Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemavantgarde. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemavantgarde. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

středa 3. dubna 2024

Report, photos, video - REPLICANT, ANACHRONISM - club Modrá Vopice, Prague - 2. 4. 2024

Author of photos - Jakub Asphyx (

kompletní fotogalerie zde / all photos here:

Zdravím přátelé a kamarádi, zdravím i všechny ostatní, kteří máte rádi extrémní muziku. Dovolte mi, abych vás pozval k jednomu z posledních reportů, které budu psát já, člověk z masa a kostí. Asi jste si všimli, že v dnešní době naši nelehkou "práci" přebírá umělá inteligence. Za chvilku nebudeme ani muset nikam chodit. Nechám si nastřelit do hlavy čip a zbytek obstarají programy. Ono taky, poslední roky jsem si všiml, že nikdo o muzice ani nechce psát. Mladí sledují už jen sociální sítě a těch pár starých bručounů je stejně dávno odsouzeno k zapomenutí. Minule, když jsem byl na jednom koncertě, hodnotil tam pan reportér (nebo to psala umělá inteligence?), špatný způsob, jakým mají v kapele sladěné oblečení. Sám sice vypadal jak z lesklého katalogu od Nuclear Blast, ale to už zkrátka patří k dnešním trendům. Spousta lidí je uzavřena jen ve svých ulitách a má jediný správný názor. Přiznávám, že mě to takhle nebaví.

Já mám rád smrad nevětraných klubů, opilé dívky s rozmazanými šminkami, muzikanty, se kterými je ještě pořád sranda a fanoušky, kteří jsou tolerantní. Sám nemám rád uječený heavy metal ani ultra true pagan black a tak na něj nechodím. Ale ani jej nikde nehaním, nepomlouvám (srandu si ale dělat můžu, že jo?). Je mi to zkrátka buřt. Mám svých starostí dost. Na REPLICANT jsem vlastně neměl ani vyrazit. Píšu přeci jen o trošku jiné hudbě (ano, tahle země není dávno pro starý). Moji čtenáři budou mnohými označeni potupným názvem boomeři. Nemají tik tok a nechovají se podle nových pravidel pro metalisty. Kurva lidi, neblbněte, já měl extrémní hudbu rád právě proto, že se v ní nikdo nepřetvařoval, na nic si nehrál, netahal do ní politiku a jiný sračky. Nechte nás žít! 

O REPLICANT píšu od jejich počátků. Mám je rád. Jsou syroví, suroví, ale zároveň techničtí přesně takovým tím temným a naléhavým smrtícím způsobem. Jsou daleko od všech těch ekvilibristů, kteří se poslední roky všude odněkud vynořili. A tak jsem jel. Prostě jsem si koupil vstupenku, jízdenku na vlak z Plzně a zpět, prodloužil si volno po Velikonocích v práci a v úterý k večeru už jsem stepoval na nádraží a čekal na rychlík. Cestou proti mě seděla slečna, co celou dobu leštila obrazovku svého Iphonu. Neustále se usmívala a posílala, jako dalších milion stejných v tento moment, svoji krásu do celého světa. Včera jsem viděl jednu ještě hezčí, dráždivější. Vytvořila ji také umělá inteligence. Když jsem na Smíchově vystupoval, přeběhl mi mráz po zádech. Copak o to, já už to nějak doklepu, ale mladým tenhle svět fakt nezávidím. Dám si pivo v plechu a tím pádem se degraduji mezi špinavou ulici. Nejdu nikam do knajpy, ani neobdivuji exotická piva ve vitrínách. V metru se nebaví ani lidé, co se  spolu znají a bydlí. Krásný nový svět, co sis oblékl, když si vyrazil na koncert? Vlastně ani nevím, jsem starý chlápek, co mu to je u prdele.

Když jezdím na koncerty sám, tak mi pokaždé pracuje fantazie na plné obrátky. Mám čas si dělat poznámky do telefonu, odpočívám se sluchátky na uších. Nedávno jsem sepsal recenzi na novou desku REPLICANT ("Infinite Mortality", kterou publikuji v brzké době, datum vydání během dubna). Dal jsem si ji do uší i na cestu. Musím z metra pěšky. A tak si vykračuji, těším se a jsem moc zvědavý, jestli někdo vůbec přijde. Podobné akce nebývají z nejnavštěvovanějších. Je to přeci jen underground, který vyžaduje fanoušky, co scénu sledují. Těch je jako šafránu. Rád bych se mýlil, inu uvidíme. Kupuji si pivo a aspoň vím, co s rukama. Představa, že tu stojím jen tak, na sucho, mě poměrně děsí. Připadal bych si jak panic v bordelu. Pořád jedu metal, vole. Až už to nepůjde, tak si koupím psa a budu zpovzdálí z lesa sledovat, jak si to kapely rozdávají s umělou inteligencí v prázdných sálech.

Čekám, popíjím, jsem zvědavý na první kapelu. Je naladěno. Na pódiu i u mě. Můžeme začít!

ANACHRONISM - byla to vlastně taková progresivní, technická, jazzová meditace. Objevování nových oblastí a sfér. Inteligentně složená hudba od skvělých muzikantů, kteří navíc u toho přemýšleli. Přiznám se, že jsem si dopředu neposlech ani notu a tak jsem byl rovnou zasažen, smeten. Bylo to neklidné, divoké, vznešené a mocné, zároveň syrové. Nevím proč, ale najednou jsem nebyl v malém klubu uprostřed Prahy, ale někde v horách, ve staré jeskyni, ve které se probudilo pradávné zlo. Švýcaři jej vzali, vypálili do mé hlavy a já pak odcházel s myšlenkami pokroucenými a bolestivými. Za mě se vystoupení opravdu povedlo. Mělo v sobě velké množství energie, tlaku a magických emocí. Padal jsem do hlubiny prokletý jejich hudbou! Opravdu, tohle byla death metalová symfonie, ostrá kakofonie z jiných světů. Dávám všechny palce nahoru! Vynikající!

It was actually a kind of progressive, technical, jazz meditation. Discovering new areas and realms. Intelligently composed music by great musicians who also thought about it. I confess that I didn't listen to a note beforehand and so I was hit straight away, swept away. It was restless, wild, sublime and powerful, yet raw at the same time. I don't know why, but suddenly I was not in a small club in the middle of Prague, but somewhere in the mountains, in an old cave where an ancient evil had awakened. The Swiss took it, burned it into my head, and then I left with my thoughts twisted and painful. For my part, the show was a real success. It had a lot of energy, pressure and magical emotion. I was falling into the depths cursed by their music! Really, this was a death metal symphony, a stark cacophony from other worlds. I give all thumbs up! Excellent!

