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úterý 27. dubna 2021

Recenze/review - BETRAYAL - Disorder Remains (2021)

BETRAYAL - Disorder Remains
CD 2021, Rising Nemesis Records

for english please scroll down

Bělostná kostra. Bez kousků masa, bez svědomí. Leží kousek u cesty a dávno se stala potravou hejna krkavců. Bude velmi těžké zjistit příčinu smrti. Den se pomalu stane nocí a vrátí se. Šedo černá postava, přízrak, který se přišel pomstít. Uhrane vás, zničí, přemění k obrazu svému. Stejně jako druhé album německých démonů BETRAYAL

Pokud máte rádi klasický death metal s modernějšími groove prvky, neváhejte ani chvilku. Do nečisté hry vás uvede již krásně morbidní obal. Ušima se vám jako ostrý nůž probodne ledově chladný zvuk a vy si tak můžete naplno vychutnat nahrubo nasekanou tmu. 

Jeden krkavec má v zobáku stále oko oběti. Otřepete se mrazem, který vám stejně jako při poslechu novinky "Disorder Remains" často projede kolem páteře. Death metal této odrůdy by mohl dělat dobře fanouškům MISERY INDEX, BEHEMOTH, HATE, DECAPITATED, DEATH, REVOCATION. Rozhodně se nejedná jen o dnes tolik časté retro, ale o plnohodnotné album, které vás vezme na dlouhý výlet do záhrobí. Výtku bych měl snad jenom k přílišné délce některých skladeb. Jinak je ale vše v nejlepším pořádku. Motivy jsou zajímavé, dokáží naplno udržet moji pozornost. Pánové nejsou jen dobrými muzikanty, ale umí vytvořit i potřebnou atmosféru. Líbí se mi, že nejsou uzavřeni pouze v jednom stylu, nebojí se lehčích experimentů v rámci death metalového zákona. Deska se tak opravdu velmi dobře poslouchá, je zajímavá. Oproti předchozímu albu udělala kapela velký krok kupředu. Alespoň podle mého. Nahrávku tedy nelze jinak, než vřele doporučit všem obdivovatelům dlouhých stínů, ostrých nožů a starodávných pohřebišť. Smrtící kov, který vás zahltí tmou!

Asphyx says:

White skeleton. No pieces of meat, no conscience, lies close to the road and has long since become the food of a flock of ravens. It will be very difficult to determine the cause of death. The day slowly becomes night and returns. A gray-black figure, a ghost who came to take revenge. He will save you, destroy you, transform you into his image. Like the second album of the German demons BETRAYAL.

If you like classic death metal with more modern groove elements, don't hesitate for a moment. A beautifully morbid cover will introduce you to the dirty game. An icy cold sound pierces your ears like a sharp knife, so you can fully enjoy the roughly chopped darkness.

One raven still has the victim's eye in its beak. You will be shaken by the frost, which, as when listening to the new "Disorder Remains", often passes around your spine. Death metal of this variety could do well to fans of MISERY INDEX, BEHEMOTH, HATE, DECAPITATED, DEATH, REVOCATION. It is definitely not just a frequent retro album today, but a full-fledged album that will take you on a long trip to the grave. Perhaps I would only complain about the excessive length of some songs. Otherwise, everything is fine. The motives are interesting, they can fully keep my attention. The gentlemen are not only good musicians, but they can also create the necessary atmosphere. I like that they are not closed in only one style, they are not afraid of lighter experiments within the death metal law. The record is very well listenable, it's interesting. Compared to the previous album, the band took a big step forward. At least in my opinion. The recording can therefore only be warmly recommended to all admirers of long shadows, sharp knives and ancient burial grounds. Deadly metal that will overwhelm you with darkness!


Ghost Of Mind
The Manifest
Lost Promises
Disorder Remains
Chaos Reigns
Devouring Nothingness
Dooming Diversions
Greed & Oblivion


sobota 24. dubna 2021

Recenze/review - ENSANGUINATE - Entranced by Decay (2021)

ENSANGUINATE - Entranced by Decay
EP 2021, Emanzipation Productions

for english please scroll down

V reálném světě, který je tak pomíjivý, se znovu změnila pravidla. Najednou jsem byl zase nepohodlný. Zavřeli mě do staré kobky a pouštěli ven jenom ve chvílích, kdy potřebovali udělat nějakou špinavou práci. Likvidace starého hřbitova by se mohla zdát pro někoho nechutná, jenže já u toho poslouchal prvotinu slovinských ENSANGUINATE neskutečně si užíval

Přenesme se prosím spolu někam k přelomu osmdesátých a devadesátých let. Nechme mluvit nemrtvé, jinak tuhle desku vůbec nepochopíte. Je to, jak jinak, starosvětský death metal, ušpiněný blackem a thrashem. Otevírám první hrob a přidávám volume. 

