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neděle 16. června 2024

Recenze/review - LAST RETCH - Ergotism (2024)

LAST RETCH - Ergotism
EP 2024, CDN Records

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Už když jsem vstoupil dovnitř, přišlo mi, že je něco divného ve vzduchu. Nasládlý zápach rozkládajícího se masa. Takový hodný soused, hezky se o všechny staral. Měl šikovné děti a hodnou ženu. Teď tu všichni leží a dívají se do tmy. Na stěnách je krev a já přemýšlím, proč se tak stalo. Nebezpečný člověk na útěku. Ozbrojený, nesnažte se ho sami zadržet. Může mi někdo vysvětlit, proč pořád hraje z reproduktorů nové EP kanadských LAST RETCH? Jakoby byla krutá atmosféra ještě víc zahuštěna jejich hudbou.

Ostrý, masivní a destruktivní death metal. Kapela, o které jsem již jednou, u příležitosti vydání jejich alba "Sadism and Severed Heads" v roce 2022, psal. Tenkrát se mi hlavně líbily morbidní nálady, které létaly při poslechu kolem, jako můry kolem ohně. Nové EP je volným pokračováním věcí minulých. Neméně surové, neméně zničující.

Pánové na to jdou klasicky, čerpají inspiraci od kapel jako jsou CANNIBAL CORPSE, SIX FEET UNDER, ale i třeba BOLT THROWER. Výsledkem je smrtící koktejl velmi vysoké kvality. Jednotlivé motivy se mi ihned zadřely hluboko pod kůži i do podvědomí. Tady se hraje pro všechny opravdové death metalové maniaky. Nikde nic nepřebývá, ani nechybí. LAST RETCH si dali pozor na to, aby měli masivní, chladný a temný zvuk (Davis Maxwell - producer, mixing, mastering). Myslím si, že se stejně jako obal (autorem je Julian Felipe Mora Ibañez), velmi povedl. Kývám se spokojeně do rytmu a s chutí beru znovu a znovu do rukou sekyru. Porcuji syrové maso a připadám si jako na smradlavých jatkách. Líbí se mi, že jsou skladby velmi uvěřitelné, opravdové, ryzí. Vyvolávají ve mě spoustu divokých emocí i morbidních představ. Je to pro mě důkaz, že je album opravdu dobré. Jasně, Kanaďané nepřinášejí nic nového, objevného, ani převratného, ale pro mě je stejně nakonec vždy nejdůležitější celkový dojem. A "Ergotism" mě rozsekalo na malé kousky, rozemlelo na masokostní moučku. Až ti jednou bude špatně a ucítíš, že na tebe jde velký vztek, tak neber do rukou motorovou pilu, ale pusť si tohle EP. Vyčistí ti hlavu kyselinou, propláchne a restartuje ti mozek od zbytečností. Je to jako sestoupit dolů do sklepa, do staré márnice. Na ocelových lůžkách leží bledá těla. Sem tahle muzika patří a zde vynikne nejvíce. Už když jsem vstoupil dovnitř, přišlo mi, že je něco divného ve vzduchu. Nasládlý zápach rozkládajícího se masa. Takový hodný soused, hezky se o všechny staral. Měl šikovné děti a hodnou ženu. Teď tu všichni leží a dívají se do tmy. Na stěnách je krev a já přemýšlím, proč se tak stalo. Masakrující, devastující, temný a chladný death metal, který vám vyrve všechny vnitřnosti z těla! Poctivá nálož zahnívajících myšlenek a melodií!

Asphyx says:

Even as I stepped inside, I thought there was something strange in the air. The sweet smell of decomposing flesh. Such a nice neighbor, taking good care of everybody. He had smart kids and a nice wife. Now they're all lying here looking into the darkness. There's blood on the walls, and I wonder why it happened. A dangerous man on the run. Armed, don't try to stop him yourself. Can someone explain to me why the new EP from Canada's LAST RETCH is still playing on the speakers? It's as if the harsh atmosphere has been thickened by their music.

Sharp, massive and destructive death metal. A band I have already written about once, on the occasion of the release of their album "Sadism and Severed Heads" in 2022. Back then I especially liked the morbid moods that flew around while listening to them, like moths around a fire. The new EP is a loose continuation of things past. No less raw, no less devastating.

The guys are doing it the classic way, drawing inspiration from bands like CANNIBAL CORPSE, SIX FEET UNDER, and even BOLT THROWER. The result is a deadly cocktail of very high quality. The individual motifs immediately sank deep into my skin and subconscious. Here is a game for all true death metal maniacs. Nothing is missing or missing anywhere. LAST RETCH made sure to have a massive, cold and dark sound (Davis Maxwell - producer, mixing, mastering). I think that, just like the cover art (by Julian Felipe Mora Ibañez), it was very successful. I sway contentedly to the rhythm and pick up the axe again and again with gusto. I cut up raw meat and feel like I'm in a stinking slaughterhouse. I like that the songs are very believable, real, genuine. They evoke a lot of wild emotions and morbid fantasies in me. It's proof to me that the album is really good. Sure, the Canadians don't bring anything new, groundbreaking or revolutionary, but for me the overall impression is always the most important thing. And "Ergotism" cut me into small pieces, ground me into meat and bone meal. When you get sick and you feel a big rage coming on, don't pick up a chainsaw, but put on this EP. It'll clear your head with acid, flush you out and reboot your brain of uselessness. It's like going down to the basement, the old morgue. Pale bodies lying on steel beds. That's where this music belongs, and that's where it's at its best. I thought there was something strange in the air as soon as I walked in. The sweet smell of decomposing flesh. Such a nice neighbour, looking after everyone. He had clever children and a nice wife. Now they're all lying here looking into the darkness. There's blood on the walls, and I wonder why it happened. Massacring, devastating, dark and cold death metal that will rip your guts out! An honest load of rotting thoughts and melodies!

Recenze/review - LAST RETCH - Sadism and Severed Heads (2022):

01. Scalped En Masse 
02. Heaving Pieces 
03. Doomrider II 
04. Ergotism

Davis Maxwell - Drums
Derek Brzozowski - Guitar
Finlay Blakelock - Vocals
Matt Fyke - Bass
John Russell - Guitar

sobota 15. června 2024

Recenze/review - ALTAR OF GORE - Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies (2024)

ALTAR OF GORE - Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies
CD 2024, Nameless Grave Records

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Sedíme u starého plesnivého stolu. Popíjíme zkaženou krev a přemýšlíme, jakou hudbu si dnes pustíme. Nakonec jeden z démonů zvolí nové album amerických black death metalistů ALTAR OF GORE. Stačí několik prvních tónů a všichni se začnou kývat do rytmu. Odpadává jim maso od kostí, vnitřnosti vylézají z břicha a červi se kroutí v jejich tvářích. Další songy, další zběsilé ozvěny ze záhrobí. Satan vyzve dámu s kosou k tanci.

Tohle je přesně takový ten druh black death metalu, který koluje i v mých žilách. Vše je náležitě temné, chladné, prašivé, jako ruka prokleté mrtvoly. Už dlouhé roky jsem neviděl světlo. Zanevřel jsem na dnešní zkažený svět. Raději popíjím s démony a poslouchám alba, jako je "Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies".