REPLICANT - jakoby před námi kapela otevřela lebku někoho prokletého. Veřejná pitva plná temnoty, disonance, techniky, avantgardy. Nezapomínalo se ale ani na zlobu, chlad, na šílenství, které se ukrývá hluboko v každém z nás. Vlastně jsem dopředu vůbec nevěděl, jak na mě bude tahle smečka působit naživo. Přenést jejich hudbu na pódium musí být velmi těžké. Ale povedlo se to na výbornou. Stál jsem ve stínu a chvílemi mi připadalo, že ke mě ztéká dolů zkažená krev. Věděl, jsem, že to bude bolet, ale že až takhle? Byl jsem smeten, užíval jsem si jednotlivé nápady, pochmurnou a děsivou atmosféru. Měl jsem pocit, že mi kapela provedla trepanaci lebky, že mi vytrhla vnitřnosti z těla a donutila mě je sníst. Perfektně zahrané, mělo to drive a sílu, mělo to obrovský tlak. Američané otiskli do mé mysli negativitu, provedli exhumaci mých děsivých myšlenek. Odcházel jsem zničený a spokojený. Klaním se až k zemi, skvělý výkon. Progresivní, technický death metal s temným otiskem!


It's like the band opened the skull of someone cursed in front of us. A public autopsy full of darkness, dissonance, technique, avant-garde. But the anger, the coldness, the madness that hides deep inside each of us was not forgotten. In fact, I didn't know beforehand how this pack would affect me live. It must be very difficult to bring their music to the stage. But they did it perfectly. I was standing in the shadows and at times it felt like bad blood was pouring down to me. I knew it was going to hurt, but like this? I was swept away, enjoying the individual ideas, the gloomy and eerie atmosphere. I felt like the band had performed a trepanation of my skull, that they had ripped my insides out of my body and forced me to eat them. Perfectly played, it had drive and power, it had a huge amount of pressure. The Americans imprinted my mind with negativity, exhumed my terrifying thoughts. I walked away devastated and satisfied. I bow down to the ground, a great performance. Progressive, technical death metal with a dark imprint!

Návštěvnost nakonec nebyla tak špatná, jak jsem si myslel. Těch skoro padesát fanoušků navíc dokázalo vytvořit skvělou atmosféru. Přesně takové akce mám nejraději. Přišli jen ti, které hudba doopravdy zajímala. Organizačně bylo vše v absolutním pořádku. V pohodě byl i zvuk, snad jen u ANACHRONISM byl trošku upozaděný vokál zpěvačky. To je ale jen drobnost. 

Nemůžu se zde příliš zdržovat. Jen jsem si takříkajíc odskočil od plotny (pozvání na pivo a rum ale ještě stihnu a děkuji za něj). Chápejte. Noční vlaky jsou tu od toho, aby mě z podobných akcí vozily. Nebýt jich, tak sedím doma. Dneska jsou lidi líní, stárnou a nikam se jim nechce. Mě třeba taky už tolik ne, ale zatím se ještě dokážu donutit. Mám prostě pořád rád ten randál, ten řev, tu energii. Možná patřím k mohykánům, k mamutům, kteří už jsou dávno mimo mísu, nemoderní, out, blbě oblečený, šedivý, s nadváhou (tuhle někdo někde psal, že prý dokonce naše generace už i špatně děkuje a tleská kapelám po skladbách, mondieu!). Ale pořád jsem ještě tady. Dnes mě to fakt bavilo. Bylo to zase něco jiného. Bez dlouhé hospody předtím, bez spousty kamarádů. Ale i tak jsem si koncert moc užil. Dokonce tak, že jsem si ráno přivstal, udělal fotky, sepsal pár řádek. Já vím, už jsem dávno přežitý. Ale jiný už nebudu. Tak a teď to zkus, ty děvko jedna umělá, inteligentní. Zkus to takhle napsat. Mějte se hezky, děkuji vám za pozornost a nenechte se vším tím pozérstvím a kecama, které se bohužel dostávají i do undergroundu, odradit. Pořád to stojí za to! Buďte opravdoví, buďte reální a oblékejte se, jak chcete! Ať vaše kroky provází síla. Děkuji za pozornost. 

Dnešní report je věnován všem, kteří kdysi psali a dnes už na to nemají nervy, čas, ani náladu. Mnozí z vás pro mě byli vzorem, mnozí mi vždy dokázali zvednout náladu. Bylo to moc fajn! Některé zničil nezájem, jiné zástupy nenávistných v diskuzích. Děkuji vám, že jste byli a že jsem vás ještě stihl v dobách vaší největší slávy, vy živí lidé. Pomněte!


neděle 25. února 2024

Recenze/review - MADDER MORTEM - Old Eyes, New Heart (2024)

MADDER MORTEM - Old Eyes, New Heart
CD 2024, Dark Essence Records

for english please scroll down

Někdy se dostanu do stavu, kdy chci být sám. To potom sedím v koutě a prosévám mezi prsty prach. Přemýšlím o světě, pokouším se zastavit čas. Čtu knížky, ve kterých je pravda i bolest. Není to smutek, ani deprese. Spíše mi všechno kolem připadá rychlé, šílené a podivné. Nebo jsem jiný já? Občas je dobré se zastavit a srovnat si myšlenky v hlavě. V těchto případech je pro mě velmi důležitá hudba. Už zase se těším, až přijdu domů z lesa a začnu si číst. Hrají mi tu nové MADDER MORTEM a na mé tváři se začíná objevovat úsměv.

Napsat dobrou skladbu je umění. Norové mají obrovský talent na to vytvořit absolutně podmanivou atmosféru. Stačilo několik prvních tónů a byl jsem ihned chycen. Čekal jsem přesto několik týdnů, jestli ze mě nadšení nevyprchá. Nestalo se tak, naopak, letošní album mě stále přitahovalo a rád se k němu vracím. Má v sobě totiž něco, co nikdo jiný neumí. Zvláštní náladu, magnetismus, sílu chcete-li. Je tak příjemné být sám ve společnosti téhle nahrávky. 

