Ležíš už několik dní na stejném místě. Máš čas na přemýšlení a také si zabil tři lidi. Neznal si je a nic si proti nim neměl. Určitě měli rodiny, přátele, jistě se rádi bavili, žili, měli své holky. Slyšíš zvuk vrtulníku. Uleví se ti. Konečně se vrátíš. Jenže, válka vždycky byla svinstvo. Zapomněli na tebe a svět za několik okamžiků zčernal. Ptáš se proč, s tváří rozežranou od napalmu.
JUST BEFORE DAWN jsou zpět a tentokrát svojí hudbou i texty popisují válku ve Vietnamu. Byla specifická, úplně jiná, než ty předešlé. Stejně jako mrazivý death metal, který tahle smečka hraje. Mám opět pocit, že jsem přímo na bojišti. V džungli, s puškou v ruce. Ledové melodie, devastující bicí, vše připomíná střelu, která proletí brzy tvým mozkem.
Kapela, složená ze samých death metalových veteránů, moc dobře ví, jak nahrát skvělé album. Novinka je toho jasným důkazem. Skladby jsou napsány velmi uvěřitelně. Zřetelný, jasný a originální Biazziho rukopis je ovlivněn švédským death metalem, ale ctí i klasické BOLT THROWER. Pro mě, starého fanouška, je vždy nejvíc důležité, abych hudbě věřil, aby se mi usadila v kostech, hluboko do mozku. A tohle umí JUST BEFORE DAWN jako vždy na výbornou. Je vlastně jedno, na jaké straně bojujete, jedinými jistotami je smrt a ryzí, opravdový a reálný smrtící kov. Moje fantazie pracuje na plné obrátky. Líbí se mi, že si kapela na nic nehraje, je svá a poznáte ji od ostatních během několika okamžiků. Nové album "Battle-Sight Zeroing" je navíc doslova návykové. Pouštím si u něj vždy staré dokumenty, trávíme spolu celé víkendy a večer, když si dám pár piv, tak vše vynikne nejlépe. Prožívám osudy hrdinů i šílených bastardů, stále mě bolí lidská krutost a špína. Jsem rád, že ještě existují lidé, kteří na válečná zvěrstva upozorňují. Neměli bychom zapomínat, události posledních měsíců jsou toho jasným důkazem. Ono je vlastně o hodně lepší nahrávku poslouchat, než o ní psát. Čekám v zákopu a poslouchám zvuky noci. Jsem vrah i oběť. Jsem voják nicoty. Vynikající záležitost! Mrazivá, temná válka v death metalové džungli!
Asphyx says:
You've been lying in the same place for days. You have time to think and you also killed three people. You didn't know them and you had nothing against them. They certainly had families, friends, they certainly liked to have fun, to live, they had their girls. You hear the sound of a helicopter. You will be relieved. You'll finally come back. But war has always been crap. They forgot about you and the world went black in a few moments. You ask why, face eaten away by napalm.
JUST BEFORE DAWN are back and this time, they describe the war in Vietnam with their music and lyrics. It was specific, completely different from the previous ones. Just like the chilling death metal that this pack plays. I feel like I'm right on the battlefield again. In the jungle, rifle in hand. Icy melodies, devastating drums, everything resembles a bullet that will soon fly through your brain.
The band, composed of death metal veterans themselves, knows very well how to record a great album. The news is a clear proof of that. The songs are written very believably. Distinct, clear and original Biazzi's signature is influenced by Swedish death metal, but also honors the classic BOLT THROWER. For me, an old fan, the most important thing is always to believe in the music, so that it settles in my bones, deep in my brain. And JUST BEFORE DAWN does this perfectly, as always. It doesn't really matter which side you fight on, the only certainties are death and pure, true and real death metal. My imagination is running at full speed. I like that the band doesn't play for anything, they are their own and you can tell them from the others in a few moments. The new album "Battle-Sight Zeroing" is also quite addictive. I always play old documents with him, we spend whole weekends together, and in the evening, when I have a few beers, everything comes out the best. I experience the fates of heroes and crazy bastards, human cruelty and filth still hurts me. I am glad that there are still people who draw attention to war atrocities. We should not forget, the events of the last months are a clear proof of this. It's actually much better to listen to a recording than to write about it. I wait in the trench and listen to the sounds of the night. I am both the murderer and the victim. I am a soldier of nothingness. Excellent matter! A cold, dark war in the death metal jungle!