Pokud se vám líbí a k smrtí uctíváte třeba takové POSSESSED, MORBID ANGEL, NIHILIST, GRAVE, GROTESQUE a další prokleté kapely, budete spokojeni i tentokrát. Můj tip je samozřejmě ochutnávkou, pozvánkou k poslední večeři, na které se podává to nejvybranější shnilé maso. ENSANGUINATE vylezli z hlubokého undergroundu, líbí se mi, že si na nic nehrají, nepředstírají. Jejich skladby jsou jako rezavé hřeby, zatloukané pomalu do hlavy. Lebky praskají, kosti jsou lámány v kole. Přiznávám bez mučení, že osobně si v podobných katakombách vyloženě rochním a nechce se mi z nich vůbec ven. Nahrávka vyjde na LP a digitálně, jak už tomu dnes bývá často zvykem u Emanzipation Productions 14. května. Myslím, že by neměla chybět ve sbírce žádného fanouška old school death metalu. ENSANGUINATE totiž dokáží přesně svojí hudbou znázornit atmosféru starých pohřebišť. Stávají se pro mě tak velkým překvapením a příslibem do budoucna. Beru do ruky kladivo a čekají mě další hromady kostí. Myslím, že dnes mi půjde práce lépe než kdy jindy. "Entranced by Decay" vám totiž dodá velké množství temné energie. Old school death metal, který nadzvedává víka od rakví!

Asphyx says:

In the real world, which is so fleeting, the rules have changed again. Suddenly I was uncomfortable again. They locked me in an old dungeon and let me out only when they needed to do some dirty work. The liquidation of the old cemetery might seem disgusting to some, but I listened to the first Slovenian ENSANGUINATE while this and enjoyed it.

Please move together to the turn of the eighties and nineties. Let the undead speak, or you won't understand this record at all. It's, as usual, old-world death metal, smeared with black and thrash. I open the first grave and add volume.

If you like and worship band such POSSESSED, MORBID ANGEL, NIHILIST, GRAVE, GROTESQUE and other cursed bands to death, you will be satisfied this time as well. My tip is, of course, a tasting, an invitation to the last dinner, at which the most selected rotten meat is served. ENSANGUINATE climbed out of the deep underground, I like that they don't play anything, they don't pretend. Their compositions are like rusty nails, hammered slowly into the head. The skulls crack, the bones are broken in the wheel. I have to say, that I personally like similar catacombs and I don't want to get out of them at all. The recording will be released on LP and digitally, as is often the case today with Emanzipation Productions on May 14. I don't think it should be missing from the collection of any old school death metal fan. ENSANGUINATE can accurately depict the atmosphere of old cemeteries with their music. They become such a big surprise and promise to the future for me. I pick up a hammer and more piles of bones await me. I think I will do my job better today than ever before. "Entranced by Decay" will give you a lot of dark energy. Old school death metal that lifts coffin lids!

01. Ghoul Presence
02. Hunted
03. Pit of Ash

Line up:
Andrej Čuk - guitars, vocals
Jaka Črešnar - guitars
Miha Šinigoj - bass
Rok Lukavečki - drums


A few questions - interview with death metal band from Slovenia - ENSANGUINATE.

A few questions - interview with death metal band from Slovenia - ENSANGUINATE.

Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?

Ensanguinate was founded in 2020 and we perform the ancient metal of death. Our goal is to perform dark, energetic death metal that draws on the bands we love that upheld (or still uphold) that devilish spark in their sound. We don’t try to sound obscure or convoluted to fit into a niche, to us extreme metal is more about capturing the spirit of Possessed or Bathory in our own way.

Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?

Assuming you mean the demo, it was recorded at Negligence Studios in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I took care of tracking, mixing and mastering. We did the drums just before the epidemic so that wasn’t a big issue, the rest took longer because we had to wait for everything to subside just enough so we could meet and record the remaining instruments. Apart from the wait I approached it a lot like the other bands I’ve recorded. One slight difference might be that we consciously tried not to go overboard with any kind of studio magic, the idea was to capture real performances and leave the human aspect there more than you’d normally hear in a metal recording these days.

How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?

We printed up a decent number of CDs. Seeing how there haven’t been any shows, they’re still available from our Bandcamp page. Additionally, our label, Emanzipation Productions, is putting out Entranced by Decay on all the streaming platforms so it’ll be available as a digital release very soon.

Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?

I write all the lyrics. It makes sense for me to write the lyrics and the vocal parts around the way I play guitar, it feels natural that way. It feels just as natural to convey my own ideas through the lyrics instead of someone else’s. We play death metal, so the lyrics deal with death, plain and simple. The way I approach the topic of death is through occultism, mythology or bits of folklore and literature. Slovenian culture has always had a morbid streak, you don’t need to look much further than classic literature to find an abundance of death, misery and decrepitude and it’s that kind of creative and spiritual current that we seek to embody in our music and lyrics.

Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?

Daniel Corcuera did our logo, props to him for doing an amazing job. A friend of ours, Tina Karanović, did the demo art and the Bandcamp website is run by the band. Same goes for our social networks – Facebook and Instagram. They’re important and I think they aren’t too egregious as long as metal bands approach them like they would approach traditional media. Giving fans who are into that kind of thing some additional insight into the creative/musical side of things is fine. As a young fan, I always enjoyed when I got to catch a glimpse inside the inner workings of a band, be it a clip from rehearsal, a close up shot of an instrument or whatever. As soon as it devolves into people airing out their personal stuff, reality TV-style, I lose all interest. I do not care what my favorite bands eat, where they live or how they lead their lives.

Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?

Emanzipation Productions from Denmark will be handling our debut label. They focus on the type of music we play, they’re dedicated and their machinery’s already greased, so to speak, so it definitely feels like a good match.

Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?