Představte si hluboký sklep, do kterého když vstoupíte, tak vás obestře absolutní tma. Půjdete po slepu a budete se děsit výkřiků nemrtvých. Několikrát zemřete a znovu se narodíte. Musíte překročit svůj vlastní smrt i stín. Pod nohama vám budou praskat prašivé kosti. Konečně dojdete do cíle. Stará kobka, plná zohavených těl. Jsem na místě. Znovu zapínám play a z reproduktorů se na mě vyhrne špína, hnis a spousta nenávisti. Tohle je hudba z mokvajících močálů, z nejčernějších zákoutí, z márnic a pohřebišť. Uvěřitelná, surová, pokrytá pavučinami. Pokud máte rádi kapely jako PROFANATICA, VON, BEHERIT, budete spokojeni jako já. Nic pro slabé povahy, jenom krutá smrt. Nic jiného neexistuje. Zvuk, obal, produkce, vše je podřízeno jedinému - pohřbít vás zaživa. Nebudete moci dýchat, udusíte se vlastní nenávistí. Hoď kamen, kdo jsi bez viny. ALTAR OF GORE je kapela, složená ze dvou členů. Acolyte of the Foul Ones je podepsán pod všemi nástroji a na kytaru ho doprovází Joe Aversario. Oba působí jako vyslanci samotného pekla. Jejich hudba je velmi uvěřitelná, naléhavá, syrová a chladná. Smrdí sírou a rozseká vás na kusy. Skladby jsou jako dlouho zanícený vřed, který je právě proříznut. Vytéká z něj smradlavý hnis a také riffy, které musely být napsány daleko za řekou Styx. Pokud máte podobné zahnívající záležitosti rádi, neváhejte ani chvilku. Hraje se zde pro vás, i pro všechny nemrtvé. Odpadává mi maso od kostí, vnitřnosti mi vylézají z břicha a červi se kroutí v mé tvářích. Těžkým vzduchem zní zběsilé ozvěny ze záhrobí. Satan vyzve dámu s kosou k tanci. Blasfemický, gore black death metal, u kterého jsou exhumovány ty nejděsivější hroby prokletých! Krutá pocta démonům!

Asphyx says:

We're sitting at a moldy old table. We're sipping spoiled blood and wondering what music we're gonna play tonight. Eventually one of the demons chooses the new album by American black death metallers ALTAR OF GORE. Just the first few notes and everyone starts swaying to the beat. Flesh falls off their bones, guts come out of their stomachs and worms wriggle in their faces. More songs, more frantic echoes from beyond the grave. Satan asks the lady with the scythe to dance.

This is exactly the kind of black death metal that runs through my veins. Everything is properly dark, cold, dusty, like the hand of a cursed corpse. I haven't seen the light in years. I've given up on today's wicked world. I prefer to drink with demons and listen to albums like "Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies".

Imagine a deep cellar, which when you enter, you are enveloped in absolute darkness. You'll walk blindly and be terrified by the screams of the undead. You will die several times and be reborn. You must cross your own death and shadow. Dusty bones will crack beneath your feet. Finally, you will reach your destination. An old dungeon, full of mutilated bodies. I'm here. I turn the play back on and the speakers spew filth, pus and a lot of hate. This is music from the swampy swamps, from the blackest corners, from morgues and burial grounds. Believable, raw, covered in cobwebs. If you like bands like PROFANATICA, VON, BEHERIT, you will be as satisfied as I am. Nothing for the weak natured, just a cruel death. There is nothing else. The sound, the cover, the production, everything is subordinated to one thing - to bury you alive. You won't be able to breathe, you'll suffocate with your own hatred. Throw a stone, you who are blameless. ALTAR OF GORE is a two-piece band. Acolyte of the Foul Ones is signed on all instruments and is accompanied by Joe Aversario on guitar. Both act as ambassadors of hell itself. Their music is very believable, urgent, raw and cold. It reeks of brimstone and will cut you to pieces. The songs are like a long inflamed ulcer that has just been cut open. It oozes stinking pus and also riffs that must have been written far beyond the River Styx. If you're into this kind of rotting stuff, don't hesitate a moment. It's played here for you, and for all the undead. Flesh is falling off my bones, guts are coming out of my belly and worms are wriggling in my cheeks. The frantic echoes from beyond the grave ring through the heavy air. Satan asks the lady with the scythe to dance. Blasphemous, gore black death metal, where the most terrifying graves of the damned are exhumed! A cruel tribute to demons!

01. Introduction 
02. Excoriation Prayers 
03. Infinite Visions Of Violence 
04. Destined For The Pit 
05. Carrion Womb 
06. Blood For Blood (Flesh For Flesh) 
07. Litanies Of Unceasing Agonies

Recenze/review - VREDEHAMMER - God Slayer (2024)

CD 2024, Indie Recordings

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Připadal jsem si jako spoutaný. Probudím se uprostřed noci a nevím, co je pravda a co sen. Pronásledují mě démoni. Přesně vědí, jak se mi dostat pod kůži. Čekají nedaleko a usmívají se. Jsou mým stínem, děsivým svědomím, stejně jako nové album norského maniaka Pera Valla a jeho VREDEHAMMER. Mraky jsou nízko a městem se toulají přízraky. Dívám se do tmy a postupně přidávám hlasitost. Smrt je zase jednou velmi blízko a já poslouchám hudbu, která se dostala i do mých snů.

Bývám k podobným projektům, pod kterými je podepsaný jediný člověk, poměrně skeptický, ale je prostým faktem, že mě nové album rozsekalo. Pokaždé přistupuji k nové hudbě stejně. Sednu si ve svém pokoji, zhasnu všechna světla a nechám ji na sebe působit. Nové album "God Slayer" se mi dostalo ihned do krve. Stalo se mojí součástí. Chytlo mě a nemohl jsem poslouchat nic jiného. 


Novinka je mocná, majestátní, démonická, zahalená do krvavé mlhy. Jedná se přesně o takový ten druh hudby, kterou raději poslouchám, rád se k ní vracím, než abych o ní psal. Opravdu, lepší je si pustit ukázky, než číst obyčejná slova. Toulám se ulicemi prázdného města a čekám, až přijde bouřka. Našlapuji do rytmu a sleduji lidi, kteří připomínají zombie. Jsem jinde, díky novému albu se ocitám v dimenzi, kterou nelze vysvětlit. Opravdoví fanoušci mi určitě potvrdí. Je zde kombinován starý, poctivý kov smrti s absolutní černotou a chladem. Každý máme svoji prokletou komnatu. VREDEHAMMER vzali všechny vaše temné myšlenky, které máte uložené v podvědomí, a vytáhli je na povrch. Muzika je zde jako studená řeka, plná nafouklých mrtvol. Vždycky říkám, že nejlepší metal je ten, který ve vás rozdrásá emoce. Tohle umí Per Valla na výbornou. K tomu si připočtěte skvělý zvuk, obal a produkci a máte tu album, které nemůže nechat v klidu žádného opravdového fanouška stylu. Jsem už starý a někdy bývám unavený. Přesto si dávám do hlavy novou desku "God Slayer" s obrovskou chutí. Moc dobře vím, cítím to, že jednou zemřu. Možná právě proto si podobné desky neskutečně užívám. Per Valla má svůj originální rukopis. Jeho nové album se mi dostalo do krve, je jako jed, který je podáván v malých dávkách. Postupně umíráte, abyste nakonec zemřeli v nekonečných křečích. Nelze jinak, než novinku doporučit všem tmářům, všem prokletým. Připadal jsem si jako spoutaný. Probudím se uprostřed noci a nevím, co je pravda a co sen. Pronásledují mě démoni. Přesně vědí, jak se mi dostat pod kůži. Čekají nedaleko a usmívají se. Jsou mým stínem, děsivým svědomím. Chladný, temný black death metal, který vám nastaví pokřivené zrcadlo! Děsivá hra stínů!