Je úžasné, jak jsou i po více než 25 letech MADDER MORTEM stále svěží, neotřelí, jak je baví hrát. Všechna ta energie, nasbíraná snad v norské přírodě (nemůžu si pomoc, ale já ji tu opravdu cítím), všechna ta hravost, radost z hudby samotné. K tomu si připočtěte velký talent a charismatický hlas Agnete M. Kirkevaag. Tohle všechno je dohromady doslova návykové. Kapela staví na své historii, základem je stále tradiční doom metal, ale své myšlenky nadále rozvíjí. A to takovým způsobem, že budete chtít vylézt na nejbližší horu, dívat se do hlubiny. Je to touha létat, vznášet se, dívat se na řeku, která před vámi plyne jako věčnost. Těch emocí, různých zákoutí. Od temnoty až k radosti. Norové jsou hlavně uvěřitelní. Nemají problém s tím vložit progresivní motiv, zakouřené blues, severský vítr. A všechno dohromady to funguje. Pamatuji si, že někdy kolem roku 2000 jsem kamarádovi říkal, že tahle kapela je úkaz, k dokonalosti vybroušený drahokam. Letos svůj status opět potvrdili. Nedávno jsem v jedné hospodě potkal chlápka, který byl opilý. Měl vedle sebe urnu s popelem. Nevím proč, ale pokaždé si na něj vzpomenu, když poslouchám "Old Eyes, New Heart". Mám pocit, jakoby v pozadí stále tepalo srdce. Dívám se do tmy, naslouchám temnotě. Našlapuji opatrně, když se toulám přírodou. Vracím se zmrzlý a znovu otevírám knihu. Čtu si a hudba, hrající v pozadí, není nikdy kulisou. Naopak, vystoupí do popředí, strhne mě, rozdrásá moji duši i fantazii. Ne, přiznávám, má slova rozhodně nestačí. Nechme raději hovořit melodie. Jsou velmi silné, magické, je v nich obsažena věčnost. Někdy se dostanu do stavu, kdy chci být sám. To potom sedím v koutě a prosévám mezi prsty prach. Přemýšlím o světě, pokouším se zastavit čas. Album plné snění, naděje i smutku. Dokonalý obraz nás samých! Budete rozdrásáni! Křišťálově krásná hudba plná odkazů na naše vlastní kořeny i vznešenost! 

Asphyx says:

Sometimes I get to the point where I want to be alone. Then I sit in a corner and sift the dust between my fingers. Thinking about the world, trying to stop time. I read books with truth and pain in them. It's not sadness or depression. Rather, everything around me seems fast, crazy and strange. Or am I different? Sometimes it's good to stop and sort out the thoughts in my head. In these cases, music is very important to me. I'm looking forward to coming home from the woods and reading again. The new MADDER MORTEM is playing and a smile is starting to appear on my face.

There is an art to writing a good song. The Norwegians have a great talent for creating an absolutely captivating atmosphere. All it took was the first few notes and I was immediately hooked. Still, I waited a few weeks to see if the enthusiasm would wear off. It didn't happen, on the contrary, this year's album still drew me in and I love coming back to it. It has something that nobody else can do. A special mood, magnetism, power if you like. It's so nice to be alone in the company of this record.

It's amazing how after more than 25 years MADDER MORTEM are still fresh, fresh and fun to play. All that energy, gathered perhaps in the Norwegian nature (I can't help but feel it here), all that playfulness, the joy of music itself. Add to that the great talent and charismatic voice of Agnete M. Kirkevaag. All of this together is literally addictive. The band builds on their history, the foundation is still traditional doom metal, but they continue to develop their ideas. And it does so in such a way that you'll want to climb the nearest mountain, to look into the depths. It's a desire to fly, to float, to look at the river that flows before you like eternity. The emotions, the different corners. From darkness to joy. The Norwegians are mostly believable. They have no problem putting in a progressive motif, smoky blues, Nordic wind. And it all works together. I remember telling a friend sometime around 2000 that this band is a phenomenon, a gem cut to perfection. This year, they've reaffirmed their status. I met a guy in a pub the other day who was drunk. He had an urn with ashes next to it. I don't know why, but I always think of him when I listen to "Old Eyes, New Heart". I feel like my heart is still beating in the background. I look into the darkness, I listen to the darkness. I tread carefully as I wander through nature. I return, frozen, and reopen the book. I read and the music playing in the background is never a backdrop. On the contrary, it rises to the fore, sweeps me away, tears at my soul and my imagination. No, I admit, my words are not enough. Let the melodies do the talking. They are very powerful, magical, they contain eternity. Sometimes I get to the point where I want to be alone. Then I sit in a corner and sift the dust between my fingers. Thinking about the world, trying to stop time. An album full of dreams, hope and sadness. A perfect picture of ourselves! You'll be torn apart! Crystal beautiful music full of references to our own roots and grandeur!

1. Coming from the Dark
2. On Guard
3. Master Tongue
4. The Head That Wears the Crown
5. Cold Hard Rain
6. Unity
7. Towers
8. Here and Now
9. Things I´ll Never Do
10. Long Road

Line up:
Agnete M. Kirkevaag: Vocals
BP M. Kirkevaag: Guitar, vocals
Anders Langberg: Guitar
Tormod L. Moseng: Bass
Mads Solås: Drums

pátek 24. listopadu 2023

Recenze/review - PSICOSFERA - Summa Negativa (2023)

PSICOSFERA - Summa Negativa
LP 2023, Lavadome Productions

for english please scroll down

Někdy mi hlavou létá tisíce myšlenek a nemůžu je uklidnit. Mám pocit, že mi každou chvíli pukne lebka a budu se dívat na svůj mozek, který bude stékat dolů po zdi. Sedím v temné místnosti, spoutaný a zavřený. Přemýšlím, jestli je normální svět zde, v domě šílenství nebo tam venku. Lidé již dnes dávno vnímají hudbu úplně jinak než před lety. Vše je pohodlnější a informací je tolik, že nás dokáží zcela pohltit. Pokud stále patříte mezi aktivní posluchače, kteří rádi nad novými deskami přemýšlí a nechávají je na sebe působit, měl bych pro vás jeden tip.

V daleké Argentině, v Morón, Buenos Aires, se zrodila třetí dlouhohrající deska black metalové kapely PSICOSFERA. Nese název "Summa Negativa", který přesně vystihuje to, co se na ní odehrává. Pestrá paleta černých, pochmurných nálad, avantgardy a syrových ozvěn z nekonečných zákoutí temné lidské mysli. Pokud patříte mezi výše zmiňované hudební gurmány, tak určitě ochutnejte. Hraje se zde hlavně pro vás. 

Na albu naleznete pečlivě vystavěné kompozice, které vám budou možná zpočátku trošku nepříjemné. Poslech mi dost často připomínal zkaženou krev, odtékající do trychtýře. Díváte se na vír, který se tvoří a v různých rytmech přesně vyjadřuje to, co se odehrává na této desce. V některých momentech jsou PSICOSFERA neuchopitelní, zvláštní a tím pádem i velmi zajímaví. Tohle je nahrávka pro všechny, kteří rádi objevují, nechávají se překvapovat. Přiznám se, že pro mě bylo každé setkání náročné, mozek se mi vařil ve vlastní šťávě. Nikdy jsem nedokázal novou desku poslouchat jen tak, jako kulisu. V určitých momentech lze kapelu přirovnat k tomu, co hrají třeba takoví DEATHSPELL OMEGA, MGLA, ale moje přirovnání berte jako náznak. Argentinci jsou jinak totiž velmi originálním tělesem. V některých pasážích jsou vloženy různé ruchy, děsivé zvuky, které krásně doplňují celkovou atmosféru tohoto díla. Často jsem se přistihl, že k "Summa Negativa" přistupuji spíše jako k vážné, moderně zahrané muzice. Mám totiž neodbytný pocit, že struktura kompozic je podobná. Ale třeba se mýlím, je to ode mě spíše pocitová záležitost. Mám rád kapely, které ve mě dokáží probudit emoce, pořezat mě, naštvat a také rozjitřit moji mysl. PSICOSFERA se to povedlo. Schválně jsem si poslechl i předešlé nahrávky a i když jsou instrumentální, zaujaly mě také. Jsem rád ve svém světě za zdí, jsem rád v temné místnosti. Když totiž poslouchám podobná alba, mám pocit, že do mě proudí energie. Avantgardní, disonantní black metal plný chladu a temnoty! Duše rozdrásaná do krve!

