Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemthrash metal. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemthrash metal. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

středa 15. ledna 2025

Recenze/review - TORTURER - Burning Cross (2024)

TORTURER - Burning Cross
CD 2024, Australis Records

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Navštívil jsem za svůj život již mnoho katakomb. Zažil jsem věci, o kterých nerad mluvím. Stejně by mi nikdo nevěřil. Poslouchám extrémní metal od konce osmdesátých let minulého století a žádná temnota mi není cizí. Tentokrát je to ale jiné. Mrtvoly jsou pochovány v podivných pozicích. Mají vyděšené tváře. Starodávné pohřebiště v horách vydalo další ze svých děsivých svědectví. Převezu  těla do márnice, pustím si k tomu novou desku chilských maniaků TORTURER a potom se začnou odehrávat příběhy, které nejsou z našeho světa.

Kapela, která datuje svůj vznik do roku 1989, je pro mě opravdovou legendou. Každá z jejich nahrávek pro mě byl vždy krásně morbidním zážitkem. Novinka rozhodně není výjimkou. Naopak. Jedná se o mrtvolný materiál té nejvyšší kvality. Už jste někdy seděli u čerstvého hrobu a prosévali mezi prsty prach? Už jste někdy našli několik mrtvol, které mají v hrobech obrácené kříže? Pokud ne, tak ani nemusíte. Stačí si poslechnout tuhle temnou a ostře řezající desku. 

Prašivý death metal se zde potkává s thrash metalovou ostrostí i kousky nahrubo nasekané black metalové tmy. Pánové hrají opravdově, uvěřitelně a přesně takovým tím ortodoxním, klasickým způsobem, který mám tolik rád. Kapela zúročila svoje dlouholeté zkušenosti, aby nám předložila album, které hoří uvnitř, tepe a pálí, je jako čerstvě vyvěrající láva z právě probuzené sopky. Na povrchu chladná a temná záležitost se po bližším prozkoumání změní v krvelačnou bestii. Na "Burning Cross" by neměli zapomenout všichni ti, kteří mívají noční můry, všichni prokletí i démoni. Líbí se mi, že si TORTURER hrají po svém, mají vlastní výraz, rukopis, ksicht chcete-li. Jako bych se vrátil po časové ose zpět a znovu chodil po městě s kazeťákem na ramenou, vyměňoval si kazety a psal papírové dopisy kapelám na druhé straně světa. Chilané ale nejsou jenom ozvěnou starých dobrých časů. Naopak, jejich hudba je svým zahnívajícím způsobem stále svěží, divoká, nespoutaná. Připomínají mi smečku prašivých psů, kteří už nemusí nikomu nic dokazovat. Jednou za čas vyrazí na lov a roztrhají všechny kolem. Rozdrtí vás na prach. Tohle je zkrátka hudba, která je ohlodaná na kost, která když se vám dostane do krve, tak se pro vás stane nutností, stejně jako zapáchající vzduch čerstvě exhumovaných hrobů. Máte rádi kapely jako PENTAGRAM CHILE, SADISM, POSSESSED? Potom jste zde správně. Doporučuji poslouchat hodně nahlas a v absolutním tichu a chladu. Teprve potom vyniknou pořádně jednotlivé nuance. Navštívil jsem za svůj život již mnoho katakomb. Zažil jsem věci, o kterých nerad mluvím. Stejně by mi nikdo nevěřil. Poslouchám extrémní metal od konce osmdesátých let minulého století a žádná temnota mi není cizí. Tentokrát je to ale jiné. Mrtvoly jsou pochovány v podivných pozicích. Mají vyděšené tváře. Starodávné pohřebiště v horách vydalo další ze svých děsivých svědectví. Poctivý, syrový, chladný a temný death thrash metal, u kterého se rozpadnete v prach! Budete zevnitř spáleni černým plamenem! 

Asphyx says:

I have visited many catacombs in my lifetime. I've experienced things I don't like to talk about. No one would believe me anyway. I've been listening to extreme metal since the late 1980s and I'm no stranger to darkness. But this time it's different. The corpses are buried in strange positions. They have frightened faces. An ancient burial ground in the mountains has given another of its eerie testimonies. I transport the bodies to the morgue, put on a new record by Chilean maniacs TORTURER, and then the stories that are not of our world begin to unfold.

A band that dates back to 1989 is a true legend to me. Each of their records has always been a beautifully morbid experience for me. The new album is certainly no exception. On the contrary. This is deadpan material of the highest quality. Have you ever sat by a fresh grave and sifted the dust between your fingers? Have you ever found several corpses with inverted crosses in their graves? If not, you don't have to. Just listen to this dark and cutting record.

Dusty death metal meets thrash metal sharpness and bits of coarsely chopped black metal darkness. The gentlemen play in a real, believable and exactly the orthodox, classic way that I like so much. The band has capitalized on their years of experience to present us with an album that burns inside, smoulders and sears, like freshly erupted lava from a just awakened volcano. A cool and dark affair on the surface, it turns into a bloodthirsty beast upon closer inspection. "Burning Cross" should not be forgotten by all those who have nightmares, all the damned and the demons. I like that TORTURER play in their own way, they have their own expression, handwriting, face if you will. It's like going back in time and walking around town again with a tape recorder on my shoulder, swapping tapes and writing paper letters to bands on the other side of the world. But the Chileans aren't just an echo of the good old days. On the contrary, their music, in its decaying way, is still fresh, wild, unbridled. They remind me of a pack of mangy dogs who no longer have to prove anything to anyone. Every once in a while they go on the hunt and tear everyone apart. They'll crush you to dust. This is, in short, music that's gnawed to the bone, that when it gets into your blood becomes a necessity, like the fetid air of freshly exhumed graves. Do you like bands like PENTAGRAM CHILE, SADISM, POSSESSED? Then you're in the right place. I recommend listening very loudly and in absolute silence and coolness. Only then will the individual nuances really stand out. I have visited many catacombs in my lifetime. I've experienced things I don't like to talk about. No one would believe me anyway. I've been listening to extreme metal since the late 1980s and I'm no stranger to darkness. But this time it's different. The corpses are buried in strange positions. They have frightened faces. An ancient burial ground in the mountains has given another of its eerie testimonies. Honest, raw, cold and dark death thrash metal that will make you crumble into dust! You will be burnt from the inside with black flame!

1. The Flames of Purification (04:41)
2. Bestia Omnipotente (03:08)
3. Into the Labyrinth (04:47)
4. Silenced by My Own Blood (04:00)
5. Psycho - Back to Reality Part II (05:34)
6. Santa Inquisiciòn (05:25)
7. Burning Cross (06:33)
8. Torture (Eternal Suffering) (04:18)
9. Kingdom of the Dark (04:32)

Album Line Up
Francisco Cautin : Bass and Vocals
Francico Garces : guitars
Rodrigo Zuñiga : Drums
J.T. Garcia : Guitars
Tito Villarroel : Clissandos & bass Guitar solo on tracks 4 & 6

neděle 12. ledna 2025

Recenze/review - NECROMANIAC - Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable (2025)

NECROMANIAC - Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable
CD 2025, Invictus Productions, The Ajna Offensive

for english please scroll down

I z tebe se jednou stane prázdné tělo bez duše. Uloží tě v dřevěné rakvi do studené země a postupně shniješ a rozpadneš se v prach. Zůstane po tobě jenom krvavý otisk, mlhavá vzpomínka. Než se tak ale stane, musíš znovu sestoupit dolů, do podzemí a uspořádat další z temných rituálů. Jsi prokletý, jsi zavržený, patříš mezi vyvolené, mezi ty, kteří vždy poslouchali pravý a reálný extrémní metal. Black, thrash, death, vše nasáklé špínou a zkaženou krví. Přesně jako na debutovém dlouhohrajícím albu britských tmářů NECROMANIAC

Jsou kapely, u kterých již během několika prvních poslechů vím, že jsme stejné krve. Mnohé dopředu napovídala i sestava muzikantů, kteří tuhle smečku tvoří. Sešli se tu muzikanti, kteří moc dobře vědí, o čem je absolutní tma, o čem je nahrubo nasekané zlo a blasfemie. Smrt obchází během poslechu kolem mě a čeká na vhodný okamžik, aby do mě zasekla svůj dráp. 

"Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable" je mrtvolně zahnívajícím, plesnivým albem, na kterém se uctívají pradávné okultní krvavé rituály. Jednotlivé motivy se se kolem mě nejdříve začaly plazit jako jedovatí hadi. Postupně vás uhranou, abyste byli uštknuti a do krve se vám dostal prudký jed nenávisti. Zavřeni ve studených kobkách marně hledáme alespoň malý náznak světla. Dobro už dávno neexistuje. Skladby jsou napsány velmi uvěřitelně, opravdově, mají v sobě takovou tu pradávnou sílu a energii. Pokud máte rádi kapely jako GRAVE MIASMA, LVCIFYRE, ADORIOR, SCYTHIAN a další nejen death metalové čaroděje, tak neváhejte ani chvilku. Nové album je opravdu spíše pradávným obřadem, než jen obyčejnou muzikou. Děsivé nálady se zde potkávají s chladem. Kamenný oltář je připraven. Postavy v kápích stojí v kruhu a odříkávají zvrácené modlitby. Hlavní velekněz pozvedá ostrý nůž a svět kolem náhle zčernal. Mraky jsou nízko, vítr se proplétá mezi zdmi starého chrámu. Sem, hluboko do podzemí, sem do podsvětí tahle hudba patří a zde musela vznikat. NECROMANIAC vám vypálí do hlavy cejch. Jedná se o nahrávku, která má skvělý morbidní zvuk, stylový děsivý motiv na obalu a u které shoříte na popel. I z tebe se jednou stane prázdné tělo bez duše. Uloží tě v dřevěné rakvi do studené země a postupně shniješ a rozpadneš se v prach. Zůstane po tobě jenom krvavý otisk, mlhavá vzpomínka. Brána do posvětí byla otevřena. Stačí jenom vstoupit. Smrtící, krvavý death black thrash metalový rituál plný blasfemie, rouhání a zkažené krve! Budete strženi do hlubiny! 

Asphyx says:

You too will one day become an empty body without a soul. They will put you in a wooden coffin in the cold earth and you will gradually rot and crumble into dust. All that will be left of you is a bloody imprint, a vague memory. But before that happens, you must descend again, underground, and perform another of your dark rituals. You're cursed, you're damned, you're one of the chosen ones, one of those who have always listened to true and real extreme metal. Black, thrash, death, all soaked in filth and corrupted blood. Exactly like on the debut full-length album of British obscurantists NECROMANIAC

There are bands where I know within the first few listens that we are of the same blood. A lot was also suggested by the line-up of musicians that make up this pack. Musicians have come together who know very well what absolute darkness is all about, what coarsely chopped evil and blasphemy is all about. Death walks around me as I listen, waiting for the right moment to sink its claw into me. 

"Sciomancy, Malediction & Rites Abominable" is a dead-rotting, moldy album that worships ancient occult blood rituals. The various motifs first began to slither around me like venomous snakes. Gradually, you'd be bitten and the violent venom of hatred would enter your blood. Locked in the cold dungeons, we search in vain for some hint of light. The good is long gone. The songs are written in a very believable, real way, they have that ancient power and energy. If you like bands like GRAVE MIASMA, LVCIFYRE, ADORIOR, SCYTHIAN and other not only death metal wizards, don't hesitate a moment. The new album is really more of an ancient rite than just plain music. Eerie moods meet coldness here. The stone altar is ready. Hooded figures stand in a circle and recite twisted prayers. The High Priest raises a sharp knife and the world suddenly goes black. The clouds are low, and the wind sweeps between the walls of the old temple. This is where this music belongs, deep in the underworld, and this is where it must have originated. NECROMANIAC will burn a mark into your head. This is a record that has a great morbid sound, a stylish eerie motif on the cover and one that will burn you to ashes. You too will one day become an empty body without a soul. They'll put you in a wooden coffin in the cold earth and you'll gradually rot and crumble into dust. All that will be left of you is a bloody imprint, a vague memory. The gates of sanctity have been opened. All you have to do is enter. A deadly, bloody death black thrash metal ritual full of blasphemy, blasphemy and corrupted blood! You will be thrown into the depths! 

1. Caput Draconis
2. Daemonomantia
3. Grave Mound Oath
4. Calling Forth the Shade
5. Great is the Thirst of the Restless Dead
6. Teraphim (Skull Sorcery)
7. Conjuration of St. Cyprian
8. Swedenborg's Skull
9. Necromancess / Cauda Draconis

C. Howler : Throat Possessions, Black Arts Spells & Conjurer of the Restless Wraiths of the Abyss
Sadistik Fornicator : Guitarmageddon, Keys of Death and Hades, Megalomantic Decompositions & Die-Hard Cult Leader
The One : Basstard Tremblings, Necrophonous Disarray, Winds of Mayhem & Macabre Consigliere of Deadly Omens
V. Pestilencia : Apocalyptic Drumonitions, Therianthropic Aural Assault & Morbid Coven Mediator

Guest musicians: A.A. Nemtheanga: Choir on "Caput Draconis". A Corpse Without Soul: Vocals on "Calling Forth the Shade" and "Conjuration of St. Cyprian". Nameless Void: Synths and bell samples on "Necromancess".

neděle 5. ledna 2025

Recenze/review - RITUAL FOG - But Merely Flesh (2024)

RITUAL FOG - But Merely Flesh
CD 2024, Transcending Obscurity Records

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Venku je jako v márnici. V ulicích se válí krvavá mlha a přízraky právě vstaly. Moje kroky směřují, ostatně jako každý večer, na hřbitov za městem. Dnes mě čeká opět dlouhá noc. Beru do rukou lopatu a hledám místo, kde vykopu další hrob. Odkryji několik vrstev, když narazím na starou, prašivou dřevěnou rakev, tlející již mnoho let v zemi. Uvnitř je nové album maniaků RITUAL FOR z Memphis, Tennessee. Odstraním z něj prach, hnilobu i plesnivé pavučiny a odnesu je do sklepa.

Zde, v márnici, mám svůj přehrávač. Vložím debutovou dlouhohrající desku dovnitř a zapnu play. Chvíli jen tak sedím a nasávám pach hniloby, která ke mě z reproduktorů stéká jako zkažená krev z dlouho neléčené rány. Tohle je death metal, přesně podle mého gusta. Ostrý, morbidní, nasáklý špínou a absolutní tmou. Jsem tu správně. 