Asphyx says:

I felt like I was handcuffed. I wake up in the middle of the night and I don't know what's real and what's a dream. I'm haunted by demons. They know exactly how to get under my skin. They're waiting nearby, smiling. They are my shadow, my terrifying conscience, just like the new album by Norwegian maniac Per Valla and his VREDEHAMMER. The clouds are low and ghosts roam the city. I stare into the darkness and gradually turn up the volume. Death is once again very close and I listen to music that has entered my dreams.

I used to be quite skeptical about such projects signed by a single person, but the simple fact is that the new album blew me away. I approach new music the same way every time. I sit in my room, turn off all the lights and let it affect me. The new album "God Slayer" got into my blood right away. It became a part of me. I got caught up in it and I couldn't listen to anything else.

The novelty is powerful, majestic, demonic, shrouded in a bloody mist. This is exactly the kind of music I prefer to listen to, to return to, rather than write about. Really, it's better to listen to samples than to read mere words. I wander the streets of an empty city, waiting for the storm to come. I stomp to the beat and watch people who resemble zombies. I'm in a different place, thanks to the new album, I'm in a dimension that can't be explained. True fans will confirm. It combines the old, honest metal of death with absolute blackness and coldness. We all have our own cursed chamber. VREDEHAMMER have taken all the dark thoughts you have stored in your subconscious and brought them to the surface. The music here is like a cold river full of bloated corpses. I always say that the best metal is the one that tears your emotions apart. That's what Per Valla does well. Add to that a great sound, artwork and production and you have an album that cannot leave any true fan of the style in peace. I'm old and sometimes I get tired. Still, I'm putting the new album "God Slayer" in my head with great gusto. I know very well, I can feel it, that one day I'm going to die. Maybe that's why I enjoy records like this so much. Per Valla has his own original signature. His new album got into my blood, it's like a poison that is given in small doses. You die gradually, only to die in endless convulsions. I can't but recommend the new album to all darkies, all the damned. I felt like I was chained. I wake up in the middle of the night and I don't know what's true and what's a dream. I'm haunted by demons. They know exactly how to get under my skin. They're waiting nearby, smiling. They are my shadow, my terrifying conscience. Cold, dark black death metal that will hold a distorted mirror up to you! A terrifying game of shadows!

01. Intro 
02. From The Abyss 
03. The Joker 
04. God Slayer 
05. The Dragons Burn 
06. Blood Of Wolves 
07. Death Becomes The New Day 
08. Product Human Slave 
09. Obliterator

Per Valla: Guitars, vocals, keyboards, bass guitar
Nils “Dominator” Fjellström: Session drums

Guitars, bass and keyboards were recorded in Per Valla`s home studio. Vocals recorded at Indie Recordings Studio.
Drums were recorded in Black Valley Studio.
Mixed and mastered by Jacob Hansen Studios.

Artwork and layout by Simon Bossert at S. Bossert Art
Photo by Bent Mathisen at Arctander visual and auditory service.

pátek 14. června 2024

Recenze/review - MALIGNANCY - ...Discontinued (2024)

MALIGNANCY - ...Discontinued
CD 2024, Willowtip Records

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Mělo mi to být jasné dopředu. Měl jsem to vědět. Jenže tentokrát pud sebezáchovy nefungoval. Vylezl jsem z domu a myslel si, že půjdu normálně do práce. Na ulici ale ležela mrtvá těla. V různém stádiu rozkladu. Vzduchem se vznášel zápach smrti a já věděl, že apokalypsa začala. Příznaky byly známé dlouho dopředu. Nenávist mezi lidmi, jedovaté sliny na sociálních sítích, ovládání na dálku. Stačilo zapnout play a jeden začal napadat druhého. Krev tekla proudem a slabí umírali v nekonečných křečích. Zůstali jen predátoři, kteří se začali požírat mezi sebou.

A z reproduktorů k tomu hrála nová deska amerických brutálních maniaků MALIGNANCY. Kapely, která je právem považována za legendu. Její kořeny sahají až do roku 1992 a zkušenosti jsou znát na každém kroku. Novinka vám vystřelí mozek z hlavy. Pánové jsou po pěti letech zpět, silnější než dřív. Ulicemi teče krev a procházím se temnotou. Alespoň takto vnímám letošní nahrávku já. Je po okraj narvaná surovostí, brutalitou, technickými pasážemi. Je krutým otiskem, pokřiveným zrcadlem, které nám tihle šílenci nastavili. 


Stačilo tak málo, aby se z nás stala znovu krutá zvířata. Nebo jsme takoví byli vždycky? Jak mi jinak vysvětlíte, že se lidé začali požírat mezi sebou? "...Discontinued" je albem, které může být k podobným děsivým vizím kulisou, zlým soundtrackem. Vždycky se mi líbil rukopis kapely, takový ten jejich nezaměnitelný tlak, temnota. Letos jsou pánové opět ve skvělé formě. Skladby jsou po okraj narvané zvrácenými melodiemi, vokál je silný, jako řev bestie a bicí připomínají smrt pod pásy buldozeru. Jako celek potom drží nahrávka pohromadě, opravdu doporučuji poslouchat vcelku a pořádně nahlas. Teprve potom vylezou na povrch jednotlivé morbidní nuance. O obalu, zvuku, celkové produkci a provedení, není nutné jakkoliv diskutovat. Vše je v absolutním pořádku. Fascinuje mě krutá, chladná a do hniloby zahalená atmosféra. MALIGNANCY vybrousili svůj styl k dokonalosti. Jsou jako perfektně seřízený stroj na zabíjení. V jednotlivých motivech je vztek, zuřivost, takový ten heavy feeling, který umějí jenom dobré smečky. Pokud máte rádi styl, kterému se říká newyorkská odrůda brutálního death metalu, tak budete velmi spokojeni. Nové album se vám dostane do snů, stane se šílenou noční můrou. Bude se vám zdát o apokalypse, o hromadách mrtvých těl, o bolesti a utrpení. Pro fanoušky třeba takových SUFFOCATION, CRYPTOPSY, WORMED, DEEDS OF FLESH, GORGASM, BRODEQUIN a dalších maniaků, kteří se nebojí říznout do živého, je novinka doslova povinností. Mělo mi to být jasné dopředu. Měl jsem to vědět. Jenže tentokrát pud sebezáchovy nefungoval. Vylezl jsem z domu a myslel si, že půjdu normálně do práce. Na ulici ale ležela mrtvá těla. V různém stádiu rozkladu. Vzduchem se vznášel zápach smrti a já věděl, že apokalypsa začala. Chorobami a hnisem nasáklý brutální technický death metal! Gore atak! 

Asphyx says:

I should have known that beforehand. I should have known. Only this time, the survival instinct didn't work. I got out of the house and thought I was going to go to work as normal. But there were dead bodies in the street. In various stages of decomposition. The smell of death was in the air and I knew the apocalypse had begun. The symptoms were known long in advance. Hate between people, poisonous spittle on social media, remote control. All it took was one person turning on a play to attack another. Blood flowed and the weak died in endless spasms. All that was left were predators who began to devour each other.

And from the speakers came the new album by American brutal maniacs MALIGNANCY. A band that is rightly considered a legend. Its roots go back to 1992 and its experience is evident at every turn. This new release will blow your brains out. The gentlemen are back after five years, stronger than before. Blood runs in the streets and I walk through the darkness. At least that's how I feel about this year's record. It's packed to the brim with brutality, brutality, technical passages. It's a cruel imprint, a distorted mirror that these madmen have set up for us. 

It took so little for us to become cruel animals again. Or were we always like this? How else do you explain that people started eating each other? "...Discontinued" is an album that can be a backdrop to such horrific visions, an evil soundtrack. I've always liked the band's signature, that unmistakable pressure, the darkness. This year the gentlemen are in great form again. The songs are packed to the brim with twisted melodies, the vocals are powerful, like the roar of a beast, and the drums are reminiscent of death under the belts of a bulldozer. As a whole then, the record holds together, I really recommend listening in its entirety and properly loud. Only then will the individual morbid nuances come out. There is no need to discuss the cover, the sound, the overall production and the performance. Everything is absolutely fine. I am fascinated by the cruel, cold and rotten atmosphere. MALIGNANCY have honed their style to perfection. They're like a perfectly tuned killing machine. There is anger, fury, that heavy feeling that only good packs can do. If you like the style called New York variety of brutal death metal, you will be very satisfied. The new album will get into your dreams, it will become a crazy nightmare. You will dream of the apocalypse, of piles of dead bodies, of pain and suffering. For fans of SUFFOCATION, CRYPTOPSY, WORMED, DEEDS OF FLESH, GORGASM, BRODEQUIN and other maniacs who are not afraid to cut into the live, the new album is literally a must. It should have been clear to me ahead of time. I should have known. Only this time the instinct for self-preservation didn't work. I got out of the house and thought I was going to go to work as normal. But there were dead bodies lying in the street. In various stages of decomposition. The smell of death was in the air and I knew the apocalypse had begun. Disease and pus-soaked brutal technical death metal! Gore attack!

Track Listing:
1. Existential Dread
2. Binary Paradigm
3. Irradiated Miscreation
4. Purity of Purpose [Approved for Airplay]
5. Ancillary Biorhythms
6. Haunted Symmetry
7. Decomposing Divinity
8. Oppositional Defiance
9. Biological Absurdity

Ron Kachnic - Guitars
Mike Heller - Drums
Danny Nelson - Vocals
Alex Webber - Bass**
*Jacob Schmidt (Defeated Sanity) played sesson bass on the album.

čtvrtek 13. června 2024

Recenze/review - ULCERATE - Cutting the Throat of God (2024)

ULCERATE - Cutting the Throat of God
CD 2024, Debemur Morti Productions

for english please scroll down

Některá setkání s novou hudbou jsou pro mě natolik drásající, že potom sedím, dívám se do tmy a hlavou mi létá množství temných myšlenek. Potřebuji si vše utřídit, urovnat a teprve potom jsem schopen napsat pár řádek. S ULCERATE to bývá vždycky trošku těžší. Kapela se totiž postupně vyvíjí, pokaždé zní jejich nahrávky trošku jinak. Základem je stále surový death metal, ale čím dál tím častěji se začínají objevovat i black metalové prvky. Byl jsem zrovna na horách a chtěl jsem být sám. Jenom já a nové album "Cutting the Throat of God".

Na téhle smečce je skvělé i to, že ji poznáte podle několika prvních tónů. Má svůj rukopis, vlastní krvavý otisk, který je natolik originální, že si je s nikým jiným nespletete. Bylo mi zrovna nějak těžko na duši a venku byla hustá mlha. Vydal jsem se kousek za dům, do černých močálů. Tady, uprostřed nicoty a mokvající vody, vyniklo nové album nejvíce. Zvuk (Jamie Saint Merat - recording, mixing, Magnus Lindberg - mastering), obal (také Jamie Saint Merat) sedí perfektně na svých místech. Opravdu, nejlepší byl vždy poslech venku, v šeru a krvavé mlze. Novinka je velmi naléhavá, je jako jed, který vám někdo zlý podává postupně, abyste pomalu zemřeli v šílených křečích. 


Někde tam daleko, ze kamennou zdí, o které nikdo neví, kdo jí postavil, je prý vchod do pekla. Troufám si tvrdit, že se tam hraje podobná hudba, jako je ta na "Cutting the Throat of God". Kapele vždycky dokázala napsat skladby, které se mi doslova zadřely pod kůži, do podvědomí. Letos je nová deska opět velmi propracovaná, pečlivě vystavěná. Pánové si hrají s melodiemi, jako šelma se svojí kořistí. Technika se zde potkává s absolutní tmou, disonancí i lehkou avantgardou. Výsledkem je materiál, který pro vás bude zpočátku možná těžko stravitelný, ale dejte nahrávce čas. Je určena pro posluchače, kteří poslouchají pozorně, rádi se nechávají unést svojí fantazií. Také cítíte vnitřní bolest, také vám je někdy špatně a vyhledáváte stín? Tak přesně pro tyto chvíle je album určeno. Jakoby bylo ve mě něco špatného, hnisavého. Bouchám se pěstí do hrudi, řežu si obličej do krve. Klečím a modlím se k nebi i peklu. Svět je najednou černý a zničený. Procházím se mezi troskami kdysi slavných chrámů a překračuji těla věřících. Máte rádi kapely jako GORGUTS, DEATHSPELL OMEGA, PORTAL, IMMOLATION, MITOCHONDRION, AD NAUSEAM, ABYSSAL, CIGAN, PHOBOSCOSM, ARTIFICIAL BRAIN? Potom neváhejte ani chvilku. Tohle je obřad, rituál, hudba, která překračuje hranice běžného vnímání. Někdy bývám rád sám, daleko od běžného stereotypu. Zavírám se do pokoje nebo se toulám v močálech. V těchto chvílích vynikne síla téhle desky nejvíce. Pokaždé, když si ji pustím, objevím něco nového a vše si neskutečně užívám. Některá setkání s novou hudbou jsou pro mě natolik drásající, že potom sedím, dívám se do tmy a hlavou mi létá množství temných myšlenek. Technický, bolestivý, temný black death metal, který spálí vaši duši na popel! Krvavá mlha v močálech nicoty!

Asphyx says:

Some encounters with new music are so jarring for me that I sit and stare into the darkness, with many dark thoughts flying through my head. I need to sort things out, get them in order, and only then am I able to write a few lines. It's always a bit harder with ULCERATE. The band is evolving, each time their recordings sound a little different. The basis is still raw death metal, but more and more often black metal elements start to appear. I was just in the mountains and I wanted to be alone. Just me and the new album "Cutting the Throat of God".

What's also great about this pack is that you can recognize them by the first few notes. It has its own signature, its own bloody imprint that is so original you won't mistake them for anyone else. I was feeling a bit heavy in the head and it was foggy outside. I went a little way outside the house, into the black swamps. Here, in the middle of nothingness and swampy water, the new album stood out the most. The sound (Jamie Saint Merat - recording, mixing, Magnus Lindberg - mastering), the cover (also by Jamie Saint Merat) fit perfectly in place. Really, the best listening was always outside, in the gloom and bloody fog. The novelty is very urgent, it's like a poison that someone evil gives you gradually, so that you slowly die in mad convulsions. 

Somewhere far away, behind a stone wall that no one knows who built it, is said to be the entrance to hell. I dare say there's similar music to "Cutting the Throat of God". The band has always been able to write songs that literally burrow under my skin, into my subconscious. This year the new album is again very polished, carefully constructed. The gentlemen play with the melodies like a beast with its prey. Technique meets absolute darkness, dissonance and light avant-garde. The result is material that you may find hard to digest at first, but give the record time. It's for listeners who listen attentively, who like to let their imaginations run wild. Do you also feel inner pain, do you sometimes feel sick and seek the shadow? This is exactly what the album is for. It's like there's something bad, festering inside me. I'm pounding my chest with my fist, cutting my face into blood. I kneel and pray to heaven and hell. The world is suddenly black and destroyed. I walk among the ruins of once famous temples and cross the bodies of the faithful. Do you like bands like GORGUTS, DEATHSPELL OMEGA, PORTAL, IMMOLATION, MITOCHONDRION, AD NAUSEAM, ABYSSAL, CIGAN, PHOBOSCOSM, ARTIFICIAL BRAIN? Then don't hesitate a moment. This is a ceremony, a ritual, music that transcends the boundaries of ordinary perception. Sometimes I like to be alone, away from the usual stereotype. I lock myself in my room or wander in the swamps. It's in these moments that the power of this record shines through the most. Every time I listen to it, I discover something new and I enjoy everything immensely. Some encounters with new music are so jarring for me that I sit and stare into the darkness afterwards, and a lot of dark thoughts fly through my head. Technical, painful, dark black death metal that will burn your soul to ashes! A bloody mist in the swamps of nothingness!

01. To Flow Through Ashen Hearts 
02. The Dawn Is Hollow 
03. Further Opening The Wounds 
04. Transfiguration In And Out Of Worlds 
05. To See Death Just Once 
06. Undying As An Apparition 
07. Cutting The Throat Of God

Recenze/review - GOLGOTHA - Spreading The Wings Of Hope (2024)

GOLGOTHA - Spreading The Wings Of Hope
CD 2024, Ardua Music

for english please scroll down

Občas ráno vstaneš a všechno kolem je šedivé. Oprýskané zdi, plné divných znamení. Ulicemi se toulají lidé bez cíle. Zachmuření, smutní. Jsou jako ty, když přemýšlíš o životě a padá na tebe splín. Dostal si až příliš ran. Zrozen v bolesti čekáš na smrt. Někdo už dávno zhasl všechna světla. Přesto máš naději, bojuješ se svým osudem. Posloucháš už dávno jenom hudbu, která je tvému srdci blízká. Život je totiž příliš krátký na to, zaobírat se zbytečnostmi.

A tak je tu nové album španělských doom death metalistů GOLGOTHA. Mraky jsou zase jednou nízko a městem se prochází chlad. Nejraději podobné nahrávky poslouchám brzy ráno cestou do práce. Chodím kolem hřbitovní zdi a někdy mám pocit, že na ní sedí přízraky. Nebo ne? Vzduchem létají vznešené, majestátní melodie a do žil se mi pomalu vkrádá klid. Novinka je povedeným albem. To vám klidně podepíšu vlastní krví. Nejvíce vynikne, když je tma, prší a vy se potřebujete na chvilku zastavit. 

Tenhle styl hudby se musí hrát srdcem. Jinak to nemá cenu. V kapele jsou samí zkušení muzikanti, kteří moc dobře vědí, co a jak chtějí hrát. Funguje mezi nimi vzájemná chemie a skladby na mě působí jako živoucí organismus. Kývám se spokojeně do rytmu a usmívám se. Dělám to pokaždé, jaksi podvědomě, když potkám nějakou hudbu, která mě osloví, která se mi dostane pod kůži. Někdy to vypadá, že svět za okny je šílený. Děsivé předpovědi, lidská nenávist, bolest, mučení, utrpení. Jenže ještě existuje i druhá strana mince. Naděje, světlo, pozitivní energie. Doom metal  je ze své podstaty smutný, ale nové album na mě působí spíše uklidňujícím dojmem. Pokaždé, když na mě jde splín, pokaždé, když vidím šílené večerní zprávy, tak se zavřu do svého pokoje a poslouchám "Spreading The Wings Of Hope" stále dokola. Novinka má samozřejmě skvělý chladivý zvuk (Javier Fernández (Avulsed, Holycide, TodoMal) a působivý obal. Po formální stránce je vše v nejlepším pořádku. Fanoušci třeba takových DRACONIAN, HALLATAR, NOVEMBERS DOOM, SATURNUS, MADDER MORTEM, budou určitě nadšeni jako moje maličkost. Chybí mi snad jenom jediné. Chtěl bych někdy tuhle smečku vidět naživo. Zajímalo by mě, jak působí jednotlivé songy na koncertě. Snad se mi můj sen někdy splní. Zatím ráno vstávám a všechno kolem je šedivé. Oprýskané zdi, plné divných znamení. Ulicemi se toulají lidé bez cíle. Zachmuření, smutní. Jsou jako já, když přemýšlím o životě a padá na mě splín. Dostal jsem až příliš ran. Zrozen v bolesti čekám na smrt. A poslouchám u toho tuhle desku. Je totiž opravdu povedená. Naléhavý, chladný, vznešený a majestátní doom death metal, který rozdrásá vaši duši! Naděje umírá poslední!

Asphyx says:

Sometimes you get up in the morning and everything around you is grey. Speckled walls, full of strange signs. People wandering the streets with no destination. Gloomy, sad. They're like you, when you think about life and the full moon falls on you. You've taken too many blows. Born in pain, waiting to die. Someone turned off all the lights long ago. Yet you have hope, you fight your fate. You've been listening to music that's close to your heart. Life's too short to dwell on useless things.

And so here is the new album from Spanish doom death metallers GOLGOTHA. The clouds are low once again and a chill is sweeping through the city. I like to listen to records like this early in the morning on my way to work. I walk by the cemetery wall and sometimes I feel like there are ghosts sitting on it. Don't they? The air is filled with sublime, majestic melodies, and peace slowly creeps into my veins. The new album is a fine album. I'll sign it in my own blood. It's at its best when it's dark and rainy and you need to stop for a moment. 

This style of music has to be played with the heart. Otherwise it's worthless. The band is full of experienced musicians who know very well what and how they want to play. They have a chemistry with each other and the songs feel like a living organism to me. I sway contentedly to the rhythm and smile. I do this every time, sort of subconsciously, when I come across some music that speaks to me, that gets under my skin. Sometimes it seems like the world outside my windows is crazy. Horrifying predictions, human hatred, pain, torture, suffering. But there's another side to the coin. Hope, light, positive energy. Doom metal is inherently sad, but the new album has a rather calming effect on me. Every time a full moon comes over me, every time I see the crazy evening news, I close myself in my room and listen to "Spreading The Wings Of Hope" over and over again. Of course, the new album has a great chilling sound (Javier Fernández (Avulsed, Holycide, TodoMal) and an impressive cover. Formally, everything is in the best order. Fans of such bands as DRACONIAN, HALLATAR, NOVEMBERS DOOM, SATURNUS, MADDER MORTEM, will surely be as excited as my little one. There is only one thing missing. I'd like to see this pack live sometime. I'd be interested to see how each song comes across in concert. Hopefully my dream will come true someday. Meanwhile, I get up in the morning and everything around me is grey. Speckled walls, full of strange signs. People wandering the streets with no destination. Gloomy, sad. They're like me, when I think about life and the full moon falls on me. I've taken too many blows. Born in pain, I wait for death. And I'm listening to this record. It's really good. Urgent, cold, sublime and majestic doom death metal that will tear your soul apart! Hope dies last!

01. For Every Tear
02. Gilded Cage
03. A Solitary Soul
04. Hear Their Cries
05. Human Vultures
06. Closed Heart
07. Spreading Wings Of Hope
08. Hope As Guide

Vicente J. Paya – Guitar/Vocals
Andrew Spinoza – Bass/Vocals
Tomeu Crespi – Drums
María J. Lladó – Clean Vocals
Dan Garcia – Guitars

středa 12. června 2024

Recenze/review - DARKENED - Defilers Of The Light (2024)

DARKENED - Defilers Of The Light
CD 2024, Edged Circle Productions

for english please scroll down

Vždy máte na výběr. Buď zůstat a pozorovat západ slunce nad hřbitovem a nebo vstoupit dovnitř. Do starého sklepení, o kterém se říká, že je vchodem do záhrobí. Plesnivé zdi, pavučiny na podlaze. Křupající kosti těch, kteří byli prokleti. Konečně jste tu. Chvíli přemýšlíte, jestli jste zvolili správnou cestu, ale netrvá to dlouho. Do uší vám totiž hraje nové album kapely DARKENED. Smečky, která moc dobře ví, jak znějí ozvěny ze záhrobí. 

Opět tu máme ledový vítr ze severu. Když totiž rezavou bránu otevřete, potkáte nejen děsivé přízraky, ale také uslyšíte hudbu, která není z tohoto světa. Chladný, temný a naléhavý smrtící kov v podání DARKENED opravdu připomíná majestátní chorál smrti. Přečtěte si schválně recenze na minulé nahrávky (jsou odkazovány dole pod článkem) a určitě pochopíte absolutní tmu. 


DARKENED jsou i letos pro mě kapelou, která dokáže napsat silné melodie. Na těch je vše postaveno. Skvělý je i chorobami nasáklý vokál a zničující bicí. Zkrátka a dobře, sešli se tu muzikanti, kteří moc dobře ví, o čem je death metal. Mají jej, stejně jako já, v krvi, je jejich součástí. Je to slyšet z každého riffu, motivu i melodie. Album "Defilers Of The Light" se navíc velmi dobře poslouchá. Vnímat tuhle desku je jako si sednout ke společnému stolu s démony a nechat si vyprávět starodávné příběhy o smrti, o bolesti a utrpení, o temnotě i silách, které nejsou z našeho světa. Kapela nám opět umožnila nahlédnout na druhou stranu, za řeku Styx. Není to ale jen perfektně řemeslně zvládnutý materiál. Skladby v sobě mají ještě něco navíc, kus něčeho těžko definovatelného. Tlak a energii, chvění, chcete-li. Procházím se studenými chodbami Hádovy říše a hledám spočinutí. Nalézám je v kobce s nápisem DARKENED. Hraje se zde jenom prvotřídní, exkluzivní hudba. Už dávno nepotřebuji zlý, zkažený svět, už dávno se děsím světla. Byl jsem kdysi proklet a jinak už tomu nebude. Možná se jednou rozpadnu na prach, možná shořím v plamenech, ale než se tak stane, tak budu poslouchat podobné nahrávky, jako je "Defilers Of The Light". Švédsko kanadská skupina je ve skvělé formě. Rád se i tentokrát k jejich novým skladbám vracím, neskutečně si je užívám a doporučuji je všem, kteří ví, o čem je reálná, mrazivá smrt. Nesmím zapomenout i na parádní zvuk (Lawrence Mackrory) a jako vždy povedený obal (Juanjo Castellano). Pokud máte rádi kapely jako BOLT THROWER, MEMORIAM, HAIL OF BULLETS, DISMEMBER, GRAVE, UNLEASHED, SLUGATHOR, neváhejte ani chvilku. Jedná se o hudbu, která se vám dostane až do morku kostí. Jsme jedné krve! Temná, chladná death metalová symfonie, mlhavé přízraky z onoho světa! Bouře ze severu!

Asphyx says:

You always have a choice. Either stay and watch the sun set over the cemetery or go inside. Into the old dungeon, which is said to be the entrance to the afterlife. Mouldy walls, cobwebs on the floor. The crumbling bones of those who were cursed. You're here at last. You wonder for a moment if you've chosen the right path, but it doesn't take long. Because the new DARKENED album is playing in your ears. A band that knows what echoes from the beyond sound like. 

Once again, we have an icy wind from the north. For when you open the rusty gate, you'll not only meet terrifying ghosts, but you'll also hear music that is not of this world. The cold, dark and insistent death metal performed by DARKENED really does resemble a majestic death chant. Read reviews of past releases on purpose (they are linked at the bottom of the article) and you will definitely understand the absolute darkness. 

