legends say. A mythical beast that slept for years in an ancient cave. The ancients still remember hearing it roar. Bodies began to disappear again. Once again, it was possible to find dismembered corpses. Now I know, she's back, she's returned. I come down and get my first look at her face.

If you like old, dusty thrash metal, you like the rawness of death metal and the coldness of black metal rituals, don't hesitate a moment. The band MAGES TERROR, consisting of members of PORTAL, VOMITOR, PUSTILENCE is here with their debut that will destroy you. If you worship darkness, the smell of death and cursed burial grounds without bounds, don't hesitate a moment. It's playing here for you too. 

The dusty sound and the stylish packaging are both successful, so you can fully enjoy the eerie echoes from beyond the grave. Nowadays, everyone looks like someone, and in the work of these Australian blasphemers you can trace elements that we know from the likes of SODOM, SADUS, POSSESSED, KREATOR, VENOM, SABBAT, SLAYER, INFERNAL MAJESTY. But maybe you will find something else too. It's not really important in the end, the main thing is the overall impression and it's excellent in my humble opinion. Maybe you were expecting a copy so often today without soul and own ideas, but in this case it is not the case. On the contrary, the gentlemen are such skilled musicians who can sell their talent and translate it into fresh and interesting compositions. Yes, the record may be a bit cluttered at first and it can definitely put some people off, but make no mistake. You'll find coarsely chopped darkness, a lot of pressure, a lot of evil, dirt and hatred. It's as if an old bloodthirsty beast that's been sleeping in an abandoned cave since the 1980s has truly reawakened. MAGES TERROR did a very good job. And not only that, they added a completely immersive atmosphere full of cold and absolute darkness. Bones strewn all over the place. Stabbed and crushed. The smell of decomposing flesh wafting through the air. She should be here somewhere, or so the old legends say. A mythical beast that slept for years in an ancient cave. Now I know, she's back, she's returned. I come down and look into her face for the first time. A dark, savage, devastating ancient black, thrash death metal attack! The hateful roar of an ancient beast!

1. Serpent Bat
2. Paramount Specter Dust
3. Fane Of The Slug Gods
4. Ruthless Guild
5. Presage
6. The Vomited Harvest
7. Master In The Black Cavern
8. Demon Bell
9. Vulgar Overlord
10. Damnations Sight

pátek 19. července 2024

A few questions - interview with thrash metal band from Chile - ABREAKTION.

A few questions - interview with thrash metal band from Chile - ABREAKTION.

Answered Roran Fatehatred (guitar / vocals) and Javier Salgado (guitar), thank you!

Recenze/review - ABREAKTION - Bornhatred (2024):

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Roran: Abreaktion is a rethinking, we could even say a project that was maintained for a long time as a hobby, even knowing that it has potential, we had not given it the value it deserved. The band has had milestones since 2012, when with a fretted guitar, chaotic feelings and the desire to express something, they turned to the first song. The style that emanates from the center is the classic thrash metal of the 80s/90s, where riffs with speed and a technicality barely in construction gave the sound that we can identify.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Javier: We recorded our “Bornhatred” EP at Lion’s Roar Studio in the second half of 2023. We spent a lot of time polishing each of the songs in detail so that the final result was as exact as possible as we imagined it. Since we did not yet have a label at the time we started recording, the truth is that we did not have any type of ties or commitments to third parties, so we were able to do everything exactly as we wanted it to be. Regarding the producer, Cristian León, we have all already worked with him several times on other projects, since he is experienced within the underground metal circuit and that made things a lot easier in terms of technical aspects. Basically, we arrived at the studio knowing exactly how everything would happen and the result left us more than satisfied; the EP sounds killer as fuck!!!!!


How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Javier: Chaos Records (Mexico) released 300 copies in CD format and a cassette edition is in the works as well. We are also currently working on getting a cassette edition released by a Chilean label, but there have been some setbacks regarding the deal we are trying to make. In any case, it is certain that there will be a Chilean edition on tape, either under a label or independently.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

Roran: I write the lyrics. Each of them has a different context, but at the same time they have feelings that together are the most common in a meaningless adolescence/adulthood. Resentment and hatred.

"Empty promises" talks about how sometimes we come across people who are scared of any commitment, either because of their shortcomings or insecurities. It is one's duty to know what kind of people is around him and get rid of those who do not contribute anything to its life. It's a current reflection, rather than what I could reason at the time of composing and writing it.

"Pyromaniac" is a bit of a peculiar creation, as it may seem inconsistent with the meaning of the disorder it describes. However, it captures the impulse of wanting to destroy everything with something as easy to handle in our era as fire. The first member of the band supposedly suffered from this disorder, which led me to translate that energy into catchy riffs and lyrics, resulting in a powerful song.

In "Amnesia Chronicle", I realized my own reality, marked mainly by depersonalization to fit into a world of appearances and false friendships. This happens in every context; Nobody is one hundred percent authentic. Even transparency seems like a dream, which leads me to feel contempt for both others and myself, for forgetting who I really am.

Insomnia and constant anxiety about our future as human beings in an uncertain world is what I try to transcribe in 'Mental Torture'. Sometimes we think too much and other times we get carried away; We need to find a consistent balance to live life. Otherwise, we simply become crazy and addicted, as society seems to want us to be.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Javier: The first attempts to create a good logo for the band were sketches and drawings that we tried ourselves. We had many difficulties, to be honest, because we wanted to achieve something that was striking but sober, and that respected the style we play, while also being as original as possible (not easy with 40 years of development in this music style...). When we had a more or less defined idea, we contacted Bastián Velásquez (an artist who has done covers for Ripper, Demoniac, Mayhemic, etc.), and after a couple of observations (including indicating inspiration from the Donkey Kong Country logo haha), Bastián finished the work; he is a great artist and we were very happy with the result. Regarding visuals and social networks, for the moment, I am the one who mostly takes care of that aspect. I think it is as important as any mass media was in the past or will be in the future. Currently, we are in talks with a visual artist who might take care of it, so I can have more time to focus on other aspects of the band. Abreaktion is growing!!!