Až jednou nastane nukleární zima, tak vylezou z děr všichni nemrtví. Budou se toulat ulicemi opuštěných měst a hledat všechny prokleté. Všude bude hrát jen death metal a já budu konečně spokojený. Někdy rád objevuji nové kapely, jen tak, náhodně. Tentokrát musím poděkovat jednomu našemu čtenáři, který mě na tuhle švédskou smečku upozornil. Ano, ENCRYPMENT jsou ze Stockholmu a hrají přesně tím způsobem, který mám tolik rád.
Divoce, neurvale, přesto chladně a temně. V jejich hudbě se mísí vlivy smrtícího kovu, crustu, grindcore a black metalu (podobně jako třeba u STRIGOI, VALLENFYRE). Najednou vstoupil do mého těla nekonečný mráz. Myšlenky měly barvu krve a nevěděl jsem, jestli jsem živý nebo už dávno mrtvý. Poslouchal jsem totiž "Dödens födsel".
Pokaždé, když se setkám s novou kapelou, tak poslouchám velmi pozorně. Věnuji každé desce spoustu času a teprve až pak usednu a sepíšu pár slov. U "Dödens födsel" jsem si začal ihned podupávat nohou a bouchat pěstí do stolu. Novinka má v sobě obrovské množství černé energie, nasbírané snad někde v severských lesích. Když jsem pak vyrazil brzy ráno do práce a ulicemi se toulaly jenom stíny, měl jsem opravdu pocit, že nemrtví povstali. Prašivý zvuk, nepříjemný a jedovatý vokál, ale hlavně spousta nápadů a nálady podobné stavům lidské mysli po apokalypse. Tore Stjerna (Mayhem, Nominon, Desultory, Insision, Repugnant, Paganizer atd.). Obal vytvořil Jesse Peper a tak mám jistotu, že po formální stránce je vše v nejlepším pořádku. Líbí se mi, že nejsou ENCRYPMENT jen dalším, dnes tolik typickým klonem "starého dobrého švédského death metalu", ale přinášejí do tohoto stylu i spoustu svých nápadů. Líbí se mi kombinace stylů, podobné jedovaté koktejly velmi rád ochutnám. Je to vlastně jednoduché. Přistupuji k muzice stejně jako před více než třiceti lety. Buď mě rozseká a baví mě a nebo jdu dál. Tentokrát jsem se zastavil a strávil s nahrávkou spoustu krásných morbidních chvil. Mohu vám ji jenom doporučit. Z podzemí vylezli další z démonů, kteří přesně ví, o čem je opravdová reálná smrt. Říkají si ENCRYPMENT a zabíjejí na potkání. Chladná, temná, ďábelská modlitba za všechny nemrtvé!
Asphyx says:
Once nuclear winter occurs, all the undead will climb out of the holes. They will roam the streets of abandoned cities looking for all the damned. Only death metal will be playing everywhere and I will finally be satisfied. Sometimes I like to discover new bands, just like that, randomly. This time I have to thank one of our readers who alerted me to this Swedish pack. Yes, ENCRYPMENT are from Stockholm and they play exactly the way I like so much.
Wild, unruly, yet cold and dark. Their music mixes the influences of death metal, crust, grindcore and black metal (similar to STRIGOI, VALLENFYRE, for example). Suddenly, an endless cold entered my body. The thoughts were the color of blood and I didn't know if I was alive or long dead. I was listening to "Dödens födsel".