Na nahrávce zazní jak prašivý death metal ze staré školy, tak i ostrý thrash. Potkáte ale i valivý, pochmurný doom metal. Pokud máte rádi kapely jako OBITUARY, MORBID ANGEL, ASPHYX, VADER, MALEVOLENT CREATION, MASSACRE, případně BOLT THROWER, potom určitě oceníte i "But Merely Flesh". Pánové vzali inspiraci z devadesátých let minulého století vážně a nahráli album, které je opravdové, uvěřitelné, má poctivý zvuk i obal. Pokud jste fanoušci dlouhých stínů, každodenních návštěv na hřbitovech, pokud se rádi procházíte po opuštěných chrámech a s chutí exhumujete dávno zapomenuté hroby jako já, potom si tuhle desku také užijete. Nejedná se o nic nového, ani převratného, ale není to jenom obyčejné, i když dobře odvedené řemeslo. Naopak, osobně kapele věřím každý tón, každou notu. Riffy se mi pomalu zadírají pod kůži a připadám si opravdu jako zavřený v chladné kobce. Spolu s mrtvolami, které za zvuků téhle nahrávky pokaždé ožívají. Skladby jsou velmi dobře napsány, je v nich obsaženo velké množství temné energie a tlaku. RITUAL FOR mě letos rozhodně přesvědčili na svoji stranu, pohřbili mě do země. Samozřejmě zaživa a do rakve, ze které není úniku. Už teď vím, že se k novince budu rád a často vracet. Smrt má, jak je všeobecně známo, tisíce podob. A tu kterou nám předkládají tihle maniaci, je krutá a  hnusná, mokvající, zasmrádlá, jako dlouho tlející tělo. Venku je jako v márnici. V ulicích se válí krvavá mlha a přízraky právě vstaly. Moje kroky směřují, ostatně jako každý večer, na hřbitov za městem. Dnes mě čeká opět dlouhá noc. Beru do rukou lopatu a hledám místo, kde vykopu další hrob. Odkryji několik vrstev, když narazím na starou, prašivou dřevěnou rakev, tlející již mnoho let v zemi. Stará, ryzí, death metalová exhumace prašivého hrobu! Hniloba, špína a smrt ve své děsivé podobě!

Asphyx says:

It's like a morgue outside. There's a bloody mist in the streets and the ghosts have just risen. My footsteps, as they do every night, head for the cemetery outside the city. Tonight I'm in for another long night. I pick up my shovel and look for a place to dig another grave. I uncover several layers when I come across an old, dingy wooden coffin, lying in the ground for many years. Inside is a new album by the maniacs RITUAL FOR from Memphis, Tennessee. I remove the dust, rot and moldy cobwebs from it and take it to the basement.

Here, in the morgue, is where I keep my record player. I put my debut long-playing record in and turn it on. I just sit there for a while, taking in the smell of rot that drips from the speakers like rotten blood from a long untreated wound. This is death metal, just to my taste. Sharp, morbid, soaked in filth and absolute darkness. I'm right here. 

The record features both dusty death metal from the old school and sharp thrash. But you will also encounter rolling, gloomy doom metal. If you like bands like OBITUARY, MORBID ANGEL, ASPHYX, VADER, MALEVOLENT CREATION, MASSACRE, or BOLT THROWER, then you will definitely appreciate "But Merely Flesh". The gentlemen have taken their 90s inspiration seriously and recorded an album that is real, believable, has an honest sound and cover. If you're a fan of long shadows, daily visits to cemeteries, if you like to walk around abandoned temples and exhume long forgotten graves with gusto like I do, then you'll enjoy this record too. It is nothing new or groundbreaking, but it is not just ordinary, albeit well done, craftsmanship. On the contrary, I personally trust the band with every note, every note. The riffs slowly get under my skin and I feel like I'm locked in a cold dungeon. Along with the corpses that come to life every time with the sound of this record. The songs are very well written, there is a lot of dark energy and pressure. RITUAL FOR definitely won me over to their side this year, they buried me in the ground. Alive, of course, and in a coffin from which there is no escape. I already know I'll be coming back to this new release often. Death, as is well known, takes a thousand forms. And the one these maniacs present to us is cruel and ugly, wetting, stinking, like a long-moldering body. Outside, it's like a morgue. A bloody fog rolls in the streets and the ghosts have just risen. My footsteps, as they do every night, are heading for the cemetery outside the city. Tonight I'm in for another long night. I pick up my shovel and look for a place to dig another grave. I uncover several layers when I come across an old, dingy wooden coffin, lying in the ground for many years. An old, pure, death metal exhumation of a dusty grave! Rot, filth and death in its horrific form!

Track listing -
1. Misticism
2. Desolate Chasm
3. Slimeblade
4. Nocturnal Suffering
5. Demented Procession
6. Fog Sermon
7. Carnal Pain
8. Sentient Chamber
9. But Merely Flesh

Line up -
Ian Younkin - Vocals / Guitar
Andrew Hobday - Drums
Spencer Martin - Guitar
Jon Clark - Bass

Artwork by Juanjo Castellano Rosado

pátek 3. ledna 2025

Recenze/review - MORTAL RITES - Death in Heaven, Life in Hell (2024)

MORTAL RITES - Death in Heaven, Life in Hell
EP 2024, Iron, Blood and Death Corporation

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Bylo nalezeno další zohavené tělo. Usekané ruce, vyrvané vnitřnosti. Příčina smrti byla ale zcela jiná. Udušení vlastní krví. Pitva nebyla příliš dlouhá, všem bylo jasné, o co jde. Lidé jsou poslední roky příliš zahledění do sebe. Doba nám diktuje dokonalost. Navenek krásní a usměvaví, uvnitř zkažení jako shnilé maso. Sedím tu zrovna v jedné staré kobce a naslouchám zvukům z podzemí. Utíkám sem pokaždé, když mi je těžko na duši, když mi připadá současný svět příliš divný. Dnes bych tu pro vás měl death thrashovou kapelu MORTAL RITES z Quebecu, která mě zaujala nejen svým přístupem.

Ano, jsou to melodie, celková atmosféra nového EP, které mě doslova přikovali k přehrávači. Riffy na mě ihned zapůsobily jako ostré hřeby, které mi kapela postupně zatlouká do hlavy. Ve skladbách lze vystopovat pradávnou sílu, takovou tu těžkou a mokvající energii, kterou mám na extrémním metalu tolik rád. Doporučuji poslouchat hodně nahlas. 

Dnešní doba je skvělá v tom, že se dostanete i k hudbě, která by před vámi jinak byla ukryta. Kdysi dávno, před mnoha lety, jsem si dal soukromý cíl, že podobné smečky jako jsou MORTAL RITES budu podporovat. Pánové se nechali, stejně jako já, ovlivnit legendami jako BOLT THROWER, DEATH, MORBID ANGEL, TESTAMENT. Veškeré tyto vlivy jsou promítnuty i do jejich tvorby. Nenechte se ale mýlit, rozhodně se nejedná o dnes tolik časté kopírování bez duše. Naopak, skladby hoří uvnitř, Kanaďané do vás ihned zaseknou svůj dráp a už vás nepustí. Alespoň takto vnímám jejich nové EP "Death in Heaven, Life in Hell" já, starý metalový pes. Jako vždycky musím zmínit jednu velmi důležitou věc - novinka se opravdu dobře poslouchá. Určitě znáte ty podivné stavy úzkosti, kterým se dnes nevyhne skoro nikdo. Osobně potřebuji hudbu ke svému životu, jako krev. MORTAL RITES mi sedli přesně do mého vkusu. Jedná se o desku, která je po okraj narvaná zajímavými momenty, je žhavá i dynamická zároveň, má parádní zvuk (Recorded, mixed and mastered by Christopher Payeur) i obal (Jean-Philippe Payeur). Zapomenout nesmím ani na texty (o náboženství, válkách, tyranii, i současné prohnilé společnosti), které dávají smysl a dodávají albu na ještě větší uvěřitelnosti. Ano, tohle je ryzí záležitost nejen pro všechny staré fanoušky poctivého metalu. Bylo nalezeno další zohavené tělo. Usekané ruce, vyrvané vnitřnosti. Příčina smrti byla ale zcela jiná. Udušení vlastní krví. Pitva nebyla příliš dlouhá, všem bylo jasné, o co jde. Lidé jsou poslední roky příliš zahledění do sebe. Doba nám diktuje dokonalost. Navenek krásní a usměvaví, uvnitř zkažení jako shnilé maso. Jsem jedním z davu. Starý, poctivý, reálný a uvěřitelný death thrash metal, který vás rozemele na prach! 