Asphyx says:

Sometimes a thousand thoughts fly through my head and I can't calm them down. I feel like my skull is going to crack at any moment and I'll be looking at my brain running down the wall. I sit in a dark room, chained and locked up. I wonder if the normal world is here in the madhouse or out there. People have a very different perception of music today than they did years ago. Everything is more convenient and there is so much information that it can completely engulf us. If you are still one of those active listeners who like to think about new records and let them affect you, I have a tip for you.

In far away Argentina, in Morón, Buenos Aires, the third full-length album of the black metal band PSICOSFERA was born. It's called "Summa Negativa", which accurately describes what's happening on it. A varied palette of black, gloomy moods, avant-garde and raw echoes from the endless corners of the dark human mind. If you're one of the aforementioned musical gourmands, be sure to give it a taste. The music is played here especially for you.

On the album you will find carefully constructed compositions that may be a bit uncomfortable at first. Listening to it often reminded me of spoiled blood draining into a funnel. You're looking at a vortex forming, and the different rhythms accurately convey what's happening on this record. In some moments PSICOSFERA are elusive, strange and therefore very interesting. This is a record for those who like to discover, to be surprised. I admit that for me every encounter was challenging, my brain was boiling in its own juice. I've never been able to listen to a new record just as a backdrop. At certain moments the band can be compared to what the likes of DEATHSPELL OMEGA, MGLA play, but take my comparison as a hint. The Argentinians are otherwise a very original band. In some passages there are various movements, eerie sounds that beautifully complement the overall atmosphere of this work. I often found myself approaching "Summa Negativa" more as serious, modern music. In fact, I have an insistent feeling that the structure of the compositions is similar. But maybe I'm wrong, it's more of a feeling thing for me. I like bands that can awaken emotions in me, cut me, make me angry and also stir my mind. PSICOSFERA succeeded in doing that. I deliberately listened to the previous recordings and even though they are instrumental, they caught my attention as well. I'm happy in my world behind the wall, I'm happy in the dark room. Because when I listen to albums like this, I feel like energy flows into me. Avant-garde, dissonant black metal full of coldness and darkness! Soul torn to the blood!

Album Tracklist:
1. Rising River of Frustration
2. Pernicious Oblivion pt.1
3. Pernicious Oblivion pt.2
4. Gamma (interlude)
5. Taste of Triumph
6. Dismal Landscape of Disillusion and Rejection
7. Contortionist of Perception
8. Tartarus


úterý 10. října 2023

Recenze/review - WELLS VALLEY - Achamoth (2023)

CD 2023, Lavadome Productions

for english please scroll down

Někdy se probudím a mám neodbytný pocit, že mi něco chybí. Chodím ulicemi a stále se ohlížím. Jsem závislý na hudbě. Poslouchám jí skoro pořád. Zdají se mi o ní sny. Jsem tulákem, který stále rád ochutnává. Vrátím se domů a sednu si do křesla. Jsem smutný, už dlouho jsem neslyšel něco neotřelého, zajímavého, experimentálního. Otevřu počítač, zadám do emailového vyhledávače slovo avantgardní a potom mi spadne brada. Poslouchám novou desku portugalských post metalistů WELLS VALLEY a najednou mám pocit, že jsem konečně našel cíl.

Nikdy jsem nedokázal psát o muzice jen tak, pokaždé se držím emocí a nálad, které na mě z nahrávek působí. "Achamoth" je albem, které je neklidné, temné, podivné, neotřelé a zajímavé. Od začátku jsem si připadal jako starý archeolog, který objeví nový nález. Odkrýval jsem jednotlivé vrstvy a pokaždé byl překvapen. Z každého motivu, pasáže, ale hlavně z nálady a atmosféry. Společná setkání byla vždy velmi spirituálním zážitkem. 

Jedná se o velmi zajímavou směs, umíchanou z jazzových, black metalových, doomových ingrediencí. Pokud ji ochutnáte, možná budete zpočátku trošku nesví, nesoustředění. V podobných případech pomáhá album na chvilku odložit a vrátit se po nějakém čase. Tohle přesně jsem udělal a při druhém pokusu se mi novinka "Achamoth" dostala přímo do krve. Připadal jsem si, že mi do žil pronikají černé, chladné, ostré krystaly. Měl jsem pocit, že slyším šepot nemrtvých z jiné, šílené dimenze. Nerad podobné nahrávky k někomu přirovnávám, připadá mi to troufalé a nic moc to nevypovídá, ale pro představu. Pokud máte rádi smečky jako AD NAUSEUM, PORTAL, DEATHSPELL OMEGA, ale i progresivněji laděný doom metal, mohli by vás oslovit i WELLS VALLEY. Doporučuji klid, zhasnutá světla a pochmurnou náladu. Dostanete nejen skvělou hudbu, ale i jiný, zcela odlišný zážitek. Budete se toulat vesmírem, nahlížet do jiných dimenzí, budete přemýšlet nad samou existencí. Mám rád kapely, které pokládají otázky a dělají to elegantně a s nadhledem. Připadám si vždy rozdrásaný do krve, dost často se mi stává, že album dohraje a já jen tak sedím, přemýšlím a nechávám vše ještě dlouho doznít. Tohle je deska pro hudební gurmány, pro fajnšmekry, kteří rádi přemýšlejí a mají pestrou fantazii. Opakující se dlouhé motivy, skoro padesát minut různých motivů, riffů, úderů bicích. Vše zabalené v černé krvavé mlze. Za mě osobně nelze jinak, než doporučit. Špinavá, temná, post metalová řeka beznaděje! Síla se ukrývá pod povrchem!

Asphyx says:

Sometimes I wake up and I have a nagging feeling that something is missing. I walk the streets and I keep looking back. I'm addicted to music. I listen to it almost all the time. I dream about it. I'm a vagabond who always likes to taste. I go home and sit in my chair. I'm sad, I haven't heard something new, interesting, experimental in a long time. I open my computer, type the word avant-garde into the email search engine and then my chin drops. I listen to the new album by Portuguese post metallers WELLS VALLEY and suddenly I feel like I've finally found my destination.