Idolize is a strong word. We stand by names such as Possessed, Death, Bathory, Dissection, Grotesque, Nihilist and Entombed but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I suppose we get compared with those bands the most but in reality we’re just as influenced by the catchiness of Mercyful Fate and Metallica or the occult atmosphere of classic Mayhem. We’re definitely rooted in '80s death and black metal but we pay attention to bands that came after that as well. It would be hypocritical to say that names like Watain, Dead Congregation or Repugnant haven’t left a mark on us and that’s just the tip of the iceberg once again.

Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?

See above, we clicked with Emanzipation – they made the most sense so we went with them.

How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?

A grand total of two. We had quite a few more in the works but everything got axed before we could even announce it. We’ve been cutting our teeth in various bands for over a decade though so we’ve all got experience playing on smaller stages and larger ones, indoors and outdoors. As long as the band and the crowd are on the same level, the show is guaranteed to be great. A lot of musicians will say they prefer clubs over festivals because the atmosphere is more intimate and that’s definitely true, however the feeling of freedom, meeting up with like-minded individuals and just general reckless abandon that come with festivals have all made for a couple of really great experiences in the past.

What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?

Our plans our to record and release our debut as soon as conditions are favorable. After that, we’d like to hit the road and play out as much as possible. This kind of music belongs on stage!

How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?

Anyone can contact us through Facebook or Instagram or via

Thanx for the interview.

Thank you for the interest, support the ancient metal of death!

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pátek 19. března 2021

Recenze/review - CREEPING FEAR - Hategod Triumph (2021)

CREEPING FEAR - Hategod Triumph
CD 2021, Dolorem Records

for english please scroll down

Všichni, ať si to přiznáváme nebo ne, toužíme po krvi a temnotě. Máme v sobě zakódováno, že hledáme tmu a fascinuje nás smrt. Existují na světě kapely, které vás dokáží převést přes řeku Styx do Hádovy říše. Francouzští CREEPING FEAR patří mezi vyvolené. Jejich absolutně devastující death metal staré školy je zárukou kvality. Vydejte se se mnou na dlouhý výlet bez konce. Do francouzského podzemí. Garantuji vám, že nouzi o morbidní zážitky mít rozhodně nebudete.

Poprvé jsem se s kapelou setkal u jejich předchozího alba "Onward to Apocalypse" (2017). Již tenkrát mi byli dobrými průvodci podsvětím. Jejich hutný, masivní smrtící kov, je nabroušený jako skalpel z velmi dobré oceli. 


Mám rád francouzskou scénu. Již mnoho let z ní vycházejí samé skvělé kapely. CREEPING FEAR patří mezi ty, kteří bezezbytku uctívají americkou death metalovou školu (IMMOLATION, ANGELCORPSE, HATE ETERNAL, MORBID ANGEL, DEICIDE, DIABOLIC). Při poslechu vaši tvář ožehnou pekelné plameny, které budou doslova sálat z přehrávače. Smrt podobným způsobem si nechám vždy líbit. Album je propracované, zvuk je náležitě ošetřen, vše bolí a zasahuje ty nejcitlivější místa. "Hategod Triumph" ale není jen velmi dobře zvládnutým řemeslem. Má v sobě navíc všechny potřebné ingredience k tomu, aby vás zcela pohltilo. Stojím u řeky Styx a čekám na převozníka. Vkládám do jeho ruky minci, ale odmítá. Požaduje jako platbu novou desku CREEPING FEAR. Nedivím se mu, mě se také líbí masivní devastující riffy, chorobný vokál a bicí, které se vám zabodnou do hlavy jako rezavý hřeb. Mám při poslechu pocit, že hniju za živa, že se rozpadám na kusy prašivého masa. Novinka má v sobě feelling, drive, naštvanost a obrovskou porci temnoty a chladu. Vypálí vám cejch do kůže, zničí vás a ještě tomu budete rádi. Francouzům se povedlo nahrát desku, u které potkáte opravdovou Smrt! Stačí jen přijmout pozvání. Vynikající černý démonický death metal s devastujícím účinkem!

Asphyx says:

Everyone, whether we admit it or not, longs for blood and darkness. We are encoded in ourselves that we are looking for darkness and we are fascinated by death. There are bands in the world that can take you across the Styx River to the Serpent Realm. The French CREEPING FEAR is one of the chosen ones. Their absolutely devastating old school death metal is a guarantee of quality. Take a long endless trip with me. To the French underground. I guarantee you that you will definitely not require a morbid experience.

I first met the band on their previous album "Onward to Apocalypse" (2017). Even then, they were good guides to the underworld. Their dense, massive deadly metal is sharpened like a very good steel scalpel.

I like the French scene. Great bands have been coming out of it for many years. CREEPING FEAR is one of those who fully worship the American death metal school (IMMOLATION, ANGELCORPSE, HATE ETERNAL, MORBID ANGEL, DEICIDE, DIABOLIC). As you listen, your face will burn with hellish flames that will radiate from the player. I always like death in a similar way. The album is elaborate, the sound is properly treated, everything hurts and reaches the most sensitive places. But "Hategod Triumph" is not just a very well-crafted craft. Besides, it contains all the necessary ingredients to completely engulf you. I'm standing by the river Styx, waiting for the ferryman. I put a coin in his hand, but he refuses. Requires a new CREEPING FEAR record as payment. I'm not surprised, I also like the massive devastating riffs, sick vocals and drums that stab you in the head like a rusty nail. When I listen, I feel like I'm rotting alive, that I'm falling apart into pieces of dusty meat. The novelty has a feeling, drive, anger and a huge portion of darkness and cold. It will burn your mark on your skin, destroy you and you will be happy for that. The French are told to record a record where you will meet the real Death! Just accept the invitation. Excellent black demonic death metal with a devastating effect!


