Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemold school thrash. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemold school thrash. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pátek 23. února 2024

Recenze/review - BOMBARDER - Sa dna groba (2024)

BOMBARDER - Sa dna groba
CD 2024, Grom Records, Death & Thrash Metal Promotion

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Občas si už připadám jako starý prašivý pes. Moje džínová bunda je už dávno uložená ve skříni. Polehávám na studené podlaze a zvednu se jenom v případě, když slyším nějakou dobrou hudbu.  Nezajímají mě umělé kapely s lesklými fotkami v časopisech. O tom metal u mě nikdy nebýval. Já musím skladbám věřit. Musí mě rozsekat, nakopat mi zadek. To se potom znovu obléknu do křiváka a jsem silný, jako když jsem byl mladý. Možná v tom je kus nostalgie, možná pradávná síla, která je i mým životem, ale když hrají BOMBARDER, jsem stále schopný skočit do mosh-pitu.

Thrash metal, speed metal (s punkovým nádechem), ale hlavně poctivé chlupaté metalové koule. Tohle všechno zde najdete. Pánové zpívají v srbštině, které jako Čech rozumím jen trošku, ale to mi vůbec nevadí. Důležitá je předaná energie a tlak, poctivá síla, která mě pokaždé nabije na dlouhé dny dopředu. BOMBARDER jsou zpět a roztrhají vás na kusy!

Jsem starý pes, který nepotřebuje drahé léky, ani psychoanalytika. Mě stačí hudba, abych se v dnešním divném světě nezbláznil. Hergot přátelé, nové album "Sa dna groba" je plné špíny, vzteku a pradávného metalu, který se hrával od konce osmdesátých let. Kdo tuhle dobu pamatujete, tak asi víte o čem píšu. BOMBARDER do těchto časů datují svůj vznik (1986) a je to znát. Postupy jsou jak vystřižené z archivních knih. Jedovatý vokál, smrtící bicí, riffy, u kterých vám bude odpadávat maso od kostí. Už nejsem starý prašivý pes, ale šelma, která umí stále kousnout. Kapela na mě působí stejným dojmem. Hraje nekompromisně, ostře, má parádní zvuk, s ničím se nepáře. Mám to takhle rád. Dám si několik piv a protože je pátek, tak vyrazím do ulic. Je mi líto, že dnes u nás ve městě tihle šílenci nehrají. Zašel bych rád do nějakého klubu, skočil si po zádech do davu a propařil celou noc. Druhý den by mě sice bolelo celé tělo a připadal bych si zcela zničený, ale stačilo by pár dalších setkání s tímhle albem a byl bych zpět. Vše je opravdové, ryzí, uvěřitelné. Máte rádi staré SODOM, KAT? Líbí se vám teutonic thrash metal, punk, speed? Potom jste zde správně. Nikde nic nepřebývá, nikde nic nechybí. Líbí se mi živelnost a živočišnost, se kterou tahle kapela hraje. Mimochodem, ty housle ve skladbě "Na svoju vagu život stavi" jsou vynikající! Songy utíkají kupředu ve zběsilém tempu a připomínají vlak naložený po okraj vzpomínkami i rozdrcenými kostmi. Směřuje samozřejmě, jak jinak, než přímo do pekla. Občas si už připadám jako starý prašivý pes. Moje džínová bunda je už dávno uložená ve skříni. Polehávám na studené podlaze a zvednu se jenom v případě, když slyším nějakou dobrou hudbu. Starodávný, poctivý a ryzí speed thrash metal, u kterého praskají víka od rakví! Nikdy nekončící headbanging! Opravdový metal pro všechny staré prašivé psy!

Asphyx says:

Sometimes I feel like a mangy old dog. My denim jacket has been in the closet for a long time. I lie on the cold floor and only get up when I hear some good music.  I don't care about the fake bands with glossy pictures in magazines. That's not what metal has ever been about for me. I have to believe in the songs. They have to chop me up, kick my ass. Then I'll dress up in curvy again and be strong like I was when I was young. Maybe there's a bit of nostalgia in there, maybe there's an ancient power that's my life too, but when BOMBARDER plays, I'm still able to jump into a mosh pit.

Thrash metal, speed metal (with a punk twist), but mostly honest hairball metal. You can find all that here. The gentlemen sing in Serbian, which as a Czech I understand only a little, but that doesn't bother me at all. The important thing is the energy and pressure transmitted, the honest power that recharges me every time for long days ahead. BOMBARDER are back and they will tear you apart!

I'm an old dog who doesn't need expensive drugs or psychoanalysts. I just need music to keep me from going crazy in today's weird world. Damn friends, the new album "Sa dna dna graba" is full of filth, anger and ancient metal that has been played since the late 80s. If you remember that era, you know what I'm writing about. BOMBARDER date their formation to these times (1986) and it shows. The routines are straight out of the archive books. Venomous vocals, deadly drums, riffs that will make your flesh fall off your bones. I'm no longer a mangy old dog, but a beast that can still bite. The band gives me the same impression. It's uncompromising, it's sharp, it has a great sound, it doesn't fight with anything. I like it that way. I'm gonna have a few beers, and since it's Friday, I'm gonna hit the streets. I'm sorry these lunatics aren't playing in our town today. I'd like to go to a club, jump on the back of the crowd and party the night away. The next day I'd be sore all over and feel completely wrecked, but a few more encounters with this album and I'd be back. Everything is real, pure, believable. Do you like the old SODOM, KAT? Do you like teutonic thrash metal, punk, speed? Then you are right here. Nothing is missing, nothing is missing. I like the liveliness and animalism with which this band plays. By the way, the violin in the song "Na svoj vagu život stavi" is excellent! The songs run forward at a frantic pace, reminiscent of a train loaded to the brim with memories and crushed bones. It is, of course, heading straight to hell. Sometimes I feel like a mangy old dog. My denim jacket has long since been stored in the closet. I lie on the cold floor and only get up when I hear some good music. Ancient, honest and pure speed thrash metal that makes coffin lids crack! Never ending headbanging! Real metal for all the old mangy dogs!

01. Sa dna groba
02. Bombarder III
03. Bezubi osmijeh
04. Unutrašnji vapaj
05. Aveti iz sjenke
06. Goli strah
07. Na svoju vagu život stavi
08. Mrtva straža
09. Zima
10. Flag of Hate (Kreator Cover)

Igor - Songwriter (track 8)
Nešo - Vocals, Lyrics
Luka - Guitars, Bass, Drum programming

Per "Hellbutcher" Gustavsson - Vocals (track 2)
Mesko Lika - Drums
Andrej Antohin - Guitars
Leona - Violin (track 7)

Jovana Uzelac - cover art
Luka Matković - Recording, Producer, Mixing, Mastering

středa 7. února 2024

Recenze/review - MORBID SAINT - Swallowed By Hell (2024)

MORBID SAINT - Swallowed By Hell
CD 2024, High Roller Records

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Skáču po zádech z pódia. Z mosh-pitu se ke mě natahují ruce. Jsem mimo. Určitě to znáte. Když hraje vaše oblíbená kapela, přepnete svůj mozek. Je mi šestnáct a jsem plný síly. Patří mi celý svět a nemůžu si vybrat, se kterou holkou vyrazím ven. Moje džínová vesta je sice roztrhaná a vlasy mám po zadek, ale tady, uprostřed koncertu, cítím obrovskou energii a tlak. Mám pocit, že se mi polámou všechny kosti v těle. Poslouchám "Spectrum of Death". Jsou to samozřejmě jen moje představy, protože o koncertě MORBID SAINT jsme tenkrát u nás jenom snili. 

Dodnes si pamatuji každý tón, každý riff. S dalším albem "Destruction System" to mám úplně stejně. Jen už jsem měl rodinu a moje tělo nebylo tak pevné jako dřív. Když jsem pařil ve svém pokoji, tak už mě nesměl nikdo vidět. Letos jsem už šedivý pes, ale o tom, abych si na tuhle smečku skočil po zádech do mosh-pitu, sním stále. Novinka "Swallowed By Hell" je třetím dlouhohrajícím zásekem a také thrash metalem, který mi stále koluje v žilách. Tohle není žádná, dnes tolik častá imitace, ale opravdový metal se vším, co k tomu patří. Ukazuju všem fuck you a zavírám se před světem. Mám pocit, že mě nové album spálí na popel. 

Novinka je ostrá jako břitva, naštvaná a narvaná vztekem. Přesně takhle to mám rád. Možná mám staré kosti a moje hlava je šedivá, ale podobné desky budu vždy poslouchat s chutí. Mají v sobě totiž něco syrového, opravdového, takové to chvění, pnutí, šílenství, chcete-li. MORBID SAINT jsou stále ve skvělé formě. Užívám si živočišný zvuk (Scott Elliott - mixing, mastering), obdivuji parádní stylový obal od Eda Repky. Tohle je hudba, kterou poslouchám celý svůj život. Jsem jí doslova nasáklý. Určitě to znáte. Když je člověk fanoušek nějaké kapely, tak na ní bývá přísný. S napětím očekává, co jeho oblíbenci nahrají a vydají. Poslední roky bývám u starých thrash metalových kapel spíše zklamaný. Čest výjimkám, jakou jsou MORBID SAINT. "Swallowed By Hell" je nahrávkou, který ale není určena pouze pro staré psy. Troufám si tvrdit, že osloví i všechny ostatní. Má v sobě totiž něco navíc, co jiní nemají. Možná je to velký kus srdce, možná talentu, odhodlání. Nevím, na to má slova nestačí. S čím jsem si ale absolutně jistý je, že k téhle desce se budu ještě hodně dlouho vracet. Má totiž v sobě vše potřebné, abych si vyčistil hlavu. Když dnes skočím z pódia po zádech, tak už mě asi nikdo chytat nebude. Asi bych spadl na zem a rozsekal si hlavu. Nevadí mi to, pro mě je hlavní, že mám zase co poslouchat. Zapínám znovu play a postupně se ocitám mimo tenhle svět. Užívám si jednotlivé motivy, předvádím svůj soukromý headbanging. Je to tam, řvu do tmy a klaním se až k zemi. Thrash metal par excellence! Divoká, šílená jízda přímo do pekla! Pozor! Album obsahuje velké množství třaskavých látek!

Asphyx says:

I'm jumping off the stage on my back. Hands are reaching out to me from the mosh pit. I'm out. I'm sure you know. When your favorite band plays, you switch your brain. I'm 16 years old and I'm full of energy. I own the world, and I can't choose which girl to go out with. My jean vest is ripped and my hair is down to my ass, but here, in the middle of a concert, I feel this huge energy and pressure. I feel like every bone in my body is gonna break. I'm listening to "Spectrum of Death". Of course, these are just my imagination, because we only dreamed of a MORBID SAINT concert back then. 

I still remember every note, every riff. With the next album "Destruction System" I feel the same way. I just had a family and my body wasn't as strong as before. When I was partying in my room, nobody was allowed to see me anymore. This year I'm a grey dog, but I still dream of jumping on this pack's back to mosh pit. The new track "Swallowed By Hell" is the third long-playing hit and also the thrash metal that still runs through my veins. This is not any imitation, so common nowadays, but real metal with everything that goes with it. I'm showing everyone fuck you and shutting myself off from the world. I feel like the new album is going to burn me to the ground.

The news is razor-sharp, angry and full of rage. That's just the way I like it. I may have old bones and my head is grey, but I will always listen to records like this with gusto. Because they have something raw, real, that kind of tingle, tension, madness, if you will. MORBID SAINT are still in great shape. I enjoy the animalistic sound (Scott Elliott - mixing, mastering), I admire the awesome stylish cover by Ed Repka. This is the music I've been listening to all my life. I am literally soaked in it. I'm sure you know it. When you're a fan of a band, you tend to be hard on them. He's anxious to see what his favorites are gonna record and release. I've been rather disappointed with old thrash metal bands lately. Honour the exceptions like MORBID SAINT. "Swallowed By Hell" is a record that is not just for old dogs. I dare say it will appeal to everyone else. It has something extra that others don't have. Maybe it's a big piece of heart, maybe it's talent, maybe it's determination. I don't know, my words are not enough. But what I am absolutely sure of is that I will be coming back to this record for a long time. Because it has everything I need to clear my head. If I jump off the stage tonight on my back, I don't think anyone will catch me again. I'd probably fall on the floor and cut my head open. I don't mind, the main thing for me is that I have something to listen to again. I turn the play back on and gradually find myself out of this world. I'm enjoying each motif, doing my own private headbanging. It's there, I'm screaming into the darkness and bowing all the way down. Thrash metal par excellence! A wild, crazy ride straight to hell! Look out! The album contains a lot of shattering substances!

01. Rise from the Ashes
02. Swallowed by Hell
03. Bloody Floors
04. Burn Pit
05. Fear Incarnate
06. Fuck Them All
07. Bleed Them Dry
08. Pine Tuxedo
09. Killer Instinct
10. Psychosis

Pat Lind - Vocals
Jay Visser - Guitar
Jim Fergades - Guitar
Bob Zabel - Bass
DJ Bagemehl - Drums

úterý 23. ledna 2024

Recenze/review - BAFOMET - Baptized in Goat Blood (2023)

BAFOMET - Baptized in Goat Blood
CD 2023, Iron Fist Productions, Nuclear War Now! Productions

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Probudím se a všechno kolem je úplně jinak. Ještě včera jsme trávili svůj čas na sociálních sítích a všichni byli online, jenže teď mám na sobě džínovou vestu a vedle postele stojí kazeťák. Trošku se leknu, protože dostanu pusu od mladé krásné dívky. Má pevné tělo a na zadku vytetované logo kapely BAFOMET. Usměje se na mě a zmáčkne play. Celý pokoj se zaplní metalem, který  jsem poslouchal v dobách, když jsem s muzikou začínal. Vítejte zpátky v osmdesátých letech minulého století! Dáme si pivo a cigáro a vyrazíme do ulic.

Na periférii se sejdeme s ostatními. Metal zrovna vládne světu a nová deska "Baptized in Goat Blood" ihned všechny zaujme. Sedneme si na betonovou zeď a popíjíme. Pak začne někdo mávat  hlavou. Nakonec se přidáme všichni. Schválně si pusťte ukázky a posuďte sami. 

BAFOMET pocházejí z Japonska a ďábla uctívají od roku 2015. Jedná se o hudbu, která je ohlodaná na kost. Základem jsou odkazy na BATHORY, VENOM, ABIGAIL, SABBAT, přístup mi potom připomíná to, co dělá Fenriz z DARKTHRONE. Zkrátka a dobře, Satan číhá za každým rohem a usmívá se. Hraje se zde hlavně pro něj i pro všechny démony. Jasně, že už tu všechno bylo a Japonci jenom exhumují staré, notoricky známé postupy. Je nutné ale také rovnou dodat, že to dělají velmi zkušeně a elegantně. Mám to ve své hlavě a uších nastavené tak, že mě musí songy rozsekat, musím mít chuť na mosh-pit. Pořádně zahrozit nebi, odplivnout si před kostelem. Tohle jsou všechno věci, které z hudby těchto maniaků slyším. Líbí se mi zastaralý, pradávný zvuk, ten je opravdu jak vystřižený z dávné doby. Parádní je i obal, který vše krásně doplňuje. Je pro mě velmi příjemné poslouchat novou desku  "Baptized in Goat Blood" stále dokola. Nikde nic nepřebývá, ani nechybí. Jedná se o divokou jízdu přímo do pekla. Doporučuji vám si  pustit album, až budete řídit auto. Jen si potom dejte pozor, abyste nepřekročili rychlost. Protáčím CD stále ve svém přehrávači a je mi zase sedmnáct. Nikde žádný internet, ani divný svět, řítící se do záhuby. Jsem jenom já, pivo, holky a metal, který mi právě začíná kolovat v žilách. Mrazí mě v kostech a těším se na večer, až se zavřu před vším okolo a budu si tuhle desku rvát pod tlakem do hlavy. Je totiž skvělá, baví mě a má v sobě potřebnou dávku energie, kterou potřebuji, abych přežil. Zapalte znovu ohně! BAFOMET jsou zde! Heavy black speed metal zahraný s ďáblem s těle! 

Asphyx says:

I wake up and everything around me is completely different. Just yesterday we were spending our time on social media and everyone was online, but now I'm wearing a denim vest and there's a tape recorder next to the bed. I'm a little scared because I get a kiss from a beautiful young girl. She has a firm body and the BAFOMET logo tattooed on her ass. She smiles at me and presses play. The whole room fills up with the metal I used to listen to back when I first started with music. Welcome back to the 1980s! We'll have a beer and a cigarette and hit the streets.

We'll meet up with the others on the outskirts. Metal's ruling the world right now, and the new album, "Baptized in Goat Blood", is catching everyone's attention. We sit down on a concrete wall and drink. Then someone starts waving their head. Eventually, we all join in. You can listen to the previews and judge for yourself.

BAFOMET are from Japan and have been worshipping the devil since 2015. This is music that is gnawed to the bone. The base is references to BATHORY, VENOM, ABIGAIL, SABBAT, then the approach reminds me of what Fenriz from DARKTHRONE does. In short, Satan is lurking around every corner and smiling. It's mostly played for him and all the demons. Of course, it's all been done before and the Japanese are just exhuming old, notorious practices. But it must also be said that they do it with great skill and elegance. I have it set in my head and ears that the songs must chop me up, I must be in the mood for mosh-pit. Threaten the heavens, spit in front of the church. These are all things I hear in the music of these maniacs. I like the antiquated, ancient sound, it's really like something cut from a bygone era. The cover art is awesome too, it complements everything beautifully. I find it very enjoyable to listen to the new album "Baptized in Goat Blood" over and over again. Nothing is missing or missing anywhere. It's a wild ride straight to hell. I recommend you listen to the album when you drive your car. Just be careful not to speed afterwards. I'm still spinning the CD in my player and I'm seventeen again. No internet anywhere, no strange world hurtling towards destruction. It's just me, beer, girls and metal, which is just starting to flow through my veins. I'm chilling in my bones and looking forward to tonight, when I close myself off from everything around me and rip this record into my head under pressure. Because it's great, it's fun, and it has the necessary amount of energy I need to survive. Light the fires again! BAFOMET are here! Heavy black speed metal played with the devil with a body!

1. Baptism
2. Goat Blood
3. Lucifer
4. Beast Of Chaos
5. Scythe Of The Reaper
6. Resurrection
7. Leviathan's Priest
8. Evil Force
9. Witch's Curse
10. Take The Knife
11. Heavy Metal Avenger

úterý 16. ledna 2024

Recenze/review - LIPID - The Perfect Killing Machine (2023)

LIPID - The Perfect Killing Machine
CD 2023, Great Dane Records

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Ležím na operačním sále a čekám. Nejhorší je, že mě vnitřnosti bolely již dlouhé roky. Pan doktor se usmívá s zdravotní sestře to hrozně sluší. Říznou do mě a najednou je kolem spousta zkažené krve. Zmítám se v křečích. Nepoužívají anestezii, to prý prokletí nemohou. Vše proběhne dobře, i když to hodně bolí. Ptám se na příčinu mých problémů a stále usmívající se lékař mi nakonec diagnózu prozradí. Posloucháte thrash metal již příliš dlouho. Kývnu na souhlas, nasadím si sluchátka a do nich si narvu pod tlakem novou desku dánských LIPID

Tahle smečka datuje svůj vznik do roku 1995 a je to hodně znát. Od prvních tónů zjišťuji, že zde máme co do činění s poctivými řemeslníky, kteří ale přinášejí i něco navíc. Ostré melodie, šílené rytmy i vokál, připomínající Kerbera, strážce podsvětí. Kývám se spokojeně do rytmu. Moc dobře totiž vím, že tahle hudba koluje i v mých žilách. 

Nevím, jak to máte nastavené vy, ale já když poslouchám nějakou desku, která se mi líbí, tak jde vše ostatní stranou. Najednou mě nic nebolí, usmívám se a jsem mimo tenhle zkažený svět. LIPID umí napsat velmi dobré melodie, na kterých je také vše postaveno. Základní riffy jsou dále rozvíjeny, kapela si hraje s dynamikou, s náladami, jako šelma se svojí kořistí. Thrash metal má být naštvaný, rebelský a musí smrdět živočišností. Dánové tohle všechno umí a přidávají ještě něco navíc. Novinka je jako kopanec přímo do ksichtu, jako setkání v ringu, ze kterého odejdete rozsekáni na kusy. Jestli máte rádi staré EXODUS, ale třeba i THE HAUNTED, HATESPHERE, MUNICIPAL WASTE, jděte určitě i do téhle nahrávky. Pánové jsou zkušení muzikanti, kteří vám garantují dobrý zvuk i produkci, ale hlavně velkou spoustu nápadů, u kterých se rozhodně nudit nebudete. Pokud jste jako já, staří thrashoví psi, určitě budete skákat po pokoji, jako v dobách svého mládí. Soukromý mosh-pit bude doslova nakažlivý. Vždycky, když o podobných kapelách píšu, říkám si, jaká je škoda, že nejsou z nějakého města poblíž. Rád bych totiž zašel na koncert, vymlátil si hlavu v první řadě a skočil si možná i z pódia. Miluji totiž malé zaplivané kluby, kde má kapela blízko k fanouškům. A myslím si, že v nich vynikne síla téhle smečky nejvíce. Ležím na operačním sále a čekám. Nejhorší je, že mě vnitřnosti bolely již dlouhé roky. Pan doktor se usmívá s zdravotní sestře to hrozně sluší. Říznou do mě a najednou je kolem spousta zkažené krve. Zmítám se v křečích. Usmívám se také, posloucháme totiž všichni "The Perfect Killing Machine". Divoká thrash metalová jízda přímo do pekla!

Asphyx says:

I'm lying in the O.R. waiting. The worst thing is that my insides have been hurting for years. The doctor is smiling and the nurse is smiling. They cut into me and suddenly there's a lot of bad blood around. I'm convulsing. They don't use anesthesia, they say they can't do that. Everything goes well, even though it hurts a lot. I ask about the cause of my problems and the ever-smiling doctor finally gives me the diagnosis. You've been listening to thrash metal for too long. I nod in agreement, put on my headphones and shove the new Danish LIPID album into them under pressure. 

This pack dates back to 1995 and it shows. From the first notes I find out that we are dealing with honest craftsmen, but they bring something extra. Sharp melodies, crazy rhythms and vocals reminiscent of Kerber, the guardian of the underworld. I sway to the beat. Because I know very well that this music runs through my veins.

I don't know how you have it set up, but I listen to a record I like and everything else goes by the wayside. Suddenly I'm not in pain, I'm smiling, and I'm out of this rotten world. LIPID can write very good melodies, which is also what everything is built on. The basic riffs are further developed, the band plays with dynamics, with moods, like a beast with its prey. Thrash metal is supposed to be angry, rebellious and it has to reek of animalism. The Danes do all this and add something extra. The new stuff is like a kick right in the face, like a meeting in the ring that you'll walk away from chopped to pieces. If you like the old EXODUS, but also THE HAUNTED, HATESPHERE, MUNICIPAL WASTE, go for this record for sure. The gentlemen are experienced musicians who guarantee you a good sound and production, but most importantly a great deal of ideas that you definitely won't get bored with. If you're like me, an old thrash dog, you'll definitely be jumping around the room like you did in the days of your youth. A private mosh-pit will literally be contagious. Whenever I write about bands like this, I always think what a shame they're not from a city near me. Because I'd love to go to a show, beat my head off in the front row, and maybe jump off the stage. I love small, seedy clubs where the band is close to the fans. And I think that's where the power of the pack shines through the most. I'm lying in the operating room waiting. The worst thing is, my insides have been hurting for years. The doctor's smiling and the nurse's smiling. They cut into me and suddenly there's a lot of bad blood around. I'm convulsing. I'm smiling too, because we're all listening to "The Perfect Killing Machine". A wild thrash metal ride straight to hell!

01. Dead For The Rest Of Your Life
02. The Perfect Killing Machine
03. Before The Storm
04. The Ominous Sympony
05. Wreck Of The Past
06. Imagination Of The Fake
07. Fragments Of Eternity

- Soren Hartlev PEDERSEN Guitar & Vocals
- Anders Moller PEDERSEN Lead Guitar
- Martin Hartlev PEDERSEN Drums
- John Frederik SMEDEMARK Bass

neděle 14. ledna 2024

Recenze/review - ENDBROKEN - Defeat of Common Sense (2023)

ENDBROKEN - Defeat of Common Sense
CD 2023, Great Dane Records

for english please scroll down

Stojím opět nad propastí a mám jako vždycky dvě možnosti. Buď budu létat nebo se vrátím pokorně domů. Dnes poslouchám novou desku francouzských ENDBROKEN a mám sto chutí skočit. Hezky po zádech, vznášet se na vlnách ostrých riffů a nakonec padnout do temnoty. Jenže to zase neudělám. Chci si totiž užít i další den. Původně jsem sem přišel a měl jsem velký splín. Jenže tahle smečka divokých psů mě doslova nabila energií. Nezbývalo mi nic jiného, než uspořádat malý soukromý headbanging a vrátit se pokorně domů. Pokud máte nějakého frustrovaného nebo smutného kamaráda, pusťte mu "Defeat of Common Sense" a určitě půjde do mosh-pitu s vámi.

Thrash metal se dá hrát mnoha způsoby a Francouzi jej notně ušpinili groove pasážemi a zazní i odkazy na death metal. Mě se vlastně ani nechce o nové desce nic psát. Raději ji poslouchám, kývám se spokojeně do rytmu a vyzývám všechny zombie, aby pařily se se mnou. Navíc, na tomhle stylu jsem kdysi dávno začínal a dodnes mi koluje v krvi.

Máte rádi kapely jako SLAYER, METALLICU, THE HAUNTED, HATESPHERE? Potom jděte i do nové desky těchto maniaků. Pánové hrají upřímně, mají dobrý zvuk, zajímavý obal a ještě přidávají něco navíc. Některé pasáže jsou rychlé a dynamické, jiné temné a chladné, jako ruka staré mrtvoly. Jako celek potom drží album velmi pevně pohromadě a doporučuji vám jej poslouchat zásadně v jednom kuse. Teprve potom vynikne naplno jeho síla. Ne, neskočil jsem dolů do propasti, ale raději jsem za zvuků "Defeat of Common Sense" vzal kladivo a zboural několik zdí. Určitě to znáte. Svět na člověka někdy padá jako nějaký šílený a těžký mrak. Já nepotřebuji psychologa, ani žádné podpůrné prostředky, já mám hudbu. Na to vám přísahám a pevně věřím, že jste na tom stejně jako já. Tady se hraje opravdově a i když jsou některé songy možná až příliš dlouhé, řetěz nespadne nikdy. Jako bych seděl na starém hrobě a vzpomínal na své mládí. Toulali jsme se tenkrát s kazeťákem na zádech po periferii našeho města a poslouchali podobné kapely, jako jsou ENDBROKEN. Já vím, kapela nepřináší nic nového, ani převratného, ale to dnes nedělá skoro nikdo. Pro mě je o hodně důležitější, že mě baví album poslouchat, že se k němu rád vracím a že už nikdy neskočím do propasti. Říká se, že cesty Páně jsou nevyzpytatelné. Něco na tom bude. Jsem moc rád, že jsem tuhle nahrávku dostal na recenzi. Hoří totiž jasným plamenem. Na obalu by mohlo být s klidem napsáno, že desku doporučuje deset z deseti starých thrasherů. Dávám vysokou známku kvality! Groove thrash metal, ukovaný z té nejkvalitnější oceli! 

Asphyx says:

I'm standing on the precipice again, and as always, I have two choices. Either I fly or I return home humbly. Today I'm listening to the new French ENDBROKEN album and I feel like jumping. I want to jump on my back, float on the waves of sharp riffs and finally fall into the darkness. But I won't do it again. Because I want to enjoy another day. I came here originally and I had a big full moon. But this pack of wild dogs literally energized me. I had no choice but to do a little private headbanging and go home humbly. If you have a frustrated or sad friend, put on "Defeat of Common Sense" and they'll be sure to mosh-pit with you.

Thrash metal can be played in many ways and the French dirty it up a bit with groove passages, and there are even references to death metal. I don't really want to write anything about the new album. I prefer to listen to it, swaying contentedly to the rhythm and inviting all zombies to party with me. Besides, I started out on this style a long time ago and it still runs in my blood.

Do you like bands like SLAYER, METALLICA, THE HAUNTED, HATESPHERE? Then go to the new album of these maniacs. The gentlemen play sincerely, have a good sound, interesting cover and add something extra. Some passages are fast and dynamic, others are dark and cold, like the hand of an old corpse. As a whole, the album holds together very tightly and I recommend listening to it in one piece. Only then will its full power shine through. No, I didn't jump down into the abyss, but rather took a hammer and broke down a few walls to the sounds of "Defeat of Common Sense". I'm sure you know the drill. Sometimes the world comes down on you like some crazy, heavy cloud. I don't need a psychologist or any kind of support, I have music. I swear to you, and I firmly believe you're in the same boat as I am. The playing here is real, and even though some of the songs may be too long, the chain never falls off. It's like sitting on an old grave and remembering my youth. Back then we used to wander around the outskirts of our town with a tape recorder on our backs, listening to bands like ENDBROKEN. I know, the band didn't bring anything new or groundbreaking, but almost nobody does that nowadays. For me, it's much more important that I enjoy listening to the album, that I like coming back to it, and that I never jump into the abyss again. They say the ways of the Lord are mysterious. There's something to that. I'm so glad I got this record to review. It burns with a bright flame. It could easily say on the cover that ten out of ten old thrashers recommend the record. I give it high marks for quality! Groove thrash metal, forged from the finest steel!

01. Hate Field
02. Axes of Evil
03. Straight Ahead
04. Into the Grave
05. Defeat of Common Sense
06. Shadows of Death
07. Cannibal Holy Ghost
08. The Opponent
09. Dark Fate

Line up:
MITCH : Vocals
NICO : Drums
NONO : Bass
KAN : Guitar
FAB : Guitar

středa 13. prosince 2023

Recenze/review - URAL - Psychoverse (2023)

URAL - Psychoverse
CD 2023, Xtreem Music

for english please scroll down

Volám kamarádovi, jestli koupil pivo. Když mi odpoví kladně, tak mám radost. Konečně máme chvilku volno. Jedeme autobusem a vezeme sebou velký sud. Mám na starosti muziku a v mém přehrávači je nové album italských URAL. Dosud jsem kapelu neznal, ale pustil jsem si doma několik ukázek a musím říct, že tohle je přesně druh thrash metalu, který stále hrozně rád poslouchám. Konečně jsme na místě. Stará garáž za městem, kde nikomu nebude vadit, že tu budeme dělat bordel.

Je to síla, je to tlak, je to energie. Tančíme na stolech a neustále přidáváme hlasitost. Nejedná se o žádné dnes tolik časté, obyčejné retro, ale o propracované, inteligentně složené skladby. Za chvíli přijdou i holky, je na co se těšit. Už asi jiný nebudu. Nechci. Možná jsem starý šedivý pes, ale alba jako "Psychoverse" budu vždy podporovat a hlavně poslouchat. Hoří totiž jasným plamenem. 

Pro bližší orientaci je nutné napsat, že na to jdou pánové podobným způsobem jako smečky z Bay Area, nebo třeba jako VOIVOD. Těch styčných bodů je spousta a na své si přijde každý fanoušek stylu. Vše je postaveno na ostrých, nekompromisních riffech, úderných bicích a jedovatém vokálu. Kýváme se spokojeně do rytmu a headbanging je zaručen. Mám pocit, že mě URAL strhli do obrovského mlýnu. Padám k zemi, točím se v mosh-pitu, někdo mě zvedá, možná mi pukla lebka a je mi to jedno. Hlavní je, že cítím energii, velký tlak, takový ten zdravý vztek. Italové moc dobře vědí, jak napsat dobré skladby. Viděli jste někdy někoho, když jej zasáhl elektrický proud? Tak podobně na mě působí i nové album "Psychoverse". Někdo mi nalil tvrdý alkohol a všechny holky jsou najednou krásné a milé. Tohle je přesně druh muziky, která se má hrát při pátečních party. Na periferii města, mezi kamarády, kteří jsou na tom jako vy. Poslouchají metal hlavně srdcem. URAL jsou úplně stejní jako my, dávno prokletí. Já jim zkrátka věřím každý tón, každou melodii, každý úder bicích. Až bude zase pondělí, tak mě bude bolet hlava a vnitřnosti budu mít v jednom ohni. V ulicích budu potkávat jenom samé zombie a v práci budu mlčet a vzpomínat na to, jak jsme s kamarády řádili. Já už nepotřebuji k životu žádné zbytečnosti. Stačí mi dobré pivo a muzika. Tahle deska byla a je v mém playlistu už dlouhou dobu. Kurva, díky za to, tohle je metal přesně podle mého gusta! Víc po mě nechtějte, jdu zase pařit. Crossover thrash metal, zahraný s noblesou a velkou silou! Zásah přímo na solar plexus!

Asphyx says:

I'm calling my friend to see if he bought beer. If he says yes, I'm happy. We finally have some time off. We take the bus and bring a big keg with us. I'm in charge of the music and in my player is the new album by Italian URAL. I didn't know the band before, but I played a few samples at home and I have to say that this is exactly the kind of thrash metal I still love to listen to. Finally we are at the place. An old garage outside of town where no one will mind us messing around.

It's power, it's pressure, it's energy. We're dancing on the tables and we keep turning up the volume. It's not any of the common retro stuff that's so common these days, but sophisticated, intelligently composed songs. The girls are coming soon, there's a lot to look forward to. I don't think I'll be any different. I don't want to. I may be an old grey dog, but albums like "Psychoverse" I will always support and most importantly listen to. They burn with a bright flame.

To put it in perspective, the gentlemen are going about it in a similar way to the Bay Area packs, or perhaps VOIVOD. There are many points of contact and every fan of the style will find something to like. Everything is built on sharp, uncompromising riffs, punchy drums and venomous vocals. We sway contentedly to the beat and headbanging is guaranteed. I feel like I've been sucked into a giant mill by URAL. I'm falling to the ground, spinning in a mosh-pit, someone's picking me up, maybe my skull cracked and I don't care. The main thing is that I feel energy, a lot of pressure, a kind of healthy rage. The Italians know very well how to write good songs. Have you ever seen anyone electrocuted? That's how the new album "Psychoverse" affects me. Someone poured me hard liquor and all the girls are suddenly beautiful and nice. This is exactly the kind of music that should be played at Friday night parties. On the outskirts of town, with friends who are just like you. They listen to metal with their hearts. URAL are just like us, cursed long ago. I just trust them with every note, every melody, every drum beat. When it's Monday again, I'll have a headache and my insides will be on fire. I'll only meet zombies in the streets and I'll be silent at work, remembering the rampage my friends and I went on. I don't need any more useless things in my life. All I need is good beer and music. This record has been on my playlist for a long time. Fuck, thanks for that, this is metal just my kind of metal! Don't ask me for more, I'm going to party again. Crossover thrash metal, played with refinement and great power! It hits right on the solar plexus!

Drag me to the Wolves
Blood Red Sand
Fall of the One World
Uncanny Valley
Carousel of Hell
66.6 F.M.

Andrea Calviello - Vocals
Alex Gervasoni - Guitars
Luca Caci - Guitars
Stefano Cipriano Moliner - Bass
Filippo Torno - Drums

středa 6. prosince 2023

Recenze/review - INCULTER - Morbid Origin (2023)

INCULTER - Morbid Origin
CD 2023, Edged Circle Productions

for english please scroll down

Byla absolutní tma a bloudil jsem nekonečnými chodbami podzemí. Najednou jsem uslyšel děsivou a šílenou ozvěnu. Připomínala mi nářek, který jsem kdysi slýchával v devadesátých letech minulého století. Oheň a mráz, na hrubé kusy nasekané maso, desítky mrtvých těl, uložených v kruhu. Nejdříve je nutné zapálit oheň. Oltář je připraven. Chybí už jenom hudba, která by doplnila morbidně krásnou atmosféru. Opět jsem zvolil novou desku norských maniaků INCULTER

Je totiž po okraj narvaná pravým, nefalšovaným thrashem, je ušpiněná black metalovými náladami a svět je při poslechu opět velmi temným místem. Třetí dlouhohrající deska v řadě, třetí zásek přímo do rakve. Takhle se hrálo za dob mého mládí a podobnou muziku mám zakódovanou v genech. Jen musí být opravdová, uvěřitelná, ryzí. A tohle všechno Norové umí na výbornou. 

Podobných smeček je v dnešní době velká spousta a poslední roky je trošku problém se v nich vyznat. Nicméně, INCULTER nejsou jenom kopií věcí minulých. Pánové přinášejí i velké množství svých nápadů. Nepřesahují sice mantinely daného stylu, ale jejich řemeslo je velmi dobré. Pokud máte rádi smečky jako SODOM, AURA NOIR, DESASTER, DEATHHAMMER, CONDOR, ale třeba i starou SEPULTURU a METALLICU ("Ride the Lightning"), budete spokojeni i s novým albem "Morbid Origin". Doba i svět se za poslední roky hodně změnily, ale dobrá hudba zůstává. Jsem rád, že ještě existují skupiny, které drží dál prapor thrashe, blacku i heavy metalu. Je v tom sice asi velký kus nostalgie, ale já stejně poslouchám metal celý život hlavně srdcem a tak mi určitá nepůvodnost těchto norských maniaků nevadí. Ona se totiž novinka velmi dobře poslouchá  a mívám na tváři takový ten spokojený úsměv, který mám vždy, když je mi dobře na mé černé duši. Než odejdu z tohoto světa, tak se budu dál toulat temnotou, navštěvovat staré katakomby, pořádat rituály plné temných myšlenek a uctívat hudbu, jakou hrají INCULTER. Hrají ji totiž dobře, bez příkras a zbytečností. Neznám nic lepšího, než vychlazené pivo, páteční večer a odpočinek v mé oblíbené rakvi. A když mi k tomu hrají desky jako je "Morbid Origin", tak potom už víc nepotřebuji. Pokud jste šediví metalové psi a nebo vyznáváte novou vlnu pradávných riffů a melodií, neváhejte ani chvilku. Black thrash metalové ozvěny ze starých opuštěných kobek! 

Asphyx says:

It was absolutely dark and I wandered through the endless corridors of the underground. Suddenly I heard a terrifying and maddening echo. It reminded me of a wail I once heard in the 1990s. Fire and frost, flesh chopped into coarse pieces, dozens of dead bodies laid in a circle. The first thing to do is light a fire. The altar is ready. All that's missing is the music to complete the morbidly beautiful atmosphere. Once again, I've chosen the new album by Norwegian maniacs INCULTER

It is packed to the brim with true, unadulterated thrash, it is soiled with black metal moods and the world is again a very dark place when listening to it. Third long-playing album in a row, third hit right in the coffin. This is how it was played in the days of my youth and similar music is coded in my genes. It just has to be real, believable, pure. And the Norwegians are good at all that.

There are a lot of similar packs nowadays and in the last years it is a bit difficult to find your way around them. However, INCULTER are not just a copy of things past. The gentlemen also bring a lot of their own ideas. They don't go beyond the confines of the style, but their craft is very good. If you like packs like SODOM, AURA NOIR, DESASTER, DEATHHAMMER, CONDOR, but also old SEPULTURA and METALLICA ("Ride the Lightning"), you will be satisfied with the new album "Morbid Origin". The times and the world have changed a lot in the last years, but good music remains. I'm glad that there are still bands out there that still hold the banner of thrash, black metal and heavy metal. There's probably a big piece of nostalgia in it, but I've been listening to metal all my life mostly with my heart, so I don't mind a certain unoriginality of these Norwegian maniacs. The novelty is very easy to listen to and I have that satisfied smile on my face that I always have when I'm feeling good about my black soul. Before I leave this world, I will continue to wander through the darkness, visit old catacombs, hold riuttals full of dark thoughts and worship music like INCULTER play. Because they play it well, without exaggerations and unnecessary things. I don't know anything better than a cold beer, Friday night and resting in my favorite coffin. And when they play records like "Morbid Origin", that's all I need. If you're a grey metal hound, or you're into the new wave of ancient riffs and melodies, don't hesitate a moment. Black thrash metal echoes from old abandoned dungeons!

Recenze/review - INCULTER - Fatal Visions (2019):

1. Intro
2. Death Reigns
3. Age of Reprisal
4. Chained to the Void
5. Children of Demise
6. Extinction
7. Morbid Origin
8. Perennial Slaves
9. Lethal Salvation

Remi André Nygård - Guitars / Vocals
Lasse Udjus - Guitar
Daniel Tveit - Drums

Session bass by Bård Inge Nygård and Cato Bakke.

středa 22. listopadu 2023

Recenze/review - DESTRUCTOR - Blood, Bone, and Fire (2023)

DESTRUCTOR - Blood, Bone, and Fire
CD 2023, Shadow Kingdom

for english please scroll down

Píše se rok 1984 a v ocelářském městě Cleveland v Ohiu vznikla kapela DESTRUCTOR. Mě je teprve deset let a musím ještě tři roky vydržet, abych slyšel svoji první metalovou desku. Jsou jimi slavní JUDAS PRIEST, na staré ohrané kazetě. Mezitím se v Americe odvíjí historie kapely, která se navěky zapíše do myslí všech poctivých fanoušků. Když se podíváte, co všechno tuhle smečku potkalo, je obdivuhodné, že stále hraje. U nás, v socialistickém bloku, ve kterém jsme se k hudbě dostávali velmi těžko, jsme se třeba o násilné smrti Daveho Holocausta, dozvěděli až po několika letech. 

Moje první setkání s hudbou těchto thrash heavy metalových maniaků proběhlo opravdu až po mnoha letech, kdy se mi dostala do rukou deska "Maximum Destruction". Hltali jsme tenkrát každý tón, každou notu. Přiznám se bez mučení. Zůstal jsem stále fanoušek. Pokaždé, když kapela vydá něco nového, jsem u toho. Stále tančím v jejich rytmu. To se mi potom nemůžete divit, že když se mi dostala do rukou jejich letošní novinka "Blood, Bone, and Fire", nemůžu jinak, než sepsat těchto pár pokorných řádků. 

Možná už mám šedivé vlasy, cholesterol v krvi, možná už netančím tak divoce, jako když jsem byl mladý, ale to přeci vůbec nevadí. Stále dokážu roztočit u reproduktorů headbanging, pořád poslouchám hudbu srdcem. Pro mě a všechny ostatní, kteří jsou na tom, jako já, je určena tahle deska. Pánové samozřejmě nepodcenili řezající zvuk, ani parádní obal. Po fromální stránce je vše v nejlepším pořádku. Jsem už dávno posluchač zcela jiné muziky, ale když jsem slyšel poprvé "Blood, Bone, and Fire", zase mě začalo mrazit v zádech a vše ostatní šlo stranou. Nevnímal jsem divný svět okolo, který směřuje úplně jinam, než jsem si kdysi představoval. Nesleduji zprávy, nečtu sociální sítě. Jsem jenom já a muzika. Prokletý, říkají o mě a já s nimi souhlasím. Novinka totiž řeže tou správnou stranou nože. Ne, já nikdy nebudu kritik, který hledá nějaké drobné chyby. Ony zde ani žádné nejsou. DESTUCTOR v sobě mají pořád velkou sílu a energii, která vás doslova převálcuje. Možná už dávno neobléknu svoji starou džínovou vestu, možná už tolik nevidím, ale dobrou muziku budu stále podporovat. Na to jsem přísahal, když mi bylo třináct let a držím se toho dodnes. Američané přežili věci, které by jiné skupiny zničily. Oni zůstali silní. Ale nejen to, oni ještě navíc umí nahrávat desky, které hoří jasným plemenem! Pro někoho možná bude nové album jen pouhým výletem do historie, ale pro mě se jedná o velkou událost. DESTRUCTOR mají co říci i dnes, když se hudba poslouchá povrchně a počet sdílení je víc, než poctivé kovové řemeslo. Thrash heavy metalový výlet do starých, poctivých železáren! Album, ukované z té nejkvalitnější oceli!

Asphyx says:

The year is 1984 and the band DESTRUCTOR was formed in the steel town of Cleveland, Ohio. I'm only ten years old and have to wait three more years to hear my first metal record. It's the famous JUDAS PRIEST, on an old outdated cassette. Meanwhile, in America, the history of a band that will forever be etched in the minds of all honest fans is unfolding. When you look at all that's happened to this pack, it's amazing that they're still going strong. For example, in our socialist block, where it was very difficult to get access to music, we only found out about the violent death of Dave Holocaust a few years later. 

My first encounter with the music of these thrash heavy metal maniacs was really after many years, when I got my hands on the album "Maximum Destruction". We devoured every note, every note. I admit without torture. I'm still a fan. Every time a band releases something new, I'm there. I still dance to their beat. It's no wonder then that when I got my hands on their new release this year, "Blood, Bone, and Fire", I couldn't help but write these few humble lines.

I may have grey hair, cholesterol in my blood, I may not dance as wildly as I did when I was young, but that doesn't matter. I can still headbang to the speakers, still listen to music with my heart. This record is for me and everyone else who is like me. Of course the gentlemen didn't underestimate the cutting sound, or the awesome cover art. From an fromal standpoint, everything is in top form. I've been a listener of completely different music for a long time, but when I first heard "Blood, Bone, and Fire" I got chills again and everything else went by the wayside. I was oblivious to the strange world around me that was going in a completely different direction than I had once imagined. I don't watch the news, I don't read social media. It's just me and music. Damn, they say about me and I agree with them. The novelty cuts with the right side of the knife. No, I'm never going to be a critic who looks for little mistakes. There aren't any. DESTUCTOR still has a great power and energy that will literally knock you over. I may not wear my old denim vest anymore, I may not see as much anymore, but I will still support good music. That's what I swore to when I was thirteen years old, and I've stuck to it ever since. Americans have survived things that would have destroyed other bands. They stayed strong. But not only that, but they can make records that burn bright! For some, the new album may be a mere trip into history, but for me it is a major event. DESTRUCTOR have something to say even today, when music is listened to superficially and the number of shares is more than honest metal craft. A thrash heavy metal trip to the old, honest ironworks! An album forged from the finest steel!

1. Blood, Bone, And Fire
2. Iron Clad
3. Storm Upon The World
4. Never Surrender
5. Depths Of Insanity
6. The Calling
7. Heroic Age
8. Hammering The Steel
9. Dominate

DESTRUCTOR lineup 2023
Tim Hammer - bass
Mark Hellhound - guitar
Matt Flammable - drums
Dave Overkill - vocals and guitar

pondělí 13. listopadu 2023

Interview - OVERTHROW - Ancient, dark, dirty black thrash death metal that will bury you alive!

Interview with black death thrash metal band from United Kingdom - OVERTHROW.

Answered Jay White (guitars, vocal), thank you!

Ave OVERTHROW! I have never found any interview with you in Czech language. I will ask you first to introduce the band to the readers who do not know you yet. You can start from the beginning and take us throw the whole history of OVERTHROW.

Hi Jakub, thanks for taking the time to put together the interview.

OVERTHROW began in the summer of 2011 with myself and our former guitarist getting together and just writing Thrash Metal songs that we thought sounded cool. When we had 4-5 songs, we got the first lineup together and started gigging locally in our hometown (London) as well as in other UK cities. The band went through various incarnations and gigged a lot over a decade before we recorded our debut album, „Strike Down The Saviour“, which was eventually released in September 2021 and contained all of the songs that were written during the aforementioned decade. After the release of the debut, we went through yet more lineup changes before myself and our drummer, Scott Lindsay, decided to make the band a two piece songwriting partnership, with live members recruited to do the gigs. Since making this decision, the band’s popularity and exposure has increased immensely, as we now have management and are signed to Redefining Darkness Records.

Over the years, our sound has evolved from just straightforward Thrash Metal into Extreme Metal, incorporating more Black/Death Metal elements into our sound, as Scott and myself are huge fans of underground Black & Death Metal bands such as Dead Congregation, Dissection, Morbid Angel, Bolzer, Emperor and Ulcerate, to name a few. There’s still a subconscious influence from Thrash (particularly Slayer) that creeps into our songwriting, but our sound has definitely evolved and become more refined, brutal and macabre, which is evident on the new EP.

This year you are releasing the new EP „Ascension of the Entombed“. Again, it's a dark, harsh and honest thrash/death/black metal. Did you access to the recording process differently than last time or did you choose verified practices?

The recording process for the EP wasn’t that much different to the recording process for the debut album. We recorded drums, guitars, bass and then vocals at Scott’s parents home studio and it was produced and engineered by our former bassist, Scott Bacon. We then sent it to be mixed and mastered by Harris Zourelidis, who had previous worked with Dead Congregation on their debut album „Graves Of The Archangels“, which is a huge favourite of ours and we wanted the EP to have the same sort of vibe/mix. The debut album took a long time because there were more songs but also we recorded during lockdown so we had to be strategic as to when we were able to go in and record. With the EP, it was a fairly straightforward process, as there were fewer songs to record and we weren’t hampered with any restrictions. The EP was already pretty much written even when we were recording the debut so it was just a case of getting in done once the first album cycle had run its course.

The new EP seems to me more complicated, perhaps initially less accessible, at the same time incredibly dark and evil. Was it intentional? How did the album originate and how did you compose the music?

I don’t think we intentionally wanted to make a more complicated/less accessible EP but we certainly knew that we were heading in a much more dark/evil direction this time. As I mentioned previously, myself and Scott are huge fans of underground Black/Death Metal as well as Thrash, so we wanted to explore these darker/sinister realms both musically and lyrically. All of the songs were written one after the other in a very short space of time and we knew instinctively that they belonged together, as they had the same sort of vibe/emotion. I write all of the music and then Scott helps with the arrangement and advises on which songs he thinks need refining and together we compile what we think sounds like a complete package, whether it’s an EP (in this case) or a full-length album. This is the process that we have naturally adopted since becoming a partnership. As I mentioned before, the debut album was essentially a compilation of all of the songs that were written in the first ten years of the band’s existence (with the various lineups) that we wanted put out and establish ourselves. With the EP, it’s the first real collaborative effort from just myself and Scott and the next releases will also follow in the same vein. It was a very organic process this time around, as Scott and I are on the same page both musically and aesthetically when it comes to the presentation of the band’s music/image.

I have a „Ascension of the Entombedr“ in my MP3 player and I have to say that this album literally engulfed me. These are not just great ideas but also sound is simply devastating. I'm sitting in the tram, and suddenly I find myself shaking my legs. I have a feeling to start moshing. If I weren’t so old, I would probably start to. Where did you record and who is signed under mastering?

Thanks a lot man, that’s very kind of you to say! As I mentioned previously, we recorded the EP at Scott’s parents home studio, The Nest Studio in Honor Oak Park, South London. The mixing and mastering duties were handled by Harris Zourelidis at Feedback Sound Studios in Athens, Greece.

Who is the author of lyrics on „Ascension of the Entombed“? What are they talking about? Where do you get inspiration for themes?

I write all of the lyrics in OVERTHROW as well as the music and have done since day one. Lyrically, each song tells a short story that I think compliments the sound/vibe of the music. The title track is about the dead returning to wreak havoc on the living, which was inspired to some degree by bands like Cannibal Corpse, Death and Morbid Angel who have written these type of songs before, but I put my own lyrical twist to this theme. „Lords Of Xibalba“ is inspired by the twelve gods of the Mayan underworld. „Ruptured Nebula“ is about an unstoppable force that completely decimates the cosmos and rips through space/time, annihilating everything in its path and returning existence to a state of total chaos. The final track „Caustic Vengeance (Blindly Driven)“ is more of a universal/somewhat personal song, lyrically, as the main topic is revenge and hatred for mankind in general. I approach lyrics in the same way I approach music in that I try to put my own thoughts and feelings on conventional Metal themes (war, death, pain, hatred etc.) and write in a way that the lyrics could mean many things, depending on the listeners perspective, but ultimately I usually start with a theme/narrative and see where it takes me. It’s an extention of this aforementioned organic songwriting process.

Who is signed under the cover of „Ascension of the Entombed“? I like his work very much. How did you choose the motif for cover?

The artwork for the EP was done by Deuteromali, a great artist based in South East Asia. We like his artwork style very much also and when it came time to finding an artist to do the EP artwork, we felt that his visuals represented our music very well. I came up with the concept/layout for the artwork and it was just a case of asking him to put it together in his style, which in my opinion came out extremely well. His style of artwork is very brutal and has that lo-fi, black & white, bestial War Metal album cover aesthetic that we wanted for this release, as opposed to the more colourful/painted artwork that we had on the first album.

When we look back at the beginning ... What was the first impulse to found the band? And why the thrash/death/black metal? It's not the typical style which can would give you great "glory".

As a teenager, I was always into heavy, fast, angry music. I got into Punk first when I was at school and bands like Sex Pistols, Minor Threat, Dead Kennedys and Ramones inspired me to start playing guitar. I started getting into Metal a bit later on with Metallica, Slayer, Motorhead and Iron Maiden being some of my biggest personal influences. I’ve been in bands since I could play 3 chords on guitar as I’ve always had this innate desire to perform. Over the years, as I’ve gotten older and angrier, the music has naturally followed in the same fashion. In the early days of OVERTHROW, we were very much influenced by a lot of the Thrash Metal bands that were popular at the time (Evile, Municipal Waste, Gama Bomb) but as the years have progressed (and my musical tastes have progressed) the band’s music has naturally become heavier, faster and angrier. Black Metal and Death Metal music, as I see it, is the next logical step in this sonic exploration. I’ve never really been in it for „glory“ as you say, it’s more a desire to create compelling and captivating music that puts you in a good headspace and is also a cathartic release, speaking for myself.

You come from United Kingdom and you play extreme thrash/death/black metal. Our readers would certainly wonder how the metal scene works in your country. To tell you the truth, so lately I hear only the great bands from there. Does this mean that the scene there is so strong at the moment? What about concerts, how many people coming to them?

The scene in the UK is very strong at this moment in time. There are tonnes of incredible bands gaining national/international recognition and notoriety and bringing out some of the best music I’ve heard in a long time. The scene is very supportive, with bands, fans, promoters and venues supporting newer bands as well as bands that have been around for a while. There’s definitely a good sense of comradery, as well as healthy competition and I think that most of the bands you hear about now (particularly ones that have been doing this for many years) are starting to gain the recognition that they deserve, including us. Attendance, particularly at local gigs, seems to be getting better as a result of this and also because of post-lockdown and the fact that so many bands are making, in my opinion, their best work to date. We’ve been around for twelve years now and part of the reason we’ve stayed is due to the constant support we’ve received from the scene. It is very strong now and I think will only get stronger.

From your music is possible to feel that you are influenced by American thrash death metal school and as well by the old European bands. How do you feel about it as a fan? Do you prefer the original metal of the 1990s or do you get inspiration as well from the new albums? If yes so I am wondering which bands had the greatest impact on OVERTHROW.

Speaking for myself, I am hugely influenced by 90s Black/Death Metal bands, such as Dissection, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Darkthrone and Mayhem, to name but a few. The same goes for Thrash, with my biggest influences being Slayer, early Sepultura, Demolition Hammer and Sodom. I also love the original Metal bands such as Black Sabbath, Venom and Possessed, that typified their respective sub-genres. In terms of „newer“ bands, Dead Congregation, Ulcerate, Skeletal Remains, Bolzer, Midnight and Der Weg Einer Freiheit are some of my favourites. All of these bands have something intristincally unique about them and I think that their influence can be found in our music.

What about you and concerts in general? Are you a band that goes for concerts anytime you can or you are picky about where you will play? Do you have a dream, maybe a group you would like to go with for a tour or festival, a city where you would like to perform?

I attend gigs as a fan constantly. I go to a lot of local gigs as well as bigger gigs and I have been attending your wonderful Brutal Assault Festival for the past four years. As a band, we are in a position now where we get gig offers constantly so we can afford to pick and choose where we play and who we play with. In the early days, we would play wherever we could get gigs and I think this has helped us establish a reputation as a killer live act, particularly in our hometown. Nowadays, we try to be a bit more selective and play gigs in other cities as much as we can so that we can increase our fanbase and reach more people outside of our hometown. This is the ultimate goal for OVERTHROW; we want to play everywhere we can, not just in the UK but in the world! Personally, I would love to play the summer festivals (Brutal Assault, Bloodstock, Hellfest, Wacken etc.) in the future and tour across Europe and the US. I’ve also always wanted to play in South America, as the scene there is incredible!

I'm going to listen again your new album „Ascension of the Entombed“. I have to say that for me personally, this is basically a perfect thrash/black death metal work. Totally inferno. I wish big success to your record and to get this album to as many people as is possible. This album deserves it. I wish you all the best in your personal life. Whatever you do and the last words are yours. If you want to tell something to fans, labels, promoters, you have space here..... Thank you for the interview and I am looking forward to seeing you live!

Thank you very much Jakub! We want to say a huge thank you to all of the fans, bands and our friends who have supported us through the years. We are incredibly pleased with the response that the new EP has received and we are looking forward to gigging and touring in the future. Any promoters out there reading this, please get in touch with our management ( You can purchase our EP via Redefining Darkness Records as well as our merch through our Bandcamp page ( Once again, thank you Jakub for the interview, hope to see you at a future gig!