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takes care about you?

Javier: Chaos Records handled the release of our EP. I had already worked with them on another project called "Deviants," where they released an EP, and I was really satisfied with their way of working and their ability to distribute the material both physically and online. This was why we contacted this label directly once the EP was ready. They liked what we had done, and we made the deal. So far, everything has been positive.

Which bands do you idolize and where do you get your inspiration?

Roran: The 80s and 90s marked a before and after in my life as a thrash metal listener. During that time, songs that are now considered classics emerged from bands like Kreator, Sodom, and Exodus. In particular, Kreator became my muse, with "Coma of Souls" being the most special album for my inspiration and composition. Secondly, there is Sodom, with their iconic album "Agent Orange." Later, I discovered that the legendary guitarist Frank Blackfire had worked on both albums. At the time, it seemed like a coincidence, but I later realized that his contribution to these bands was a great source of inspiration for me.

Did you send your record to some Labels? which are the labels? How was the response?

Javier: Regarding labels outside of Chile, we only sent it to Chaos Records because we were really convinced that they would do a good job. In Chile, we have been in talks with Dissonant Death Records and Sepulcro Prod, but we haven't closed any deals yet. Overall, we are happy with the reception the EP has had; many people are asking about it, and we are eager to prepare a live release date.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

Roran: Honestly, we have had few performances, although we can highlight different aspects in some of them. Without a doubt, the best was in Rancagua, an unforgettable show that I would like to repeat due to the warm reception from the people. There, we were able to deliver one of our best performances, and it was also our first time in a different city.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Roran: We continue working, although in a more discreet way. At least we try to incorporate a new song every two months in our next performances. As for material, we have something in limited distribution in mind, as we want the next thing we show to be a musically devastating explosion.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Javier: The quickest way to contact us is through the band's Instagram, "abreaktion," as it is the platform we check most frequently. For dealings with labels, gigs or press, ideally our email And for those who seek the insatiable desire for noise and hateful speed, attend our shows, because that’s where the brave are seen! And if you bring a beer, even better, hahaha.

Thanx for the interview.

Recenze/review - ABREAKTION - Bornhatred (2024):

úterý 16. července 2024

Recenze/review - ABREAKTION - Bornhatred (2024)

ABREAKTION - Bornhatred
EP 2024, Chaos Records

for english please scroll down

Poslední roky často přemýšlím, kde se bere v lidech tolik zla. Většinou to začíná nevinně. Mrtvá zvířata, pověšená na stromech, návštěva psychologa, žádní kamarádi. Divný pohled a velké problémy s matkou i otcem. Zrozeni k zabíjení? Prokletí? Přesto je někteří obdivují, uctívají a hltají každé jejich slovo. Dávají jim bestiální jména a ve snaze šokovat je jim jedno, jak se cítí pozůstalí. Žijeme v divném, pokřiveném světě. Možná, nebo právě proto, se rád čím dál tím častěji vracím do dob svého mládí, kdy kolem nebyl všemocný internet, lidé nekoukali jen do obrazovek. Ano, pořád sleduji i thrash metalovou scénu a když se objeví nějaká kapela, co mě zaujme, rád o ní napíšu.

ABREAKTION pocházejí z Chile. Letošní album "Bornhatred" je jejich debutem. Nenechte se ale mýlit, pod nahrávkou jsou podepsáni zkušení muzikanti (ADDICTION), kteří přesně vědí, co a jak chtějí hrát. Máte rádi syrový, temnou energií nabitý thrash metal staré školy? Potom jste zde správně. A tak se zase jednou usmívám, podupávám si nohou do rytmu a když se nikdo nedívá, tak provozuji headbanging. Tahle smečka je zrozena k zabíjení hudbou! Dávám známku vysoké kvality!


Nebudu se opakovat, jasně, že pánové nevymýšlejí nic nového. Vybrali si podobnou cestu jako kapely typu SACRIFICE, HOLLY TERROR, ARTILLERY, DEATHROW, ATROPHY. Mísí se tu vlivy klasického německého teutonic běsnění, ale i tradiční Bay Area éry. Líbí se mi, že jsou Chilané nejen prašiví a syroví, ale nebojí se i lehkých technických prvků. Dodává to skladbám větší šťávu a drive. Je to vlastně jednoduché, pokud tenhle styl bezezbytku uctíváte, neváhejte ani chvilku. Líbí se mi zvuk, který je jak vystřižený z přelomu osmdesátých a devadesátých let. Oceňuji i obal, který mě samozřejmě inspiroval k úvodu dnešní recenze. Je na něm novorozeně, které bude jednou zrozeno k zabíjení. Troufám si tvrdit, že u porodu bude hrát nové album "Bornhatred". A to pořádně nahlas. Musím zmínit i cover od DARK ANGEL, který je zahraný s náležitou úctou i silou. Takhle nějak by se to mělo dělat. Pánové přijdou středem, rozsekají vám na malé kusy a odejdou rovnou do pekla. Naživo to musí být pořádný masakr. Jsem moc rád, že mi podobné nahrávky chodí na recenze. Je pro mě velmi příjemné se vracet do dob mého mládí. Není v tom ale jenom nostalgie. Tahle smečka dokáže napsat poctivé skladby, které jen tak z hlavy nevyženete. Včera psali v novinách, že se naším městem toulá násilný vrah. Lidé se ohlížejí přes rameno a lekají se každého stínu. Až toho bastarda chytí, tak všichni budou litovat, že byl zrušen trest smrti. Cítím v kostech vztek, pomstěte se svým vlastním démonům! Nelze jinak, než vám album doporučit. Je totiž skvělé po všech stránkách. Starý, prašivý thrash metal, který vás roztrhá na kusy! Budete tančit na svých vlastních hrobech!