I've never been able to write about music in a casual way, I always stick to the emotions and moods that the records have on me. "Achamoth" is an album that is restless, dark, strange, novel and interesting. From the beginning I felt like an old archaeologist discovering a new find. I uncovered the layers and was surprised every time. From every motif, passage, but mostly from the mood and atmosphere. Meeting together was always a very spiritual experience.

It is a very interesting mix of jazz, black metal, doom ingredients. If you taste it, you might be a bit uncomfortable at first, unfocused. In such cases it helps to put the album down for a while and come back after some time. This is exactly what I did, and on the second try, the new "Achamoth" got right into my blood. I felt like black, cold, sharp crystals were penetrating my veins. I felt like I was hearing the whispers of the undead from another, insane dimension. I don't like to compare recordings like this to anyone, it seems presumptuous and doesn't say much, but to give you an idea. If you like bands like AD NAUSEUM, PORTAL, DEATHSPELL OMEGA, but also more progressive doom metal, WELLS VALLEY might appeal to you. I recommend calm, lights out and a somber mood. You not only get great music, but a different, completely different experience. You'll wander through space, peer into other dimensions, contemplate existence itself. I like bands that ask questions and do it elegantly and with insight. I always feel torn to the core, quite often the album finishes and I just sit back, think and let it all fade away for a long time. This is an album for music gourmets, for connoisseurs who like to think and have a varied imagination. Repeating long motifs, almost fifty minutes of different motifs, riffs, drum beats. All wrapped in a black bloody fog. For me personally, I cannot but recommend it. A dirty, dark, post metal river of despair! The power lies beneath the surface!

01. Princeps
02. Host's Scintilation
03. Law Of Tutelary Spirits
04. Intercession And Invocation
05. Vessel Possessor
06. Indwelling In Matter

Composed and Produced by Wells Valley

Guitar and Vocals: Filipe Correia
Drums: Mau
Bass, Backing Vocals and Piano: André Hencleeday

All Lyrics by Filipe Correia
Artwork by André Hencleeday
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Mau at SinWav Audio

pátek 20. ledna 2023

Recenze/review - !T.O.O.H.! - Premiant (2022)

!T.O.O.H.! - Premiant
EP 2022, Lavadome Productions

for english please scroll down

„Hudba je nejdokonalejší typ umění: neprozradí nikdy svoje tajemství“: napsal můj oblíbený spisovatel Oscar Wilde. Na citát jsem si vzpomněl, když jsem nějaký čas poslouchal nové EP "Premiant" od kapely !T.O.O.H.!. Muzika, texty, atmosféra, nálady, všechno se mi spojilo v jedno. Pro podobné okamžiky mě stále baví o nových deskách psát a podporovat je. Pokaždé si připadám jako objevitel nových světů. Nahlížím do autorovy fantazie a surfuji na zpěněných vlnách spolu s ním.

Určitě to znáte, vzájemné propojení. Když si řeknete, to je přesně ono! Začnete si podvědomě podupávat nohou, utkví vám v hlavě nejdříve úryvky textů a pak, po nějaké době se vyryjí do mozku celé rýmy, spolu s melodiemi a rytmem. No není to krása, říkáte všem okolo a když na vás udiveně civí, tak se raději stahujete do své ulity. Jen já a hudba. Neexistuje nic jiného. Žádný svět, žádné problémy, práce, nic - pouze bicí, vokál, riffy. 

Jako bych znovu létal vesmírem a nahlížel do jiných dimenzí. Jsem starým budhistickým mnichem, který ale moc dobře ví, co je pořádná pařba. "Premiant" je dalším zběsilým útokem na vaše podvědomí. To vyplave ve skladbách na povrch jako špína z odpadu. EP je opět velmi pestré, košaté, neučesané a zároveň drží pohromadě. Slova nestačí, lepší je si pomoci ukázkami. Neptejte se, zda je to normální, nechte na sebe songy jen tak působit. Smějte se, vztekejte, nadávejte, ale vězte, že přenesených emocí bude velká spousta. Jedná se sice jen o necelých 11 minut, ale přesto - rochnil jsem si jako růžové prasátko v bahýnku. Novinka mi moc chutná. Broukám si ji, chodím s ní po ulicích, i do postele, než jdu spát. Přetransformovala se i do mých snů. Je to tak! Gradace, legrace, zamyšlení, trepanace, smutek i technické finesy. Vše skvěle zahrané, jdoucí na hranu i kousek za ní. Možná se tentokrát neobjevují úplně nové sféry, vše mi přijde zemitější. Přesto je zajímavé nové rovnice řešit. Parádní zvuk plus spousta zajímavých nápadů, děleno progresí a násobeno velkým tlakem a šílenými texty - výsledek dvakrát podtrhnout! Tohle všechno připomíná větrný vír, ze kterého není úniku. Harmonie zloby, pánové opět dokázali rozvibrovat všechny mé kosti i zubní sklovinu. Prostě lovískuju! Epické, jak by řekla mladá generace. Avantgardní, death grindová mozaika!

Asphyx says:

"Music is the most perfect kind of art: it never tells its secrets": wrote my favourite writer Oscar Wilde. I remembered the quote when I was listening to the new EP "Premiant" by the band !.T.O.O.H.!. The music, the lyrics, the atmosphere, the moods, all came together for me. For moments like that I still enjoy writing about and promoting new albums. I feel like a discoverer of new worlds every time. I look into the author's imagination and surf the foamy waves with him.

I'm sure you know, the interconnectedness. If you say to yourself, that's exactly it! You start to unconsciously stomp your feet, first snippets of lyrics get stuck in your head and then, after a while, whole rhymes are etched into your brain, along with melodies and rhythm. Isn't it beautiful, you tell everyone around you, and when they stare at you in amazement, you prefer to retreat into your shell. Just me and the music. There's nothing else. No world, no problems, no work, nothing - just drums, vocals, riffs.