Every time I meet a new band, I listen very carefully. I spend a lot of time on each record and only then do I sit down and write a few words. At "Dödens födsel" I immediately started stamping my foot and banging my fist on the table. The novelty contains a huge amount of black energy, perhaps collected somewhere in the Nordic forests. Then when I went to work early in the morning and only shadows roamed the streets, I really had the feeling that the undead had risen. Dusty sound, unpleasant and poisonous vocals, but mainly a lot of ideas and moods similar to the states of the human mind after the apocalypse. Tore Stjerna (Mayhem, Nominon, Desultory, Insision, Repugnant, Paganizer, etc.). The cover was created by Jesse Peper, so I'm sure everything is in the best shape in terms of form. I like that ENCRYPMENT are not just another clone of "good old Swedish death metal", which is so typical today, but they also bring a lot of their own ideas to this style. I like the combination of styles, I am very happy to taste similar poisonous cocktails. It's actually simple. I approach music the same way I did more than thirty years ago. Either he cuts me and enjoys me or I move on. This time I stopped and spent a lot of beautiful morbid moments with the recording. I can only recommend it to you. Another of the demons came out of the underground, who knows exactly what true real death is about. They call themselves ENCRYPMENT and they kill when they meet. A cold, dark, diabolical prayer for all undead!
A few questions - interview with death metal band from Sweden - ENCRYPMENT.
Answered Marcus, thank you!
Ave, can you introduce your band to our readers? – When was it founded and what style of music do you play etc.?
Marcus: ENCRYPTMENT was formed in 2015 to play music influenced by both extreme metal and punk. In recent years the sound along with the influences has shifted slightly. We play Death Metal.
Where and under what conditions were you recording the new album? Who was in charge of sound, production and mastering?
The album was recorded in Necromorbus Studio. The studio is actually an old church located in the countryside and that made for a truly great atmosphere while recording. Tore Stjerna produced the album together with us, as well as handled the mixing. Alan Douches of West West Side Music did the mastering.
How many copies were released and which medium was used for this new edition (CD, digital, vinyl, cassette)?
Initially released in 500 copies on CD and 150 on cassette. The LPs will arrive some time in 2023.
Who is the author of the lyrics and how were they created and about what do the lyrics deal with?
Marcus: The lyrics are written both by me and Christoffer. The foundational themes of the lyrics deal with death, life and spirituality, but they are obviously spiced with a lot of sub-themes such as drugs, madness and decadence… We feel that the lyrics are equally important to the music and therefore spend a lot of time getting them the way we want them.
Who created the logo of the band, and who took care of the graphics and the website? What about you and social networks? Do you consider these things important?
Marcus: The current logo is made by me and I handle most of the visual side of the band. The cover art of ”Dödens födsel” was painted by Jesse Peper.
I definitely realize the importance of a social media presence these days, but seeing bands revoltingly upload videos of every other rehearsal and other type of similar nonsense is quite absurd, especially in a Death/Black Metal context. We choose to upload relevant things that need to be uploaded for people to keep up and that’s it.
Which label did you choose for releasing your album and why this label? Are you satisfied by how your label represents you and takés care about you?
Marcus: Nuclear Winter Records. Anastasis who is the owner of the label definitely has the right intentions and completely understands and respects the essence of Death Metal. This is exactly what we wanted to find in a record label.
Which bands do you idolise and where do you get your inspiration?
Marcus: ”Idolise” is perhaps not the right word here, but some of the bands we are influenced by in different ways would be Funeral Mist, Teitanblood, Kaamos, Morbid Angel, Skitsystem, Autopsy and Vorum.
We get inspiration from all over and any artform, be it paintings, books or music. Also meditation and things related are very good tools for some things to find its way to one’s mind.
Did you send your record to some Labels - which are the labels? How was the response?
Marcus: We were in contact with a few, but decided to work together with Nuclear Winter Records due to NWR being one of the few labels these days that really understand what Death Metal is all about.
How many gigs have you played? Which type of gigs do you prefer, whether it's (clubs or festivals) and which of your performances would you consider as the best?
Marcus: Not too many as of now, mostly smaller venues which are great in some ways and terrible in other (usually not the best sound etc.). We had a recent show in Trondheim in Norway at a classic punk venue and it was craziness in every way imaginable. Perfect.
What about your plans for the future? What do you want to achieve with the band?
Marcus: Start writing for the next record and play more shows. I want to achieve exactly what we have right now - a perfect platform of expression and spiritual exploration of Death and what lies beyond.
How and where can your fans contact you? Can you provide some contact information?
Ave FARSOTH! I haven’t found any interview in the Czech language with you, yet. So please, first introduce the band to our readers who don’t know you. You could start from the early beginnings and describe the whole FARSOTH history.