Asphyx says:

In recent years I have often wondered where so much evil comes from in people. It usually starts innocently. Dead animals hanging in trees, seeing a psychologist, no friends. Strange looks and big problems with mother and father. Born to kill? A curse? Yet some admire them, worship them, and devour their every word. They give them bestial names, and in their attempt to shock, they don't care how the survivors feel. We live in a strange, twisted world. Maybe, or maybe that's why, I like to return more and more to the days of my youth, when the internet wasn't all-powerful around, when people didn't just stare at screens. Yes, I still follow the thrash metal scene and when a band comes along that catches my attention, I like to write about it.

ABREAKTION are from Chile. This year's album "Bornhatred" is their debut. But make no mistake, the record is signed by experienced musicians (ADDICTION) who know exactly what and how they want to play. Do you like raw, dark energy-laden thrash metal of the old school? Then you are here right. And so I'm smiling once again, stomping my foot to the beat and headbanging when no one is looking. This pack was born to kill with music! I give it a high grade!

I won't repeat myself, clearly the gentlemen are not inventing anything new. They chose a similar path as bands like SACRIFICE, HOLLY TERROR, ARTILLERY, DEATHROW, ATROPHY. Mixing influences of classic German Teutonic fury, but also traditional Bay Area era. I like that the Chileans are not only dusty and raw, but not afraid of light technical elements. It gives the songs more juice and drive. It's actually simple, if you worship this style to no end, don't hesitate a moment. I like the sound, which is like something cut from the late 80s/early 90s. I also appreciate the cover art, which of course inspired me to start today's review. It features a newborn baby who will one day be born to kill. I dare say that the new album "Bornhatred" will play at the birth. And it's loud. I must also mention the cover by DARK ANGEL, which is played with due reverence and power. This is how it should be done. Gentlemen come in the middle, chop you into small pieces and go straight to hell. Live, it must be a real massacre. I'm very happy to have recordings like this coming in for review. It's very nice for me to go back to the days of my youth. But it's not just nostalgia. This bunch can write honest songs that you just can't get out of your head. Yesterday the paper said there's a violent killer roaming our town. People are looking over their shoulders, scared of every shadow. When they catch the bastard, they'll all be sorry the death penalty was abolished. I can feel the rage in my bones, take revenge on your own demons! I can't recommend the album enough. It's great in every way. Old, dusty thrash metal that will tear you apart! You'll dance on your own graves!

1. Empty Promises
2. Pyromaniac
3. Amnesia Chronicle
4. Mental Torture
5. Welcome to the Slaughterhouse [Dark Angel cover]

ABREAKTION on this recording are:
Roran Fatehatred - guitars/vocals
Javier Salgado - guitars/ drums
Sebastian Logan - bass

úterý 9. července 2024

Recenze/review - BLOOD FEAST - Infinite Evolution (2024)

BLOOD FEAST - Infinite Evolution
CD, LP, TAPE 2024, Hells Headbangers

for english please scroll down

Pokaždé, když mi připíjela na zdraví, tak jí odpadl kus masa z tváře. Usmívala se a mezi zuby se jí kroutily červi. Někdy jsem nevěděl, jestli je to jenom noční můra, děsivý sen. Jenže pak mě pohladila svými drápy a na těle mi zůstaly krvavé šrámy. Tělo mi chřadne a začínám věřit představě, že jednou ze mě bude stařec, co křičí na mraky. Než se tak ale stane, tak budu každý večer uléhat do své oblíbené rakve a poslouchat desky, jako je ta od BLOOD FEASTNew Jersey.

Zasvěcení a prokletí asi dávno vědí, že tahle smečka hraje pravověrný thrash metal. Psal se rok 1986, když byla kapela založena a i když došlo k pochopitelnému doplnění a obměně sestavy, pánové stále drží hrdě vlajku hrdě vztyčenou. Pamatujete, když jste se toulali městem s kazeťákem na zádech? Do jedné takové divoké party jsem tenkrát taky patřil. Všichni jsme zestárli, někteří již nejsou mezi námi, ale tahle hudba na mě stále funguje. Je totiž po okraj narvaná temnou energií. 