1. Collapse
2. Hate Crush Consume
3. Deceitful Tongues
4. Hategod Triumph
5. Wearing the Skin of the Wicked
6. We Belong to the Crypts
7. Summoned in Hellfire's Blood
8. From Wombs to Battlefield

Clément Ducouret / Guitars and Vocals
Gabriel Hammel / Guitars
Paul "Lithopedion" Saada / Bass
Atc De Giotto / Drums

Interview - CREEPING FEAR - We made the lyrics in the traditional death metal topics.

Interview with death metal band from France - CREEPING FEAR.

Translated Duzl, thank you!

Ave CREEPING FEAR! Greetings to the French underworld. I hope you are doing well. I'm just listening to your new album „Hategod Triumph“ and I feel like I'm in an old cemetery. It is excellent in one word! How did the album come about and where did you want to move on in comparison to the equally good previous album „Onward to Apocalypse“?

- Hi ! Doing great! I’m glad you enjoyed it. This new album really came naturally after the previous one. But, we wanted to push things even further, for us this album had the be darker and more extreme in the writing and of course in the sound.

You released a new record in the strange times. No one could have known that Covid 19 would hit the world. Has the current situation affected releasing process in any way?

- I definitely agree with you, what a strange time to release new music.. We waited 4 months the album was due end of December 2020 but we pushed it to end of March. Unfortunately, the situation has not changed at all. I hope we will be able to defend this album on stage soon.

Let's go straight to the new record „Hategod Triumph“. It is decorated with great cover art by Paolo Girardi. I immediately had to order a T-shirt, I was so interested in the motif. I perceive it as an apocalypse, an underground storm. How did you get together with Paolo and why did you choose his work? And how does the motif relate to music?

- We just made a sketch of what was for us the representation of this album. Then it was quite simple we contacted Paolo, he was interested and then worked hard on what is now the cover of the Album. Believe me he perfectly translated our idea and made it look insanely good. The artwork represents the atmosphere of the music and the ideas behind the lyric of that brutal evil force taking over all existences.

The honest old school death metal you play must have a dark and raw sound. If I'm not mistaken, your new record was mixed by Frédéric Gervais (Mastering Dan Swano). Why did you choose this studio? And where did you physically record the new songs? Somewhere at your home in France?

- Yes you are right the sound itself is a very important part of what death metal is. We decided to work with him after listening to the amazing work he did on previous albums he worked on. After a couple phone calls, we were sure he was the right person to help us find and adjust the sound of this album. He did a tremendous work. Yes it was at his studio, the Henosis Studio in the suburbs of Paris!

What are the lyrics on the new album about? I don't have an original CD yet, but I assume you stick to traditional death metal topics. Or am I wrong? Where do you get inspiration for lyrics and who is their author?

- I guess you are right we made the lyrics in the traditional death metal topics. Some are related to real life event like terrorism some other are based on a reality that doesn’t exist at the moment. But believe me gore, death and evil are the heart of our writing.

In recent years, a lot of great death metal bands have been coming to reviews from France. Randomly, for example, my very favorite NECROWRETCH, SKELETHAL. How does your scene work? Do people go to concerts a lot? Do they support groups?

- You are right a lot of very good bands released death metal album those past years in France. I think the scene is reacting very well and people are supporting them. Concerts are full and the local French scene definitely supports these bands!! And this is great !

The world is currently being destroyed by a coronavirus, but we hope that it will soon pass. Aren't you going on tour when the borders reopen? You will have a new record released, so it would be desirable. How are you actually doing with the concerts? Do you play often? Do you rather enjoy clubs or big stages?

- Of course, we could love to get on the road to defend this album on stage!! That would be the perfect scenario. Unfortunately, things are not moving very fast and I think we will be stuck in this situation for many months. As soon as we have the opportunity to play we will jump on it! We love small and underground club this is where things get the most brutal.

The last time we made an interview, we talked about which bands influenced you. But do you also like some current ones? Would you recommend us, for example, some bands from your surroundings? I like the French underground very much, but I certainly don't know all the bands.

- Yes of course band like Towering or Kaabahl released super good death metal albums! On the other side we have great black metal bands like Griffon or Moonreich that definitely deserve recognition!!!

You play old, dusty, dark death metal. How are the new songs created? I mean the process itself, the formation of riffs. Do you meet classically somewhere in the rehearsal room or do you already use only modern technology?

- Most of the time Clément and Gabriel jam together put out some riffs and we build the songs during rehearsals! Yes during the righting process, we had our own rehearsal room to jam. Of course, some of the work is done at home but the magic happens when we are all together playing for real.

I have been listening to death metal since its beginnings in the eighties and nineties, and I have always been most fascinated by darkness, pressure, energy. How do you perceive this style as a musician and what does it mean for you? Is it a lifestyle for you or just a hobby? And when did you get into death metal and what was the first impulse for you to start playing it?

- Death metal represent what we look for in the music, the extreme sound and riffs, the energy the atmosphere, it has everything. We spend so much time playing, going to concerts, listening to everything we can, it is definitely a lifestyle. If you are not really into it, you don’t do this kind of music. For me (Clément) the first time I knew I wanted to do that was when I saw Suffocation live so much brutality this is all I wanted.

Thank you so much for the interview. I'm really looking forward to inserting the original CD „Hategod Triumph“ into the player and adding volume. I wish your album a lot of success and I wish you to be satisfied in your personal lives as well. Pure CREEPING FEAR death metal forever!

- Thank you so much for your time and to all the maniacs following us, this album is for you guys.

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Rozhovor - CREEPING FEAR - V textech se držíme tradičních death metalových témat.

Interview with death metal band from France - CREEPING FEAR.

Translated Duzl, thank you!

Ave CREEPING FEAR! Zdravím do francouzského podsvětí. Doufám, že se vám daří dobře. Zrovna poslouchám vaši novou desku „Hategod Triumph“ a připadám si na jako na nějakém starém pohřebišti. Je jedním slovem vynikající! Jak album vznikalo a kam jste se chtěli posunout po neméně dobrém předchozím „Onward to Apocalypse“?

Ahoj! Daří se nám dobře! Jsem rád, že se ti album líbí. Nové album vzniklo přirozeně po předchozím. Chtěli jsme však posunout věci dále, protože pro nás bylo toto album temnější a extrémnější jak v psaní, tak samozřejmě i ve zvuku.

Vydali jste novou desku v nejméně vhodnou domu. Nikdo nemohl vědět, že svět zasáhne Covid 19. Ovlivnila současná situace nějak uvedení alba na trh?

Rozhodně s tebou souhlasím, opravdu divná doba na to, vydat novou hudbu... Čekali jsme čtyři měsíce, album mělo vyjít už koncem prosince 2020, ale posunuli jsme to na konec března. Situace se bohužel vůbec nezměnila. Doufám, že se nám toto album brzy podaří podpořit i živě na pódiích.

Pojďme rovnou na novinku „Hategod Triumph“. Zdobí jí parádní obal od Paola Girardiho. Ihned jsem si musel objednat tričko, natolik mě motiv zaujal. Vnímám jej jako apokalypsu, bouři v podzemí. Jak jste se dali s Paolem dohromady a proč právě jeho práce? A jak se motiv vztahuje k hudbě?

Vytvořili jsme jen náčrt toho, jak by jsme si prezentaci našeho alba představovali. Pak to bylo docela jednoduché, kontaktovali jsme Paola, nápad ho zaujal a pak tvrdě makal na tom, co je nyní na obalu. A věřte mi, že perfektně přetvořil náš nápad tak, aby vypadal šíleně dobře. Umělecké dílo představuje atmosféru hudby a myšlenky za textem této brutální zlé síly, která převezme nadvládu nad všemi existencemi.

Poctivý death metal staré školy, který hrajete, musí mít temný a surový zvuk. Jestli se nepletu, tak novinku jste nechali mixovat u Frédéric Gervais (mix Dan Swano). Proč právě u nich? A kde jste nové skladby fyzicky nahrávali? Někde doma ve Francii?

Je to tak. Samotný zvuk je velmi důležitou součástí death metalu. Rozhodli jsme se po tom, co jsme si poslechli úžasnou práci, kterou udělal na předchozích albech, na kterých pracoval. Po několika telefonátech jsme si byli jisti, že je ten pravý, který nám pomůže najít a vytvořit zvuk tohoto alba. Odvedl skvělou práci. A ano, bylo to v jeho studiu - Henosis Studio na předměstí Paříže!

O čem jsou texty na nové desce? Nemám ještě k dispozici originální CD, ale předpokládám, že se držíte tradičních death metalových témat. Nebo se pletu? Kde pro texty berete inspiraci a kdo je jejich autorem?

Myslím, že máš pravdu, v textech se držíme tradičních death metalových témat. Některé souvisejí se skutečnými událostmi, jako je terorismus, jiné jsou založeny na realitě, která v tuto chvíli neexistuje. Ale věřte mi, gore, smrt a zlo jsou “gro” našeho psaní.

Poslední roky mi chodí na recenze z Francie spousta skvělých death metalových kapel. Namátkou třeba mí velmi oblíbení NECROWRETCH, SKELETHAL. Jak funguje vaše scéna? Chodí lidé hodně na koncerty? Podporují skupiny?

Máš pravdu, že v posledních letech ve Francii vydalo death metalové album spousta skvělých kapel. Myslím, že scéna reaguje velmi dobře a lidé ji podporují. Koncerty jsou plné a místní francouzská scéna tyto kapely rozhodně podporuje!! A to je skvělé!

V současnosti je sice svět ničený koronavirem, ale doufejme, že to brzy pomine. Až se znovu otevřou hranice, nechystáte se na turné? Budete mít venku novou desku, samo se to nabízí. Jak jste na tom vlastně s koncerty? Hrajete rádi a často? Užíváš si spíš kluby nebe velká pódia?

Samozřejmě bychom rádi vyrazili na turné, kde bychom obhájili toto album na pódiu!! To by byl perfektní scénář. Věci se bohužel nepohybují příliš rychle a myslím si, že v této situaci zůstaneme uvězněni ještě mnoho měsíců. Jakmile ale budeme mít příležitost hrát, vrhneme se na to! Máme rádi malé a undergroundové kluby, tady se věci stávají nejbrutálnějšími.

Když jsme spolu dělali rozhovor naposledy, tak jsme se bavili o tom, jaké kapely vás ovlivnily. Máš ale rád i nějaké současné? Doporučil bys nám třeba ze svého okolí? Mám francouzské podzemí ve velké oblibě, ale určitě neznám všechny smečky.

Jasně, kapely jako TOWERING nebo KAABAHL vydaly super death metalová alba! Na druhé straně máme i skvělé blackmetalové kapely, jako GRIFFON nebo MOONREICH, které si rozhodně zaslouží uznání!!!

Hrajete starý, prašivý, temný death metal. Jakým způsobem vznikají nové skladby? Myslím tím teď samotný proces, riff. Scházíte se klasicky někde ve zkušebně nebo už využíváte jen moderní technologie?

Clément a Gabriel většinou společně jamují, čímž vznikají nějaké riffy a skladby pak vznikají během zkoušek! Ano, vznikají tedy během zkoušek, máme vlastní zkušebnu, můžeme jamovat, ale samozřejmě něco vzniká i doma, ale kouzlo nastane, když hrajeme všichni společně.

Poslouchám death metal od jeho počátků v osmdesátých a devadesátých letech a vždy mě na něm nejvíc fascinovala temnota, tlak, energie. Jak vnímáš ty tento styl jako tvůrce a co pro tebe znamená? Je to pro tebe životní styl nebo jen koníček? A kdy si se k death metalu dostal a co bylo prvním impulsem pro to, abys jej začal hrát?

Death metal představuje to, co hledáme v hudbě - extrémní zvuk a riffy, energii v atmosféře, má to všechno. Trávíme spoustu času hraním, chozením na koncerty, posloucháním všeho, co můžeme, je to určitě životní styl. Pokud do toho nejste pořádně zažraní, nevěnovali byste se tomuto hudebnímu stylu. Já (Clément) jsem si poprvé uvědomil, že to chci dělat, když jsem viděl na živo SUFFOCATION... tolik brutality, přesně to jsem chtěl.

Děkuji moc za rozhovor. Už se moc těším, až vložím originální CD „Hategod Triumph“ do přehrávače a pořádně přidám volume. Přeji vám, aby se albu dařilo a ať jste spokojení i v osobních životech. Pure CREEPING FEAR death metal forever!

Díky moc za tvůj čas a díky všem maniakům, kteří nás sledují, toho album je pro vás!

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středa 17. března 2021

Recenze/review - NOCTURNAL HOLLOW - Triumphantly Evil (2021)

NOCTURNAL HOLLOW - Triumphantly Evil
CD 2021, vlastní vydání

for english please scroll down

Zdá se mi o tom, že mě upalují na hranici. Jsem několikrát proklet a zavržen. Dav si žádá moji krev. Rouhal jsem se, zřekl se Boha. Cítím plameny, jak mi začínají olizovat nohy. Probudím se v bolesti a realita je ještě horší. Jsem zavřený ve staré, temné kobce a mými společníky jsou pouze hladové krysy a moje vlastní svědomí. Máte nějaké poslední přání? Zeptají se a já poprosím o dobrou hudbu. Naposledy chci slyšet death metal, u kterého praskají kosti tlakem.

Je mi vyhověno a já volím novinku venezuelských NOCTURNAL HOLLOW. Tahle smečka mě nikdy nezklamala (recenze dole pod článkem). Pokaždé dodala zničující smrtící kov starého střihu, u kterého jsem si zavzpomínal na dobu, kdy tenhle styl vládl světu. Letos jsou pánové opět ve skvělé formě. 


Novinka "Triumphantly Evil" je možná trošku méně přístupná, než její předchůdci. Stále se pohybujeme v oblasti, kterou kdysi ohraničily kapely jako DISMEMBER, GRAVE, NIHILIST, CELTIC FROST, AUTOPSY, MASTER, CIANIDE. Jedná se o starý, prašivý death metal, kde se potkávají švédské a americké vlivy. Je nasáklý temnotou, chladem, je poctivým zásekem, který musí dobře dělat každému fanouškovi klasických, tradičních postupů. Pánové jsou v některých momentech trošku moc rozevlátí, dovedl bych si představit menší délku skladeb a někdy ztrácí songy na razanci, ale to jsou jen drobnosti, které nedokáží zkazit celkový skvělý dojem. Možná mě za chvilku popraví a mé tělo pohodí do řeky, ale podobné desky budu vždy a rád poslouchat. Líbí se mi určitá neurvalost, naštvanost, oddanost stínům. Cítím, že bylo album nahráno od srdce, je ryzí a uvěřitelné. Obal i zvuk jsou také v pořádku, dalo by se s klidem také napsat, že tahle NOCTURNAL HOLLOW nahráli další z opusů smrti. "Triumphantly Evil" je pro mě obřadem, poslední večeří odsouzence na smrt, pokrmem ze shnilého masa, který ochutnám vždy rád a s nadšením. Zdá se mi o tom, že mě upalují na hranici. Jsem několikrát proklet a zavržen. Dav si žádá moji krev. Rouhal jsem se, zřekl se Boha. Ne, není to sen, je to realita. A jako soundtrack zní všude kolem hudba Venezuelanů. Vynikající chladný a temný zásek! Přímo do živého! 

Asphyx says:

I had a dream they are burning me at bonfire. I have been cursed and condemned several times. The crowd demands my blood. I blasphemed, I renounced God. I feel the flames begin to lick my legs. I wake up in pain and the reality is even worse. I am locked in an old, dark dungeon and my companions are only hungry rats and my own conscience. Do you have a last wish? They ask and I beg for good music. I want to hear death metal last time, in which the bones crack with pressure.

My wish is fulfilled and I choose the new Venezuelan NOCTURNAL HOLLOW. This pack never disappointed me (review below the article). She always added the devastating, deadly metal of the old style that I remembered when this style ruled the world. This year, the gentlemen are in great shape again.

The new thing is perhaps a little less accessible than its predecessors. We are still moving in an area once bordered by bands like DISMEMBER, GRAVE, NIHILIST, CELTIC FROST, AUTOPSY, MASTER, CIANIDE. It is an old, dusty death metal where Swedish and American influences meet. It is soaked in darkness, cold, it is an honest joke that must do well to every fan of classic, traditional practices Gentlemen are a little too torn in some moments, I could imagine a shorter length of songs and sometimes they lose songs on the force, but these are just the little things that cannot spoil the overall great impression. They may execute me in a moment and throw my body into the river, but I will always and gladly listen to similar records. I like certain rudeness, anger, devotion to the shadows. I feel that the album was recorded from the heart, it is pure and believable. The cover and sound are also fine, you could also write with confidence that this NOCTURNAL HOLLOW recorded another of the opuses of death. "Triumphantly Evil" is a ceremony for me, the death supper's last supper, a rotten meat dish that I always taste happy and enthusiastic about. It seems to me that they are burning me at the border. I have been cursed and condemned several times. The crowd demands my blood. I blasphemed, I renounced God. No, it's not a dream, it's a reality. And Venezuelan music sounds like a soundtrack all around. Excellent cool and dark jam! Straight to the life!


01. Baphometh Crown
02. Bound To The Gore
03. The Shinning Blaze Of Hell
04. Down To Void
05. Consumed By The Storm
06. Through The Haze Of Death
07. Voices Comes From The Night
08. In Rapture Of Pain
09. King Of Wrath
10. Remembrance Of A Murder
11. Necrophiliac - Slayer Cover (Bonus Track)

Interview - NOCTURNAL HOLLOW - I am a hardcore fan of music and the art of metal, I enjoy the concerts and the energy that emanates from those meetings.

Interview with death metal band NOCTURNAL HOLLOW from Venezuela.

Answered JR ESCALANTE, thank you!

Translated Duzl, thank you!

Ave NOCTURNAL HOLLOW! Greetings to the Venezuelan underground. I hope everything is fine with you. It should be because this year you have released a sixth full-length album in your band's career. I have to admit it has literally blown my mind. It is dark, energic and as if it cuts by the sharp edge of the knife. I can hear from the record you did a really good job and you added a big portion of the talent, too. How do you perceive the new album in comparison to the previous one? Where did you want to move and in what are these two records different?

JR ESCALANTE: Greetings and thank you very much for the opportunity, very pleased that you liked our album. This one TRIUMPHANTLY EVIL was particularly the most produced of our career, where more details were taken into account without letting the intensity of the music change, and that is precisely the difference between this new album and the penultimate A WHISPER OF AN HORRENDOUS SOUL was compoused and recorded in 2 months, very fast…we had never made an album so fast, in the same way the two are very similar for their direct and raw energy.

„Triumphantly Evil“ includes all attributes of good death metal. For me personally, it represents the record, which I really like to listen to. How did you produce it? How look the writing process of new material in the case of NOCTURNAL HOLLOW? 

JR ESCALANTE: There was no secret formula or a different way of working, we practically did things the way we know how to do it best ... I compose the song and meet with the drummerfro rehersal, and a new song is born, that happens when you have a connection with your bandmate, we are just Gerorge Knive and myself in the band. We have been playing for 20 years now, not only in Nocturnal hollow but also in other bands and the connection and communication is automatic, everything flows very fast.

I found out that the mix and mastering of the new record. I have to confirm that the sound is literally killing. It still makes me add volume to the player. Sound is cruel, raw and at the same time dark and organic. In which studio did you record it? How did the recording process look like?

JR ESCALANTE: It does not mean that when the album is raw and basic it an easy process to make it, sometimes the most basic ones turn out to be more difficult since you try to capture the original sound that the microphones capture to the instruments and transfer it to the studio to produce them in that way, simple and direct, without much details . On this occasion we recorded with Dan Urbina at UNIRECORDS STUDIO, sound engineer and friend of many years, in fact he was the one who mixed and mastered our first DECAY OF DARKNES album in 2011, since then we have not worked with him and the result was very satisfactory.

An important part and a kind of extra bonus for fans today is the physical CD. You released the new album at CD through issued themselves productions, and it has a corpsy cover art. Who is the author? Do I explain well the picture when I would think it is a body in a considerable state of decay? How did you choose the motif and how does it relate to the music at the record?

JR ESCALANTE: We have worked with John Quevedo Janssens for quite some time, an artist who is currently at a first-rate level of creation, a great artist and childhood friend ... a lifetime! Basically I tell him what I want for the artwork trying to translate the visual part into the music and he takes the ideas and then gives me an amazing final result, as it is in this case, an infernal and chaotic artwork, same as the music of this new album.

I have been wandering the underground for over thirty years and I still go to Venezuela for music with certainty. I think we have a similar nature and taste when it comes to metal. I like your bands a lot and I monitor your scene carefully. Maybe I envy you a little, because we only have a few death metal bands that are worth it. How do you explain that black and death metal are doing so well in your country? How do you perceive your scene, fans, labels? 

JR ESCALANTE: Honestly, we are going through a bad economic and political moment and this reflects the reality of those of us who live in Venezuela, the scene is quite beaten, there are almost no concerts and companies that promote them ... that particularly fills me with strength instead leting me down, is not easy but this is already part of our lives and we cannot let it die. There are more Death Metal bands than Black Metal, the latter there are very few, I take this opportunity to present my next Black Metal project called CROOKED GOD .. the mix and master are ready and really excited about the result, we could say that It is one more band that adds to the Venezuelan scene.

You play devastating death metal influenced by, among other things, the Swedish and American school. Today, the band can't avoid comparisons, but I would like to know how the idea to start NOCTURNAL HOLLOW was born, who was and is your metal idol? Where do you want to move your band? Are you attracted to large foreign festivals, for example, are you willing to go on tour with a more famous band? 

JR ESCALANTE: Nocturnal Hollow was born with the idea of ​​being a classic, basic and simple death metal band ... we released 2 albums under that formula, but from the 3rd album DEATHLESS AND FLESHLESS everything changed, included in the compositions the great Boss Hm2, bastion of swedish death metal and we liked it, we enjoyed it .. we followed that route and that style to date, particularly I have been more of European metal. My heroes which I keep listening today are Venom, Celtic frost, Slayer, Possessed ... that were my musical bases and influences. Soon we will take a radical course, we will definitely move to the USA in a couple of months, exactly Houston Tx ... From there Nocturnal Hollow will continue, this will allow us to expand in terms of tours, live shows and of course play in Europe very very soon .. those plans are already made, so we'll see you soon.

When I started my blog five years ago, I had a vision that I would try to support bands that are not so much popular, or they are lost in underground. To let the world knows about them. I think I'm doing quite well, at least according to the responses. How do you approach the promotion of your music? Do you rely upon the label or do you send the CDs for various reviews by yourself? For example, I buy albums that I really enjoy. What about you? Are you also fans who often support your colleagues? Do you go to concerts? 

JR ESCALANTE: You are doing a magnificent job, since the last time I read a review of our band on your portal it shows that you have developed favorably, I congratulate you for that. I am a Hardcore fan of music and the art of metal, I enjoy the concerts and the energy that emanates from those meetings ... and of course I think that we must support each other, this is an art of heart and spirit, the economic aspect does not figure in any way, if you do not love it, leave it and do something else.

On the one hand, today the new band has a lot of opportunities to make themselves more known, but on the other hand, there are a huge number of groups and the fans are getting lost in this big metal sea. A lot of people just download mp3s from the internet and instead of to visit the concert they prefer to spit poisonous saliva on Facebook. How do modern technologies affect you as NOCTURNAL HOLLOW? What do you think about downloading music, google metalists, streaming music, etc.? 

JR ESCALANTE: I think we have to take advantage of what this time is offering us, the infinite information on the internet, you can do things well such as supporting your favorite bands by buying their album and merchandise or simply be a semi warrior behind a keyboard downloading music without contributing anything, that’s not goog… but, how we controll it! Is frustratin some times... Hey,,,, everything is valid, but it is good to contribute, people do not imagine the money, effort and time to make an album ... the least you can do is at least buy their music digitally, that is a great help for musicians who do not have the opportunity to be funded by a label.

I like to ask the musicians what death metal means to them. How would they define it, whether it is more the philosophy and lifestyle thing for them or "just" relaxation? What does it mean for you? How do you perceive and experience it? 

JR ESCALANTE: In this question I could write for a long time, I will try to be as specific as possible ... Life is based on experiences and experiences in which you give it the sense of how you want to live it ... the music and especially the Extreme metal is my engine, it has influenced my darkest moments and my happiest ones, its present in my criteria, it is definitely a way of life and in one way or another it molds your character, it gave me strength, it gave me character and strength ... it is part of life itself, there are no intermediates ... luckily in this short and only life that we are living I was able to enjoy the experience of being a metalhead ... I don't ask for more!

Finally, a classic but important question. What is NOCTURNAL HOLLOW planning in the upcoming months? Where can we see you at the stage and when will you visit Europe? 

JR ESCALANTE: Infinite thanks to you for taking us into account for this entertaining interview, short-term plans ... working fully with my other band CROOKED GOD And waiting a while to follow the legacy of NOCTURNAL HOLLOW with another album, definitely moving and touring the USA and EUROPE. that is a must ...! We will also have to wait for this madness of pandemic to pass, but we must move forward, more music, more life!

Thank you so much for the interview. I wish a lot of success to the new album and let the number of your fans expand as much as possible. I will look forward to seeing you somewhere live again. I wish you a lot of success both musically and personally. I'm going to push „Triumphantly Evil“ into my head again! 

JR ESCALANTE: Thanks again to you and your magazine .. and of courseand all the fans who follow and support the band. Greetings!