It's like flying through space again and looking into other dimensions. I'm an old Buddhist monk who knows what a good party is. "The Premiant" is another frantic assault on your subconscious. It comes out in the songs like dirt from the garbage. The EP is once again very colourful, vibrant, unpolished and holds together at the same time. Words aren't enough, better to help yourself with samples. Don't ask if this is normal, just let the songs work on you. Laugh, rage, swear, but know that the emotions transferred will be a great deal. It is only less than 11 minutes, but still - I was crawling around like a pink pig in a puddle. I really like the new stuff. I hum it, walk the streets with it, even go to bed with it before I go to sleep. It's transformed itself into my dreams. That's right! Graduation, fun, reflection, trepanation, sadness and technical finesse. All superbly played, going to the edge and just over it. Maybe this time there are not entirely new realms, everything seems more earthy to me. Still, new equations are interesting to solve. Awesome sound plus a lot of interesting ideas, divided by progression and multiplied by great pressure and crazy lyrics - the result underlined twice! This all feels like a wind vortex from which there is no escape. Harmonies of malevolence, the gentlemen once again managed to vibrate all my bones and tooth enamel. I just love it! Epic, as the younger generation would say. Avant-garde, death grind mosaic!

about !T.O.O.H.! on DEADLY STORM ZINE:

Track list:
1. Premiant
2. choco_afro
3. Na všech životech záleží
4. V lóži
Total time: 10:55

!T.O.O.H.! are:
Humanoid: Guitars, Bass, Vocals, VST Instruments
Schizoid: Drums, Backing Vocals

Premiant was recorded at Studio Šopa, Studio 53 and Studio 27 (2021)
Mixed and mastered by Staňa Valášek (2022)

pondělí 26. prosince 2022

News! - !T.O.O.H.! Stream New EP - Preminant

The Czech prog-grind entity !T.O.O.H.! has arrived to close the year with a brand new, 4-song EP Premiant. The creative outburst of the new material has been crafted with quantum mechanics' perplexity and while getting more frantic, nastier, musically expressive and complex than ever, there's still a contrast maintained with sparkling harmonies and synth-waves which add a memorable boost to the intricacy of new songs. Listen to the complete EP now:

The EP is out now digitally - exclusively available from the !T.O.O.H.! Bandcamp - and will be released as a limited tape edition via Lavadome Productions in January. The tape version can be pre-ordered from Lavadome productions web store or Bandcamp page.

Track list:
1. Premiant
2. choco_afro
3. Na všech životech záleží
4. V lóži
Total time: 10:55

!T.O.O.H.! are:
Humanoid: Guitars, Bass, Vocals, VST Instruments
Schizoid: Drums, Backing Vocals

Premiant was recorded at Studio Šopa, Studio 53 and Studio 27 (2021)
Mixed and mastered by Staňa Valášek (2022)

LAVADOME productions:

Official !T.O.O.H.! network:

sobota 23. dubna 2022

Interview - !T.O.O.H.! - We just like it when the lyrics are provocative.

Interview with avantgarde, progressive death grind band !T.O.O.H.!.

Answered Schizoid, thank you!

Questions prepared Jakub Asphyx.

Ave !T.O.O.H.!! Hey, I do experiments like this sometimes – I take some music, in this case your latest CD "Free Speech", and I play it to people who have no idea what it's about. They're pure as a lily, untainted by listening to thousands of metal albums. You know what's interesting? Everybody likes your record! The girl who listens to disco, the old dad who rides a fox tail to the potlucks. At most, somebody had said that it was creepy, but they always say it was great! Can you please explain how that's possible? How do people, listeners, reviewers perceive you anyway? And what kind of response do you get to the record?

Hi Jakub! That's interesting, those experiments of yours. If people who don't listen to metal tend to like our record, that may be because it's musical and it has vocals one can clearly understand. So that's probably the reason. Otherwise, it's nice of you to broaden people's musical horizons. And how do other people perceive us? I don't really know. We've read some reviews, but there haven't been many. The response has been mostly positive. The main thing is to make ourselves satisfied with our efforts. And so we are.

I'll admit it without torture. I have my rituals, like everyone else, I guess. Monday through Thursday at work, I listen to whatever I feel like to, but on Friday I'm so tired that I either put on something totally off metal or !T.O.O.H.!. I return home happy, with a clean head and feeling just fine somehow. I am not afraid to say, your music has literally a chilling effect on me like a way of meditation. What state of mind do you have to be in order to compose music? How did "Free Speech" come about? When do you say to yourself - okay, it's time, let's go, let's compose!?

The music on Free Speech (hereafter FS) was composed quite quickly. Of course, one has to be in a good state of mind, which Humanoid usually was. Composing FS was a continuous process. With Humanoid grabbing guitar and recording his ideas with his phone. Later on, he transcribed those into GuitarPro and I laid down the drum patterns which we programmed into the demo. Everyone of us practiced his parts separately, we didn't even have one rehearsal together. My brother practiced directly with GuitarPro and I practiced with the Wave file he emailed me. We then tweaked and improved the songs for the better here and there. At the end of the day, the drums I recorded on the album turned out to be completely different from the ones we demoed. I improvise a lot...

When I listen to contemporary progressive and technical death metal bads, it's some mad stuff. Seventeen-year-old boys playing like gods. Technically, they're actually perfect. It's just that quite often their music doesn't have any balls. You guys aren't really young anymore, but tell me, how do you actually play so fast and complicated? How much time do you spend practicing? I would see it that you have to sleep with the instruments or am I wrong? Correct me in case I am wrong but I can imagine you even sleeping with your instruments.

We don't overdo it with the practicing. I think the main thing is talent. When working on FS, my brother grabbed guitar and played two to three hours a day, sometimes more if needed. Once the album was done, he played it once or twice almost every day to stay in shape. I practiced as needed and as the mood took me. Sometimes I would sit behind the drums for two hours, sometimes just an hour. Sometimes I sit somewhere else... ie. behind the computer screen where I spend more time than behind my drums... :-) And yes, you're right. Today's youngsters play like gods. It's because there are expanded learning opportunities. That's something our generation could only dream of. Speaking on behalf of drummers, nowadays you can find everything on YouTube – from the way of how to hold drumsticks to learning what techniques to use when playing the snare, drum kicks... Everything. But I listen to these new bands just out of curiosity. The vast majority of them sound very similar. It's as if the music has been manufactured in one and the same manufactory...

All your songs sound different from one another. The mood, the energy differ. Does that mean the songs are composed in different moods or settings? Things coming more aggressive when you're angry, etc.? How does all that you feel, see around you, all the politics, human dullness, but also joy and humility, mirrors in the music you create?

I'm glad you noticed that. In our case, it's a very natural thing. It's not like we would compose only when we were angry or something. My brother sends me a song that's composed from A to Z. With a clearly defined tempo. Occasionally, we may speed up the song during the process but I am not involved in the composing process as such that's all my brother's thing. I'll just run with what he delivers but at the same time, in return, my brother has no say in whatever drum patterns I create for the song. It's a mutual respect and I think it works for us. And the world around us and the emotions it brings, that's rather imprinted in the lyrics...

You are both very talented. And I don't mean just technically, but also compositionally. Plus, you're brothers. Is music in your genes? Did you trace a great-grandfather who composed, let's say, some classical music? Did anyone sing in your family? Oh, and not to forget, I have a brother too, but we don't get along at all, he's completely different from me. Are you arguing with each other? Who does usually have the final say?

