Jako prvního jsem si všiml krkavce, který držel v zobáku kus shnilého masa. Teprve až po nějakém čase mi došlo, že má zaseknuté drápy do mrtvoly. Kolem bylo ticho, přesto jsem cítil zlo, které doslova sálalo z okolních stromů. Někdy bývají moje představy při poslechu nové muziky děsivé. Nedokážu jen tak sedět a poslouchat. U nové desky, prvního dlouhohrajícího alba "Homo Homini Lupus", jsem se kýval do rytmu jako starý hrobník. Nasával jsem pach smrti a užíval si temnou a chladnou atmosféru.
Smrt je velmi blízko, napadá mě pokaždé, když vložím tuhle nahrávku do přehrávače. Procházím se mlhavým oparem a nasávám síru. Italové jsou jako vyslanci samotného pekla. Hrají od srdce, odhodlaně a s jasným účelem. Zabít vás svými riffy, vokálem i bicími. Krkavec zvedl svoji hlavu a podíval se na mě. Budu další na řadě.
Z hudby KERES je cítit takové to opravdové nadšení, síla a energie, kterou mívaly staré kapely. Možná právě proto jsem se rozhodl o těchto maniakálních Italech napsat. Jejich muzika je volně inspirována tím, co hrají třeba takoví BEHEMOTH, HATE, BELPHEGOR, HATH, THRONE, VREDEHAMMER, DECAPITATED. Moje přirovnání berte ale jenom jako popis pro lepší orientaci. Jinak se snaží mít tihle gentlemani svůj rukopis a výraz. Některé motivy jsou velmi ostré, zemité, rustikální, jako čerstvě otevřený hrob, jiné zase majestátní a tajemné, jako smradlavá mlha nad hřbitovem. Vše, co se týká zvuku, obalu, produkce a celkového provedení, je v nejlepším pořádku. Osobně bych možná ocenil ještě trošku víc špíny a zkažené krve, ale zase na druhou stranu, nahrávka je alespoň více "přístupná" a lépe se poslouchá. Zároveň, a to se mi osobně velmi líbí, se pánové snaží svoje hranice posouvat, překračovat je. Posluchač si tak může vychutnat spoustu zajímavých, neotřelých momentů. Základem je sice stále klasický, tradiční kov smrti, ušpiněný černotou, ale přidávány jsou kusy (nebál bych se napsat) progresivních pasáží. Výsledkem je potom velmi chutný koktejl, který když pozřete, tak zemřete v krutých křečích. Jako prvního jsem si všiml krkavce, který držel v zobáku kus shnilého masa. Teprve až po nějakém čase mi došlo, že má zaseknuté drápy do mrtvoly. Kolem bylo ticho, přesto jsem cítil zlo, které doslova sálalo z okolních stromů. Někdy bývají moje představy při poslechu nové muziky děsivé. U "Homo Homini Lupus" bych vám to podepsal vlastní krví. Mrazivá, temná a tajemná noční můra, která vás roztrhá na kusy! U tohoto alba se rozpadnete v prach!
Asphyx says:
The first thing I noticed was a raven holding a piece of rotten meat in its beak. It was only after some time that I realised that his claws were stuck in the carcass. It was quiet around me, yet I could feel the evil that was literally radiating from the surrounding trees. Sometimes my imaginings when listening to new music are frightening. I can't just sit and listen. With the new album, the first full-length, "Homo Homini Lupus", I swayed to the beat like an old undertaker. I soaked up the smell of death and enjoyed the dark and cold atmosphere.
Death is very near, I think of it every time I put this record in my player. I walk through the misty haze and suck in the sulphur. The Italians are like emissaries of hell itself. They play with heart, determination and a clear purpose. To kill you with their riffs, vocals and drums. The raven raised his head and looked at me. I'll be next.
The music of KERES has that real enthusiasm, power and energy that the old bands used to have. Maybe that's why I decided to write about these maniacal Italians. Their music is loosely inspired by the likes of BEHEMOTH, HATE, BELPHEGOR, HATH, THRONE, VREDEHAMMER, DECAPITATED. But take my comparisons as a description for better orientation. Otherwise, these gentlemen are trying to have their own signature and expression. Some of the motifs are very sharp, earthy, rustic, like a freshly opened grave, others are majestic and mysterious, like a stinking fog over a cemetery. Everything about the sound, the packaging, the production and the overall execution is in the best of order. Personally, I might have appreciated a bit more dirt and bad blood, but then again, the recording is at least more "accessible" and easier to listen to. At the same time, and I personally like this a lot, the gentlemen try to push their boundaries, to cross them. The listener can thus enjoy many interesting, novel moments. The base is still the classic, traditional death metal, stained with blackness, but pieces of (I wouldn't be afraid to write) progressive passages are added. The result, then, is a very tasty cocktail that, if you watch it, you will die in violent convulsions. The first thing I noticed was a raven holding a piece of rotten meat in its beak. It wasn't until some time later that I realised it had its claws stuck into the carcass. It was quiet around me, yet I could feel the evil that was literally radiating from the surrounding trees. Sometimes my imaginings when listening to new music are frightening. With "Homo Homini Lupus", I'd sign it in my own blood. A freezing, dark and mysterious nightmare that will tear you apart! This album will make you crumble into dust!
Již je to dlouhá doba, kdy jsem si poprvé všiml několika náhrobků v rohu hřbitova. Opuštěné hroby, ke kterým nikdo nikdy nechodí. Prokleté místo, na kterém se dějí divné věci. Dnes ráno jsem otevřel rezavou bránu a nestačil se divit. Kříž, který mě každý den vítá, byl povalený na zem. Socha Ježíše od krve a zohavená. Něco se stalo. Něco hrozného. Prohledám celý hřbitov, až dojdu k místu, kde jsou pohřbeni prokletí. Na každém hrobě leží mrtvola, přikovaná k zemi. Odříkal jsem obrácenou modlitbu a zavřel se do márnice.