Poslouchat nové album "Infinite Evolution" je jako prosévat mezi prsty prach ze starého hrobu. Ostré riffy, jedovatý vokál, hororová atmosféra. Tohle všechno zamíchané v koktejlu, který když ochutnáte, tak zemřete krutou smrtí. Zajímavé je, že vám bude znít nová deska v hlavě ještě dlouho poté, co přejdete na druhou stranu. Dejte mi prosím někdo pivo, potřebuji skočit po zádech z pódia. Jasně ty vole, je v tom velký kus nostalgie, ale nenechte se mýlit. BLOOD FEAST jsou sice stejně staří psi, jako jsem já, ale pořád umí pořádně kousnout. Líbí se mi syrové melodie, ale hlavně chladná a zcela podmanivá atmosféra celé nahrávky. Zvuk, obal, vše je jak vystřižené z přelomu osmdesátých a devadesátých let minulého století. Archivní muzika, která je přesto stále svěží a živá. Ten tlak, nahrubo nasekaná tma, výraz a celkový dojem jsou neuvěřitelné. Máte rádi staré dobré DECEASED, DEMOLITION HAMMER, POSSESSED, DARK ANGEL, SLAYER, SODOM, KREATOR, MORBID SAINT, PROTECTOR? Pokud ano, tak určitě víte, o čem píšu, pokud ne, tak si prosím doplňte svoje hudební vzdělání. BLOOD FEAST jsou pro mě synonymem toho, co mám na tomhle stylu tolik rád. Takové ty neurvalé, rebelské, zuřivé nálady, které létají kolem jako hejno krkavců. Dostávám se postupně do stavu, kdy přestávám rozumět současnému světu. Utíkám každý večer na starý opuštěný hřbitov. Tady, v jedné plesnivé kobce je mi nejlépe. Pokaždé si otevřu pivo, posadím se ke stolu a zeptám se jí, jak je? Připije mi na zdraví a odpadne jí kus masa z tváře. Usmívá se a mezi zuby se jí kroutí červi. Někdy nevím, jestli je to jenom noční můra, děsivý sen. Jenže pak mě pohladí svými drápy a na těle mi zůstanou krvavé šrámy. Tělo mi chřadne a začínám věřit představě, že jednou ze mě bude stařec, co křičí na mraky. Starý, prašivý thrash metal, který se vám dostane do krve! Budete tančit vy i všichni nemrtví! Album s temně chladnou atmosférou! 

Asphyx says:

Every time she toasted me, a piece of meat fell off her cheek. She'd smile, and worms would wriggle between her teeth. Sometimes I didn't know if it was just a nightmare, a scary dream. But then she stroked me with her claws and left bloody welts on my body. My body wasted away, and I began to believe the idea that one day I would be an old man screaming at the clouds. But before that happens, I'll be lying in my favorite coffin every night, listening to records like this one from BLOOD FEAST in New Jersey.

The initiated and the damned have probably known for a long time that this pack plays true thrash metal. The year was 1986 when the band was formed and although there have been understandable additions and line-up changes, the gentlemen still hold the flag proudly flying. Remember when you used to wander around town with a tape recorder on your back? I was part of one such wild bunch back then. We've all gotten older, some of us are no longer with us, but this music still works for me. It's full to the brim with dark energy. 

Listening to the new album "Infinite Evolution" is like sifting the dust from an old grave between your fingers. Sharp riffs, venomous vocals, horror atmosphere. All this mixed in a cocktail that when you taste it, you'll die a cruel death. Interestingly, the new record will be playing in your head long after you've crossed over to the other side. Somebody get me a beer, I need to jump off the stage. Yeah, dude, there's a lot of nostalgia in there, but make no mistake. BLOOD FEAST are dogs as old as I am, but they can still bite. I like the raw melodies, but most of all the cool and completely captivating atmosphere of the whole record. The sound, the cover art, everything is like a cut out from the late 80's/early 90's. Archival music that is still fresh and alive. The pressure, the rough-hewn darkness, the expression and the overall feel are incredible. Do you like good old DECEASED, DEMOLITION HAMMER, POSSESSED, DARK ANGEL, SLAYER, SODOM, KREATOR, MORBID SAINT, PROTECTOR? If you do, then you definitely know what I'm writing about, if not, then please supplement your musical education. BLOOD FEAST are synonymous for me with what I love so much about this style. The kind of rambunctious, rebellious, furious moods that fly around like a flock of ravens. I'm gradually getting to the point where I no longer understand the world today. I run every night to the old abandoned cemetery. Here, in a mouldy dungeon, is where I feel best. Every time I open a beer, sit down at the table and ask her how she is? She toasts me and a piece of meat falls off her cheek. She smiles and worms wriggle between her teeth. Sometimes I don't know if it's just a nightmare, a scary dream. But then she caresses me with her claws and leaves bloody welts on my body. My body goes limp, and I start to believe that one day I'll be an old man screaming at the clouds. Old, dusty thrash metal that gets in your blood! You and all the undead will dance! An album with a dark, cold atmosphere!


01. Crafting Carnage
02. Ravaging The Loins of Mary
03. Never Will I Die
04. Of Hell
05. Eye Of Glass
06. Outbreak
07. The Preacher
08. Evilution
09. The Chosen

BLOOD FEAST lineup 2024
Adam Tranquilli – guitars/vocals
CJ Scioscia – guitars
Dave Kramer – bass
Adam Kieffer – drums

pondělí 17. června 2024

Recenze/review - DESOLUS - System Shock (2024)

DESOLUS - System Shock
CD, LP, TAPE 2024, Hells Headbangers

for english please scroll down

Včera jsi toho hodně vypil a bolí tě hlava. Vstaneš a napiješ se vody. Vyzvracíš předchozí večer a vzbudíš holku, co jsi s ní spal. Připadala ti o hodně hezčí, co si pamatuješ. V malém baru za městem, ve kterém hráli maniaci DESOLUS. Přemýšlíš, kolikrát si tohle už všechno zažil. Měl by ses uklidnit, najít si dobrou práci a zařadit se do davu. Místo toho piješ levné pivo, balíš všechny ženský a flákáš se. Dnes je ale něco jinak. Koukneš se z okna a vidíš jenom spálenou zemi. Moc vás nepřežilo. 

Hrát thrash metal tak, aby mi vystřelil mozek z hlavy, aby mě přikoval k reproduktorům, je velmi těžké. Poslouchám tenhle styl již dlouhé roky a hodně si vybírám. DESOLUS mě ale ihned přesvědčili na svoji stranu. Nové album je totiž ostré, divoké, šílené, devastující. Přesně takhle to mám rád. Ať klidně kolem mě shoří celý svět, dokud bude někdo hrát tímto způsobem, budu jej podporovat. Amen!


O tom, že naše země bude zničena, si už vyprávějí celé galaxie. Kdysi schopný a šikovný druh se vydal na cestu sebedestrukce. Tohle je muzika pro všechny pravověrné, ortodoxní, pro všechny, kteří uctívají staré SODOM, KREATOR, PROTECTOR, DARK ANGEL, MASSACRA. MERCILESS, MORBID SAINT, HYPNOSIA. Zkrátka a dobře, pokud ve vaší krvi koluje thrash metal a přísahali jste kdysi na rychlé riffy, jedovatý vokál a devastující bicí, budete spokojeni jako já. Mám chuť skočit rovnou do mosh-pitu. Ve skladbách je obsaženo velké množství temné energie, touha vás roztrhat na kusy. Nutno rovnou dodat, že se to americkým maniakům daří na výbornou. Zvuk, obal, vše je podřízeno jedinému - zabít vás hudbou. Nikdo by neřekl, že Satan jednou přiletí na vesmírné lodi a začne šířit  zlo mezi námi. Věděli to jen zasvěcení, jenom ti, kteří poslouchali "System Shock". Je to album, které je po okraj narvané temnými myšlenkami, je divoké, neurvalé, hnisající, jako dlouho zanícený vřed. Ulicemi se toulají ještě trošku živí lidé. Mají před sebou obrazovky a jinak nic nevnímají. Netuší, že je ovládá samotný ďábel. Utíkám pryč, daleko od všeho, zavírám se do klubu se stejně prokletými, jako jsem já sám. Čekám na první kapelu. Na pódium vylezou DESOLUS a potom mi je už všechno jedno. Pokládám svoje pivo na víko od rakve, abych obejmul tu nejhezčí holku v baru. Nové album je jako jízda na horské dráze, která končí samozřejmě v pekle. Jinak to ani nejde, jsme totiž s DESOLUS stejné krve. Přemýšlím, kolikrát jsem tohle už všechno zažil. Měl bych ses uklidnit, najít si dobrou práci a zařadit se do davu. Místo toho piju levné pivo, balím všechny ženský a flákám se. Dnes je ale něco jinak. Kouknu se z okna a vidím jenom spálenou zemi. Moc vás nepřežilo. Temný, ďábelský thrash metal ze staré školy, který je ostrý jako břitva! Spalující žár nadcházející apokalypsy!

Asphyx says:

You had a lot to drink last night and your head hurts. You get up and get a drink of water. You throw up the night before and wake up the girl you slept with. She seemed a lot prettier than you remember. In a little bar outside of town where the maniacs played DESOLUS. You wonder how many times you've been through all this. You should calm down, get a good job and join the crowd. Instead, you're drinking cheap beer, hitting on all the women and hanging out. But today is different. You look out the window and all you see is scorched earth. Not many of you survived. 

Playing thrash metal in a way that blows my brains out, that puts me on the speakers, is very hard. I've been listening to this style for many years and I'm very picky. But DESOLUS immediately convinced me to their side. The new album is sharp, wild, crazy, devastating. That's how I like it. Let the whole world burn around me, as long as someone plays this way, I will support them. Amen!

Whole galaxies are already talking about our country being destroyed. A once capable and skilled species has embarked on a path of self-destruction. This is music for all the orthodox, the orthodox, for all who worship the old SODOM, KREATOR, PROTECTOR, DARK ANGEL, MASSACRA. MERCILESS, MORBID SAINT, HYPNOSIA. In short, if thrash metal runs in your blood and you once swore by fast riffs, venomous vocals and devastating drums, you'll be as happy as I am. I feel like jumping straight into a mosh pit. There's a lot of dark energy in the songs, a desire to tear you apart. It must be added that the American maniacs manage to do it perfectly. The sound, the cover, everything is subordinated to one thing - to kill you with music. No one would have guessed that Satan would one day arrive on a spaceship and start spreading evil among us. Only insiders knew, only those who listened to "System Shock". It's an album that's filled to the brim with dark thoughts, it's wild, unrelenting, festering, like a long-inflamed ulcer. There are still people wandering the streets, still a little alive. They have screens in front of them, and otherwise they don't perceive anything. They have no idea that the devil himself is in control. I'm running away, away from everything, locking myself in a club with the same damned as myself. Waiting for the first band. DESOLUS take the stage and then I don't care anymore. I put my beer on the coffin lid to hug the prettiest girl in the bar. The new album is like a roller coaster ride that ends in hell, of course. It's the only way, because DESOLUS and I are of the same blood. I wonder how many times I've been through all this. I should calm down, get a good job and join the crowd. Instead, I'm drinking cheap beer, picking up all the women and hanging out. But today is different. I look out the window and all I see is scorched earth. Not many of you survived. Dark, evil, old-school thrash metal that's razor-sharp! The searing heat of the coming apocalypse!