DARKENED are again this year for me a band that can write strong melodies. Everything is built on them. The disease-soaked vocals and devastating drums are great too. In short, musicians who know very well what death metal is all about have gathered here. Like me, it's in their blood, it's part of them. You can hear it in every riff, motif and melody. Moreover, the album "Defilers Of The Light" is very easy to listen to. To listen to this album is like sitting down at a table with demons and letting them tell you ancient stories about death, about pain and suffering, about darkness and forces that are not of our world. Once again the band gave us a glimpse of the other side, beyond the River Styx. But it's not just perfectly crafted material. The songs have something more to them, a piece of something hard to define. Pressure and energy, a tingle if you will. I walk the cold corridors of Hades' realm, seeking rest. I find them in a dungeon marked DARKENED. Only first-class, exclusive music is played here. I don't need the evil, corrupt world anymore, I've been terrified of the light for a long time. I was once cursed, and it will be no different. Maybe one day I'll crumble to dust, maybe I'll go up in flames, but until that happens I'll be listening to records like "Defilers Of The Light". The Swedish Canadian band is in great shape. I love coming back to their new songs again, enjoy them immensely and recommend them to anyone who knows what real, chilling death is all about. I mustn't forget the awesome sound (Lawrence Mackrory) and as always the hilarious cover art (Juanjo Castellano). If you like bands like BOLT THROWER, MEMORIAM, HAIL OF BULLETS, DISMEMBER, GRAVE, UNLEASHED, SLUGATHOR, don't hesitate a moment. This is music that will get you to your core. We are of one blood! Dark, cold death metal symphony, misty ghosts from the other world! A storm from the north!


Recenze/review - DARKENED - Mourn the Dying Light (2022)

Recenze/review - DARKENED - The Black Winter (2022)

Recenze/review - DARKENED - Kingdom of Decay (2020)

01. Waves of Desolation
02. Defilers of the Light
03. Those Who Dwell Below
04. In Praise of Shadows
05. Just Close Your Eyes
06. Echoes of Solitude
07. On We Slaughter
08. Dead Inside
09. Masses of Vain Observance
10. As Apocalypse Dawns
11. Final Sanctuary

Gord Olson - Vocals
Hempa Brynolfsson - Guitars
Linus Nirbrant - Guitars
Tobias Cristiansson - Bass
Perra Karlsson - Drums

Interview - WINGLESS - Wetting, dark doom death metal with morbid atmosphere! The air is heavy and the sky is black!

Interview with doom death metal band from Poland - WINGLESS.

Answered Grzegorz Luzar (guitars, bass), thank you!

Recenze/review - WINGLESS - Ascension (2024):

Ave WINGLESS! Greetings to the Polish underground. I hope everything is fine with you. It should be because this year you have released a fifth full-length album in your band's career. I have to admit it has literally blown my mind. It is dark, energic and as if it cuts by the sharp edge of the knife. I can hear from the record you did a really good job and you added a big portion of the talent, too. How do you perceive the new album in comparison to the previous records? Where did you want to move and in what are these records different?

Hell-o Jakub

First of all, thank you for so many positive words about our latest album. I won't hide the fact that we are very happy to receive such positive feedback and reactions from people all over the world. We are proud that our efforts and hours spent in the rehearsal room have yielded such a good result.

With every new album, we always try to raise the bar higher and higher, surprise the listener with something and add new elements to our compositions. We don't play the most innovative music on the metal scene, nor do we try to be avant-garde. We play music in the spirit of what we grew up on and what is closest to our hearts. If anyone else likes it, that's great.

As I mentioned, ‘Ascension’ has the best production (mix + master) in our history. Apart from that, we have quite a variety of songs here, both in terms of dynamics and riffs. I cannot forget to mention here the brilliant drum parts played and arranged by Peter. In my humble opinion, he climbed the heights of creativity on this album. On top of that, everything is played as it should be. There is a lot of sincerity and energy in this music and you have a lot of heaviness, darkness and that specific stuffy, mortal atmosphere...

We don't play happy music... it's death metal with a clear doom metal influences and that's the way it's supposed to be. We don't rush around blindly, but when we need to, we can turn up the tempo and hit with effective blasts. As far as the direction is concerned, my idea was very simple - to make a record with memorable riffs/songs and a fresh take on death doom metal in 2024.

„Ascension“ includes all attributes of good death and doom metal. For me personally, it represents the record, which I really like to listen to. How did you produce it? How look the writing process of new material in the case of WINGLESS?

The production process is quite simple. I compose the guitar parts and make sketches of the songs. I then record these tracks and send them to Piotr. Piotr arranges all the drum parts, adds his parts to my tracks and we have a pre-production. Then we lock ourselves in the rehearsal room and play these skeletons. Then we add extra stuff, sometimes change things and make adjustments. When everything is finished, I add the bass parts and we send the instrumental tracks to Xaay. In the so-called meantime, I write the lyrics - Xaay arranges his parts and we go into the studio to record everything properly.

This pre-production allows us to be as prepared as possible. We don't write music in the studio because we think it's a waste of time. We have our own system that works and we stick to it. Working in the studio is a separate topic. I'm always there from the beginning to the end and I try to supervise everything. I'm a perfectionist and I like to feel that everything has been taken care of. Sometimes, unfortunately, details slip through the cracks, but this is extremely rare. On the recording of ‘Ascension’ everything went very good.

I found out that Dominik Burzym signed under the mix and mastering of the new record. I have to confirm that the sound is literally killing. It still makes me add volume to the player. Dominik Burzym has created a sound that is cruel, raw and at the same time dark and organic. How went the work with him and why did you choose him? In which studio did you record it? How did the recording process look like?

I have known Dominik since 2012, almost since the beginning of WINGLESS. We recorded with him all the albums of the band except the debut. On the debut he only did the mix & master of the finished tracks, which we recorded in our friend's rehearsal room. Since ‘The Blaze Within’, our second album, we have recorded everything in his studio in Giebułtów. Dominik also does all the mixing and mastering. Our work system has always been the same - we meet before each recording session and I present my concept to him. I tell him how I want the record to sound, what tracks it will be and what equipment I plan to use.

Dominik has gained a lot of experience over the years from working with many bands, so I often use his comments and advice. He is always trying to turn everything that is playing in my head into the final effect of the production and the sound of the album. We know each other very well and we know what to expect from each other. It's not always easy because sometimes my expectations are quite high, but as you can see they are met because we haven't changed studios yet. The process itself has always been the same and nothing has changed here. We record the drum parts, then I record all the guitars and bass and finally Xaay adds the vocals. When we have all the tracks recorded Dominik starts the mixing and mastering process. When everything is ready, we check if there are any minor changes needed and either do them together or close the session with a finished album. Sometimes this process of making an album in the studio is quite tedious and intensive, but unfortunately you have to get through it because in the end you have the reward of a finished album.

An important part and a kind of extra bonus for fans today is the physical CD. You released the new album at CD through themselves, and it has a corpsy cover art. Who is the author? Do I explain well the picture when I would think it is a body in a considerable state of decay? How did you choose the motif and how does it relate to the music at the record?

We no longer release albums ourselves. Our last two albums were released through SELFMADEGOD Records.

Both the latest album ‘Ascension’ and the previous one ‘Nonconform’ are available worldwide on CD and digital through SMG Records. We self-released our first 3 albums, but a few years ago we decided that we wanted to find record company that could take care of our work. This is what happened and we are more than happy to be part of SELFMADEGOD Records. As far as the cover of ‘Ascension’ is concerned, it was designed by Rafał Wechterowicz, an internationally well-known graphic and cover artist. The list of artists he has worked with is so long that there would probably not be enough space here to list them all... from Tool to Machine Head to Behemoth or Slayer. This is Rafał's third cover he has done for us. He is the author of the covers for ‘Triada’, ‘Nonconform’ and the latest album ‘Ascension’. When it comes to interpreting what the latest cover art contains, I think it's worth reading the lyrics, listening to the music and comparing it with what you see. There's a lot of detail, symbols and a pretty clear atmosphere that goes along with our music. It's all a planned whole and that's the most important thing.

I have been wandering the underground for over thirty years and I still go to Poland for music with certainty. I think we have a similar nature and taste when it comes to metal. I like your bands a lot and I monitor your scene carefully. Maybe I envy you a little, because we only have a few death metal bands that are worth it. How do you explain that death metal are doing so well in your country? How do you perceive your scene, fans, labels?

Thank you very much for what you said about our scene. I have almost the same seniority when it comes to penetrating the underground and I've always been proud of the number of bands that played extreme metal music in Poland. For as long as I can remember, death and black metal have always had many supporters in Poland. We had and have a lot of great bands and that's probably something I can't explain. Maybe our scene wasn't as influential as much as the scene in Sweden, Norway or the USA, but we certainly had the will and enthusiasm to play. As far as the current state of the scene and the underground is concerned, there are certainly more opportunities than in the 80‘s and 90’s, but sometimes it doesn't go hand in hand with quality and because you have access to everything almost immediately you often meet a lot of secondary bands. Fortunately, usually such bands play for 2-3 years and cease to exist. As usual, Only the strongest survive.

You play doom death metal influenced by, among other things, the old school. Today, the band can't avoid comparisons, but I would like to know how the idea to start WINGLESS was born, who was and is your metal idol? Where do you want to move your band? Are you attracted to large foreign festivals, for example, are you willing to go on tour with a more famous band?

There is no denying that our work is imbued with the atmosphere and spirit of 80s/90s death doom metal.

While in the early days the death metal influences were not always so clearly audible, for the past few years we have been moving more and more into the darker corners of the sounds we grew up on. ‘Ascension’ is a perfect example of how to play death doom metal in 2024 and not have complexes. We respect the classics to the point of pain, but we also try to add an element of ourselves to what we grew up on and play the way we feel. The idea to form a band came from me in 2012, when I had already played in various bands for a few years. Eventually, I decided it was high time to start a band that had everything I was missing when I played in other bands in the past. I think I have more or less succeeded in doing this over the years. We have already recorded five albums and we certainly haven't said the last word yet. As far as idols go, I've somehow changed my approach as I've got older. There are certainly a few musicians I respect and will be grateful to for their music for the rest of my life. Trey Azaghtoth and Chuck Schuldiner are such guys. Personalities whose achievements you cannot pass by indifferently. If you ask about festivals and playing big tours, unfortunately, at the moment I don't think we can financially afford to participate in such a tour. Of course this can always change. A tour with Morbid Angel, Paradise Lost, Cannibal Corpse or Immolation would certainly be a dream come true.

As far as festivals are concerned, we have already had the pleasure of playing several times in the Czech Republic and Slovakia among others. WINGLESS also performed as a headliner at one of the open airs in Krnov in 2018. Hopefully, after this album a few organisers and promoters will want to see us live again and we will get invitations to appear at some summer events.

When I started my website seven years ago, I had a vision that I would try to support bands that are not so much popular, or they are lost in underground. To let the world knows about them. I think I'm doing quite well, at least according to the responses. How do you approach the promotion of your music? Do you rely upon the label or do you send the CDs for various reviews by yourself? For example, I buy albums that I really enjoy. What about you? Are you also fans who often support your colleagues? Do you go to concerts?

Now, thanks to SELFMADEGOD, the whole process of promoting our albums is much simpler and more effective. Over the years, when we initially released our material ourselves, it was me personally who took care of the promotion. I know very well how much time and work it takes to send out music and try to reach as many people as possible. There's so much out there nowadays that it's no mean feat to get people to pay attention to you. Personally, I still buy records and try to follow what's happening not only in the underground but also on the bigger stages. Unfortunately, I don't go on gigs as often as I used to a few years ago. I won't hide that everything connected with WINGLESS and my private life and professional work take all my time and effectively absorb it.

As for your efforts and support of the bands definitely do not go unnoticed. I remember your enthusiastic review of our previous album ‘Nonconfrom’ I thought then that you have a heart for metal and you definitely know what this music is all about. Keep supporting metal !!!

On the one hand, today the new band has a lot of opportunities to make themselves more known, but on the other hand, there are a huge number of groups and the fans are getting lost in this big metal sea. A lot of people just download mp3s from the internet and instead of to visit the concert they prefer to spit poisonous saliva on Facebook. How do modern technologies affect you as WINGLESS? What do you think about downloading music, google metalists, streaming music, etc.?

You are 100% right unfortunately there is a lot of everything. There are dozens of metal albums coming out in the world every day. Nobody is able to listen to everything because it is impossible. That is why, unfortunately, we sometimes miss out on something valuable. I am not some kind of opponent of new technology. It doesn't make sense to fight against something that in some sense also makes it easier for us to reach new listeners. However, I definitely respect those who, despite downloading mp3s, buy our CDs and T-shirts when they like the music. I do this myself and see nothing unusual in it. Of course, there is a huge flood of mp3s being made available without the band's knowledge and consent, but I don't think it makes much sense to fight against it at the moment. To sum up, if someone thinks your music is very good for them, they will try and buy the CD anyway.

I like to ask the musicians what death metal means to them. How would they define it, whether it is more the philosophy and lifestyle thing for them or "just" relaxation? What does it mean for you? How do you perceive and experience it?

Death metal is almost my whole life. I started listening to this kind of music very early on and it has stayed that way. I don't really care if someone thinks death metal is all noise and screams. Nobody is forcing anyone to listen to death metal and that's the best thing. I've seen a lot of guys declaring death metal to the grave... and then after a few years they turned away from this music. Sometimes tastes change, of course, but not in my case.

Surely honesty is the basis of this music. I hope that I will be able to enjoy listening to classic death metal albums for the rest of my days and I am glad that I witnessed them when they were released. They are emotions and memories beyond description for me - thankfully they are mine and mine alone.

Finally, a classic but important question. What is WINGLESS planning in the upcoming months? Where can we see you at the stage and when will you visit the Czech republic?

Our plans for the next few months are to get ready to play gigs. We have a new setlist with a lot of material from ‘Ascension’ We can't wait to play these numbers live. The weight and energy they have is unearthly!

As I mentioned before we had the opportunity to play on Czech festivals several times and it was always a great experience for us. I hope that this interview will help us reach new listeners and get promoters and concert organisers in the Czech Republic interested.

Thank you so much for the interview. I wish a lot of success to the new album and let the number of your fans expand as much as possible. I will look forward to seeing you somewhere live again. I wish you a lot of success both musically and personally. I'm going to push „Ascension“ into my head again!

Thank you for this interview and the opportunity to present the band in DEADLY STORM ZINE.

For those who don't know ‘Ascension’ yet, I encourage you to listen to this album. I hope to see you at some gigs or festivals as soon as possible. Feel free to follow us on social media. Support local bands, buy their records and merch. The underground has always been, is and will be the power of metal music. Greetings to all death and doom metal maniacs.

Grzegorz Luzar

Recenze/review - WINGLESS - Ascension (2024):