Asphyx says:

Another mutilated body was found. Hands chopped off, entrails ripped out. But the cause of death was completely different. Suffocation by his own blood. The autopsy didn't take too long. It was clear to everyone what was going on. People have been too self-absorbed lately. The times dictate perfection. Beautiful and smiling on the outside, rotten as rotten meat on the inside. I'm sitting in an old dungeon, listening to the sounds from underground. I run here whenever I'm feeling heavy, whenever the world seems too strange. Today I would like to bring you a death thrash band from Quebec, MORTAL RITES, which has caught my attention not only because of its approach.

Yes, it's the melodies, the overall vibe of the new EP that literally had me glued to the player. The riffs immediately impressed me like sharp nails that the band is gradually hammering into my head. You can trace an ancient power in the songs, the kind of heavy and swamping energy that I love so much about extreme metal. I recommend listening very loudly. 

What's great about today is that you can access music that would otherwise be hidden from you. Once upon a time, many years ago, I made it a personal goal to support packs like MORTAL RITES. Gentlemen like me have been influenced by legends like BOLT THROWER, DEATH, MORBID ANGEL, TESTAMENT. All these influences are reflected in their work. Make no mistake though, this is definitely not the soulless copying so common today. On the contrary, the songs burn inside, the Canadians immediately sink their claw into you and won't let go. At least this is how I, an old metal dog, perceive their new EP "Death in Heaven, Life in Hell". As always, I have to mention one very important thing - the novelty is really good to listen to. I'm sure you know those strange states of anxiety that almost nobody can avoid nowadays. Personally, I need music for my life, like blood. MORTAL RITES fit my taste exactly. This is a record that is packed to the brim with interesting moments, it is hot and dynamic at the same time, it has a great sound (Recorded, mixed and mastered by Christopher Payeur) and cover (Jean-Philippe Payeur). I must not forget the lyrics (about religion, wars, tyranny, and the current rotten society), which make sense and make the album even more believable. Yes, this is a pure affair not only for all old fans of honest metal. Another mutilated body has been found. Hands chopped off, entrails ripped out. But the cause of death was quite different. Suffocation by his own blood. The autopsy wasn't too long, it was clear to everyone what was going on. People have been too self-absorbed lately. The times dictate perfection. Beautiful and smiling on the outside, rotten as rotten meat on the inside. I'm one of the crowd. Old, honest, real and believable death thrash metal that will grind you to dust!

01. In Thy Glory 
02. Eternity Of Torment 
03. Respite 
04. Cannibalism 
05. Enslaved 
06. Sleight Of Hand

A few questions - interview with death thrash metal band from Canada - MORTAL RITES.

A few questions - interview with death thrash metal band from Canada - MORTAL RITES.

Answered Christopher Payeur (guitars, vocals), thank you!

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.? 

 Hey, I’m Chris, our band is called Mortal Rites and we’re from the province of Quebec in Canada. The band was founded around the end of 2022, early 2023 and we play death metal with some thrash influences at times. We have released a new EP called ‘’Death In Heaven, Life In Hell’’ about two weeks ago, and we’re excited for people to hear it! As far as musical style goes, I would say we’re definitely closer to more old school death metal bands since we still play in a fairly high tuning (guitar term, usually reminiscent of older bands) and have a lot of thrash-influenced fast parts. I always say that early Death Metal is basically just faster and more aggressive Thrash Metal.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering? 

 Mortal Rites is a completely DIY operation, meaning that we have recorded the EP ourselves with the equipment we had at our disposal. I was in charge of engineering, mixing, mastering and overall production. Drums and vocals were recorded in our rehearsal spaces, and stringed instruments were recorded in my apartment. This EP was the first time that I put ‘’real effort’’ into trying to make a decent sounding production (with all real instruments, too) and I’m happy with the results given the circumstances. There’s always room for improvement and I look forward to recording with the band again to further improve my skills as an engineer.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)? 

300 physical copies were made (CD) through Iron, Blood & Death Corp, which is the label who’s releasing the EP in physical format and they can be purchased through their Bandcamp page. The digital format of the EP can also be found on the label’s Bandcamp page as well as ours.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with? 

 Jean-Philippe (rhythm guitar) wrote the lyrics on all the songs on the EP. You could interpret the lyrics in different ways, as there are a few metaphors that were used. At first glance, it seems like the lyrics are about the downfall of a kingdom after a long-fought battle but it’s also a way of speaking about more personal things for us like sickness, social movements and how things are not always the way they seem to be. All things that are up close and personal to us, written in a way that fits our music. At heart, we’re all nerds, so anything that’s either medieval or space/fantasy related was always cool to us.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important? 

Jean-Philippe (rhythm guitar) made all of the different pieces of artwork himself. Like mentioned previously, Mortal Rites tries to do everything 100% ourselves, and visuals are obviously a big part of it. Everything from the EP’s artwork, to merch designs and different banners and images for social media platforms were done by him, with cues from the rest of the band too. Similarly to the previous question, we’re all pretty nerdy in Mortal Rites, so you can see those themes in the visuals of the band like the cover arts for our demo and EP or our merch designs.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you? 

 Iron, Blood & Death Corp, out of Mexico, is releasing the EP in CD format (and has the digital format on their bandcamp website). We wanted to go with a label that released material from bands that we could see ourselves play with and Antonio was friendly right from the beginning. For such a small release as our EP is, we’re happy with how things are going with IBDC. Antonio has helped us with promoting our music, and we’re seeing decent traffic on streaming platforms and IBDC’s YouTube page.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

 ‘’Idolise’’ is a pretty strong word. Up until this EP, our music was written in a certain way and that has since changed for many reasons. A strong influence on Mortal Rites is definitely Morbid Angel, though depending on when you would ask, it’s not always the same albums that would be influential. When our band started, Altars Of Madness would probably have been the strongest influence, but the initial goal was always to get closer to Domination, which is pretty much a perfect album. Moving forward, we’re taking inspiration from bands and albums that are slightly heavier and more intense. The last two Cannibal Corpse albums and most of Hate Eternal’s discography are now key influences to Mortal Rites.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response? 

We have sent the record to a few labels, but EP’s are usually not super popular with labels because of a few factors, especially if said label releases material on vinyl. We have received good comments on the material itself, and some great pieces of advice from some labels going forward, which are always appreciated.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best? 

We only played a handful of gigs in 2024 because we were focused on finishing the writing and recording of our EP, and they were all in clubs. One of the very cool gigs that we’ve done this year was supporting 200 Stab Wounds during one of their latest tours when they stopped in our area. We’re definitely looking forward to playing more and in more places in 2025.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band? 

One of the main plans is to gig more, and in more places. We all have very busy schedules, but we’re trying to make more time available for gigs. Writing and recording new material is always in the plans as well, especially since the musical direction of the band is perfectly clear and established now. We’ll probably tease some new material at some point during 2025 that showcases what our true sound is, and that’s something to look forward to, for sure!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information? 

We’re on the main social media platforms (Instagram and Facebook), as well as on most streaming platforms. Instagram is usually the main page we use for contacts. Everything can be found here: and you can also find our latest release at

Thanx for the interview. 

Thank you!!!

úterý 24. prosince 2024

Recenze/review - DREAMING DEATH - Sinister Minister (2024)

DREAMING DEATH - Sinister Minister
CD 2024, Lavadome productions

for english please scroll down

Jednou se rozplynu ve věčnosti. Rozpadnu se v prach a stanu se jenom mlhavou vzpomínkou. Zatím na druhou stranu, za řeku Styx, občas nahlížím. A přemýšlím, jakou si s sebou vezmu muziku. Moje první setkání s metalem probíhalo na konci osmdesátých let minulého století. Není tedy divu, že mám dodnes rád kapely, které umí exhumovat staré hroby. Musejí to ale dělat opravdově, uvěřitelně a surově. S DREAMING DEATH jsem se setkal poprvé jedno mlhavé, sychravé ráno. 

