Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemmelodic death metal. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky
Zobrazují se příspěvky se štítkemmelodic death metal. Zobrazit všechny příspěvky

pátek 9. srpna 2024

Recenze/review - CROCELL - Of Frost, Of Flame, Of Flesh (2024)

CROCELL - Of Frost, Of Flame, Of Flesh
CD 2024, Emanzipation Productions

for english please scroll down

Vlastně ani nevím, proč mě zavřeli. Vždycky jsem si myslel, že jsme svobodná země, že můžeme v klidu diskutovat a mít jiný názor. Jenže jsem se mýlil. Chytili mě uprostřed krásného dne, svázali a začali mučit. Ptali se mě na otázky, na které nešlo odpovědět dobře. Ve staré plesnivé kobce, s krysami, které mi vyprávějí příběhy mých předchůdců. Sežrali je, když odešli na druhou stranu. Když po nich zůstala jenom hromada kostí a masa. A také názory, které jsou proti Bohu.

Sledovat diskografii dánských CROCELL je velmi  zajímavé. Pánové mají svůj styl, poznáte je během několik okamžiků. Pokud máte rádi mrazivé melodie a temnotu, tak neváhejte ani chvilku. I skladby z nového alba se mi otiskly do mysli jako nějaký krvavý cejch. Zanechali ve mě stopu a rád jsem se toulal tichým městem a u toho poslouchal "Of Frost, Of Flame, Of Flesh".

Dánové mají zkrátka talent na to, napsat dobré motivy. Užívám si chladný a dobře čitelný zvuk, i zvláštní neklid, nebál bych se napsat melancholii, které ze skladeb odkapávají jako krev z čerstvé rány. CROCELL umí být suroví a divocí, nebojí se ale ani přemýšlivějších, naléhavých melodií. Tenhle koktejl mi opravdu chutná, pod to se vám klidně podepíšu. Kapela se volně inspirovala ve stejných katakombách, jako smečky typu GOD DETHRONED, NECROPHOBIC, MARDUK, BÖLZER. A udělali to velmi elegantně a zkušeně. Navíc přidali pestrou paletu, do šedé a černé zabarvených vlastních nápadů a invence. Poslouchat "Of Frost, Of Flame, Of Flesh" je opravdu jako být zavřený v plesnivé kobce a čekat na poslední soud. Nebo se dívat a mrtvou řeku, jen tak se vznášet. Také cítíte v kostech chlad? Já ano. Nové album je pro mě přesně ten druh muziky, kterou raději poslouchám, než abych o ní psal. Pokaždé čekám, až se setmí, až spadnou mraky na zem. Jsem jako šelma na lovu, která pronásleduje svoji kořist. Ano, v téhle nahrávce je něco živočišného, rustikálního a opravdového, něco, co odlišuje dobré desky od těch špatných. Dánům se povedlo mě přikovat na zeď, proklít moji duši a navěky mě spoutat pavučinami. Utíkám lesem a větve mě drásají do krve. Ukrývám se ve stínu. Moc dobře vím, že mě jednou chytí, ale než se tak stane, budu tohle album poslouchat stále dál. Je totiž skvělé nejen po formální stránce (zvuk i obal se opravdu povedly), ale má v sobě něco navíc. Něco magického, co mě stále přitahuje. Mrazivý, temný black death metalový blizzard! Vaše kosti popraskají chladem!

Asphyx says:

Actually, I don't even know why I was arrested. I always thought we were a free country, that we could discuss and have a different opinion in peace. But I was wrong. They caught me in the middle of a beautiful day, tied me up and started torturing me. They asked me questions I couldn't answer well. In a moldy old dungeon, with rats telling me stories of my predecessors. They ate them when they went to the other side. When all that was left was a pile of bones and flesh. And opinions that are against God.

It's very interesting to follow the discography of Danish CROCELL. The gentlemen have their own style, you get to know them in a few moments. If you like chilling melodies and darkness, don't hesitate a moment. Even the tracks from the new album imprinted themselves on my mind like some kind of bloody brand. They left a mark on me and I liked to wander through the silent city listening to "Of Frost, Of Flame, Of Flesh".

The Danes simply have a knack for writing good themes. I enjoy the cool and clear sound, and the strange restlessness, I wouldn't be afraid to write melancholy, that drips from the songs like blood from a fresh wound. CROCELL can be raw and ferocious, but they're not afraid of more thoughtful, urgent melodies either. I really like this cocktail, I'll happily sign my name to that. The band is loosely inspired in the same catacombs as the likes of GOD DETHRONED, NECROPHOBIC, MARDUK, BÖLZER. And they did it very elegantly and expertly. Plus, they added a colourful palette, tinged in grey and black with their own ideas and inventiveness. Listening to "Of Frost, Of Flame, Of Flesh" is really like being locked in a moldy dungeon and waiting for the last judgement. Or watching and dead river, just floating. Do you feel the cold in your bones too? I do. For me, the new album is exactly the kind of music I prefer to listen to rather than write about. I'm always waiting for it to get dark, for the clouds to fall to the ground. I'm like a beast on the hunt, stalking its prey. Yes, there is something animalistic, rustic and real in this record, something that separates the good records from the bad ones. The Danes have succeeded in nailing me to the wall, cursing my soul, and binding me forever with cobwebs. I'm running through the woods and the branches are tearing my blood. I hide in the shadows. I know very well that one day I'll be caught, but until that happens, I'll keep listening to this album. It's not only great formally (the sound and the cover are really good), but it has something extra. Something magical that still attracts me. A frosty, dark black death metal blizzard! Your bones will crack with cold!

1. Search Of Solace
2. Chanting Fire
3. Claws Of Piety
4. Serpent's Hunger
5. Vortex
6. Of Frost, Of Flame, Of Flesh
7. Fierce Desire
8. Epilogue

Asbjørn Steffensen – vocals
Tommy Christensen – guitar
Mads B. H. Gath – guitar
Uffe Laustsen-Jensen – bass
Andreas Posselt – drums

neděle 4. srpna 2024

Recenze/review - SWELLING REPULSION - Fatally Misguided (2024)

SWELLING REPULSION - Fatally Misguided
CD 2024, Transcending Obscurity Records

for english please scroll down

Připadá mi to jako děsivý sen. Z nebe padá černý déšť a Smrt obchází kolem. Tratoliště krve, ještě před chvílí jsi letěl neskutečnou rychlostí. Život před sebou, rovná silnice, volnost a svoboda. Teď tu ležíš a bojíš se tmy. S polámanými kostmi, s krví, vytékající z čerstvých ran. Bolest a utrpení, srážka s krutou realitou. Ne, to není žádná noční můra, ale jenom studená zem a lidé stojící kolem. Natáčejí tě. Nepomůže ti nikdo. Na to nemá nikdo čas, všichni musejí sdílet tvoje utrpení. 

Jsou obrazy, které ze své mysli nedokážu vyhnat. Objevují se znovu a znovu v momentech, když poslouchám nahrávky, jako je tak druhá dlouhohrající od SWELLING REPULSION z Colorada. Jedná se o mé první setkání s touto kapelou a musím hned na začátek napsat, že se jedná o srážku s náklaďákem naloženým prašivými kostmi, zničujícím death metalem a spoustou progresivních prvků. 

Je to jízda na horské dráze. Od začátku do konce. Skladby v sobě mají potřebný drive a sílu, spoustu dobrých nápadů i takový ten zvláštní disonantní neklid, který mám u dobrých kapel rád. Ostré, nekompromisní melodie se zde potkávají s drtivými rytmy i zkaženou krví nasáklým vokálem. Jako celek je potom album velmi bolestivou záležitostí. Nebyl jsem při poslechu ani chvilku v klidu. Kapela mě chytla, zasekla do mě svůj dráp a nepustila mě až do konce. Vymáchala mi obličej ve špinavé kaluži, zaklekla na mě ocelovou botou, až mi vyrazila dech. Díval jsme se zrovna z okna, když narazil těžký náklaďák do osobního vozu. Ihned přijela záchranka a kolem se shromáždil dav toužící po krvi. Všechno - situace i hudba - se mi spojilo v jedno a musel jsem postupně přidávat hlasitost. Pokud máte rádi kapely jako ADRAMELECH, AFFLICTED, ATVM, DISHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, DEFECT DESIGNER, STARGAZER a další, které se nebojí experimentovat, potom jste zde správně. "Fatally Misguided" je deskou, která vám bude hořet v rukou a zadře se vám hluboko pod kůži. Pochválit musím i masivní, dobře čitelný zvuk, líbí se mi i obal (The Masked Observer). Svět je při poslechu velmi temné místo. SWELLING REPULSION se povedlo mě strhnout do hlubin. Připadá mi to jako děsivý sen. Z nebe padá černý déšť a Smrt obchází kolem. Tratoliště krve, ještě před chvílí jsi letěl neskutečnou rychlostí. Bolest a utrpení, srážka s krutou realitou. Ne, to není žádná noční můra, ale jenom studená zem a lidé stojící kolem. Natáčejí tě. Nepomůže ti nikdo. Technický, progresivní death metal, který vám nastaví kruté zrcadlo reality! Dokonalá iluze smrti!

Asphyx says:

It seems like a scary dream. Black rain falls from the sky and Death walks around. A pool of blood, just a moment ago you were flying at incredible speed. Life before you, a straight road, freedom and liberty. Now you lie there, afraid of the dark. With broken bones, blood oozing from fresh wounds. Pain and suffering, a collision with harsh reality. No, it's not a nightmare, just the cold ground and the people standing around. They're filming you. No one can help you. No one has time for that, everyone has to share your suffering. 

There are images I can't get out of my mind. They come up again and again in moments when I listen to records like this second long player from Colorado's SWELLING REPULSION. This is my first encounter with this band, and I have to say right off the bat that it is a truckload of mangy bones, devastating death metal, and plenty of progressive elements. 

It's a roller coaster ride. From start to finish. The songs have the necessary drive and power, a lot of good ideas and that strange dissonant restlessness that I like in good bands. Sharp, uncompromising melodies meet crushing rhythms and wicked blood-soaked vocals. As a whole, then, the album is a very painful affair. I wasn't at peace for a moment while listening to it. The band grabbed me, stuck their claw into me and didn't let go until the end. It washed my face in a filthy puddle, knocked me over with a steel-toed boot until it took my breath away. I was looking out the window when a heavy truck crashed into a passenger car. The ambulance arrived immediately and a crowd gathered around, baying for blood. Everything - the situation and the music - came together and I had to gradually turn up the volume. If you like bands like ADRAMELECH, AFFLICTED, ATVM, DISHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, DEFECT DESIGNER, STARGAZER and others who are not afraid to experiment, then you've come to the right place. "Fatally Misguided" is a record that will burn in your hands and burrow deep under your skin. I must also praise the massive, easy to hear sound, and I like the cover art (The Masked Observer). The world is a very dark place when you listen to it. SWELLING REPULSION managed to pull me into the depths. It feels like a scary dream. Black rain falls from the sky and Death walks around. A pool of blood, just a moment ago you were flying at incredible speed. Pain and suffering, a collision with harsh reality. No, it's not a nightmare, just the cold ground and the people standing around. They're filming you. No one can help you. Technical, progressive death metal that sets you a cruel mirror of reality! The perfect illusion of death!

Track listing
2.Basking In Fumes Of Failure
3.Fatally Misguided
4.Sacred Doom
5.Cesspool of Dismembered Memory
6.Drug Induced Anti-Logic view
8.Sullen Light of Expired Stars

Line up -
Bage - Vocals, Drums, FX
Donovan - Vocals, Guitars
Kristian Jablonicky - Bass

Artwork by The Masked Observer

pátek 12. července 2024

Recenze/review - INLANDSYS - The Fallen (2024)

INLANDSYS - The Fallen
CD 2024, Great Dane Records

for english please scroll down

Sedím a dívám se z okna. Provazy deště padají k zemi a mraky mají šedou barvu. Jsem v podivném stavu, který zná každý, kdo rád a často čte knížky. Stanete se součástí příběhu, pohltí vás, rádi se k textu vracíte. Dole v domě někdo zazvoní a mě se nechce otevřít. Nakonec to udělám, i když jsem chtěl být zalezlý ve své ulitě. Dostanu do rukou nové CD francouzských INLANDSYS. Vrátím se do pokoje, roztrhám obal a chvilku přemýšlím. Ještě nevím, jestli budu album poslouchat. 

Nakonec ale udělám správnou věc, i když bych neměl, v pořadí jsou i jiné kapely. Znovu si sednu, zapnu play a dám hudbě čas. Čtu si dál a najednou zjistím, že si nějak podvědomě podupávám nohou, kývu se do rytmu a nedokážu se na text soustředit. Hergot, to je ale dobrý, řeknu si a sednu si k internetu, abych si o kapele něco zjistil. Založena byla v roce 2011 a má na svém kontě ještě jedno album (Carthago - 2018) a EP (Inlandsys - 2014). Melodický death metal se zde potkává s black metalem. Výsledkem je nahrávka, která mě opravdu zaujala. Má v sobě totiž něco zvláštního, neklidného. Venku přestalo pršet a slunce se objevilo nad obzorem. Už jsem si nedokázal číst.

Mám to takhle s hudbou nastavené od doby, kdy jsem ji někdy ve třinácti letech začal poslouchat pozorněji. Musí na mě nějak zapůsobit, přesvědčit mě, probudit ve mě nějaké emoce. Pro mě je vždy hlavní, že se rád nechávám znovu a znovu unášet na vlnách melodií, s chutí se toulám městem se sluchátky na uších. Moje kroky mě pokaždé zavedou do starých chrámů, na hřbitovy. Je zde klid a můžu se soustředit na chladný a masivní (a také krásně čitelný zvuk (Dan Swanö - mixing, mastering), ale třeba i na obal, který se také povedl. Za zmínku stojí rozhodně i texty, ve kterých se kapela zaobírá starými historickými příběhy. Máte rádi staré řecké a římské báje a pověsti? A co ty biblické? Potom jste zde správně, stejně jako všichni, kdo mají rádi kapely AMON AMARTH, AMORPHIS, DIMMU BORGIR. Jasně, ve svých recenzích nebo spíše příbězích o deskách nikdy moc nekritizuji. Víte proč? Protože nemám čas na to poslouchat a psát o muzice, která mě nebaví. Jsem jen obyčejným starým psem, toulajícím se světem a vyhledávajícím nahrávky, které se mi líbí, ke kterým se rád vracím. INLANDSYS mě přesvědčili na svoji stranu. Líbí se mi jejich rukopis, nálady, které dokáží vytvořit i určitý neklid a melancholie, které se prolínají celým albem jako popínavá rostlina. Pánové umí být vznešení, vše odsýpá lehce, svěže, tak nějak samozřejmě. Sedím a dívám se z okna. Provazy deště padají k zemi a mraky mají šedou barvu. Jsem v podivném stavu, který zná každý, kdo rád a často čte knížky. Stanete se součástí příběhu, pohltí vás, rád se k textu vracíte. Stalo se mi to i s "The Fallen". Novinka mě chytla, zasekla do mě svůj dráp a nepustila. Dnes si zase nebudu číst, ale raději poslouchat. Zhasnu všechna světla a potom je to jenom na mě a na kapele. Chladné a temné, melodické death black metalové příběhy ze starých časů. Album po okraj narvané emocemi!

Asphyx says:

I sit and look out the window. Ropes of rain are falling to the ground and the clouds are grey. I'm in a strange state familiar to anyone who likes to read books often. You become part of the story, you become absorbed, you like to return to the text. Someone rings the doorbell downstairs and I don't want to answer it. Eventually I do, even though I wanted to be holed up in my shell. I get my hands on the new CD by French INLANDSYS. I go back to my room, rip the cover and think for a while. I don't know if I'm going to listen to the album yet. 

But in the end I do the right thing, even though I shouldn't, there are other bands on the bill. I sit down again, put it on play and give the music time. I read on and suddenly find myself somehow subconsciously tapping my foot, swaying to the beat and unable to focus on the lyrics. Damn, that's good, I tell myself, and sit down on the internet to find out about the band. Formed in 2011, they have one more album (Carthago - 2018) and an EP (Inlandsys - 2014) to their credit. Melodic death metal meets black metal here. The result is a record that really caught my attention. It has something strange, restless in it. It stopped raining outside and the sun appeared above the horizon. I couldn't read anymore.

I've had it set up that way with music since I started listening to it more closely when I was about thirteen. It has to impress me somehow, convince me, awaken some emotion in me. For me, the main thing is always that I like to let myself be carried away again and again on the waves of melodies, wandering around the city with headphones on. My steps always take me to old temples, to cemeteries. It's quiet here and I can concentrate on the cool and massive (and also beautifully clear sound (Dan Swanö - mixing, mastering), but maybe also on the cover art, which is also good. The lyrics, in which the band deals with old historical stories, are definitely worth mentioning. Do you like old Greek and Roman myths and legends? What about the biblical ones? Then you are right here, as well as all those who like the bands AMON AMARTH, AMORPHIS, DIMMU BORGIR. Sure, I never criticize much in my reviews or rather stories about albums. Do you know why? Because I don't have time to listen and write about music I don't enjoy. I'm just a plain old dog, wandering the world looking for records that I like, that I like to come back to. INLANDSYS convinced me to their side. I like their handwriting, the moods they can create and a certain restlessness and melancholy that runs through the whole album like a climbing plant. Gentlemen can be sublime, everything flows easily, freshly, somehow naturally. I sit and look out the window. The ropes of rain are falling to the ground and the clouds are grey. I'm in a strange state, familiar to anyone who likes to read books often. You become part of the story, you become absorbed, you like to return to the text. It happened to me with "The Fallen". The novel grabbed me, stuck its claw in me and wouldn't let go. Today I won't read again, but rather listen. I'll turn off all the lights and then it's up to me and the band. Cold and dark, melodic death black metal stories from the old days. An album filled to the brim with emotion!

1. Humilliation
2. Mediterranean Hegemony
3. Motherland !
4. Providers of the Great Apocalypse
5. Whores of War
6. Persona
7. Pyramid of the One-Eyed God
8. The bird, the Tower and the Lord
9. Wrong Side of the Century

Line up :
Antonin: Keyboards
Baptiste (Eensayn): Guitar / Vocals
Chris: Drums
Laurent (El Ash): Guitar / Vocals
Yann (Xanyn): Bass / Vocals

pátek 10. května 2024

News! - WITHERING SURFACE - Denial Denial Denial - official video (Mighty Music)

WITHERING SURFACE “Denial Denial Denial” official video

For their new digital single and official video, Denmark’s melodic death metal prodigal sons WITHERING SURFACE unveil one of their most catchy and melodic songs ever. “Denial Denial Denial” gets under your skin with its straight-forward verse-bridge-chorus structure, and gets you banging your head and singing before you even hit that “Repeat” button. Vintage, lead-soaked, melodic death metal with a modern twist for a band that seems to have no problem in reinventing itself.

“Exit Plan” is the 6th studio album from Withering Surface following the success of the 2020-comeback album “Meet You Maker”. The process of the “Exit Plan” album was long and challenging with various recording session, line-up changes, producers and on top of that all the obstacles with Covid and post-Covid. The fact that the band’s engagements with Copenhell and various other festivals in 2020 were postponed two years to 2022 could easily have killed Withering Surface that was making a comeback after 15 years in slumber. Instead, all efforts were put into the making of “Exit Plan”. An album where both songwriting and lyrical concept appear stronger than ever for the band. Topping this is the production by Soren Andersen (Medley Studio), mainly known in rock and hard rock circles for his work with artists like Thundermother, Tygers Of Pan Tang and Glenn Hughes. Soren Andersen was not the obvious choice of producer for a melodic death metal band but ended up being the perfect match for Withering Surface anno 2024 delivering a huge over-the-top sound.

Allan Tvedebrink says “Right after we dropped “Meet Your Maker” all our gigs and plans were scrapped because of the pandemic and it obviously created a huge void for us. I’m very proud of that album, but when it was finished, I felt that we could do better and, because of the wide open schedule, I immediately started working on “Exit Plan”. The new material is focused on a much more direct and intense approach and it is by far the strongest compilation of songs we have ever done to represent an album. In the process of creating “Exit Plan” we had lots of set backs. Deciding to let our new drummer go after we recorded the drums, having a new guitarist on board and losing our keyboard player took some extra time, but also made us re-visit the material and get everything right. The challenges and the decisions made in the process definitely made the album way better”.

Soren Andersen: “I was initially hired as the mixing engineer but I have ended up becoming a superfan. This is how I feel about Withering Surface and their forthcoming album “Exit Plan”. They are by far the most extreme band I have ever worked with. Musically I have no other bands to compare them with besides Faith No More and Soilwork. After a few mixes I totally fell in love with the sound of the band, and never before have I challenged myself as much as I have working upon this album. Combining brutal riffs, a powerhouse rhythm section, screaming vocals, melodic solos and imaginative songwriting, this is all I could ever ask for in a metal band”.

Singer Michael Hvolgaard Andersen adds: “Vocal wise I wanted to go back to the roots of Withering Surface. Capturing some of the spirit from the frustrated 19-year old me. Songs on the new album like “Where Dreamers Die” and “You Hurt This Child” show that. I was not sure I still had that throat capacity and aggression in me but proved myself wrong. I always had the desire to make catchy sing-a-long choruses. In the past they were on songs like “Dancing With Faries” and “Joyless Journey”. On “Exit Plan” this desire is brought to life on “Denial Denial Denial”, “Finish What You Started” and “I Finally Lost (All Faith In Humanity)”. Since the formation of Withering Surface, Allan’s songwriting felt natural for me to make vocal lines and melodies on and on “Exit Plan” I truly believe he delivered his strongest material to date which by the end of the day is the reason that made my voice sound strong and have me deliver that little extra”.

The lyrical concept

“Exit Plan” is about breaking boundaries and norms that have been set for one. To put a mental period and start over. To get complete clarity about where you are and are going and want to end = “Exit Plan”. Song titles include “Where Dreamers Die”, “Mindreader”, “You Hurt This Child” and “I Finally Lost (All Faith In Humanity)” and are all with a lyrical foundation in the aforementioned outlook on life, sex, shame, religion and a fading view of humanity.

“Exit Plan” is a lyrical extension of its predecessor “Meet Your Maker”, where a religious meeting with the higher powers made the protagonist realise that there is no help to be had from anyone but the person himself. That you stand alone. That the only one who can help you is yourself. Cold cynicism and power do not go hand in hand with charity. Forget the norm and anything that doesn’t work for you. No excuse, no blame. You are not a social experiment. The thanks you get when you’re gone are worthless and remember one of man’s greatest qualities is to repress.

“Exit Plan” will be released on LP (black vinyl), CD and digital formats on June 7th, 2024 via Mighty Music.

Allan Tvedebrink - guitars
Michael H. Andersen - vocals
Jesper Kvist - bass
Troels Lund-Sørensen - drums
Marco Angioni - guitars

All drums on “Exit Plan” performed by Jakob Gundel

Digital single pre-save link:




čtvrtek 18. dubna 2024

Photos - křest nové desky In the Shadow of The Sun - INNERPSHERE, STELLVRIS, BEYOND THE DARK ANGEL - Divadlo pod Lampou - 19. 4. 2024