I’m just listening to your new record „The Plague“ and I feel like as if I am closed in some tomb together with DISMEMBER, NIHILIST, ENTOMBED, ENTRAILS, BLOODBATH, CARNAGE, DESULTORY. The record has a great Swedish sound. Where did you record it and how satisfied you are with it? Did you have the "last word" concerning the resulting sound?
Ohhh. That's some mighty comparisons. Thanx alot for the kind words. Everything except for the drums are recorded at home. You don't need that much equipment these days to record your self. A good computer and some good plugs and a decent sound card is all you basically need. The drums however is recorded at Chris Barkensjö (Lik sthlm) rehearsal. At the time for the recording we didn't have a drummer, and Chris who is a good friend of ours helped us out. To record drums you need (in my opinion) some decent microphones and someone that knows how to set em up. I mixed the album and we are really satisfied with how it turned out. I'm not a pro in any way, I just tryed to get a sound that I liked. We in Farsoth will always have the last word of course.
How was the new material for album „„The Plague“ created? How exactly FARSOTH writes the music?
I write all the music and Jocke Mikiver writes all the lyrics. I just start out with a riff and then let whatever comes out from that starting riff guide me throu the process. I rearly change anything in the songs because I belive that the first thing that comes out of the process is often the best. I don't try to create anything new, I just write what I like.
"The Plague" has a dead, morbid cover. The artist is my favorite artist Mark Riddick I like his work, How did you choose the idea for the cover and what should it represent?
Mark is one of the best in my opinion. We wanted the cover to represent our band name and the lyrics. Farsot(h) means plague in Swedish and the lyrics is all about different plagues. So to have skeletons and a plague doctor on the cover just fits well.
Could you reveal us who is an author of the lyrics and what is their background? Where did you take inspiration for certain topics?
See answers above :)
The new album was released by Kvlt und Kaos Productions. This label has a very good name in the underground scene and does a very good job. However, didn't you want to release a record in some bigger label? Did you ask some other label? How you are actually satisfied with Kvlt und Kaos Productions?
It's actually not released by Kuk. We decided to part ways with Kuk before the release. Reasons for that was simply that we kind of wanted different things for the band. There's no hard feelings between us and we wish Kuk all the best in the future. We decided to release the album ourselves because we just felt that we allredy waited to long to release it. To send it to bigger companies would have delayed the release even more. Maybe we will try to release future albums on some bigger labels, but for now it feels right to do it ourselves.
You play typical, classical Swedish old school death metal. You have never changed the direction, you are let's say „orthodox“. Personally, this is one reason why I like your music so much. But, didn’t you think about try to play something different, somehow to make the FARSOTH music more unusual?
As I said earlier. Farsoth is not trying to do anything new. We just want to make music that we like and would buy ourselves.
Looking at the names of the musicians, you've come a really long way. It's very obvious that you're working on yourselves as a band. How often does FARSOTH actually rehearse? Are you an honest band that meets regularly, or are you more of a punk band that lets it all hang out?
We try to rehears ones a month. It's really hard to rehears more because we all live in different part of the country. Everyone in Farsoth has played music for a long time and most of the rehearsals are done at home. But with that said we really like to rehears and take every opportunity to do that.
Do you have some goal, which you would like to achieve? Someone wants to release an album with a large label; other wants to play on one stage with some famous band. What about you?
Release albums, play live and have a great time doing that is our goal. I think that is what most bands want.
Can you recommend some new albums, which impressed you at the latest time?
Lik is one of my absolute favorite bands right now. All their albums are awesome.
Do you know and listen to some metal bands from the Czech Republic?
Sorry. I probably have listened on bands from CR but I'm not the guy that listen alot to music. When you constantly do music yourself it's nice to get a break from music when not making music.
We are slowly approaching the end of the interview so I would like to ask one more philosophical question. How would you define the Swedish death metal style? What represents this music for you and why did you choose exactly this genre?
Swedish death metal is probably a bit more melodic than other death metal. I guess that's the main reason for at least me why I love Swedish death metal. With that said I also like death metal from other countries. Swedish death metal tends also be a bit more groovy than DM from other countries. And I really like that groove.
What FARSOTH is planning for the next few months?
Make album nr 2 and play live as much as possible.
Thank you for the interview and I wish you a lot of sold CDs, hundreds of crazy fans and tons of great ideas.
Thank you so much for the support and see you on the road in a near future (hopefully)
Ave FARSOTH! Nikde jsem s vámi nenašel žádný rozhovor v češtině. Poprosím tě tedy nejdřív, abys čtenářům, kteří vás ještě neznají, představil kapelu. Můžeš klidně začít úplně od začátku a provést nás celou historií FARSOTH.
Právě poslouchám vaši novinku „The Plague“ a připadám si, jako bych byl zavřený v nějaké kobce spolu s DISMEMBER, NIHILIST, ENTOMBED, ENTRAILS, BLOODBATH, CARNAGE, DESULTORY. Deska má skvělý švédský sound. Kde jste album nahrávali a jak jste s výsledkem spokojen? Mluvili jste nějak do výsledného zvuku?
Ohhh. To jsou ale mocná přirovnání. Děkuji za komplimenty. Všechno kromě bicích je nahrané doma. V dnešní době nepotřebuješ tolik vybavení, abys nahrál sám sebe. V podstatě stačí dobrý počítač, nějaké dobré špunty a slušná zvuková karta. Bicí jsou ale nahrané ve zkušebně Chrise Barkensjö (LIK). V době nahrávání jsme neměli bubeníka a Chris, který je náš dobrý kamarád, nám pomohl. K nahrávání bicích potřebujete (podle mého názoru) slušné mikrofony a někoho, kdo je umí nastavit. Album jsem mixoval já a jsme opravdu spokojení s tím, jak to dopadlo. Nejsem v žádném případě profesionál, jen jsem se snažil dosáhnout zvuku, který se mi líbil. My ve FARSOTH budeme mít samozřejmě vždy poslední slovo.
Jakým způsobem vznikal nový materiál pro „The Plague“? Jak vlastně tvoří/skládají FARSOTH?
Já píšu veškerou hudbu a Jocke Mikiver všechny texty. Prostě začnu s riffem a pak se nechám vést tím, co z toho riffu vyplyne. Málokdy ve skladbách něco měním, protože věřím, že první věc, která z procesu vzejde, je často ta nejlepší. Nesnažím se vytvářet nic nového, prostě píšu to, co se mi líbí.
„The Plague“ má mrtvolný morbidní obal. Autorem je můj oblíbený malíř Mark Riddick. Jeho práce se mi jako vždy hodně líbí. Jak jste vůbec nápad na obal vybírali a co má znázorňovat?
Mark je podle mého názoru jeden z nejlepších. Chtěli jsme, aby obal reprezentoval název naší kapely a texty skladeb. Farsot(h) znamená ve švédštině mor a texty jsou o různých morových ranách. Takže mít na obalu kostlivce a morového doktora prostě dobře sedí.
Kdo je autorem textů a o čem pojednávají? Kde pro témata berete inspiraci?
Koukni na předchozí odpověď. :)
Novinka vyšla na CD u Kvlt und Kaos Productions. Label má v undergroundu velmi dobré jméno a odvádí skvělou práci, ale nelákalo vás vydat album u nějaké větší firmy? Oslovili jste nějaké? Jak jste vlastně spokojeni s Kvlt und Kaos Productions?
Ve skutečnosti ji nevydal Kvlt. Rozhodli jsme se s Kvlt rozloučit ještě před vydáním. Důvodem bylo jednoduše to, že jsme tak trochu chtěli pro kapelu jiné věci. Nemáme mezi sebou žádné rozepře a přejeme Kvlt do budoucna všechno nejlepší. Rozhodli jsme se vydat si album sami, protože jsme prostě měli pocit, že jsme s jeho vydáním čekali příliš dlouho. Poslat ho větším společnostem by vydání ještě více oddálilo. Možná se pokusíme vydat budoucí alba u nějakého většího vydavatelství, ale zatím nám přišlo správné vydat si ho sami.
Hrajete typický, klasický starý švédský death metal. Nikdy jste z téhle cesty neuhnuli, jste „ortodoxní“. Osobně je to jeden z důvodů, proč se mi vaše tvorba tolik líbí, ale nelákalo vás někdy zkusit hrát něco trošku jiného, nějak tvorbu FARSOTH ozvláštnit?
Jak už jsem řekl. FARSOTH se nesnaží dělat nic nového. Chceme jen dělat hudbu, která se nám líbí, a kterou bychom si sami koupili.
Když se dívám na jména muzikantů, jedná se o samé zkušené "veterány". Je hodně znát, že na sobě jako kapela pracujete. Jak často vlastně FARSOTH zkouší? Jste poctivou skupinou, která se pravidelně schází, nebo jste spíš pankáči, kteří tomu nechávají volný průběh?
Snažíme se zkoušet jednou měsíčně. Je opravdu těžké zkoušet víc, protože každý žijeme v jiné části země. Každý z FARSOTH dělá muziku už dlouho a většina zkoušek probíhá doma. Ale s tím, že opravdu rádi zkoušíme a využíváme k tomu každou příležitost.
Máte nějaký cíl, kterého byste chtěli dosáhnout? Pro někoho to je slavné vydavatelství, jiný si chce třeba zahrát se slavnou kapelu.
Naším cílem je vydávat alba, hrát živě a skvěle se u toho bavit. Myslím, že to je to, co chce většina kapel.
Jsou nějaké desky, které tě v poslední době oslovily?
LIK je v současnosti jednou z mých nejoblíbenějších kapel. Všechna jejich alba jsou úžasná.
Znáš, posloucháš nějaké kapely z České republiky?
Omlouvám se. Asi jsem slyšel nějaké kapely z ČR, ale nejsem člověk, který by hodně poslouchal hudbu. Když člověk neustále skládá hudbu sám, je fajn si od ní odpočinout, když zrovna neskládá.
Blížíme se k závěru a tak bych zkusil jednu více filozofickou otázku. Jak byste definovali styl zvaný švédský death metal? Čím pro vás tato hudba je a proč jste si vybrali právě tento styl?
Švédský death metal je pravděpodobně o něco melodičtější než ostatní death metal. Myslím, že to je, alespoň pro mě, hlavní důvod, proč mám švédský death metal rád. S tím, že mám rád i death metal z jiných zemí. Švédský death metal bývá také o něco groovovější než DM z jiných zemí. A já mám ten groove opravdu rád.
Co chystají FARSOTH v nejbližších měsících?
Nahrát druhé album a hrát co nejvíc živě.
Děkuji za rozhovor a přeji spoustu prodaných nosičů, stovky šílených fanoušků a tuny dobrých nápadů.
Moc díky za podporu a doufejme, že se v blízké budoucnosti potkáme na cestách. Měj se!
Až si pro mě jednou přijde dáma s kosou, budu se usmívat. Jsem připraven. Poslouchám celý svůj život smrtící kov a moc dobře vím, co mě čeká a nemine. Těším se na krvavé močály, na chladné kobky, na prokleté kostely. Už se nemůžu dočkat, až potkám ďábla. Mám na něj tolik otázek. V pekle, kam samozřejmě patřím, se bude hrát jenom ten nejlepší death metal. Nové album švédských CARNAL SAVAGERY budou mít v přehrávači určitě všichni démoni. Stejně jako já.
Spojuje nás víra v nekonečnou temnotu. V dlouhé stíny a zmrzlé kosti. Kapele jsme se u nás několikrát věnovali (odkazy na recenze a rozhovor naleznete dole pod článkem) a musím rovnou přiznat, že jsem se stal jejich věrným fanouškem. Líbí se mi, že hrají poctivě, uvěřitelně, s opravdovou jiskrou v oku. Vítejte v záhrobí!
Kapela ctí na sto procent odkazy svých předků. Zmínit musím samozřejmě vliv třeba legendárních DISMEMBER, ENTRAILS, GRAVE, SORCERY, WOMBBATH, ENTOMBED, INTERMENT. Ano, jedná se přesně o takový ten druh hrubého, surového švédského chřestění pytlem plným prašivých kostí. Ve skladbách se potkává nahrubo nasekaná tma, chlad a plesnivina. CARNAL SAVAGERY vás přikovají na zeď a vypálí vám na tělo cejch. Označkují si vás, aby se pak v pekle vědělo, ke komu patříte. Troufám si tvrdit, že se nahrávka opět povedla. A to nejen po formální stránce (parádní tradiční zvuk, nádherný obal), ale i co se týká songů jako takových. Jsou skvěle napsány, dobře se pamatují a doporučuji je poslouchat hodně nahlas. Teprve potom vyniknou nejlépe jednotlivé nuance. Švédové sice neobjevují nic nového (to zde také není účelem), ale dokáží ve mě probudit ty nejděsivější noční můry. Až si pro mě jednou přijde dáma s kosou, budu se usmívat. Jsem připraven. Poslouchám celý svůj život smrtící kov a moc dobře vím, co mě čeká a nemine. Těším se na krvavé močály, na chladné kobky, na prokleté kostely. Už se nemůžu dočkat, až potkám ďábla. Bude držet v ruce CD "Worm Eaten". Usmějeme se na sebe. Oba totiž budeme vědět, že tahle deska je vynikající. Death metal ukovaný z té nejlepší švédské oceli!