Thank you. Music is definitely a part of our genes. When it comes to immediate family, my mom used to sing when she was young. And very well. From the age of 10, she went to a singing teacher once or twice a week. At 16, she was preparing for the State Conservatory. But because it was 1969, the specialization in Musical Comedy she wanted to apply to got cancelled because a lot of people were fired and stuff... In the end, she was offered to enter an Opera Singing course. But my mother declined that opportunity since she always hated opera singing with all her heart. So she joined the Folk-art Conservatory and started singing various (also jazz) songs in Prague. Those songs were written straight to fit her mezzo-soprano. But then she met her dad and... the singing was over. Eventually, she finished medical school and worked in a nursing home. Her singing career was over. Her dad, our grandfather, played mandolin. And his whole family, his sisters, they all played musical instruments. So my mom liked to sing with them even when she was a little girl. On my dad's side, his grandfather, my namesake, played the clarinet. Maybe I'm his reincarnation... hahaha.

It's sad to hear about your brother. I mean, from my point of view. Having a sibling I don't get along with, I don't even want to imagine that... I always got along well with my brother.

You know we argue with each other. But only sometimes. When one of us is irritated which is mostly myself. We had a few fights. But that was a long time ago, and it was always caused by the demon alcohol. My brother's been abstinent and a non-smoker since 2008. So there's no danger of a fight anymore... -)))

I really liked the reaction to your board from an old gentleman at the workshop. He said, dude, that's passion in disguise. And he was smiling like me. I'm telling you straight up, you just have a gift for conveying emotion, for shocking or even more shocking, for captivating. Tell me, what were your beginnings, why and how did !T.O.O.H.! come about? Please dive deep into the history with us.

Thank you very much. My brother and I decided to start a band sometime in elementary school. We discovered a beautiful style of music. We discovered metal. I remember at the cottage, we were fooling around in front of the mirror with badminton bats that represented guitars, swaying to the beat of Kern's "Blízko nás. There was no internet then, it was before 1989 and we had a complete lack of information. When my friends and I were scavenging in salvage yards, I would cut out all the mentions of metal in the press at the time. We knew a lot of bands just by name. It was better just before the revolution. My brother used to go to the Havel market with his friends, so he experienced the police raids on metal record sellers. We didn't have a gramophone at home, so he just admired the covers. Then we found a contact in the Holešovice market. We used to buy recorded tapes from him. Overkill, Sodom, Coroner, Living Death, Laaz Rockit... And of course Polish original tapes... That was after the revolution. There used to be stock exchanges at Letná, at the Sparta stadium. That's where we discovered other bands. After that, it got easier and easier...

Our first project was called VVD. That is: Veselý, Veselý, Dvořák. It was actually pure noise. We made noise on everything and recorded it on a cassette recorder. It had funny names and we screamed, shouted and mutated into all this mess. That was fun. My brother and I still have the tapes. Then me and another friend started a band called Devastator. We had just discovered Napalm Death, so it was clear that we wanted to do the biggest shit of the time. Heavy metal was the style of a different generation, thrash metal was slowly peaking and death metal was coming on the scene. It was clear what direction we were going to go in. It took us quite a long time before we decided to come out with our own work. That was in 1995. Demo You guys are pieces of fucking meat. I think our fans know the story by then. From our online biography.

You went through the beginning in the 1990s, then the turbulent period in 2000-2005, and then suddenly it was gone. You've been coming back at greater intervals since then. Why is that? Have you been consumed by work, families? Or "not so many ideas", the desire? I'm asking because you know, nowadays if you don't see the band, it's like it doesn't exist.

We first came back in 2011. My brother decided to buy a guitar again and rebuild the band. Before that he was always creating, writing electronic music and painting pictures. I had no objections -) The work definitely didn't swallow us or our families. We are both childless. Neither of us has ever been married in our lives. Could you imagine us being bothered by the families with the lyrics we spawn? Maybe so, but it would be very strange... -))

We disbanded in 2013 for the second time. It was because of my brother being diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. He just decided to call it quits again. I had no objections whatsoever...

In 2017 we announced a comeback again. The impetus came again from my brother. I'm glad it happened. I think we still have a lot to offer. My brother is just a pioneering soul. Our music and lyrics are constantly evolving, so it makes sense. If I, or my brother felt we lost our drive and inspirations, I'm sure we would put the band to rest.

!T.O.O.H.! You two are Schizoid and Humanoid. But Android, Freedom, Wokis have played with you over the years. Always just for a little while. Why is that? Didn't anyone fit in with you guys?

No, no, we've had guys fit in and get along well with us, but it has usually been the circumstances that did not work to our favour. Pavel Slavíček (Android) started a family and his own band Misogynist. He started writing his own music and playing guitar, something that he enjoyed more doing than just playing bass guitar. And at the time of the release of "Order and Punishment", we were also a great bunch of friends. But again, circumstances didn't favor us. The only one guy who was able to keep up the pace with whatever my brother came up with was the bass player Freedom. Guitarist Wokis was in college at the time and had other hobbies... And then the problems with the label occured and some unpleasantness in personal life. So my brother decided to lay it down to rest.

If I'm not mistaken, you haven't performed in a long time. I think you still have a lot of fans. How about Prague, maybe my favourite Modrá Vopice, invite a few friends to make the possible embarrassment less (joke) and get it back on the boards? How do you feel about gigs? Smaller tours?

We are planning to start playing gigs again. It's going to be a very interesting experience. Since my brother is schizophrenic, he doesn't have as much energy as he used to have. Still, he made the decision to give it a try. We've already started practicing together a compilation of songs from the demo and old albums. We've upped the tempo of the songs by a bit and added synths here and there... We're still figuring out how exactly we're going to perform everything live. We will use playback for electronic bass and the synths. I will be drumming on the electronic drum-kit set. We're going to play to a click which we are used to... We're going to try out the performance at a private event first, to see how things will work out and if my brother can perform the songs live in front of people. After that we'll see. I'm confident he will pull it off. In fact, I can even tell you where our first show will be. It's going to be at our friends' place in Studanka, North Bohemia. The guys have a band called Evil Regiment. We made a promise that our first public performance will také place there and we will keep that promise. And I hope it won't be a shame, don't worry... -)) You can be there if you want. You're entitled to that just for making these great questions. It's going to be an exclusive event and I'm looking forward to it.

It's such a weird time these days, everyone's commenting on everything. The problem is that most of them are people who have not been given much by nature, God or Satan. You're musicians, you must be a little crazy, different, different. Still, do you have anyone whose opinion you'll give? Who's gonna tell you, like, this is over the line, this is too much. Or on the contrary, you can lean into it here?