Ihned jsem věděl, že pánové hrají přesně takovým tím démonickým způsobem, který mám na kapelách tolik rád. Starý, prašivý a zahnívající death metal je zde kombinován s ostře řezajícím thrash metalem. Stačilo několik společných setkání a moje vnitřnosti byly v jednom ohni. Musel jsem ale přidat pořádně hlasitost. 

Kapela je tvořena členy BEYOND MORTAL DREAMS a OATH OF DAMNATION, tedy zkušenými muzikanty, kteří přesně vědí, co a jak chtějí hrát. Pokud jste někdy měli možnost drtit kosti ze starých prokletých hrobů, určitě víte, o čem píšu. Ve skladbách se zde potkávají vlivy POSSESSED, VADER, MORGOTH, VITAL REMAINS, PESTILENCE, SODOM, MASSACRE i MASTER. Na uvěřitelnosti všemu dodává masivní a špinavý zvuk (Andy Kite - Against the Grain Studio) i stylový obal (Jenglot Hitam). Zkrátka a dobře, fanoušci dostanou perfektně napsaný a složený materiál, který nejen že se velmi dobře poslouchá, ale navíc má v sobě takovou tu černou prokletou duši. Jako bych se vrátil po časové ose zpět, do doby, kdy byly pohřby do země samozřejmostí a démoni se toulali ulicemi. DREAMING DEATH nahráli desku, která je chladná a temná na povrchu a uvnitř žhne a pálí. Skladby mi připomínají vyvěrající sopku, která spala dlouhé roky v nečinnosti, aby nám letos ukázala svoji sílu. Po téhle nahrávce zůstává jenom spálená země a pořádně krvavá stopa. Pevně věřím, doufám, že tahle krypta vydá brzy další děsivé svědectví. Líbí se mi přístup, rukopis i celkový výraz. Za mě osobně, za starého psa, který hlídá vchod do podsvětí již několik dekád, nelze jinak, než vám novinku doporučit. Je totiž po okraj narvaná opravdovým metalem. Naleznete zde jak surové, drtivé melodie, tak i nahrubo nasekané tajemno a tmu. Beru do rukou kříž, obracím jej směrem dolů a kývám souhlasně hlavou. Jsme jedné krve, já i kapela. Dávám vysokou známku kvality! Jednou se rozplynu ve věčnosti. Rozpadnu se v prach a stanu se jenom mlhavou vzpomínkou. Než se tak ale stane, budu kapely jako DREAMING DEATH podporovat. Amen! Morbidní, prašivá, temná a chladná exhumace pradávné krypty! Surový death thrash metal par excellence!

Asphyx says:

One day I will dissolve into eternity. I'll crumble into dust and become just a vague memory. Meanwhile, on the other side, beyond the River Styx, I occasionally peer. And I wonder what music I'll take with me. My first encounter with metal was in the late 1980s. No wonder I still like bands that can exhume old graves. But they have to do it in a real, believable and raw way. I first encountered DREAMING DEATH one foggy, drizzly morning. 

I knew immediately that the gentlemen were playing in that demonic way that I love so much about bands. Old, dusty and rotting death metal is combined here with sharp cutting thrash metal. All it took was a few sessions together and my insides were on fire. I had to turn the volume up really high though. 

The band is made up of members of BEYOND MORTAL DREAMS and OATH OF DAMNATION, experienced musicians who know exactly what and how they want to play. If you've ever had the opportunity to crush bones from old cursed graves, you'll know what I'm writing about. Influences of POSSESSED, VADER, MORGOTH, VITAL REMAINS, PESTILENCE, SODOM, MASSACRE and MASTER meet in the songs here. The massive and dirty sound (Andy Kite - Against the Grain Studio) and the stylish cover (Jenglot Hitam) add to the believability. In short, fans get perfectly written and composed material that is not only very easy to listen to, but also has that black cursed soul to it. It's like being transported back in time, back to a time when burials in the ground were commonplace and demons roamed the streets. DREAMING DEATH have recorded a record that is cold and dark on the surface and glows and burns on the inside. The songs remind me of an erupting volcano that has been dormant for years, only to show us its power this year. All that remains of this record is scorched earth and a trail of blood. I firmly believe, I hope, that this crypt will soon bear further horrific witness. I like the approach, the handwriting and the overall expression. Speaking for myself, an old dog who has been guarding the entrance to the underworld for several decades, I can't help but recommend the novelty. For it is packed to the brim with real metal. You'll find raw, crushing melodies as well as rough-hewn mystery and darkness. I take the cross in my hands, turn it downwards and nod my head in agreement. We are of one blood, the band and I. I give high marks for quality! One day I'll dissolve into eternity. I'll crumble into dust and become just a vague memory. But until that happens, I'll support bands like DREAMING DEATH. Amen! A morbid, dusty, dark and cold exhumation of an ancient crypt! Raw death thrash metal par excellence!

01. With The Blessing Of The Dead 
02. Corpse Flayer 
03. The Coin And The Rune 
04. Necrospell 
05. Sinister Minister

The Culprits:
Pahl Hodgson - Guitar & Vocals
Ross Duncan - Bass & Vocals
Matt ‘Skitz’ Sanders - Necro-Percussion

středa 11. prosince 2024

Recenze/review - VALDAUDR - Du Skal Frykte (2024)

VALDAUDR - Du Skal Frykte
CD 2024, Soulseller Records

for english please scroll down

Zbyla tu jenom zaschlá krev. Bolest, otisknutá do starého kamení. Jsem hluboko v lesích, uprostřed nekonečné prázdnoty a hledám vlastní démony. Jsou ukryti v temných koutech, v podzemí, v hudbě, kterou právě poslouchám. Norské VALDAUDR jsem si oblíbil již v roce 2021, když vydali svoje debutové album "Drapsdalen" (recenze je odkazována dole pod článkem). Novinka navazuje tam, kde kapela minule přestala. Na starých obětních místech, na pohřebištích, ukrytých ve tmě. 

Jakoby do hudby byla otištěna bolest, takový ten pradávný chlad, které máme všichni u black metalových kapel z Norska rádi. Jedná se samozřejmě o starosvětskou, nihilistickou nahrávku, která splňuje všechny požadavky. Má poctivý zvuk, spoustu zajímavých momentů a hlavně krvavě mrazivou atmosféru. 

Když "Du Skal Frykte" poslouchám, tak se opravdu procházím v nekonečných lesích. Dívám se na řeku plnou děsivých mrtvol. Při nové desce se probouzejí přízraky, čekají ve stínu na svůj okamžik. Prokousnou vám hrdlo a převedou vás na druhou stranu, do země nekonečné bolesti a strachu. Skladby jsou napsány velmi zkušeně, s elegancí starých mistrů. Stylově lze tuhle smečku přirovnat k tomu, co na svých deskách hrají kapely jako MARDUK, MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE. Zkrátka a dobře, dostanete velmi chutnou porci klasického, ortodoxního rouhání. Nenechte se ale mýlit, novinka není jenom obyčejnou kopií. Naopak, pánové vložili do songů velké množství svých nápadů a invence. Navíc se album opravdu velmi dobře poslouchá. Ostré, syrové riffy, chorobný vokál, pochmurná a divoká atmosféra. Vždycky jsem měl rád kapely, které hrají opravdově, uvěřitelně, od srdce. A VALDAUDR tohle všechno umí na výbornou. Jedná se přesně o takovou tu desku, kterou raději poslouchám, než abych o ní psal. Moje slova jednoduše nestačí. Kolem se totiž vznáší velké množství do černých barev naladěných nálad. Nejlépe uděláte, pokud zhasnete všechna světla, otevřete okno a necháte mráz, aby k vám vstoupil. Najednou nebudete sedět ve svém pokoji u reproduktorů, ale ocitnete se daleko na severu, v lesích, ve kterých je tak lehké zabloudit, stát se šelmou nebo obětí. Norové přicházejí z muzikou, která je ohlodaná na kost. S poctivou porcí ryzí, démonické muziky. Zbyla tu jenom zaschlá krev. Bolest, otisknutá do starého kamení. Jsem hluboko v lesích, uprostřed nekonečné prázdnoty a hledám vlastní démony. Jsou ukryti v temných koutech, v podzemí, v hudbě, kterou právě poslouchám. Nahrubo nasekaná black thrash metalová tma! Pradávné rituály znovu ožívají a démoni vystupují ze stínu!

Asphyx says:

All that's left is dried blood. Pain imprinted on old stone. I'm deep in the woods, in the middle of an endless void, searching for my own demons. They're hidden in dark corners, underground, in the music I'm listening to. I took a liking to Norway's VALDAUDR back in 2021, when they released their debut album "Drapsdalen" (review linked at the bottom of the article). The new album picks up where the band left off last time. In old sacrificial places, in burial grounds, hidden in the dark. 

It's as if pain has been imprinted into the music, that ancient coldness we all love in black metal bands from Norway. This is of course an old world, nihilistic record that ticks all the boxes. It has an honest sound, lots of interesting moments and most importantly a blood-chilling atmosphere. 

When I listen to "Du Skal Frykte" I really do walk in the endless woods. I'm looking at a river full of creepy corpses. With the new record, the ghosts wake up, waiting in the shadows for their moment. They will rip through your throat and take you to the other side, to a land of endless pain and fear. The songs are written with great skill, with the elegance of the old masters. Stylistically, this pack can be compared to what bands like MARDUK, MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE play on their records. In short, you get a very tasty portion of classic, orthodox blasphemy. Don't be mistaken though, the new stuff is not just a simple copy. On the contrary, the gentlemen put a lot of their own ideas and inventiveness into the songs. Moreover, the album is really very easy to listen to. Sharp, raw riffs, sick vocals, gloomy and wild atmosphere. I've always liked bands that play real, believable, from the heart. And VALDAUDR do all that perfectly. This is exactly the kind of record I prefer to listen to rather than write about. My words are simply not enough. There is a lot of black moods floating around. The best thing to do is to turn off all the lights, open the window and let the frost in. Suddenly, you are not sitting in your room with the speakers, but far up north, in the woods where it is so easy to get lost, to become a beast or a victim. The Norwegians come with music that is gnawed to the bone. With a fair portion of pure, demonic music. All that's left is dried blood. Pain imprinted on old stones. I'm deep in the woods, in the middle of an endless void, searching for my own demons. They're hidden in dark corners, underground, in the music I'm listening to. Coarsely chopped black thrash metal darkness! Ancient rituals come to life again and demons emerge from the shadows!

Recenze/review - VALDAUDR - Drapsdalen (2021):

1. ...Og Jages Bort Fra Verden
2. Den Moerke Tronen
3. Herren Hoester Liv
4. Straffen For Dem Som Lokker Til Frafall
5. De Som Fortaeres Av Lengsel
6. Tilgi Dem Ikke
7. Hans Klamme Haand Glipper Taket

Vald - Vocals and Lyrics
Død - Guitar and Bass
Rune Nesse - Drums

pátek 29. listopadu 2024

Recenze/review - MOLDER - Catastrophic Reconfiguration (2024)

MOLDER - Catastrophic Reconfiguration
CD 2024, Prosthetic Records

for english please scroll down

Venku se už dávno setmělo a za dveřmi márnice se ozývají podivné zvuky. Beru do rukou lopatu a kopu další hrob. Nerad odcházím od rozdělané práce. Zítra brzy ráno má být pohřeb jedné bestie. Za svého života neudělala nic dobrého, všem ubližovala a obžalovaná byla i z vraždy. Všichni se přijdou přesvědčit, jestli je doopravdy mrtvá. Aby už nikomu nemohla ubližovat. Bohužel, zlo je stále živé, pořád číhá v temnotě. Konečně mám hotovo. Čeká mě dlouhá noc. Pouštím si nové album amerických MOLDER a tančím s nemrtvými nekonečný tanec smrti.

Těmto tmářům jsme se na našich stránkách již několikrát věnovali. Troufám si tvrdit, že se jedná o kapelu, která přesně pochopila ducha starých death thrash metalových časů. I letos se jim povedlo vrátit po časové ose zpět a přinést nám skladby, které smrdí zkaženou krví. Jsou napsány s jediným účelem - pohřbít vás zaživa. 

Necelých 34 a půl minuty syrových melodií, chorobného vokálu a devastujících bicích. To všechno v podobných rytmech, jako to umí kapely typu CIANIDE, MASTER, CARDIAC ARREST, AUTOPSY, BENEDICTION, ABSCONDER, MORGUE SUPPLIER, IMPERIAL SAVAGERY, MASSACRE, SOLSTICE. Jsem při poslechu opravdu zavřený ve staré márnici a rozmlouvám s mrtvolami, čekajícími na pohřeb do země. Každá mi vypráví svůj příběh o bolesti a utrpení, které nám život přináší. A to vše za zvuků ostrých riffů, které se mi postupně zadírají hluboko do hlavy. Mlátím kladivem do prašivých kostí, rovnám lebky na hromadu. Dívám se do tmy a čekám, až se objeví přízraky. Přicházejí pokaždé, když se nějaké album povede. Novinku "Catastrophic Reconfiguration" lze označit vysokou známkou morbidní kvality. Hodně k tomu přispívá plesnivý zvuk (Greg Wilkinson - mastering, mixing, Matthew Aguilar - recording), který vás opravdu přenese mezi staré hroby. Mrtvolný obal od Juliana Felipe Mora Ibañeze potom krásně doplňuje celkovou mrtvolnou náladu celé nahrávky. Jsem starý pes, který stále rád ochutnává z podobných, dobře zahraných a složených desek. Pravý, reálný death metal ani thrash nesmí nikdy zemřít. Dokud budou hrát kapely jako MOLDER, tak o to strach  nemám. Jedná se o opravdu velmi uvěřitelnou hudbu ze starých katakomb, z pohřebišť, na kterých se obětovalo padlým bohům. Jakoby se probudila nějaká stará choroba, která byla dlouhé roky uložena v jednom prokletém hrobě. Když se jí nakazíte, tak nejen, že tuhle desku naplno pochopíte, ale také zemřete v dlouhých křečích. Dnešní svět už sice hoří zcela jiným plamenem, ale já budu nadále podporovat podobně opravdové a ortodoxní kapely. Satan je mi svědkem! Hnilobou nasáklý, krví znesvěcený death thrash metal, u kterého shnijete zaživa! Masakr v márnici!

Asphyx says:

It's long since dark outside and there are strange noises outside the morgue door. I pick up the shovel and dig another grave. I'm reluctant to leave the work I've done. There's a beast to be buried early tomorrow morning. She did nothing good in her life, hurt everyone and was accused of murder. Everyone's coming to see if she's really dead. So she can't hurt anyone else. Unfortunately, evil is still alive, still lurking in the darkness. I'm finally done. It's going to be a long night. I put on the new American MOLDER album and dance the endless dance of death with the undead.

We've covered these darkies several times in our pages. I dare to say that this is a band that understood exactly the spirit of the old death thrash metal days. This year they managed to go back in time and bring us songs that smell of bad blood. They are written with one purpose - to bury you alive.

Less than 34 and a half minutes of raw melodies, sick vocals and devastating drums. All this in similar rhythms as bands like CIANIDE, MASTER, CARDIAC ARREST, AUTOPSY, BENEDICTION, ABSCONDER, MORGUE SUPPLIER, IMPERIAL SAVAGERY, MASSACRE, SOLSTICE. I'm really locked up in an old morgue while listening, talking to dead bodies waiting to be buried in the ground. Each telling me their story of the pain and suffering that life brings us. And all this to the sound of sharp riffs that gradually dig deep into my head. I'm hammering on the scabby bones, straightening the skulls into a pile. I stare into the darkness, waiting for the ghosts to appear. They come every time an album does well. The new album "Catastrophic Reconfiguration" is a high mark of morbid quality. A lot of it is contributed by the moldy sound (Greg Wilkinson - mastering, mixing, Matthew Aguilar - recording) that really transports you among the old graves. The deadpan cover by Julian Felipe Mora Ibañez then beautifully complements the overall deadpan mood of the whole record. I'm an old dog who still likes to sample from similar, well-played and composed records. True, real death metal or thrash must never die. As long as bands like MOLDER keep playing, I'm not worried about it. This is really very believable music from the old catacombs, from the burial grounds where sacrifices were made to the fallen gods. It's like some old disease that has been stored in a cursed grave for years has been awakened. If you contract it, not only will you understand this tablet fully, but you will also die in long spasms. Today's world may be burning with an entirely different flame, but I will continue to support bands of similarly genuine and orthodoxy. Satan is my witness! Rotten, blood-soaked death thrash metal that will rot you alive! Massacre in the morgue!


Recenze/review - MOLDER - Engrossed in Decay (2022)

pondělí 18. listopadu 2024

Interview - WITCHTRAP - Devilish black thrash metal ritual from the old moldy catacombs that kills with sulfur!

Interview with legendary black thrash metal band from Colombia - WITCHTRAP.

Answered Witchhammer (drummer), thank you!

Recenze/review - WITCHTRAP - Hungry as the Beast (2024):

Ave WITCHTRAP! Greetings to Colombia, hope you are well! I am, because I just got back from work where I spent the whole day listening to your new album "Hungry as the Beast". I'm working on the computer and my headphones were still in my ears. I'm literally fascinated by the energy I feel from the record. I don't think you can tell me the recipe for where it comes from, but I'm sure you'd be happy to describe how the new record was made? Has the way WITCHTRAP composes changed in any way compared to past albums?

W/ Hey Jakub, I’m glad you like our last album “Hungry As The Beast” and let our music gets blow your brain in pieces by the energy we spread on it. There's not actually a recipe or so, we just want to do the music we like inspired by the great music form 70's and early 80's and let play it at 78 RPM with enough fury and anger as we can. About the About the recordings session it was totally differentc in comparisson to the previous albums. I mean, in the past albums, Eps and so, we always had all material written and composed, but this time we only had some guitar riffs and guitar structures. So, we took them to make a sketch with no idea what would be the drums, bass, solos, and lyrics and we started to compose every arrangement on each song during or while we were starting to record them. We thought that it was the right time for the band to have a new album out, due to the good things we realize it was happening with the feedback from fans and live performance about the band. So, we took this idea to begin the recording sessions, besides we were thinking that it would be like great bands like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden made it in early 80's when they rented the studio without any idea what to record. And let me tell you something, this experience was absolutely enriching and full or leaning for us. Now we know we know each other as we have been for more than 20 years together making Metal from the heart and the feeling we have at the heart of the band.

Personally, there's one thing I like most about "Hungry as the Beast" and that's the melodies. Clear, distinct, relying on interesting riffs, the songs gradually graduate, they have drive and power. To me, these are the things that make good music great. I wonder how you know when a song is finished? Who has the final say? And then how do you feel about their live presentation? Does there have to be chemistry between you and then the fans? Do you also have ideas that you then scrap?

W/ Well, it’s kinda hard tough, basically all is based only on we (B. A. Ripper and me) each contribute with 50% on the album music, for example on this “Hungry As The Beast“ each put 4 songs, once we share the riffs and guitar structure, we start to make arregements and a writting lyrics after the music is fixed and done, but the song ends when Ripper & me think the structure is done including arregments, about production and mixing it takes what it derserves until it sounds great for us, we try to make that our music sound like each isntruments sound clear but enouhg rough and the take has gotten the essence we wanted in our music,you know, not over produced at all but enough clear as 80's or 90's was for the listeners and fans.

By the other hand, performance it’s other thing different, we wnat to give a lot of energy and make our fans enjoy the show, leaving on their faces a big smile and satisfaction with the good fury and desplicent evil show we do at stage, you know fans and the band must have a sinergy on live performance just like a love relationship, I absolutely agree chemistry its a fact between band and fans.

I know a lot of bands that have lyrics to songs just to sing something. What I always liked about WITCHTRAP is that they have an idea, a meaning, an opinion. How do they come about? When does the inspiration come and how do you fit them into the music? Personally, I think writing lyrics is an insanely difficult discipline and on the new album "Hungry as the Beast" in particular, they're great. I often think to myself, yeah, that's exactly right, that's how I feel too.

W/ When we write a song, we first create the main riffs, and depending on what those riffs make us feel we start to have the ideas for the lyrics.

On our early records, writing lyrics was difficult because our English was lacking, and most of those where constructed with dictionary language. However, with time we got better at it.

It can be a hard process and it will alway require a new level of dextertity and mastery, because you shouldn’t just write for the sake of having a rain of words to fill the song, it needs to be artistic.

On „Hungry as the Beast“ we tried our best to give to the lyrics that poetry touch, and the results were very satisfying. One thing that inspired us and led us to create those type of lyrics was studying those created by excelent lyricists such as Rob Halford and Ronnie J. Dio.

You're from Medellin. I found out that 90% of Colombians are Roman Catholic. Wikipedia even states that 21% of Catholics have witnessed an exorcism. Here in the Czech Republic, where we are almost all atheists, this is almost incomprehensible. How has the Church influenced you? Have you ever been banned from concerts? How is black thrash metal perceived by the mainstream society?

W/ I think all Colombians are catholic indeed hahaha. I have never knew about an exorcism or so, you know google has a lot of bullshit on the web.

Well, in someway the fact that I have stidied in the primary and high school in a catholic college, was a point of growing up in kinda way rebel against to that religious statement, I rmember I use to be against all the bible teachings and in the high school, I have to validate at the end of each scholler year about that matter year after year, so those Incoherentic theories written in that book mades me question agsint the teacher at 9th grade, that's why I was fired from that school hahahaha. So at the same time I was got hocked into Metal and realize the Metal music, it was according of the plenty ideas I had in my mind against religion since some time ago. In 80‘s and 90’s the society wasn’t the real problem although it was too, but specially in some part of our family , and the cops that persecuted metalheads all days, and later the stupid factories' manners, that it was impossible for a Metalhead to find a job due to our way of dressing and long hair.

Our scene we use to hung out in some corners and parks of the city to share and home taping and trading the few records of Metal, or talking about how society, religion and politics were against the people and us, this shit that made us feel kind of agry and feel a lot of rage and courage, I think that’s the real fact that made us stay stronger into Metal.

Today, things has changed, in one way now we aren’t like a drugs addicts from their point of view, anyway they see to us like a good people that only enjoy extreme music, although still a small part of the society keeps all tha crappy shit against us, but being honest in early years it was a real pain in the ass for each metalhead here in Colombia.

A long time ago, when I was still in primary school, a friend of mine once drew the logos of metal bands in a notebook. It was during socialism and I was in detention because of it. Still, it was a beautiful time, you were young and discovering new bands at the turn of the eighties and nineties. VENOM came to me then and then of course our TÖRR. How did you experience your beginnings? Can you tell our readers a little bit about how albums were recorded in your country back then and what it was like in Colombia? Please reminisce.

W/ oh man those years were amazing and wonderful times for sure, I remember how hard was to find a Venom, Sodom, Slayer, even Metallica or Iron Maiden record to do a home taping, you know Colombia isn’t the Rock’n’Roll culture at all, here is Vallenatos, Cumbias, Salsa, and all that crapy music that I actually hate so much, this shit sounds in everywhere, in the downtown streets, the buses, the taxis, the neighbor in their high speakers on high volume, it’s absolutely boring and frustating, So, for example: in the whole city were like 4 or 5 copies maybe less of each album that some maniac got it beacuse their families traveled to USA and brought some copy of any Metal band, and that record could run around the whole scene to each one can do a home recording. So we used to trade records for some few time or days to spread the voice of any good great album or Ep when it arrived to the scene.

About how we recorded our own albums of bands from Ultra Metal I mean bands such as Parabellum, Astaroth, Reencarnacion and Danger amog others, actually it was a pain in the ass for all of them even to us, we use to handcrafted our drumkits and even to build our own distortion pedals with some friends that has some few electronic knowledge done by our self and beleive me or not in some cases we built our onw guitar as well same as we did with the drumkits, about the studios were so expensive to pay but some of those bands tried to find economical resuerses to pay these recordings, unfortunately in Colombia at the recording studios the sound enginneers of that time had nothing of knowlege how to record Metal and that's why those bands sounded like raw and nasty, so it was as it was done, and all this stuff has his enchantment and high value not only for us as patrimonium of our music even for international undeground scene as well.

I keep telling everyone and it's clear that once upon a time there was rock and heavy metal and then thrash and black metal. Without the basics there is no evolution. Staying in the past, what musicians actually brought you to music? Is there anyone you still admire today that you'd like to meet and thank for inspiring you?

W/ Acutally I‘ve hung out with couple of Metal icons such as Schmier, Mantas, Abbadon, Katon, Dolan, Tom Angel Ripper and they are so humble and kind to me and really nice guys for sure, total respect and I really love these guys. But about the musicians I would like to hang out for at least to share a beer are passed away: Lemmy, Cliff, Wendy Orlean Williams and Dio. Maybe In Hell I will meet them, if there is a existance after life.

I always take each band as a whole. Not just their music, but their performance, how they treat their fans. Honestly, a band can play like gods, but then I come to a show and they're arrogant and a few slaps and that's it for me. What I've always loved about WITCHTRAP is that you guys are civil, laid back, heartfelt, go-getters. How do you perceive the fans? It seems to me (from what I've seen of the videos) that you enjoy every show immensely. Am I right?

W/ Fuck Off Rock Star attitude, first of all we consider to each one of us as just a Metal fan, we love to go to metal clubs or bars, we go to Metal gigs and festivals to see emerging and local bands and fo course some of the greatest bands we love, so having said this, we think we are just like you or each Metalhead overthere is, we buy physical stuff vinyls, CDs and tapes, and we know we are exactly as a Metalhead that listen and enjoy of our music. So, being among the Metal crowd that come to see us, to share some words, to drink some beers and talking about Metal and so, that 'is one of my favorites times. I mean, when I have had while I'm touring or playing, it's absolutely amazing to feel the love from them to our music but at same time we (they and me) are starting a new frienship, that's something I love to the core even all members in Witchtrap do on every gig.

A band it's something, beacuse the fans give all their support to the music that they do. So the fans deserve to be as closer to them, no matter what happens, fans are everything. I mean, thje fans are loving the music you create for satisfying your self, that's more than enough to understand that the fans are the bigest thing happens to an artist.

How do you perceive contemporary metal? Do you have any favourite bands? I don't know about you, but lately it seems like everyone is playing faster and faster, crazier, more incomprehensible. You stand under the stage, nod your head for a while, what great musicians they are, and then you don't remember anything. Then he goes home and prefers to listen to good old Saxon.

W/ Yeah, Yeah, I like some good bands from nowadays indeed and specially bands from my country they are still trying to keep the real feeling in Metal alive.

I have some similar thoughts about that, although I would like to add something more, the real problem is the trend nowadays is create music with high levels of techninsim, You know, the drummers are playing hihg metronome bits on blastbeats but the groove have been lost in some way, I think they seems being competing betweem them of whom is playng faster to uncrest other musicians, I find this boring and stupid to be honest, I think they are satisfaying their egos and it goes against the musicality, the feeling or the groove in Metal, that's why there so great bands and musicians, but there aren't great songs.


You're a memory now. Times have changed a lot since the '80s. You're kind of a legendary band, you have a lot of fans, you get invited to gigs. Still, there's a lot that's different. Nowadays you have the internet, new technologies, a lot of people listen to music in the style - download, listen and then either forget or delete. How do you look to the future? Will metal be just for old people anymore? And how do you see the changes as a musician? And where is WITCHTRAP heading at the moment?

W/ Certainly, we don't know what is gonna happen, but in our way to see the movement, probably the Metal scene will turn slowly to only local bands and all the bands while the time is running will stop of touring around the world, but maybe only if a new band with enough charisma to make to all of us and the scene around the world rejoin, just like the early days, besides with no the intervention of main stream labels trends, then the Metal scen will raise again, like a New Renaissement.

About WITCHTRAP, you know we're not pretencious at all, we just will keep doing what we do since the begining, although right now we have found our mature about how keep doing as we wanted to sound and create our music. So, new material of course, it will come and try to spread and playing in other countries as much as we can to all the die hard Witchtrapmaniacs and new Metalheads that hans't still listen to our music that we know there are thousands, this way they can take their chace to hear the Metal noise from Colombia.

I'm sure you still have some dreams, goals, milestones you want to achieve as a band. Can you reveal them to us? You're black thrash veterans, you're recording great albums, you can still hear the enthusiasm for the music. You tour, you play festivals. Is there anything else missing from the puzzle?

W/ Nah(no), there is no missing nothing, we are living our dream, we have gotten more than we ever thought in our lives about having a band, we have even played in many countries, more than many bands in South America have done, this is something that we infintely appreciate deep inside in our minds and heart. Our music is listened by some underground maniacs all around the world, we know they are not a million, but they are truely Headbangers and it means all. So, if the success of being recognized come to our band, it's welcome for sure, but is not our main target, we are gonna keep doing as it goes and it is perfect for us.


We're coming to the end, so I'd like to try a more philosophical question. How would you define the style called black thrash metal? What is this music for you and why did you choose this style?

W/ To tag a band or giving a style it’s a big mistake that many of us into Metal do, but if can define Black Thrash Metal, I think it could be like this: Speed music, Catchy riffing, Aggressive voice, Evil lyrics, and No trendy music, Keep it as classic as it was done 40 years ago.

About WITCHTRAP we play Witching Metal.

If you would merge in a boiling cauldron a band with the following characteristics: NWOBHM together some Punk and Satanic lyrism then you would have Witching Metal, we are not Black Thrash Metal, we are Witching Metal.

What is WITCHTRAP going to do in the next few months?

W/ We have been palning some locals shows and showing to the witchtrapmaniacs our recent album “Hungry As The beast“ besides we have being looking for some tours in South America, US and probably Europe ofr next year 2025, we will see what happens. And of course we are conmposing new song, you know, this madness never stops.

Thank you very much for the interview. You don't even know what it means to me. A boyhood dream come true. I wish you many more great ideas, sold out records, sold out shows and may your private lives prosper as well. See you at the concert! WITCHTRAP RULES!

W/ hey Bro, we are tottaly thankful on you to provide us this space to show something about our band and we have been doing throuhg the years. So, belive me this means a lot to us as well, having in mind our words will runs throught the Metaheads overthre in ou country and area because of you, that’s fucking awesome.

Thank you for your good Metal wishes and of course we will meet again.
Stay Evil, Stay Ugly, Stay Metal.

Hugo “Witchhammer“ Uribe & WITCHTRAP

Recenze/review - WITCHTRAP - Hungry as the Beast (2024):