1. System Shock
2. From Man To Machine
3. Curse Of The Technomancer
4. Metal Fetishist
5. The Arrival (Of Evil)
6. The Invasion Begins
7. Interlude
8. Sea Of Fire
9. The Sigilite
10. Panopticon

středa 5. června 2024

Recenze/review - HOLYCIDE - Towards Idiocracy (2024)

HOLYCIDE - Towards Idiocracy
CD 2024, Xtreem Music

for english please scroll down

Kluci, co spolu ještě nedávno chodili na pivo, se nesnáší na život a na smrt. Stačilo několik slov na sociálních sítích, které si začaly žít vlastním životem. Každé ráno vstaneš a vidíš kolem sebe tupý dav. Jak hltají nesmysly na obrazovkách. Ovládání na dálku, nenávist stoupá. Musíš se přidat na jednu stranu, musíš vyjádřit svůj názor. Všude jenom jed, špína a hnus, které vyhřezly odněkud z našeho podvědomí. Jsem stará škola a už toho mám plný zuby. Jdu raději na pivo a pouštím si alba jako je to nové od španělských maniaků HOLYCIDE

Kdysi dávno, když jsem byl ještě mladý a svět se točil úplně jiným způsobem, jsem podobnou hudbu poslouchal. Chodili jsme s partou ven, kouřili na rohu a na ramenou jsme mívali kazeťák. Říkali nám vagabundi a rebelovali jsme proti všemu. Proti systému, proti všem. Když se ohlédnu za sebou, příliš se toho za ty roky nezměnilo. Jen máme lepší technologie k tomu, jak naštvat lidi. A tak si dávám další pivo a oceňuji, že jsou ještě kapely jako HOLYCIDE. Které mě umí přikovat ke zdi svým poctivým a ostrým thrash metalem. 

Pánové sice nepřinášejí nic nového, ani převratného, ale to vůbec nevadí. Důležitá je pro mě energie, tlak, nakumulovaný vztek. Zkrátka a dobře všechny ty věci, které k dobrému thrash metalu patří. Když je potom přidán řezající zvuk, stylový obal, kývám se spokojeně do rytmu, bouchám pěstí do stolu a nakonec tančím po pokoji, jako zasažený elektrickým proudem. Přesně takhle to mám rád, přesně tenhle druh muziky koluje i v mých žilách, říkám svému kamarádovi a zvu jej do hospody. Jenže on nejde, on raději sedí doma a hltá další nesmysly z obrazovek. Říkám mu hele, vybodni se na to, raději přidej volume jako já. Stárneme čím dál tím rychleji a nestíháme svět kolem nás. Ještě, že existuje hudba, které mě nejen dokáže uklidnit, ale také vyčistit hlavu. Potřebuji pevný bod ve vesmíru, nějakou jistotu, asi jako každý. HOLYCIDE mi přesně tohle dávají. A přinášejí mi to velmi stylově a opravdově. Vše je ohlodáno na kost, syrové a špinavé. K tomu si připočtěte texty, kterým rozumím a máme tu album, které nelze nemít rád. Španělé zkrátka mluví i mojí řečí, jsou nastaveným zrcadlem. Nevím, jak to se světem dopadne, ale někdy si říkám, že staří autoři sci-fi měli v mnohém pravdu. A právě proto vypínám čím dál tím častěji všechny sítě světa a pouštím si do sluchátek "Towards Idiocracy". Album je totiž silné ve všech svých aspektech. Je surové i melodické, má jasný cíl. Zasáhnout vás na solar plexus. Kluci, co spolu ještě nedávno chodili na pivo, se nesnáší na život a na smrt. Stačilo několik slov na sociálních sítích, které si začaly žít vlastním životem. Každé ráno vstaneš a vidíš kolem sebe tupý dav. Jak hltají nesmysly na obrazovkách. Ovládání na dálku, nenávist stoupá. Musíš se přidat na jednu stranu, musíš vyjádřit svůj názor. Všude jenom jed, špína a hnus, které vyhřezly odněkud z našich podvědomí. Syrový, divoký, vzteklý thrash metal ze staré školy, který vám očistí vaše zkažené myšlenky! Roztrhni své řetězy!

Asphyx says:

Guys who were having a beer together not long ago are on life-and-death terms. It only took a few words on social media for them to take on a life of their own. You get up every morning and you see a dumb crowd around you. as they devour the nonsense on their screens. Remote control, the hatred rises. You have to take sides, you have to voice your opinion. There's just poison, filth and filth that's been spewed from somewhere in our subconscious. I'm old school and I'm sick of it. I prefer to go for a beer and listen to albums like the new one from Spanish maniacs HOLYCIDE

Once upon a time, when I was young and the world was spinning in a completely different way, I used to listen to music like this. We used to go out with a bunch of us, smoke on the corner and have a tape recorder on our shoulders. We were called vagabonds and we rebelled against everything. Against the system, against everyone. Looking back, not much has changed over the years. We just have better technology to piss people off. So I'm having another beer and I appreciate that there are still bands like HOLYCIDE. Who can drive me up the wall with their honest, hard-hitting thrash metal. 

The gentlemen do not bring anything new or groundbreaking, but that does not matter at all. What matters to me is the energy, the pressure, the accumulated anger. In short, all the things that belong to good thrash metal. Then, when the cutting sound is added, the stylish cover, I sway contentedly to the beat, pound my fist on the table, and end up dancing around the room like I've been electrocuted. This is exactly how I like it, this is exactly the kind of music that runs through my veins too, I tell my friend, inviting him to the pub. But he won't go, he'd rather sit at home and devour more nonsense from the screens. I say to him, hey, knock it off, you better turn up the volume like me. We're getting older faster and faster and we can't keep up with the world around us. Good thing there is music that can not only calm me down but also clear my head. I need a fixed point in the universe, some certainty, I guess like everyone. HOLYCIDE gives me exactly that. And they bring it to me in a very stylish and genuine way. It's all gnawed to the bone, raw and dirty. Add to that lyrics that I understand and you have an album that is impossible not to like. The Spaniards, in short, speak my language too, they are a mirror set. I don't know how the world will turn out, but sometimes I think the old science fiction writers were right in many ways. And that's why, more and more often, I turn off all the networks of the world and play "Towards Idiocracy" in my headphones. The album is strong in all its aspects. It's raw and melodic, it has a clear goal. To hit you in the solar plexus. Guys who used to go out for a beer not long ago hate each other to death. It only took a few words on social media to take on a life of their own. Every morning you get up and see a dumb crowd around you. as they devour the nonsense on their screens. Remote control, the hatred rises. You have to take sides, you have to voice your opinion. There's just poison, filth and filth that's been spewed from somewhere in our subconscious. Raw, savage, angry old school thrash metal that will cleanse your corrupt thoughts! Break your chains!


01. A.I. Supremacy
02. Towards Idiocracy
03. Remote Control
04. Lie Is The New Truth
05. Power Corrupts
06. Technophobia
07. Angry For Nothing
08. Chemical Dependency [Atrophy cover]
09. Pleased To Be Deceived
10. Flamethrower 'Em All

Dave Rotten - Vocals
Vicente J. Payá - Bass
Salva Esteban - Guitar
Ankor Ramírez - Guitar
Santi ‘GoG’ Arroyo - Drums

úterý 4. června 2024

Interview - DEAD HEAD - Totally devastating thrash death metal that will grind you to dust! You'll be gnawed to the bone!

Interview with death thrash metal band from Netherlands - DEAD HEAD.

Interview with Robert Woning, guitar in Dead Head, thank you!

Recenze/review - DEAD HEAD - Shadow Soul (2024):
Ave DEAD HEAD! Greetings to Holland, hope you are doing well. I must admit that I was really looking forward to your new album "Shadow Soul". I met the band for the first time in Poland at a stock exchange, where we bought everything that had an interesting cover. And that's how I came across the album "The Feast Begins at Dawn". It was a pirated cassette recording, a couple of songs were missing, but you guys became my heart band anyway. Listening to the new record brought it all back to me. The sound and production is a bit more modern, but otherwise it's like the old days. Was that the point?

Thanks. I think ever since we started working with our current producer Erwin Hermsen, we got a more modern sound. That has a lot to do with some of his influences (from other producers). Just like musicians, sound engineers also have their examples, people they think create a great sound.

To me, having a more modern sound is not neccessarily a bad thing. Our music is still old style thrash, but in my opinion there is no need to bundle that with an 80ies underground production. I’m sure some diehards would love that, but there’s other bands already doing the nostalgic thing really well. I think it’s nice that people can actually hear what we play these days.

As for the pirated cassette version of our debut album… I know it exists, but I never knew that it was missing songs. It might be because it was taken from the LP-version. The LP had fewer songs than the CD.

I'll admit that when I first saw the cover of the new album, I was a bit shocked. A hooded figure with his hands and face covered in fire. I'm used to a lot of things, I listen to brutal death metal, but the motive has something. It makes me uneasy, I have to keep taking the CD in my hands and looking at it. The author is Vladimir Chebakov from Russia. How did you get together with him and how does the cover relate to the music?

Well, Vladimir is not yet our ‘Derek Riggs’, but we do think his eerie art fits our music really well. He makes great stuff. As for the process of chosing a cover… Unlike some other bands, we usually don’t have a huge concept in our heads for album covers. In our case we usually just check out finished designs by some artists and pick one that we think fits the music or album title. Shadow Soul is the second Chebakov-cover that we used. And if you ask me, it won’t be the last that he made for us.

I've always been fascinated by the sound of your old recordings. You were always cold, sharp, dark, you had the feeling of standing knee-deep in icy water and absolute darkness all around. But times have changed, technology has changed, we have the internet. How was the album "Shadow Soul" made, what studio did you record in? It's probably not true, but for me the recording has an analogue feel, it sounds really "old and fresh" at the same time.

Wow, quite a description you are giving there. I never thought about it like that. The freshness probably comes from recording the basics live and not retrying a song too many times. Shadow Soul was again recorded at Toneshed Studio in the south of Holland. Erwin Hermsen is the owner and he’s able to capture our wild music well. He also really understands band dynamics and is able to adapt to that very well.

Before that, we usually worked with Berthus Westerhuis. A well seasoned producer from The Netherlands who did many classic nineties death metal demo’s and album with bands from The Netherlands. Berthus was also a person that really insisted that we record things live. Our Kill Division album and also Swine Plague really have that live feel, just like our first studio demo that we also did in Berthus’ studio back in the nineties. Another factor is probably that we usually record our music just like we would perform it live. So... no keyboards, girlfriends on vocals or saxophone. Just guitars, bass, drums and raw vocals.

"Shadow Soul" is an album that captivated me mainly because of its atmosphere. I like when good old death metal is combined with thrash and darkness. A band has to have its own expression, a face if you will, and you have a really distinctive one. How does DEAD HEAD compose new material? I mean now the birth of the new material itself. The whole record is built on really great riffs.

Well thank you. Your analysis of our music contains some good points. Riffs have always been very important to us. Sometimes we concentrated on that so much, that we forgot that we also need a chorus or repeating theme to actually make it a song. The death metal influence can easily be explained by the fact that both guitar players in our band listen to death metal way more than thrash. And the atmosphere… well, I really think that we allowed ourselves a bit more freedom for this last release. We used some ideas that we didn’t dare to put on a full lenght album before. But since this would be somewhat of an ‘in between‘-release… we took on the attitude of ‘anything is allowed‘. So we have a lot of slower and more dark parts in the music this time.

About our writing mode: For the last few albums, it has mostly been one guitar player that wrote a song together with our drummer Hans Spijker. And after that, the singer usually rearranges some parts before he added vocals. For the next album, we really wanna start writing as a band again.

What did the return of Ralph de Boer behind the microphone mean for the band? You guys are a band that had multiple singers. I think you'll agree with me that the vocals are another instrument, and for everyone, including you, it's a prominent element in the music. Ralph has done a great job, I'll happily sign off on that (he's also great in my favorites BODYFARM). Still, I think he's the only member who hasn't been in the band since their early days. Why him and how did he fit into the band?

Well… let me first say that I would have prefered to always play with the same singer. That would have been a bit more consistent than changing them around every few years. But our old singer left the band several times, and more than one time this happened during the making of an album, which -of course- is not the best timing for a band. So when this happened during the writing and recording of Slave Driver, we were once again in that situation. And because we had made one album before with Ralph and were really happy with his performance on Depression Tank, there was really only one guy that we considered.

But there was one problem this time: Ralph was also in Bodyfarm, a really cool and promising death metal band from NL. Still, Ralph really liked the idea of joining us again. And to my great relief, the other guys in Bodyfarm gave it their thumbs up. Because they wanted Dead Head to continu and hear a few more albums from us. And am still very thankful to them for that.

Please tell us what the lyrics on "Shadow Soul" are about and where you get your inspiration for them. Who is the author? Do you stick to tried and tested themes, like criticism of blind faith, destruction of the human mind? What is the main purpose, direction and lyrical content of the album?

Dead Head lyrics often start with the idea for a song title/theme or sometimes a play of words. Psychology, religion and world downfall seem to be recurring themes in our lyrics. On the new EP, for instance, the song Caverns Of Fate is about that we all have a primitive and uncivilized side of our nature in ourselves. This is a part of us that we would like to hide, because we are not aware of it.

Traditionally our lyrics were written by our other guitar player Ronnie van der Wey. But since his return, Ralph has also greatly contributed to the lyrics. Him and Ronnie really have a good working situation, arranging the lyrics together and inspiring eachother.

I usually don’t write lyrics. But on Shadow Soul, I did a few lines for a song called The Run. And I did come up with the title of the first single The Age Of Hype, which is about how the world changed during the pandemic and how every body seems to need to chose sides and be part of the latest hype.

I'm an old metal dog and most of my dreams came true a long time ago, but DEAD HEAD is one of the bands I haven't seen live yet. I didn't make it in the 90s and now I have a lot of other obligations. Can we look forward to some of your touring in support of the new album? How are DEAD HEAD doing with touring at the moment?

We played countless single shows in our 35 year existence, but we only did some real touring in the first half of the nineties. These days, we all have other obligations that kind of prevent us from really going out on the road for weeks. Aside from our jobs, Ralph also plays and tours a lot with Bodyfarm. And our drummer is also playing in a band that does many weekend shows.

However… We do have some cool shows coming up. Like opening for Kerry King in June in the Netherlands. We’re also playing a big festival in Belgium in November with Vltimas, Dark Tranquillity, Primordial, Sodom and Triptykon. Plus we’re doing the warm up show for the Eindhoven Metal Meeting this year.

From Holland I like ASPHYX, SINISTER, THANATOS, SOULBURN of course, but they are all old bands. How does the scene work in your country nowadays? Do you go to clubs, festivals? And can you recommend some of your bands?

The Dutch bands that everybody remembers from the 90ies were really just the tip of the iceberg from a very creative and flourishing scene. Our friend Steven Willems from Belgium actually dedicated a book to it that is an interesting read.

For me… Brain Implosion was one of the best bands ever to come from Holland. I also loved Sempiternal Deathreign, Obtruncation and a ton others that you might have never heard of. Severe Torture should have become world famous. They were so damn talented from the start on. Entrapment was another great death metal band from NL. Unfortunately the founder broke up that band, because he thought they were becoming too populair. Then he started a new OSDM band called Savage, that again kicks ass.

These days there are many talented bands as well. Deadspeak is a great younger band that I would like to mention. Very talented and sympathetic guys.

I don't want to flatter you, but from the promo photos you look like a nice bunch of guys. Your music gives off an air of detachment, a mutual chemistry between the musicians. Is it really like that in real life? Do you sometimes go out for a beer, party together, meet families, etc.?

The chemistry is definately there and helps creating this music. We’re really feeding off eachother. But funny enough we don’t really hang out together too much privately anymore. We are friends but we usually only meet for musical reasons. Outside the band everybody just has too many other things going on. So the other contact between us is usually through whatsapp, mail and phone. :-)

We're coming to the end and I'm wondering what DEAD HEAD are up to in the next few months? I've already asked about tours and gigs, but what about new music? Are you composing, do you have any ideas yet?

We have 5 songs ready for the next album, and we have an archive with 30+ years worth of unfinished songs. So I’m pretty sure we will be putting together some more albums in the near future.

Thank you so much for the interview, I really appreciate it. I'm actually fulfilling my dreams from my youth. I wish you a lot of inspiration and all the best in your personal life as well. Thank you for many great moments with your music! DEAD HEAD FOREVER!

Well, thanks for so many kind words. I feel honored and humbled. We will do our best to make some more raging and furious music.

Recenze/review - DEAD HEAD - Shadow Soul (2024):

Recenze/review - DEAD HEAD - Slave Driver (2022):