We are setting that line, that boundary ourselves. But we actually have such a person. It's our publisher, Honza. I think that if he had any problem with our lyrics, which he hasn't had so far, we would definitely take his recommendation or opinion. I recently sent him the titles of our new texts and wrote to him what they are about. He wanted me to send the lyrics over, so he could read them. But then it wouldn't have been a surprise if he knew the content in advance. So we'll see what he'll say when he hears the new madness in the complete package (with music)... -))) We just like it when the lyrics are provocative. And since the boundary is constantly being pushed further (who is shocked by brutal scenes nowadays?), we decided to push it a bit...

!T.O.O.H.! cover arts and the band's sound. Those are the two things that take your band into a whole different realm. I love the cover art for Komouš, I love it, and if I had a gallery, it would take pride of place. Where do you go for those ideas? They're so fresh, fresh, funny. And the sound by the master Standa Valášek. Why him? Is he the one who understands your fuzzy souls the most?

I'm so happy to see how you perceive our band. As for the ideas, I guess we ate a lot of funny porridge... -))) Do you know what it really is? It's a program we have been already born with. I'm very interested in astrology. When I saw our horoscopes, it's all written there... My brother often laughs at me, saying that I'm like an old woman who believes everything... But I see it there. It's all there. My brother's imagination, his energy, his artistic inclinations and, after all, his illness... In my case, it includes artistic inclinations too, of course, and I also got to know that „sarcasm is my second language“, etc. etc. It's a very interesting subject.

Also, about the ideas which grace the cover-arts my brother paints. It has always been his imagination and his ideas. But on Free Speech we agreed to come up with the content together. So we sat down together in front of the computer screen and had that something going on, I think it's called brainstorming nowadays.

And why Standa Valášek? He's just a professional and a nice person. We've had a great experience with him since the album Order and Punishment. At that time my brother and I wanted to go back to the Hacienda Studio. But the guitarist Wokis was worried about analogue equipment, so he persuaded us to try a digital studio. So we went to the Šopa. In the end it was a very good idea. Dodo from Hacienda Studio was also able to manage the recording process digitally but but he just prefers analogue sound. When we relaunched the band in 2017, we decided to go with Standa again. Although he also does analogue, of course. We wanted to symbolically start where we left off with our most successful period...

My wife is a teacher and she told me that it's starting to scare her how kids today don't read books at all. It's like they're losing perspective, imagination. I don't know, I'm not an educator, but I always liked your lyrics. These are masterpieces! Where do you get the inspiration for them? What influences you?

It's a gift, as I mentioned before. We were born with that gift. When we first started, my brother wrote the majority of lyrics. But he always encouraged me to write something too. Nowadays, he doesn't have to do it anymore. Speaking for myself, it's like when you want to poop... Your stomach hurts, you know you're full of inspiration... -)) Then comes the first rhyme. If I laugh at it and don't forget it by the other day, it's almost certain that something will come out of it. It's stuck in my mind for a day, a week, it doesn't matter. Or things simply happen when the setting is really good, I'll get right at it and if it continues to evolve smoothly, I know it's going to be good. When I finish the lyrics, I am not revising it in any way. It has to be coming out of the same water, so to speak. Well, sometimes I'll fix some details. Or if my brother has a note, we adjust the lyrics.

And the kids are not reading books anymore, it is a plague. It's modern technology. The new people will soon be completely demented... Even monkeys can learn to operate devices at a user level. I've read about how there was an experiment to teach monkeys to use tokens to obtain food when they were hungry and things soon went downhill. Prostitution and shit like that occurred amonst them, just the way like in our society. Humans are still basically animals. Critical thinking is being suppressed. Just be obedient, follow the entertainment...

I'm quite conservative in my personal life, but I do like science fiction, for example, and in music I also sometimes choose things that move me from our stinking planet to higher realms. I love VOIVOD! Who influenced you? What music do you like, do you listen to, do you go to concerts? What about books, movies? Other hobbies?

I totally understand. My brother loves Alien and Terminator. He's still watching those flicks a lot and relaxing. He's seen the last Terminator about 20 times... -)) Or now he's obsessed with Underwater with Kristen Stewart (his other favorite actress)... He's seen that one about six times. I like sci-fi, especially movies. It attracts my attention. I barely read science fiction books.

VOIVOD. The first time I heard them, it didn't grab me at all. I think it was some of their early albums. Compared to what I was listening to back then, they were a flop. So it was a quick resolution and I didn't bother following them. But after some time, Petr Korál played some songs from Negatron on a radio station “Radio 1“ and I liked it a lot. So I am still not a real fan, but they have some great songs.

If I wrote down what music I like, it would be a very long list. I like mostly good music. The genre doesn't matter. I love Depeche Mode. I like all their albums, even the new ones. I also listen to a lot of remixes from different artists. I like classical music. I like rock. I like jazz, especially from the '50s. I appreciate a well-written pop song. I'm pretty picky.

I don't go to concerts. Music occupies most of my time already. And you can't talk much in the noisy environment that live events are about.

I love books. I've always loved to read. Nowadays, I more read the news about what's going on in the current world. Alternative media that brings serious topics. With links to sources of information (evidence based), of course. I'm interested in what's going on around us. I don't follow disinformation news of the mainstream, and when I do, it's just for fun... Corporate media tells you nothing. They just lie, cover up and obfuscate. Filthy stuff.

In your email you told me that we fans can look forward to a new EP from your stable. Can you tell us more? What's it about, where have you been trying to push it, where did you record it, where will you be releasing it? Tell me, exaggerate.

The EP is called Premiant. The recording process was the same as with FS. We recorded the guitars at Šopa Studio, the remaining instruments and vocals were recorded in our home studio. Mixing and general supervision by Standa Valášek.

This material is probably the peak of our work in my opinion. Seriously. I'd probably just be bragging if I had to describe it... -))) And the cover-art my brother painted is just perfect. It's got four songs on it. Compared to FS, the EP sounds different. Everyone would be able to hear the progress. I can't wait for it to be out.

Damn, I'm talking again, but you know, if I like a band, I don't know my brother. Anything you want to say to the fans? To the promoters? To the government? To the Facebook debaters? There's room.

Jakub, first of all, thank you so much for the opportunity to speak out. We could probably have conducted the interview with ourselves, but that wouldn't have been the right thing to do... -)) You did a great job. I like reading your site, you know that.

To the fans I want to say: By supporting Lavadome production, you are supporting us too, thanks. To the promoters: We don't play gigs for the travelling costs anymore -)) I won't say anything to the government. I didn't vote for this bunch. To the FB debaters: Wake up and just be factual. Everyone can just criticize.

Thanks for your time!

Thank you so much for the interview. I appreciate it. I look forward to more music from !T.O.O.H.! or just a beer concert somewhere. I wish you all the best in your personal lives and may strength follow your steps.

about !T.O.O.H.! on DEADLY STORM ZINE:
