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pondělí 8. dubna 2024

Rozhovor - WHISKEY & FUNERAL - Absolutně zničující, temný a surový black death metal, u kterého se vám objeví krvavá stigmata!

Rozhovor s death metalovou skupinou z Itálie - WHISKEY & FUNERAL.

Odpovídal Andrei Francesco (basa), děkujeme!

Recenze/review - WHISKEY & FUNERAL - Thy Malignant (2024):

Ave WHISKEY & FUNERAL! Právě poslouchám vaši novinku „Thy Malignant“ a říkám si, že takhle nějak bude znít hudba, kterou budou hrát při konci světa. Myslím, že se vám povedl opravdu mistrovský kousek. Jaké jsou tvoje pocity z novinky? Máš už nějaké zpětné vazby od fanoušků? Hráli jste už nové skladby naživo? A jak fungují?

Ahoj, příteli, v první řadě děkuji za tvůj zájem a za tvou podporu. Děkujeme za podporu kapely a undergroundu. Jsem velmi spokojený, že se ti album líbí. Pro nás je to vždycky potěšení. Můžu ti říct, že album právě vyšlo, takže je velmi brzy mluvit o reakcích. Ale můžu vám říct, že žádné album před tímto nebylo přijato takhle. Ale nás to nepřekvapuje, víme, že jsme překonali sami sebe. Každý z nás tvrdě pracoval po všech stránkách. Technika, provedení, zvuky, nic není improvizované. K novému albu zahrajeme naživo šest písní. Nebudou tam žádné pauzy, nebudou tam žádná slova. Jen satanský death metal a brutalita.

Jak vlastně vznikají nové skladby pro WHISKEY & FUNERAL? Jste tradiční kapelou, která se zavře do zkušebny a tam skládá nebo využíváte v dnešní době tolik oblíbený internet a posíláte si nápady emailem? Zajímá mě samotný tvůrčí proces.

Ve skutečnosti skládáme velmi jednoduchým způsobem. Všichni žijeme na malém prostoru a máme zvukovou scénu dole u hvězd, víte. Když přijdeme z práce, vezmeme si pivo a jdeme dolů hrát. Všichni společně. Hrajeme death metal už patnáct let, je to pro nás velmi jednoduché.

Samostatnou kapitolou jsou u WHISKEY & FUNERAL texty. O čem pojednávají na novém albu a kde jsi pro ně bral inspiraci? Na „Thy Malignant“ perfektně sedí k muzice. Co bylo dřív, muzika nebo texty?

Omlouvám se, ale na první si nevzpomínám. Jsem autorem všech textů (mluvíte s Francescem "UNDER" Andreiem) a hlavním tématem je vždy hrůza, přitažlivost temnoty a čistý smysl pro zábavu. Inspiraci čerpáme z mnoha filmů, znáte to, Lucio Fulci, Mario Bava, Dario Argento, Roger Corman, John Carpenter. To jsou mistři hororu. Následujeme jejich učení.

Musím se přiznat, že cover pro „Thy Malignant“ je vynikající – sedne perfektně k hudbě! Jde z něj doslova strach. Jak jste obal vybírali a kdo je jeho autorem? Slyšel třeba dopředu nové skladby pro inspiraci?

Ano, obálka je Stefanovým nápadem a autorem je Roberto Toderico, výtvarník, který pracuje pro jiné extrémní skupiny v Itálii. Myslím, že Stefano chtěl mít na tom albu protikřesťanskou image. A myslím, že tahle Kristova příšera se k tomu hodí. V písni Třináctý apoštol jsme říkali "vy jste monstra, vy jste lháři". Chtěli jsme však také deathmetalovou image. Musíte hned pochopit, že uvnitř toho alba nebudete poslouchat nic jiného než fuciniovský speed death metal z undergroundu.

Skvělý je zvuk celé nahrávky. Je temný, studený a ostrý zároveň. V jakém studiu jste album nahrávali? Mluvili jste jako kapela do výsledného zvuku, masteringu?

Album bylo nahráno a smícháno ve VM Studiu naším přítelem Silviem Gentilim, nejlepším producentem na světě. Na tomto albu nebyly použity žádné spouštěče, bicí, které můžete poslouchat, jsou zcela akustické. Kamaráde, respektujeme i jiné názory, ale já jsem poslouchal hodně extrémních alb a je tam hodně plastické hudby. Bicí bez dynamiky, neexistující basa, plastové kytary. Naše album zní jako deathmetalové album typu Once Upon The Cross s moderním zvukem. Moderní zvuk, žádný plastový zvuk. Je jiný.

Nové album vyšlo u francouzských Tribulación Productions. Proč jste si vybrali právě tento label a jak jste s jeho prací spokojeni?

Je to druhé album s Tribulacion a s naším přítelem Mauriciem Sanchezem. Album vzniklo v koprodukci s dalšími dvěma vydavatelstvími, WP & RO Prod / Sevared Records. Jsou fantastické. Podporují skutečný underground a jsou opravdovými fanoušky této hudby. Doufáme, že naše spolupráce bude pokračovat i v budoucnu. Jsme hrdí na naši volbu.

Historie kapely se datuje do roku 2005. Jak vůbec vznikl nápad, hrát death metal? Kdo byl vaším vzorem? Zavzpomínej pro nás prosím! Jaké to je hrát v death metal v Itálii?

Sakra, zestárli jsme. Jsme kamarádi už dlouho, víš, když nám bylo osmnáct, kouřili jsme marihuanu a poslouchali Cannibal, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Death, Dying Fetus, Sinister. Jsme opravdoví fanoušci. Název kapely vznikl vypálením za noc po dvou nebo třech pivech. Byl jsem s kamarádem Mauriziem a poslouchali jsme The Cult Is Alive (Darkthrone). Uvnitř alba je píseň s názvem Whiskey Funeral. Název jsme převzali z tohoto alba. Od dvaceti let jsme přišli do studia a hrajeme, kouříme a pijeme. A nic se nezměnilo. Dobře, teď máme rodiny a syny, ale jsme pořád stejní jako před dvaceti lety. Jsme rodina.

Na vaší kapele je hrozně vidět, jak vás vaše muzika baví. Máte nějaký cíl, kterého byste chtěli dosáhnout? Pro někoho to je slavné vydavatelství, jiný si chce třeba zahrát na velkém festivalu.

Naše kapela není kapelou, která by hledala cestu ven z undergroundu. Víte, abyste udělali kariéru extrémní kapely, musíte jezdit na turné. Turné jsou pro kariéru velmi důležitá. Bohužel jsme tři zaměstnanci a žijeme ze svého platu. Každé turné je pro nás hodně drahé. Kapela v Itálii, která může jet na turné, je kapela, která má hodně peněz stranou. My jsme chudí. Ale to pro nás není důležité. Pořád jsme tady, naše alba mluví za nás. A že jsme nejlepší deathmetalová kapela v Itálii, o tom není pochyb.

Jaké to vlastně je, hrát death metal v Itálii? Chodí u vás lidi na koncerty? Podporují vás, kupují CD? Když třeba uspořádáte nějakou akci, kolik přijde lidí?

Není pro nás důležité, aby fanoušek nás ocenil. Vydáváme alba, hrajeme koncerty a vždycky prodáme veškerý merch. Nedíváme se na to, co dělají ostatní, je nám to jedno.

Death metal je náročný koníček a ještě těžší životní styl. Co znamená pro tebe? Co tě na něm nejvíc baví a jak jej vnímáš? Jak si se k němu vlastně dostal?

Ano je náš způsob života. Pořád přemýšlíme o nové písni, pořád posloucháme Cannibal Corpse a k tomu si dáváme pivo. Chodíme do malých klubů poslouchat undergroundové kapely. Abyste mohli hrát death metal, musíte být vždy fanouškem této hudby a musíte být upřímní k těm, kteří ji poslouchají.

Tuhle otázku dávám záměrně všem kapelám, aby si udělali trošku propagaci do budoucna. Prozraď nám prosím, co chystají WHISKEY & FUNERAL v nejbližší době? Na co se můžeme těšit?

Můj příteli, nemám co dalšího říct, Whiskey&Funeral bude vždy Whiskey&Funeral. Děláme to samé už 20 let. Neseme kapelu dál se ctí a respektem.

Děkuji moc za rozhovor a přeji WHISKEY & FUNERAL spoustu prodaných nosičů a samé vyprodané sály. Ať se vám daří i v osobním životě. Budu se těšit na další death metalovou apokalypsu!

Děkuji vám, příteli, za tento rozhovor. Děkuji za podporu undergroundu. Pokud posloucháš Whiskey, jsi součástí naší rodiny. Děkujeme!

Recenze/review - WHISKEY & FUNERAL - Thy Malignant (2024):

pátek 29. března 2024

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Portugal - RESURGE.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Portugal - RESURGE.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Resurge is a Portuguese Death Metal band founded in 2020 by former members of Underneath. Following the disbandment of Underneath in 2013, the members decided to embark on a new project. The camaraderie and desire to pursue the shared passion for Old School Metal, mixed with individual inspirations from each member, gave rise to Resurge.

Currently, the lineup consists of David Bento (vocals), Luís Neves (guitar), Sérgio Garraio (bass), and Ricardo Neto (drums).

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Our album was a homemade production, the drums were recorded at Acardomusic Studio, and the rest was recorded at our guitarist’s Luís Neves house, he also did the mixing and mastering. We also had the help of our friends in that process, especially Miguel Tereso from Demigod Recordings, who was a huge help, and gave us advice about production.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

We released 200 copies in CD jewelcase format with our labels, Miasma Records and Vomit Your Shirt. We also released the album digitally on all platforms and on Bandcamp.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

The lyrics and the concepts were created by David Bento, except for the song Circle of Death, that lyrics was written by Luís Neves. The concept of the album takes listeners on a journey through a dystopian universe, continuing the narrative begun in our debut EP. In this world, humans are produced in incubators and emerge into a realm overrun by twisted, demon-like monsters. The album chronicles the story of a character born into this world, exploring the corruption, survival, and struggle to maintain humanity in the face of an increasingly hostile environment.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The logo was created by Сергей Поляков, aka Extripate Humanity Logos, the graphics and the website were designed by Marco Martins from our label, Miasma Records.

Social media are managed by David Bento, currently, they have a big role in our promotion, and they serve as a very important tool for the growth of the band. Like it or not, they play a huge part in defining the image of a band nowadays.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

As mentioned before, the album was released via Miasma Records and Vomit Your Shirt. We already worked with them on our EP, they’ve been good friends of ours for years, so it was only natural that we worked with them. They do a good job representing us, and they feel like extra members of the band.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Our sound takes inspiration from bands like Death, Pestilence, and Morbid Angel, but we add our own twist and personality.

Especially Death is a big influence, both musically and lyrically.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

Because we already knew we would work with our labels, we didn’t have to send our record to any label.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We have played around 16 gigs, we love to play at festivals, our best concert was definitely Milagre Metaleiro Open Air 2023, no doubt a landmark for the band that helped put Resurge on the map for a lot of people.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

In the future, we plan to be able to take our album outside of Portugal and present it to more people. We also plan to keep the ball rolling and keep working on new music to be able to release a new album in the near future. Obviously, we would love to be able to play alongside some of our favorite bands.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

For fans or for concert organizers that might want to invite us to a gig, you can contact us via email or through our social media:


Also the links of our labels:



Thanx for the interview.

Thank you so much for the interview, hope next time we are back with another album!


úterý 26. března 2024

A few questions - interview with death metal band from United Kingdom - TYMVOS.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from United Kingdom - TYMVOS.

Answered Gerorge (vocals, bass), thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Hail! We are Tymvos and we are an Old School Death Metal band based in Edinburgh, Scotland. The band was founded by George (Demonic Obedience, Death Kommander, As I Suffer Silently) on the vocals and bass, Mark (Demonic Obedience, Death Kommander, Storm-winged and Krux Aega) on the guitars and Leo on the drums. We started rehearsing and writing original material in December 2019 and in February of 2021 we released our first Demo. Many live performances followed and after a while we decided to add Marcel to the line up as the lead guitarist. Finally, we released our debut album ‘World of Abominations‘‘ on the 1st of March 2024 and we can’t wait to hit the stage again!

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

We are big supporters of the DIY movement so we recorded both the Demo and ‘‘World of Abominations‘‘ on our own. For the full length, our very good friend Miroslaw Synoradzki took all the files after we recorded our parts and worked on sounds, samples and the whole production in general. After all the mixing and production was done, another old friend of ours, George Seremetis, did the mastering and the album was ready to be released. We couldn’t be happier with the result. All of us, including Miroslaw and George, worked really hard and I believe that the final product is beyond our expectations.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

Macho Records pressed 100 limited marble green vinyls and Huangquan Records produced 500 CDs and 100 tapes if I am not mistaken. Great quality from both labels, I have to add.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

We split the lyric duties in half. For example, in ‘‘World of Abominations‘‘, Leo wrote the lyrics for 4 songs and I did the rest. Usually, when I am reading a book, I get inspired and I try to write some lyrics about it. And the same happens with Leo, I believe. He is more into the fantasy side of things (Demons, Dark places, etc) and I write about religion, serial killers and stuff like this. So, I would say that we have a good balance between dark fantasy and dark reality.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

The logo was created by Mark, our guitarist. Now, when it comes to graphics, we usually get the help of friends or hire someone. The cover of the full length was painted by a very talented artist called Yara. I sent to her my ideas and a few days later she sent the final painting. You should check her profile on Instagram, Yara_artworks ( As for the social networks, although I hate posting things too often, they are THE WAY to promote your band. And to tell you the truth, I believe it is better this way. Bands have the chance to do everything on their own without the need of a label which means that you don’t have to lick any asses. Go out and spread the word!

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Macho Records is a great underground label in Scotland and we are proud to be in their roster. Kendo, Macho’s main man, is a very good friend of ours (he even contributed a solo in ‘‘Herald of Malice‘‘) so when he offered to release the album, we couldn’t be happier. He is a very straight up guy and also very well connected. It seemed only right to us to collaborate with him. We also had the CD and tape versions of the album released by Huangquan Records in China. They are supporting OSDM bands like us and we made a deal with them because we wanted to reach people outside Europe.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

We love pretty much all the 80s/90s OSDM bands. They are our main influence and inspiration. You know, bands like Morbid Angel, Death, Cancer, Benediction and so many more started the whole movement and we would never do what we do today without them. But except the big names, we are also inspired by smaller local bands like Braibath, Coffin Mulch, Penny Coffin, Rancid Cadaver, Ageless Summoning, to mention a few. They are all great and they are the future of Death Metal. Mark my words!

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

We did send some samples to a few labels and usually we were getting a good feedback but unfortunately for us, business is business and not many labels would be interested to invest in a new band like us. To be honest with you, Macho and Huangquan did a brilliant job so we don’t really care anymore. We will carry on doing our best anyway, signed on a big label or not.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

We played quite a few gigs so far and we have many more to come, especially now that our debut album is out. We prefer to play gigs with other Death Metal or at least extreme Metal bands because we don’t particularly enjoy playing in front of people who can’t understand our music. It can be a gig in a club or a festival and it will be the same too us as long as we share the stage with like-minded people. For instance, my 2 favourite gigs so far were the Sonic Dissonance festival and the Dead of Winter festival where we played together with some of the best OSDM acts in Scotland. It was absolute CHAOS!

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

As I said above, we have a lot of gigs coming and we already started writing new material. Hopefully, it won’t take us too long to come up with the next album. As for our future targets or achievements as you said, we would love to start playing gigs across the UK and why not in Europe. Time will tell.

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

We are on Facebook, Instagram and Bandcamp and you can listen to our music in all the big streaming platforms (Spotify, YouTube, Amazon music, etc). Feel free to contact us anytime you want. We love being in touch with our fans!

Thanx for the interview.

Thank you mate! Take care and keep supporting the underground metal scene!

úterý 19. března 2024

Interview - BOMBARDER - Ancient, honest and pure speed thrash metal that makes coffin lids crack!

Interview with speed thrash metal band from Bosnia and Herzegovina - BOMBARDER.

Answered Nešo (vocals), thank you!

Recenze/review - BOMBARDER - Sa dna groba (2024):

Ave BOMBARDER! Greetings, my friends. When I got my first metal album on cassette from my cousin in 1988, you guys had already been playing for two years. I'm sorry to start from the beginning, but I think we have a lot in common. We both grew up in former socialist countries, we both started metal in times that were very turbulent. I was wondering what band did you first hear and how did the idea of starting BOMBARDER come about?

Hello there! Yes, we started middle 80’s and it was great time here back then. Yugoslavia wasn’t into CCCCP so we were something in between East and West. We had all official LP licenses of metal, rock releases etc. There were many bands back then and scene was huge. We liked then of course Motorhead, Exciter, Rave. Many old demos circulated here so listened many of these oldschool speed thrash bands.

You probably had a similar musical development to me. For me personally, the encounter with SODOM music was absolutely crucial. It was the speed, the rawness, the power, the fury. We were walking around the estate with cassette players on our shoulders. We were hanging out in the tenements. You know, pretty girls, lots of beer and metal. It was a good time. But then the revolution came. It was pretty peaceful here, but you started the war on March 31st. How did it affect you? I read somewhere (I hope I'm not mistaken) that you had to leave Bosnia and Herzegovina for Serbia? It must have been terrible.

Sodom were killer, yes we liked them as well. Sure, split up of Yugoslavia wasn’t peaceful as Czechoslovakia. Here everything ended in bloody war for many years and caused many pain and devastation. War is shit, I hate war and I hate politicians and big wordwide guns who make profits on wars and start them all around the globe! I wish them sure and painful death! Since middle 90’s I live in Belgrade, Serbia and Bombarder is active here until nowadays.

We had a friend in our group who was from Croatia. Both his parents died in the war and a couple in our town adopted him. So we had all the first-hand information. I remember tapes of bands like HELLER, EVIL BLOOD. It was a beautiful time, albeit a wild one. Lots of memories. Anyway, what bands influenced you in your early days? What about the gigs at that time? In our country, it was mainly in community centres.

Old Yugoslavian bands as Heller, Evil Blood, Sarcasm, Annathema, Ludilo, Epidemic Zone.... many bands played extreme speed thrash back then. Also lather death metal as Bloodbath, Mortuary, Necrophobia... We had many shows and big metal festivals in big halls with couple of thousands of visitors as Balkan Horror Opera, YU Metal Attack etc.

In our country, it was always said that if a band was good, they played with their hearts. Somehow that attitude has stayed with me to this day. I have to believe in the music and the new BOMBARDER album is exactly the kind of raw ride to hell that I love. I listen to more death metal nowadays, but when I heard "Sa dna dna graba" for the first time, I knew - fuck, this is it! How was the album made? Was the approach different than last time? I find the record more raw, faster.

Yes, Sa dna groba is more brutal and raw. It is inspiration we got from the world around us. Look at what’s happening at many places in this rotten planet? Just pain and missery, death and evil...We feel all this, we can’t be calm and positive when so many are suffering around. Sa dna groba is oda to nowadays!

Are you singing in Bosnian or Serbian, Croatian? The translator shows me a different language every time. As a Czech, I understand the content of the lyrics, but I don't understand everything. Can you please tell us where did you get the inspiration for the lyrics? Who is the author and how were they created?

Back in Yugoslavia we all spoke Serbocroatian. Nowadays this is the same language but everybody is calling this different... Stupid people with stupid rules... As I said in previous answer, inspiration is everywhere around us.

The sound is excellent! No doubt about it. Old school, raw, rough, animalistic. It really reminds me of the 90's recordings. Where did you record? Who's responsible for the mastering and mixing? Look, let's face it, this is a massacre!

Thank you for your words! We all like the final result and it’s great. We recorded as previous time in Citadela Studio and our guitarist Luka Matkovic is producer. Many domestic bands record their albums in his studio. It is like center of Serbian metal scene.

I used to go to the former Yugoslavia for holidays. You know, the sea, beer (of course Karlovačko, Ožujsko, and Rakije in the evening), I love it here. I have beautiful memories from my childhood, but even today, when I go to the sea, I always relax. You have beautiful nature and women, but to be honest I don't meet many metalheads here. Maybe they are hidden in the hinterland, but what is it like with extreme metal in your country? Recently I interviewed METUZALEM from Croatia and they told me that it is a terrible problem to organize a concert, to find musicians? What do you think?

Heh probably metalheads don’t like sea side and hot weather:)). Here in Serbia there are several centers of good scene as Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and there it’s not problem to organize shows. Also there are many, many young bands and they all ;play very often on single shows or small local festivals. But also big festivals as Exit festival in Novi Sad.

You are rightly considered a legend. You have a long history. Is there anything else you would like to achieve? To play a big festival? Or go on tour? I'd love to see you somewhere, have a beer and get my head bashed in.

Thank you. I don’t consider myself as a legend but younger meatlheads think that. I like to support all of them and when ever I can I do this. For me personally it’s important to push the band further, play good shows and some nice festivals. No, tours are not so into my plans. I’m older and it’s not so easy. But I prefer to concentrate on quality single shows and festival shows. I’d like to play in Czech, that’s for sure!

In Bombarder III you have a guest appearance by Per "Hellbutcher" Gustavsson from NIFELHEIM, NECROCURSE. How did you guys get together in the first place?

Hellbutcher is a huge fan of Bombarder. He with his band recorded cover version of Speed Metal song for Hail to Bombarder tribute and since then we are in touch. When we invited him to be guest on our new song he immediately agreed and he did a great work there. I’m very proud on this cooperation. Also we recorded Sodomizer cover as paying our respect to almighty Nifelheim!

Everybody started somehow. Who was your musical role model in the 90s? I remember it was quite difficult to find instruments, tablature, everything. What was your first gig as a fan? And what was your first one on stage? Please reminisce.

Sure, it wasn’t so easy to organize everything for the band back in 80’s but we made it with help of other older rock and metal musicians from the scene who were already in big heavy metal bands etc. Some of first shows were big concerts of Yugoslavian heavy rock bands from early 80’s as Divlje Jagode, Atomsko Skloniste etc.... I can’t remember exactly our first show but it was in Sarajevo. Crazy and wild meatl energy it was!

I think you'll agree with me that metal is a curse. People around me don't get it, even after all these years. It's still worth buying new records, T-shirts, going to shows. For me personally, this music is a relaxation, a way to survive. How do you feel about metal? What does this music give you and why do you listen to it?

Metal is my life 100% and thanx to metal I stayed normal and survived all these hellish war years back in 90’s. Bombarder is my power and my life energy.

Necessary question at the end. What is BOMBARDER going to do in the next few months? If you want to say something to the fans, here is the space.

This year we will dedicate to promotion of Sa dna groba album. Soon CD and cassette will be released and then later LP as well. We will play selected promotional shows and make hell on the stage!

Thank you very much for your answers. I really appreciate them. It was a great honor! I hope to see you live sometime and if so, have a beer with me. Thank you actually for all the great music you make as well. May you have the best of luck! BOMBARDER rules!

Many thanx metal brother! I appreciate your support and nice words for our music. Stay yourself, do the things with opet heart, never neal in front of anyone, fuck the system, fuck authorities and just stay rebellious and metal forever. Life is short, live it with full power! RAZVALJUJ!!!!!


February 2024, Beograd, Serbia

Recenze/review - BOMBARDER - Sa dna groba (2024):


Rozhovor - BOMBARDER - Starodávný, poctivý a ryzí speed thrash metal, u kterého praskají víka od rakví!

Rozhovor se speed thrash metalovou skupinou z Bosny a Herzegoviny - BOMBARDER.

Odpovídal Nešo (zpěv), děkujeme!

Recenze/review - BOMBARDER - Sa dna groba (2024):

Ave BOMBARDER! Zdravím vás přátelé. Když jsem v roce 1988 dostal od svého bratrance své první metalové album na kazetě, vy už jste dva roky hráli. Nezlob se, že začínám takhle od začátku, ale myslím si, že nás mnohé spojuje. Oba jsme vyrůstali v bývalých socialistických zemích, oba jsme začínali s metalem v dobách, které byly hodně neklidné. Zajímalo by mě, jakou kapelu si slyšel poprvé ty a jak vlastně vznikl nápad, založit BOMBARDER?

Dobrý den! Ano, začínali jsme v polovině 80. let a tehdy to tu bylo skvělé. Jugoslávie nebyla v Sovětském svazu, takže jsme byli něco mezi východem a západem. Měli jsme všechny oficiální licence LP metalových, rockových desek atd. Tehdy tu bylo hodně kapel a scéna byla obrovská. Měli jsme tehdy rádi samozřejmě Motorhead, Exciter, Rave. Kolovalo tu hodně starých demáčů, takže jsme poslouchali hodně těchto oldschoolových speed thrashových kapel.

Asi si měl podobný hudební vývoj jako já. Pro mě osobně bylo absolutně zásadní setkání s hudbou SODOM. To byla rychlost, dravost, síla, vztek. Chodili jsme po sídlišti s přehrávači na kazety na ramenou. Poflakovali jsme se mezi paneláky. Znáš to, hezký holky, spousta piva a metalu. Byly to krásný doby. Do toho ale přišla revoluce. U nás probíhala vcelku klidně, ale u vás začala 31. března válka. Jak vás ovlivnila? Někde jsem četl (snad se nepletu), že jste museli odejít z Bosny a Hercegoviny do Srbska? Muselo to být hrozné.

Sodom byli zabijáci, ano, také jsme je měli rádi. Jistě, rozdělení Jugoslávie nebylo mírumilovné jako v Československu. Zde vše skončilo krvavou válkou na mnoho let a způsobilo mnoho bolesti a devastace. Válka je svinstvo, nenávidím válku a nenávidím politiky a velké světové společnosti, které na válkách vydělávají a rozpoutávají je po celé zeměkouli! Přeji jim jistou a bolestivou smrt! Od poloviny 90. let žiji v Bělehradě v Srbsku a Bombarder zde působí dodnes.

Měli jsme v partě právě jednoho kamaráda, který byl z Chorvatska. Umřeli mu ve válce oba rodiče a jedna dvojice u nás ve městě jej adoptovala. Měli jsme tak všechny informace z první ruky. Pamatuji si na kazety s kapelami jako HELLER, EVIL BLOOD. Byla to krásná doba, i když divoká. Spousta vzpomínek. Nicméně, jaké smečky vás ovlivnily ve vašich začátcích? Co koncerty v té době? U nás se hrálo hlavně v kulturních domech.

Staré jugoslávské kapely jako Heller, Evil Blood, Sarcasm, Annathema, Ludilo, Epidemic Zone.... tehdy hrály extrémní speed thrash. Také death metal jako Bloodbath, Mortuary, Necrophobia... Měli jsme mnoho koncertů a velkých metalových festivalů ve velkých halách s několika tisíci návštěvníky jako Balkan Horror Opera, YU Metal Attack atd.

U nás se vždycky říkalo, když byla nějaká kapela dobrá, že hraje srdcem. Nějak mi tenhle přístup zůstal dodnes. Musím hudbě věřit a nové album BOMBARDER je přesně takovou tou syrovou jízdou do pekla, kterou mám moc rád. Poslouchám už dnes spíš death metal, ale když jsem slyšel „Sa dna groba“ poprvé, věděl jsem – kurva, to je přesně ono! Jak album vznikalo? Byl přístup jiný, než minule? Mě připadá nahrávka syrovější, rychlejší.

Ano, Sa dna groba je brutálnější a syrovější. Je to inspirace, kterou jsme získali ze světa kolem nás. Podívejte se, co se děje na mnoha místech této prohnilé planety? Jen bolest a neštěstí, smrt a zlo... To všechno cítíme, nemůžeme být klidní a pozitivní, když kolem nás tolik lidí trpí. Sa dna groba je óda na dnešní dobu!

Zpíváte bosensky, nebo srbsky, chorvatsky? Překladač mi pokaždé ukazuje jiný jazyk. Jako Čech chápu obsah textů, ale nerozumím všemu. Můžeš nám prosím prozradit, kde jste brali pro texty inspiraci? Kdo je jejich autorem a jakým způsobem vznikaly?

V Jugoslávii jsme všichni mluvili srbochorvatsky. Dnes je to stejný jazyk, ale každý mu říká jinak... Hloupí lidé s hloupými pravidly... Jak už jsem řekl v předchozí odpovědi, inspirace je všude kolem nás.

Zvuk je vynikající! Bez debat. Old schoolový, syrový, drsný, živočišný. Opravdu mi připomíná nahrávky z devadesátých letech. Kde jste nahrávali? Kdo je podepsán pod masteringem a mixem? Hele, na rovinu, to je masakr!

Děkujeme za vaše slova! Konečný výsledek se nám všem líbí a je skvělý. Nahrávali jsme stejně jako minule ve studiu Citadela a producentem je náš kytarista Luka Matkovič. V jeho studiu nahrává svá alba řada tuzemských kapel. Je to takové centrum srbské metalové scény.

Jezdil jsem ještě do bývalé Jugoslávie na dovolenou. Znáš to, moře, pivo (jasně že Karlovačko, Ožujsko, a večer pak Rakije), miluji to u vás. Mám krásné vzpomínky z dětství, ale i dnes, když vyrazím k moři, tak si vždycky odpočinu. Máte nádhernou přírodu i ženy, ale abych pravdu přiznal, tak metalistů u vás moc nepotkávám. Možná jsou ukryti ve vnitrozemí, ale jaké to vlastně u vás je s extrémním metalem? Nedávno jsem dělal rozhovor s kapelou METUZALEM z Chorvatska a ti mi říkali, že je hrozný problém vůbec nějaký koncert zorganizovat, najít muzikanty? Jaký máš názor ty?

Heh, metalisté asi nemají rádi moře a horko:)). Tady v Srbsku je několik center dobré scény jako Bělehrad, Novi Sad, Kragujevac a tam není problém pořádat koncerty. Taky je tam hodně, hodně mladých kapel a všechny hrají velmi často na samostatných koncertech nebo malých místních festivalech. Ale také na velkých festivalech, jako je Exit festival v Novém Sadu.

Jste právem považováni za legendu. Máte za sebou dlouhou historii. Je ještě něco, čeho byste chtěli dosáhnout? Zahrát si třeba na nějakém velkém festivalu? Nebo vyrazit na turné? Hrozně rád bych vás někde viděl, dal si pivo a pořádně si vymlátil hlavu.

Děkujeme. Nepovažuji se za legendu, ale mladší masožravci si to myslí. Rád je všechny podpořím, a když můžu, tak to udělám. Pro mě osobně je důležité posouvat kapelu dál, hrát dobré koncerty a nějaké pěkné festivaly. Ne, turné do mých plánů až tak nezapadá. Jsem starší a není to tak jednoduché. Ale raději se soustředím na kvalitní samostatné koncerty a festivalová vystoupení. Rád bych si zahrál v Česku, to je jasné!

Ve skladbě Bombarder III vám hostuje Per "Hellbutcher" Gustavsson z NIFELHEIM, NECROCURSE. Jak jste se dali vůbec dohromady?

Hellbutcher je velkým fanouškem Bombardéru. Se svou kapelou nahrál coververzi speedmetalové písně pro Hail to Bombarder tribute a od té doby jsme v kontaktu. Když jsme ho pozvali jako hosta do naší nové písně, okamžitě souhlasil a odvedl tam skvělou práci. Jsem na tuto spolupráci velmi hrdý. Také jsme nahráli cover Sodomizer jako vyjádření úcty všemocnému Nifelheimu!

Každý nějak začínal. Kdo byl tvým hudebním vzorem v devadesátých letech? Pamatuji si, že bývalo docela těžké vůbec sehnat nástroje, tabulatury, vlastně všechno. Jaký byl tvůj první koncert jako fanouška? A jaký první na pódiu? Zavzpomínej prosím.

Jistě, v osmdesátých letech nebylo tak snadné všechno zorganizovat, ale zvládli jsme to s pomocí dalších starších rockových a metalových muzikantů z té doby, kteří už působili ve velkých heavymetalových kapelách atd. Jedny z prvních koncertů byly velké koncerty jugoslávských heavy rockových kapel z počátku 80. let jako Divlje Jagode, Atomsko Skloniste atd...... Nepamatuji si přesně náš první koncert, ale bylo to v Sarajevu. Šílená a divoká metalová energie to byla!

Asi se mnou budeš souhlasit, že metal je prokletí. Lidé okolo mě nechápou, ani po všech těch letech. Pořád mi stojí za to kupovat nové desky, trička, chodit na koncerty. Pro mě osobně je tahle hudba relaxem, způsobem, jak přežít. Jak vnímáš metal ty? Co ti tahle muzika dává a proč ji posloucháš?

Metal je můj život na 100 % a díky němu jsem zůstal normální a přežil všechna ta pekelná válečná léta v 90. letech. Bombarder je moje síla a životní energie.

Nezbytná otázka na konec. Co chystají BOMBARDER v nejbližších měsících? Pokud chceš něco vzkázat fanouškům, zde je prostor.

Letošní rok věnujeme propagaci alba Sa dna groba. Brzy vyjde CD a kazeta a později i LP. Budeme hrát na vybraných promo koncertech a dělat peklo na pódiu!

Děkuji moc za tvé odpovědi. Opravdu si jich vážím. Bylo mi velkou ctí! Doufám, že vás uvidím někdy naživo a pokud ano, tak u mě máte pivo. Děkuji vám vlastně i za všechnu tu skvělou hudbu, kterou děláte. Ať se vám daří co nejlépe! BOMBARDER rules!

Mnohokrát děkuji metalový bratře! Vážím si tvé podpory a pěkných slov pro naši hudbu. Zůstaň sám sebou, dělej věci s otevřeným srdcem, nikdy se před nikým nepředváděj, kašli na systém, kašli na autority a prostě zůstaň navždy rebel a metalista. Život je krátký, žij ho naplno! RAZVALJUJ!!!!!


Únor 2024, Beograd, Srbsko

Recenze/review - BOMBARDER - Sa dna groba (2024):


sobota 16. března 2024

Interview - MALEDICTION - Totally devastating, raw death grind that will blow your brains out!

Interview with death grindcore band from United Kingdom - MALEDICTION.

Answered Rich Mumford (guitars), thank you! 

Recenze/review - MALEDICTION - The Soil Throne (2023):

Ave MALEDICTION! I guess we can't start our conversation any other way than by welcoming you back. I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to hearing new music from you. I belong to the generation of old fans. So thanks a lot! But I have to start by asking... Damn, what took you so long?

Hey mate, thank you, I’m glad there were people out there who were actually waiting for this to happen!

Doing more Malediction has been on the agenda for us for quite a few years. I think we originally agreed on it probably seven or eight years ago, this was when Shaun was still living and working in the US, we were going to do some new long-distance recordings, the plan then was to do a new 7“ with two songs on it or something.

Anyway, both Mark McGowan and I had since then tried to come up with some new Malediction material without much success. I had loads of new riffs but couldn’t quite get them to work together for a new song. Some of these riffs were what ended up becoming “Black Narcissus.” Anyway, during the pandemic, mid-2021 I tried an experiment and challenged myself to write something completely new in one week from scratch and this worked and got me out of the terrible writers block I’d been suffering from. “The Omerta Masquerade” was the song and this then helped me to finish “Black Narcissus” as well although that took a couple of attempts before I was entirely happy with it. I then quite quickly wrote some other new stuff as well as completing new arrangements for the old songs that are also on the new EP.

It took us a long time, and finishing the EP also took me a long time for a variety of reasons that I won’t go into here, but it was finished and now it’s out. I’m happy. I’m also happy be able to tell you that I am writing new material faster than I ever have done and we are on track to be able to record our debut album in 2024.

I popped the news into the player, got comfortable, and after half an hour was bouncing around the room like I was seventeen again. The family was looking at me, the kids were tapping their foreheads. But I can't help it. The new EP is short, but it's really good. Death metal, grind, but also unmistakable atmosphere and your signature. Well, beautiful! Can you tell us how the new EP was made? Did you change your approach after all these years?

A conscious decision was made with the new material to keep this direct and to the point and not go off into the 6-7 minute realm we explored in some of the later stuff we did in the 1990s. I think “Black Narcissus” was at the time the shortest song I’d ever written. We didn’t want to outstay our welcome and made the songs work in shorter timescales. “The Omerta Masquerade” is a bit longer, but mainly due to the outro riff.

Secondly, the EP was made with the awareness that this was the relaunch of the band and that we couldn’t rely on anyone remembering us or knowing who we are, which is why we re-recorded “Infestation” and the other old songs. We wanted people to have new versions of those songs, but we didn’t want them to be on a debut album, hence they’re on the EP. The second side of the EP is also a kind of celebration of thirty years of the “System Fear” 7”.

The cover art is tinted green and I think it's really hilarious. Daniel Bechthold from Germany painted it. Why him? How did you guys get together? I confess I don't know his work that well, could you tell us more about this very talented artist?

Me and Shaun were throwing links at each other, trying to work out who we could ask to do the cover art and Daniel was in the mix. We both really liked the piece he did for Leipa for their “Reue” release. Shaun messaged Daniel, found out he was a cool guy and interested in collaborating with us and we took it from there.

I really like what he came up with and it’s grown on me even more.

Raw, dark and cold sound is the basis. This year he was really good. You recorded with Dan Mullins, who is also the drummer of MY DYING BRIDE. That's a completely different kind of music! I really have to bow down to the ground because the new EP literally kills. It reminds me of old productions from somewhere in the late 90's. How did you achieve this sound, how did the recording process work?

We recorded the drums first in early August 2022 at Vibrations Studios here in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England. Dan engineered the drum recording and him and Jon our drummer cooked up the drum sound between them. Everything else was recorded in my home studio between August 2022 and March 2023. Most of it was recorded in August and September 2022. I had a bit of a wobble with my health in the middle of it, which meant I didn’t finish until early March 2023. The only things that were really left to do were the guitar solos, but I was really struggling with my confidence over doing them so ended up writing and recording them all in a week, which wasn’t ideal, but it got the thing finished.

Dan Mullins did the final mix and mastering and was sending us rough mixes throughout the process. He sent a rough mix of “Black Narcissus” that absolutely blew me away. I find it hard to be objective about my own stuff and couldn’t really tell from listening to it whether it was any good or not. But when I heard this mix of “Black Narcissus” it totally blew me away. I was like “this is the sound that the EP needs.” Dan did some re-amping of the guitars to add a bit of an HM-2ness to them. I’m very proud to say that the bass sound is pretty much all my own work. I learned so much doing this EP. Experience that you can’t buy. We’ll be doing the album in the same way, and we’ll be working with Dan again on that too. The brief for the EP was “modern, but with old-school sensibilities.”

Once we had everything recorded, I went over to Dan’s a couple of times, and we mixed and edited together to get it across the finish line. It was a great and extremely collaborative process.

Yes, Dan drums for MDB bit he also drums in his band BLASPHEMER who are a lot more straight down the line death metal. Their new EP “Marked for Death” on Macho Records is killer!

Also, times have changed a lot. Today's technology is different. Artificial intelligence, the cloud, you know. How do you as musicians deal with these changes? It must be very different from 30 years ago. Do you follow new trends?

Yes. I’ve had to. It’s been necessary to record in the way that we have done. The only way this new recording was ever going to see the light of day was if it utterly smoked all of our old releases and to do that, I needed to become producer and engineer so that I could be really deeply involved in all stages of the recording and mixing process.

A proud moment for me was after handing over all the tracks I’d recorded and engineered to Dan, I asked him whether what I’d done was of sufficient quality for him to say that the work was “exceptional”. But everyone knocked their contribution out of the park on this, Jon kills on drums, Shaun has never sounded better. I’ve never played as well as I have on this recording. The only people we were in competition with was ourselves and I personally think that we exceeded all of our aims for this recording and that absolutely never happens.

Of course, it’s a double-edged sword because the album has to be even better!

I'm an old dog too, and like everyone I like to remember my youth. I'm sure our readers will be interested to know how did you actually put the band together back in the day? If I'm not mistaken, you were originally called NEUROSIS. Will you reminisce for us please? When and how did MALEDICTION was formed?

That’s correct. The band started in 1989 and I wrote “Infestation” that year. We were just messing about initially with the first lineup.

Myself, Shaun, and Mark Fox knew each other at Teesside Polytechnic, in the Northeast of England and had talked about starting a band, I don’t think we thought it’d still be a thing thirty-four years later though!

Then during 1990 things got more serious, Alastair joined on drums and Darren on second guitar, and we took it from there. We recorded the “Infestation” demo in August 1990 and the “System Fear” 7” later in 1990 and things just progressed from that point on.

It’s cool to have a legacy from back in the early 1990s, but this new version of MALEDICTION has been really about not repeating the past. The legacy is extremely helpful and has given us a bit of a leg-up since we reformed, but for me it’s very much eyes forward, what can we do next, how can we improve.

I remember in my younger days waiting for long hours in line outside the store to buy a new record. My friends and I didn't have money, so we would copy tapes and then argue for endless hours about which band was better. It was a great time, of course. How did you get started in music? Who was your role model? When did you first pick up an instrument? What about your first gig? And the first live performance? Tell me, exaggerate...

I have quite diverse influences, some of the guitar bands of the mid 80s inspired me to try to learn to play. I then progressed by getting into prog rock, a lot of the 1980s new prog/prog revival bands before I got into metal. Thrash bands really appealed to me in a way that traditional metal bands had not up to that point. I liked the “street” attitude, just their wearing every-day clothes and I loved the fact that their songs were about the real world, not dragons and wizards.

I started playing the guitar in 1986, so it wasn’t long between my starting and forming this band, three years or something.

The first gig I played was the first Malediction gig. We weren’t very good, but you have to start somewhere.

You're from Middlesbrough. What's your background in underground music? Do you have any clubs? Or do you have to go to London? I'd be interested in the current state of your scene. What about gigs? Fans? How many people do you get when you play somewhere?

The band was based in Middlesbrough because we were at Teesside Polytechnic (now a university). There wasn’t much of a scene, it was mainly hardcore punk bands. We had the perennial problem of being to punk for the metallers and too metal for the punks. But we got one, we played with punk and crust bands, it was fine. I only ever went to a couple of gigs in London, not somewhere I went.

We just headline Dead of Winter Festival in Glasgow, Scotland. This was our first gig back since reforming. The festival featured eleven underground death metal bands from the UK, we felt extremely fortunate to be asked to play this festival, let alone headline it. The festival sold out and we played to a three hundred capacity crowd.

We have another show coming up in March with BLASPHEMER who are great guys and then in May we’re playing Incineration Festival in London, which is a huge opportunity for us. We’ve not been short on offers to do gigs, in the quality of the gigs is very high, it’s not like in the old days of playing a random pub to a handful of people, these are bigger shows for us. It’s been very gratifying to be organically invited to play prestigious shows in the UK capital.


A very important question for us fans! How and where do you want MALEDICTION to go in the future? We want a first full-length album! No seriously, what are you planning in the near future?

Debut full length will be recorded in 2024 for sure. I have the album sketched out, I have four new songs that I’ve written for it and they’re the best stuff I’ve ever written. We’re going to revisit 2-3 old songs and I’m hopeful that Mark and Rik will also have at least one new song each on it. We’re aiming for 9-10 tracks, 40 minutes max. We’re in a good position, we have more material than we need, so we’ll record a bunch of stuff and choose the best. There might be a new EP in there too that could follow the album closely.

What does music mean to you? Why did you start playing death metal and grindcore in particular? How does music influence your life and world view? What has music given and taken away from you?

I listen to a lot of music from a lot of different genres, but DM is special to me, and it’s been a real pleasure in the last few years to re-immerse myself in the scene and get to know some of the current bands. I think I’ll always be a metal musician; I love other genres, but my skillset was really mostly in metal and its various subgenres.

I got a lot of my worldview from artists that I have listened to, music has been helpful to me in developing an ideological and political framework for my life. Some of my earliest exposure to ethical issues was via the music I was listening to.

On the negative side, music is demanding work and often for little or no reward. We spend hundreds and even thousands of hours honing our craft and spend thousands of pounds on gear to what is often a disinterested world. The tortured artist may be a cliché, but it’s a quite accurate cliché for the most part.

It was a great honor to interview you. I wish you all the best for the new EP to sell out worldwide and for you to have a gig packed to bursting. May you do well in your private life. You know what? I'm gonna go play "The Soil Throne" again! Massacre!

It was my pleasure to answer your questions, sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. Thank you so much for your kind words about “The Soil Throne” EP, it is very much appreciated!

If anyone wants to get in touch with us, they can visit which has links to our Bandcamp and all our socials.

Recenze/review - MALEDICTION - The Soil Throne (2023):