Poslouchám novou desku WITCH VOMIT z Oregonu. Jedná se o kapelu, které se na našich stránkách věnujeme už od jejich počátků. Letos tahle divoká smečka přichází se svým třetím, dlouhohrajícím albem. Když si jej poslechnete, ihned se na vás doslova vyvalí obrovské množství špíny, hniloby, roztrhaných pavučin i atmosféry, kterou lze nalézt pouze v dobrém death metalu a na místech, kde byla exhumována těla prokletých.
Je to old school přesně podle mého gusta. Pokud jste, stejně jako já, poprvé přičichli ke kovu smrti v devadesátých letech minulého století a dodnes vám dělá dobře chladná a temná atmosféra dávno opuštěných hřbitovů, potom jste zde správně. WITCH VOMIT ale nejsou jenom obyčejnou, dnes tolik častou retro kapelou. Naopak, když rozkryjete jejich novou desku po jednotlivých vrstvách, zjistíte, že se pánové a dáma sice inspirovali ve starých archívech (INCANTATION, CARNAGE, BOLT THROWER, AUTOPSY, INFESTER, DISSSECTION), ale snaží se přinést i něco nového. Kus sebe samých, krvavý otisk ze záhrobí. Album má parádní plesnivý zvuk (Dan Lowndes - mastering, Evan Mersky - recording, mixing). Spokojený jsem i s monumentálním a tajemným obalem (Matt Stikker). Splněno bylo vše potřebné, abych se mohl soustředit jen na hudbu samotnou. S tou jsem také nadmíru spokojený. Je syrová, valí se kupředu jako buldozer, hrnoucí před sebou kosti z hromadného hrobu. Kapela má cit a talent pro věci, které nejsou z tohoto světa. Nahrávat se muselo hluboko pod zemí, na místech, kde jsou pochována těla těch, kteří za svého působení na zemi způsobili něco zlého. Užívám si temné a zahnívající nálady, které se vznáší během poslechu kolem, jako můry kolem ohně. Agresivita, brutalita, morbidní melodie, chorobný vokál, riffy ostré tak, že po nich zůstávají popraskané rakve. Démoni tančí a smějí se do mrtvolného ticha. Tuhle nahrávku lze doporučit všem, kteří mají rádi mlhavá rána nad hřbitovem, krkavce, sedícího pokaždé na mramorovém náhrobku. Líbí se mi styl a způsob, jakým kapela přistupuje ke své hrobnické práci. Nelze jinak, než jejich novou desku "Funeral Sanctum" všude doporučovat. Alespoň mezi těmi, kteří tráví svůj život ve stínu. Plesnivina čerstvě otevřených, znesvěcených hrobů! Old school death metal, shnilá ruka mrtvoly, která do vás zasekne svůj dráp!
Asphyx says:
It's been a long time since I first noticed a few headstones in the corner of the cemetery. Abandoned graves that nobody ever goes to. A cursed place where strange things happen. I opened the rusty gate this morning and couldn't help wondering. The cross that greets me every day had been thrown to the ground. The statue of Jesus bloodied and mutilated. Something happened. Something terrible. I'll search the whole cemetery until I reach the place where the damned are buried. In each grave, a corpse lies pinned to the ground. I say a prayer in reverse and shut myself in the morgue.
I listen to the new WITCH VOMIT record from Oregon. This is a band that we have been covering on our site since their early days. This year, this wild bunch comes out with their third full-length album. When you listen to it, you are immediately literally thrown a huge amount of filth, rot, torn cobwebs and atmosphere that can only be found in good death metal and places where the bodies of the damned have been exhumed.
It's old school just the way I like it. If, like me, you first smelled death metal in the 1990s and still enjoy the cold and dark atmosphere of long-abandoned cemeteries, then you've come to the right place. But WITCH VOMIT are not just an ordinary retro band, so common nowadays. On the contrary, if you unravel their new record layer by layer, you'll find that the lords and ladies may have taken inspiration from the old archives (INCANTATION, CARNAGE, BOLT THROWER, AUTOPSY, INFESTER, DISSSECTION), but they're also trying to bring something new to the table. A piece of themselves, a bloody imprint from beyond the grave. The album has a great mouldy sound (Dan Lowndes - mastering, Evan Mersky - recording, mixing). I'm also happy with the monumental and mysterious cover art (Matt Stikker). Everything I needed to concentrate on the music itself was fulfilled. I am also extremely satisfied with it. It's raw, rolling forward like a bulldozer throwing bones from a mass grave in front of it. The band has a flair and talent for things that are not of this world. The recording had to be done deep underground, in places where the bodies of those who have done wrong during their time on earth are buried. I enjoy the dark and decaying moods that hover around while listening, like moths around a fire. Aggression, brutality, morbid melodies, morbid vocals, riffs so sharp they leave cracked coffins. Demons dancing and laughing into the dead silence. This record can be recommended to anyone who likes misty mornings over a graveyard, a raven sitting on a marble tombstone every time. I like the style and the way the band approaches their grave digging work. I can't help but recommend their new album "Funeral Sanctum" everywhere. At least among those who spend their lives in the shadows. The mould of freshly opened, desecrated graves! Old school death metal, the rotten hand of a corpse sinking its claw into you!
Všichni, kteří rádi a často trávíme čas v katakombách, víme, že existuje ještě jeden svět. Je ještě děsivější a hnusnější než ten náš. Je v něm jenom utrpení a bolest. Nahlédnout do něj mohou jen šílení a potom hudebníci, jako jsou ABERRATION z Minnesoty, kteří nám dokáží pomocí své hudby přinést jasnou a zřetelnou zprávu o absolutní tmě a zlu. Alespoň tak vnímám jejich debutové album "Refracture" já.
Kapela je složena ze zkušených muzikantů (Void Rot, Suffering Hour a Nothingness), kteří moc dobře ví, co a jak chtějí hrát. Totálně zničující death metal se spoustou podivných pasáží, ušpiněný black metalovou atmosférou. Bolela vás někdy hlava a chtěli jste si vyrvat mozek z lebky? Potom by se vám mohlo líbit i tohle album.
Když "Refracture" poslouchám, tak si představuji, že takhle nějak musí naříkat nemrtví, kteří se budou navěky toulat mezi naší a oním světem. ABBERATION vzali staré death a black metalové postupy a okořenili je spoustou jedovatých a neotřelých pasáží. Výsledkem je album, které se vám bude zdát zpočátku divné, nebál bych se napsat nepříjemné. Když ale vydržíte, časem se ve vás usadí, jako krev v čerstvé ráně. Pokud jste fanoušci třeba takových PORTAL, ALTARAGE, ABYSSAL, ULCERATE, mohu vám novou desku rozhodně doporučit. Společná setkání vyžadují pozornost, pečlivost a otevřenou mysl. Novinka se vám dostane do hlavy a způsobí v ní chaos. Dejte tomu čas, uklidněte svoji mysl a potom uvidíte přízraky. Nahrávka má surový zvuk, rozdrásá vás do krve, otevře vám cestu do jiných dimenzí. Budete se toulat záhrobím, poznáte, co je opravdová bolest. Zvuk, obal, produkce, vše je podřízeno jedinému. Zničujícímu nihilismu. Jakoby vám kapela navrtala do hlavy díru, do které nasadila trychtýř a napěchovala do vás pod tlakem spoustu černé energie. Špína, hnus a nenávist, tohle vše zde najdete. A spoustu pochmurné, děsivé atmosféry. Určitě jste potkali někoho, kdo byl kdysi zraněný a který si myslel, že je už vše v pořádku. Jenže není, u téhle hudby se otevírají staré rány, vytéká z nich zkažený hnis a beznaděj. Nové album na mě působí velmi podobně. Vlastně se jedná o hudbu, která se nedá příliš popsat slovy. Lepší je opravdu poslouchat a nechat na sebe vše jen tak působit. Potom uvidíte sami. Osobně si připadám, že do mě zasekla drápy samotná smrt. Všichni, kteří rádi a často trávíme čas v katakombách, víme, že existuje ještě jeden svět. Je děsivější a hnusnější než ten náš. Existuje v něm jenom utrpení a bolest. Prašivý, zničující black death metal, který vás sežere zevnitř! Hnisavé ozvěny z onoho světa!
Asphyx says:
All of us who like and often spend time in the catacombs know that there is another world. It's even scarier and uglier than ours. There is only suffering and pain. Only the insane can peer into it, and then musicians like ABERRATION from Minnesota, who can use their music to bring us a clear and distinct message of absolute darkness and evil. At least that's how I perceive their debut album "Refracture".
The band is composed of experienced musicians (Void Rot, Suffering Hour and Nothingness) who know very well what and how they want to play. Totally devastating death metal with a lot of weird passages, dirty with black metal atmosphere. Ever had a headache and wanted to rip your brains out of your skull? Then you might like this album too.
When I listen to "Refracture", I imagine that this is how the undead, who will forever wander between this world and the next, must somehow lament. ABBERATION took the old death and black metal methods and spiced them up with a lot of poisonous and fresh passages. The result is an album that will seem strange at first, I wouldn't be afraid to write unpleasant. But if you stick with it, it will settle in you over time, like blood in a fresh wound. If you are a fan of such bands as PORTAL, ALTARAGE, ABYSSAL, ULCERATE, I can definitely recommend the new album to you. Getting together requires attention, care and an open mind. The novelty will get into your head and cause chaos. Give it time, calm your mind and then you will see the ghosts. The record has a raw sound, it will tear you to the core, it will open you up to other dimensions. You'll wander through the afterlife, you'll know what real pain is. The sound, the packaging, the production, everything is subordinate to one thing. Destructive nihilism. It's as if the band drilled a hole in your head, put a funnel in it and pumped a lot of black energy into you under pressure. Filth, disgust and hatred, that's what you'll find here. And a lot of gloomy, scary atmosphere. I'm sure you've met someone who was once hurt and thought everything was all right now. But it's not, with this music, old wounds are opened up, the rotten pus and hopelessness oozes out. The new album has a very similar effect on me. In fact, it is music that cannot be described in words. It's better to really listen and just let it all affect you. Then you will see for yourself. Personally, I feel like death itself is digging its claws into me. All of us who love to spend time in the catacombs know that there is another world. It's scarier and uglier than ours. There is only suffering and pain. Dusty, devastating black death metal that will eat you up from the inside! The festering echoes of that world!
Ostré hroty rezavých hřebů. Sedím v dávno opuštěné kobce a do hlavy mi proniká další a další bolest. Snaží se ze mě vyhnat jedinou pravou víru, která existuje. Morbidní death metal, chlad a temnotu, kterým jsem propadl kdysi v devadesátých letech minulého století. Už dávno nic necítím, nevadí mi maso, odsekávané od kostí, je mi jedno, když mi nalijí do mozku kyselinu. I nadále vyhledávám kapely, které mě baví poslouchat a píšu o nich příběhy, které nejsou z tohoto světa. Portugalské RESURGE jsem objevil na jedné ze svých toulek podzemím.
Jejich debutové album "Resurge from Underneath" muselo být nahráváno ve vedlejší hrobce. Hluboko v podzemí, se starodávnou touhou ničit a zabíjet hudbou. Myslím si, že se jedná o velmi povedený materiál, který musí dělat dobře každému, kdo kdysi propadl peklu jako já. Tahle nahrávka se mi ihned zaryla hluboko pod kůži.
Jedná se o ostrý, nekompromisní masakr, který se odehrává v podobném stylu jako to uměly a umí kapely typu PESTILENCE, DEATH, OBITUARY, MORGOTH, SKELETAL REMAINS. RESURGE samozřejmě vše zamíchali svým vlastním způsobem a přidaly svoji invenci a spoustu nápadů. Výsledkem je nahrávka, která nejen, že má skvělý surový zvuk (Luis Neves - mixing, mastering, recording) ale i obal, který se opravdu povedl (Marco Martins). Takhle nějak si představuji pravý, reálný a poctivý death metal. Mám při poslechu neodbytný pocit, že utíkám smradlavými močály. Nedávno mě podřízli krk a stal jsem se nemrtvým. Kolem mě leží hnijící těla, ze kterých vylézají červi. Vše je temné, ošklivé a mokvající. Stejně jako nová deska "Resurge from Underneath". Nakonec mě stejně chytí a zavřou do staré kobky. Zatlučou mi do hlavy hřeby, které bolí úplně stejně jako ostré riffy na této nahrávce. Chorobný je i vokál, líbí se mi jak jsou provedeny bicí. Zkrátka a dobře, pro starého psa, jako jsem já, je tohle album doslova povinností. Je na něm totiž úplně všechno, co mám na smrtícím kovu tolik rád. Temnota, polámané kosti, mrazivý chlad, ale hlavně spousta zajímavých motivů, u kterých se kývám do rytmu, jako zombie. Když tuhle desku poslouchám, tak mi připadá, že se zvedá vítr, který přichází z podsvětí. Obejme mě, stejně jako pavučiny. Je mi vlastně jedno, jestli mě jednou spálíte na popel nebo pohřbíte zaživa. Jen o jedno vás prosím, do hrobu mi dejte tohle album. Musím přece něco poslouchat i na onom světě. Hnilobný, temný, surový death metal ze starých časů, který vás rozemele na prach! Exhumace prokletého hrobu!
Asphyx says:
Sharp points of rusty spikes. I sit in a long abandoned dungeon, and more and more pain penetrates my head. It's trying to drive out the only true belief that exists. The morbid death metal, the cold and darkness that I fell into back in the 1990s. I don't feel anything anymore, I don't mind flesh being chopped off my bones, I don't care if they pour acid into my brain. I continue to seek out bands I enjoy listening to and write stories about them that are not of this world. I discovered Portugal's RESURGE on one of my underground wanderings.
Their debut album "Resurge from Underneath" must have been recorded in the tomb next door. Deep underground, with an ancient desire to destroy and kill with music. I think this is very hilarious stuff that must do well for anyone who once went through hell like me. This record immediately dug deep into my skin.
It is a sharp, uncompromising massacre, which takes place in a similar style as bands like PESTILENCE, DEATH, OBITUARY, MORGOTH, SKELETAL REMAINS. RESURGE of course mixed everything in their own way and added their inventiveness and a lot of ideas. The result is a record that not only has a great raw sound (Luis Neves - mixing, mastering, recording) but also a cover that is really good (Marco Martins). This is how I imagine true, real and honest death metal. I have an insistent feeling that I am running through a stinking swamp. I recently had my throat slit and became undead. I'm surrounded by rotting bodies with worms crawling out of them. Everything is dark, ugly and swampy. Just like the new album "Resurge from Underneath". Eventually I'll get caught and locked in an old dungeon. They hammer nails into my head that hurt just as much as the sharp riffs on this record. The vocals are sick too, I like the way the drums are done. In short, for an old dog like me, this album is literally a must. It has everything I love about death metal. The darkness, the broken bones, the chilling coldness, but most of all, lots of interesting motifs that make me sway to the beat like a zombie. When I listen to this record, I feel like there's a wind coming up from the underworld. It embraces me, like spider webs. I don't really care if one day you burn me to ashes or bury me alive. I only ask one thing, put this album in my grave. I have to listen to something in the next world. Rotten, dark, raw death metal from the old days that will grind you to dust! Exhumation of the cursed grave!
A few questions - interview with death metal band from Portugal - RESURGE.
Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?
Resurge is a Portuguese Death Metal band founded in 2020 by former members of Underneath. Following the disbandment of Underneath in 2013, the members decided to embark on a new project. The camaraderie and desire to pursue the shared passion for Old School Metal, mixed with individual inspirations from each member, gave rise to Resurge.
Currently, the lineup consists of David Bento (vocals), Luís Neves (guitar), Sérgio Garraio (bass), and Ricardo Neto (drums).
Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?
Our album was a homemade production, the drums were recorded at Acardomusic Studio, and the rest was recorded at our guitarist’s Luís Neves house, he also did the mixing and mastering. We also had the help of our friends in that process, especially Miguel Tereso from Demigod Recordings, who was a huge help, and gave us advice about production.
How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?
We released 200 copies in CD jewelcase format with our labels, Miasma Records and Vomit Your Shirt. We also released the album digitally on all platforms and on Bandcamp.
Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?
The lyrics and the concepts were created by David Bento, except for the song Circle of Death, that lyrics was written by Luís Neves. The concept of the album takes listeners on a journey through a dystopian universe, continuing the narrative begun in our debut EP. In this world, humans are produced in incubators and emerge into a realm overrun by twisted, demon-like monsters. The album chronicles the story of a character born into this world, exploring the corruption, survival, and struggle to maintain humanity in the face of an increasingly hostile environment.
Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?
The logo was created by Сергей Поляков, aka Extripate Humanity Logos, the graphics and the website were designed by Marco Martins from our label, Miasma Records.
Social media are managed by David Bento, currently, they have a big role in our promotion, and they serve as a very important tool for the growth of the band. Like it or not, they play a huge part in defining the image of a band nowadays.
Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?
As mentioned before, the album was released via Miasma Records and Vomit Your Shirt. We already worked with them on our EP, they’ve been good friends of ours for years, so it was only natural that we worked with them. They do a good job representing us, and they feel like extra members of the band.
Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?
Our sound takes inspiration from bands like Death, Pestilence, and Morbid Angel, but we add our own twist and personality.
Especially Death is a big influence, both musically and lyrically.
Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?
Because we already knew we would work with our labels, we didn’t have to send our record to any label.
How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?
We have played around 16 gigs, we love to play at festivals, our best concert was definitely Milagre Metaleiro Open Air 2023, no doubt a landmark for the band that helped put Resurge on the map for a lot of people.
What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?
In the future, we plan to be able to take our album outside of Portugal and present it to more people. We also plan to keep the ball rolling and keep working on new music to be able to release a new album in the near future. Obviously, we would love to be able to play alongside some of our favorite bands.
How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?
For fans or for concert organizers that might want to invite us to a gig, you can contact us via email or through our social media:
Vypadá to, že série vypálených kostelů nikdy neskončí. Pokaždé je na oltáři zohavená socha Ježíše. Ukřižovaná směrem dolů. To musí dělat někdo, kdo ztratil víru, říká se mezi lidmi. Zajímavé je, že pokaždé jsou zničené kostely, ve kterých se nedávno odhalilo něco zlého. Kněží, co se usmívají a dávají rozhřešení. Přitom páchají hnusné činy. Vypadá to jako pomsta nebi, jako šílenství, které propuklo velkou silou. Na tenhle příběh jsem si vzpomněl, když jsem poslouchal páté dlouhohrající album italské black death metalové kapely WHISKEY & FUNERAL.
Stačilo několik prvních setkání a už jsem věděl, že novinka je přesně tím druhem hudby, která hoří jasným černým plamenem. Skladby se mi ihned zaryly hluboko do mozku a zanechaly tam pěkně hlubokou, krvavou stopu. Dívám se na hořící kříž a přemýšlím, kolik je v kostelech bolesti a utrpení.
Pánové na to jsou ostře, nekompromisně, ale nezapomínají ani na temné a chladné melodie. Pokud bych potom měl jejich tvorbu k někomu přirovnat, volil bych jména jako BLOOD RED THRONE, DEICIDE, KRISIUN, RABEALLIUN, ANGELCORPSE, VADER. Zkrátka a dobře, tahle smečka moc dobře ví jak na to. Jejich riffy jsou ostré jako břitva a zůstávají po nich rány, které se jen tak nezahojí. Jakoby mě někdo zavřel do starých, plesnivých katakomb, hluboko pod znesvěcený kostel. Jsou zde uložena těla padlých kněží, i těch, kteří nikdy nenaleznou klid. Vzduchem se vznáší strach, nenávist, smrt i totální destrukce. To vše je zabalené do černých, pevných pavučin. Italové si dali velký pozor na zvuk, který vás opravdu rozseká. Je masivní, surový. Povedl se ale i obal, na němž je zohavený Kristus. Myslím si, že přesně vyjadřuje to, co se odehrává na desce. Absolutní rouhání, blasfemie. Musím zmínit i fakt, že členy WHISKEY & FUNERAL jsou zkušení muzikanti, kteří již odvedli spoustu morbidní práce i v jiných skupinách (EBOLA, OMICRON, XENOFACTION, HIDEOUS DIVINITY, a mnoho dalších). Není tedy divu, že je album "Thy Malignant" velmi dobře napsané a složené. Skladby mají jasné a zřetelné motivy, které se velmi dobře poslouchají a rád se k nim vracím. Vypadá to, že série vypálených kostelů nikdy neskončí. Pokaždé je na oltáři zohavená socha Ježíše. Ukřižovaná směrem dolů. To musí dělat někdo, kdo ztratil víru, říká se mezi lidmi. Zajímavé je, že pokaždé jsou zničené kostely, ve kterých se nedávno odhalilo něco zlého. Absolutně zničující, temný a surový black death metal, u kterého se vám objeví krvavá stigmata! Peklo!
Asphyx says:
Looks like the string of church burnings will never end. Each time, there's a mutilated statue of Jesus on the altar. Crucified facing down. Must be done by someone who's lost his faith, it's said among the people. Interestingly, each time the churches destroyed are churches where something evil has recently been discovered. Priests smiling and giving absolution. Yet they commit ugly deeds. It looks like a revenge on heaven, like a madness that has broken out with great force. I was reminded of this story while listening to the fifth full-length album by Italian black death metal band WHISKEY & FUNERAL.
The first few encounters were enough and I already knew that the novelty was exactly the kind of music that burns with a bright black flame. The songs immediately dug deep into my brain and left a pretty deep, bloody mark. I look at the burning cross and think about how much pain and suffering there is in churches.
The gentlemen are sharp and uncompromising, but they don't forget the dark and cool melodies. If I had to compare their work to someone, I would choose names like BLOOD RED THRONE, DEICIDE, KRISIUN, RABEALLIUN, ANGELCORPSE, VADER. In short, this pack knows how to do it very well. Their riffs are razor-sharp and leave wounds that don't heal easily. It's like someone locked me in an old, moldy catacomb, deep under a desecrated church. The bodies of fallen priests are buried here, even those who will never find peace. Fear, hatred, death and total destruction are in the air. It's all wrapped in black, tight webs. The Italians have taken great care to create a sound that will really shred you. It's massive, it's raw. But the cover art, which features a mutilated Christ, is also very good. I think it's an accurate representation of what's happening on the record. Totally blasphemy. I must also mention the fact that the members of WHISKEY & FUNERAL are experienced musicians who have already done a lot of morbid work in other bands (EBOLA, OMICRON, XENOFACTION, HIDEOUS DIVINITY, and many others). So it's no surprise that "Thy Malignant" is a very well written and composed album. The songs have clear and distinct themes that are very easy to listen to and I love coming back to them. It seems that the series of burnt churches will never end. Each time there is a mutilated statue of Jesus on the altar. Crucified facing down. Must be done by someone who's lost his faith, they say among the people. Interestingly, each time the churches destroyed are churches where something evil has recently been discovered. Absolutely devastating, dark and raw black death metal that will leave you with a bloody stigma! Hell!
Možná to byl nějaký virus, možná jenom program, který někdo pustil mezi nás. Všichni se stále dívali do obrazovek a připomínali zombie. Tupé ovce, jdoucí na porážku. Bylo tak jednoduché je ovládat. Sami to chtěli. Zástupy mrtvých tváří. Tedy, oni ještě trošku žili, ale jejich mozky se vařily ve vlastní šťávě. Potom to začalo. Šílenství propuklo postupně. První jedinci se rozeběhli proti zdi již brzy ráno. Jejich mozek stékal po zemi a oči byly plné krve. Myslel jsem si, že nás zničí jaderná katastrofa, ale mýlil jsem se. Temnota je v každém z nás.
Technický death metal nebývá zase tolik častým hostem v mém přehrávači. Jenže jsou kapely, které mě dokáží zaujmout. APOGEAN jsou z kanadského Toronta a přicházejí letos se svým debutovým albem. Sedl jsem si, postupně přidával hlasitost a najednou jsem se začal kývat spokojeně do rytmu. Mocné melodie, ostré riffy, propracované motivy. Venku se setmělo a já měl najednou pocit, že kolem mě propuklo opravdové šílenství.
Možná po nás zůstane jednou jenom spálená země. Než se tak ale stane, budu podobné desky rád a s chutí poslouchat. Pánové nejen že jsou velmi dobrými muzikanty, ale zároveň umí napsat skvělé skladby. Mají v sobě drive, takovou tu těžko definovatelnou sílu, feeling, chcete-li. Nerad kapely k někomu přirovnávám, ale pro představu lze zmínit jména jako THE FACELESS, FALLUJAH, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, CATTLE DECAPITATION. Kanaďané jsou ale přeci jen odlišní. Mají vlastní výraz, jsou živočišnější, divočejší, reálnější. Vlastně by se také dalo napsat, že se jim povedlo vyhnout takové té, dnes tolik časté a běžné umělé produkci. Osobně se mi zkrátka jejich přístup líbí a vzhledem k tomu, že už dlouhé roky píši už jen o smečkách, které mě něčím zaujmou, prošli APOGEAN mým sítem. Vše je potom podpořeno opravdu dobrým zvukem, pod kterým je podepsán Zack Ohren (mixing, mastering). Zmínit musím také parádní obal od Marka Erskine, který ve mě evokuje právě zemi, zničenou a zdevastovanou. Nedávno jsem někde četl, že se již testují čipy, které vám vloží do hlavy. Ony ty zástupy nemrtvých lidských robotů nejsou zase tolik nereálné. Staří autoři sci-fi by mohli vyprávět. Jejich představy právě zažíváme. Když novou desku "Cyberstrictive" poslouchám, opravdu si připadám, jako bych byl v brzké budoucnosti. Vzhledem k událostem posledních let a stavu společnosti, jsou mé fantazie převážně temné a chladné. Stejně jako hudba téhle kapely. Jsem moc rád, že jsem na ně při svých toulkách kyberprostorem narazil. Možná to byl nějaký virus, možná jenom program, který někdo pustil mezi nás. Všichni se stále dívali do obrazovek a připomínali zombie. Technická death metalová apokalypsa! Temné, mrazivé vize z blízké budoucnosti!
Asphyx says:
Maybe it was a virus, maybe it was just a program that someone let in. Everybody kept looking at their screens and looking like zombies. Dumb sheep going to the slaughter. It was so easy to control them. They wanted it themselves. Crowds of dead faces. I mean, they were still a little alive, but their brains were boiling in their own juices. Then it started. The madness broke out gradually. The first individuals ran against the wall early in the morning. Their brains were streaming on the floor and their eyes were full of blood. I thought a nuclear disaster would destroy us, but I was wrong. The darkness is in all of us.
Technical death metal isn't a frequent guest on my player. But there are some bands that do catch my attention. APOGEAN are from Toronto, Canada and they come this year with their debut album. I sat down, gradually turned up the volume and suddenly started swaying contentedly to the beat. Powerful melodies, sharp riffs, elaborate themes. It was getting dark outside and I suddenly felt like a real madness was breaking out around me.
Maybe one day we'll be left with nothing but scorched earth. But until that happens, I will be happy to listen to records like this. The gentlemen are not only very good musicians, but they can also write great songs. They have drive, that hard-to-define power, feeling, if you will. I don't like to compare bands to anyone, but to give you an idea we can mention names like THE FACELESS, FALLUJAH, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, CATTLE DECAPITATION. Canadians are different after all. They have their own expression, they are more animalistic, wilder, more real. In fact, one could also write that they have managed to avoid the artificial production that is so common nowadays. Personally, I simply like their approach and since for many years I have been writing only about packs that catch my attention, APOGEAN have passed through my net. Everything is then supported by a really good sound, under which Zack Ohren (mixing, mastering) is signed. I must also mention the awesome cover by Mark Erskine, which evokes in me the country, destroyed and devastated. I read somewhere recently that they are already testing chips to put in your head. Those legions of undead human robots aren't so unrealistic. Old science fiction writers could tell you. We're living their fantasies right now. When I listen to the new "Cyberstrictive" album, I really feel like I'm in the near future. Given the events of the last few years and the state of society, my fantasies are mostly dark and cold. Just like this band's music. I'm so glad I stumbled upon them in my wanderings through cyberspace. Maybe it was a virus, maybe it was just a program that someone let loose among us. Everyone kept staring at their screens, looking like zombies. A technical death metal apocalypse! Dark, freezing visions of the near future!
Vždycky mě fascinovala mlha, která se vznáší nad močálem. Už jako malý jsem se rád toulal sám lesem a naslouchal jeho nářku. Viděl jsem šelmy lovit, viděl jsem umírat jejich oběti. Nacházel jsem mrtvá těla s prázdným pohledem. Jenže tentokrát to bylo jiné. První oběť byla zohavená tak, že se mi udělalo špatně. To nemohl být člověk, nechápal jsem a nechtěl si připustit, že i takové bestie žijí mezi námi. Zahlédl jsem ji zatím jen jednou. Postavu bez tváře, s jedovatým úsměvem a ostrým nožem v ruce. Je vám doufám jasné, kdo byl další na řadě.
Když jsem se začal topit v bažině a rostliny mě stahovaly dolů do hlubin, pohlédl jsem do tváře své smrti. Cítil jsem se úplně stejně, jako při poslechu nové debutové desky skotských TYMVOS. Kapely, která moc dobře ví, o čem je hnusná, ošklivá a bolestivá smrt. Jejich album "World of Abominations" je toho jasným důkazem a potvrzením. Shnijete zaživa!
Je vlastně jedno, z jakých močálů kapela přišla. Jestli z těch floridských (MORBID ANGEL) nebo ze skotských. Hlavní je celkový dojem, nejen to, kým se nechali TYMVOS volně inspirovat. Jejich smrtící kov je mrtvolný, hnisavý, temný a chladný, právě jako ranní mrazivá mlha nad hřbitovem. Skladby jsou napsány velmi dobře, zkušeně a mají v sobě potřebný drive a sílu. Potkáte tu nejen feeling devadesátých let, ale také spoustu vlastních nápadů a invence. Pánové sice nijak nevystupují ze zažitých postupů, ale abych pravdu řekl, tak mi to vůbec nevadí. Naopak, mám rád takový ten smradlavý odér rozkládajícího se masa. Zvuk, obal, celkové provedení, vše je stylové a v absolutním pořádku. Úplně před sebou vidím dávno opuštěnou márnici, ve které uspořádá tahle smečka koncert. Sestoupíte dolů, do sklepa, usednete na dřevěné stoly, na kterých ještě nedávno ležely mrtvoly. Zazní první riff, první melodie a najednou už nebudete na malém hřbitově za městem, kde se pohřbívali prokletí, ale uprostřed krvavých močálů plných reálné smrti. Když "World of Abominations" poslouchám, tak si připadám, jako bych proséval mezi prsty prach dávno rozdrcených kostí. Skladby se valí kupředu jako buldozer, neznající slitování. Vy si tak můžete vychutnat hudbu, která vás doslova rozseká na malé kousky. Budím se pokaždé uprostřed noci. Beru do rukou lopatu, sekyru a jdu exhumovat další hrob. Poslední dobou má každé tělo ve svých rukou tuhle desku. Nedivím se, je totiž výborná a ocení ji všichni tmáři a fanoušci pohřbů do země. Vždycky mě fascinovala mlha, která se vznáší nad močálem. Už jako malý jsem se rád toulal sám lesem a naslouchal jeho nářku. Viděl jsem šelmy lovit, viděl jsem umírat jejich oběti. Nacházel jsem mrtvá těla s prázdným pohledem. Jenže tentokrát to bylo jiné. První oběť byla zohavená tak, že se mi udělalo špatně. Mrtvolný, morbidní, surový a hnilobný death metal, po kterém zůstanou jenom zohavená těla! Nahrubo nasekaná tma!
Asphyx says:
I've always been fascinated by the mist that hovers over the swamp. Even as a child, I loved to wander alone through the forest and listen to its cries. I've seen the beasts hunt, I've seen their victims die. I found dead bodies with blank stares. But this time it was different. The first victim was so mutilated it made me sick. It couldn't have been human, I didn't understand and I didn't want to admit that such beasts live among us. I've only seen her once so far. A faceless figure with a venomous smile and a sharp knife in her hand. I hope you can see who was next.
As I began to drown in the swamp and the plants pulled me down into the depths, I looked into the face of my death. I felt exactly the same as I did listening to the new debut album from Scotland's TYMVOS. A band that knows all too well what an ugly, nasty and painful death is all about. Their album "World of Abominations" is a clear proof and confirmation of that. You are rotting alive!
It doesn't really matter what swamps the band came from. Whether from the Florida ones (MORBID ANGEL) or from the Scottish ones. The main thing is the overall impression, not only who TYMVOS were inspired by. Their death metal is dead, festering, dark and cold, just like the morning frosty mist over a graveyard. The songs are well written, experienced and have the necessary drive and power. You'll not only encounter a 90's feel here, but also a lot of their own ideas and inventiveness. The gentlemen don't really break out of the established routines, but to be honest, I don't mind that at all. On the contrary, I like the smelly odour of decomposing meat. The sound, the cover, the overall performance, everything is stylish and absolutely fine. I can see a long-abandoned morgue in front of me, where this bunch is going to give a concert. You go down to the basement, sit on the wooden tables where the corpses were lying not long ago. The first riff, the first melody, and suddenly you're no longer in a small cemetery outside of town where the damned used to be buried, but in the middle of a bloody swamp full of real death. Listening to "World of Abominations", I feel like I'm sifting through the dust of long-crushed bones between my fingers. The songs roll forward like a bulldozer, showing no mercy. You get to enjoy music that literally shreds you into little pieces. I wake up in the middle of the night every time. I pick up a shovel and an axe and go to exhume another grave. Lately, every body has this record in their hands. I'm not surprised, because it's excellent and appreciated by all darkies and fans of in-ground burials. I've always been fascinated by the mist that hovers over the swamp. Even as a child I loved to wander alone in the woods and listen to its cries. I've seen the beasts hunt, I've seen their victims die. I found dead bodies with blank stares. But this time it was different. The first victim was so mutilated it made me sick. Dead, morbid, brutal and rotten death metal that leaves only mutilated bodies! Coarsely chopped darkness!
A few questions - interview with death metal band from United Kingdom - TYMVOS.
Answered Gerorge (vocals, bass), thank you!
Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?
Hail! We are Tymvos and we are an Old School Death Metal band based in Edinburgh, Scotland. The band was founded by George (Demonic Obedience, Death Kommander, As I Suffer Silently) on the vocals and bass, Mark (Demonic Obedience, Death Kommander, Storm-winged and Krux Aega) on the guitars and Leo on the drums. We started rehearsing and writing original material in December 2019 and in February of 2021 we released our first Demo. Many live performances followed and after a while we decided to add Marcel to the line up as the lead guitarist. Finally, we released our debut album ‘World of Abominations‘‘ on the 1st of March 2024 and we can’t wait to hit the stage again!
Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?
We are big supporters of the DIY movement so we recorded both the Demo and ‘‘World of Abominations‘‘ on our own. For the full length, our very good friend Miroslaw Synoradzki took all the files after we recorded our parts and worked on sounds, samples and the whole production in general. After all the mixing and production was done, another old friend of ours, George Seremetis, did the mastering and the album was ready to be released. We couldn’t be happier with the result. All of us, including Miroslaw and George, worked really hard and I believe that the final product is beyond our expectations.
How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?
Macho Records pressed 100 limited marble green vinyls and Huangquan Records produced 500 CDs and 100 tapes if I am not mistaken. Great quality from both labels, I have to add.
Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?
We split the lyric duties in half. For example, in ‘‘World of Abominations‘‘, Leo wrote the lyrics for 4 songs and I did the rest. Usually, when I am reading a book, I get inspired and I try to write some lyrics about it. And the same happens with Leo, I believe. He is more into the fantasy side of things (Demons, Dark places, etc) and I write about religion, serial killers and stuff like this. So, I would say that we have a good balance between dark fantasy and dark reality.
Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?
The logo was created by Mark, our guitarist. Now, when it comes to graphics, we usually get the help of friends or hire someone. The cover of the full length was painted by a very talented artist called Yara. I sent to her my ideas and a few days later she sent the final painting. You should check her profile on Instagram, Yara_artworks (https://www.instagram.com/yara_artworks). As for the social networks, although I hate posting things too often, they are THE WAY to promote your band. And to tell you the truth, I believe it is better this way. Bands have the chance to do everything on their own without the need of a label which means that you don’t have to lick any asses. Go out and spread the word!
Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?
Macho Records is a great underground label in Scotland and we are proud to be in their roster. Kendo, Macho’s main man, is a very good friend of ours (he even contributed a solo in ‘‘Herald of Malice‘‘) so when he offered to release the album, we couldn’t be happier. He is a very straight up guy and also very well connected. It seemed only right to us to collaborate with him. We also had the CD and tape versions of the album released by Huangquan Records in China. They are supporting OSDM bands like us and we made a deal with them because we wanted to reach people outside Europe.
Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?
We love pretty much all the 80s/90s OSDM bands. They are our main influence and inspiration. You know, bands like Morbid Angel, Death, Cancer, Benediction and so many more started the whole movement and we would never do what we do today without them. But except the big names, we are also inspired by smaller local bands like Braibath, Coffin Mulch, Penny Coffin, Rancid Cadaver, Ageless Summoning, to mention a few. They are all great and they are the future of Death Metal. Mark my words!
Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?
We did send some samples to a few labels and usually we were getting a good feedback but unfortunately for us, business is business and not many labels would be interested to invest in a new band like us. To be honest with you, Macho and Huangquan did a brilliant job so we don’t really care anymore. We will carry on doing our best anyway, signed on a big label or not.
How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?
We played quite a few gigs so far and we have many more to come, especially now that our debut album is out. We prefer to play gigs with other Death Metal or at least extreme Metal bands because we don’t particularly enjoy playing in front of people who can’t understand our music. It can be a gig in a club or a festival and it will be the same too us as long as we share the stage with like-minded people. For instance, my 2 favourite gigs so far were the Sonic Dissonance festival and the Dead of Winter festival where we played together with some of the best OSDM acts in Scotland. It was absolute CHAOS!
What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?
As I said above, we have a lot of gigs coming and we already started writing new material. Hopefully, it won’t take us too long to come up with the next album. As for our future targets or achievements as you said, we would love to start playing gigs across the UK and why not in Europe. Time will tell.
How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?
We are on Facebook, Instagram and Bandcamp and you can listen to our music in all the big streaming platforms (Spotify, YouTube, Amazon music, etc). Feel free to contact us anytime you want. We love being in touch with our fans!