Asphyx says:
When a lady with a scythe comes for me one day, I will smile. I'm ready. I've been listening to death metal all my life and I know very well what awaits me and what I won't miss. I look forward to bloody swamps, to cold dungeons, to cursed churches. I can't wait to meet the devil. I have so many questions for him. In hell, where of course I belong, only the best death metal will be played. The new album of the Swedish CARNAL SAVAGERY will definitely be in the player of all demons. Just like me.
We are united by a belief in endless darkness. In long shadows and frozen bones. We have covered the band several times here (links to reviews and interviews can be found below the article) and I have to admit that I have become a loyal fan of theirs. I like that they play honestly, believably, with a real sparkle in their eye. Welcome to the grave!
The band honors the legacy of its ancestors one hundred percent. Of course, I have to mention the influence of the legendary DISMEMBER, ENTRAILS, GRAVE, SORCERY, WOMBBATH, ENTOMBED, INTERMENT. Yes, this is exactly that kind of crude, raw Swedish rattling with a bag full of dusty bones. Roughly chopped darkness, coldness and mold meet in the compositions. CARNAL SAVAGERY will pin you to the wall and burn a brand into your body. They mark you so that it will be known in hell who you belong to. I dare to say that the recording was successful again. And not only in terms of formality (great traditional sound, beautiful cover), but also in terms of the songs as such. They are well written, well remembered and I recommend listening to them very loudly. Only then will individual nuances stand out best. The Swedes do not discover anything new (that is not the purpose here either), but they can wake up the most terrifying nightmares in me. When a lady with a scythe comes for me one day, I will smile. I'm ready. I've been listening to death metal all my life and I know very well what awaits me and what I won't miss. I look forward to bloody swamps, to cold dungeons, to cursed churches. I can't wait to meet the devil. He will be holding the "Worm Eaten" CD in his hand. We smile at each other. Because we will both know that this record is excellent. Death metal forged from the best Swedish steel!
Přišli všichni. Živí i nemrtví. Do staré márnice, postavené v devadesátých letech minulého století. Podávány byly shnilé kousky masa v dřevěných rakvích a připili jsme si černým jedem. Čekalo se už jenom na kapelu. Zombie byly ten den poněkud neklidné. Těšily se, stejně jako já. Na švédské maniaky FARSOTH, kteří předvedli klasický, tradiční obřad. Nechtěli jsme je pustit z pódia. Připadal jsem si jako ve zlém, děsivém snu. Akorát to byla pravda.
Pod hudbou jsou podepsáni zkušení muzikanti. Když vám řeknu jména jako FACEBREAKER, EREB ALTOR, CARNAL FORGE, ONE HOUR HELL, DIARTYMA, tak bych nemusel dodávat nic dalšího. Přidejte si zvuk, o který se postarali Jari Kuusisto (mix), Jonas Lindstrom (master) a myslím si, že žádný poctivý fanoušek smrti nezůstane v klidu. Zmínit musím i jako vždy skvělý obraz od Marka Riddicka. Jedná se o surovou, morbidní hrobnickou práci, u které vám shoří vnitřnosti v plamenech. Masakr v márnici!
Základem je HM - 2W heavy metal boss pedal. FARSOTH jsou stejného druhu, jako jejich předchůdci DISMEMBER, ENTRAILS, GRAVE, ENTOMBED, NIHILIST, DEMONICAL. Přidávány jsou samozřejmě vlastní nápady, spousta zajímavých momentů a atmosféra velmi blízká smrti. Ostré riffy, které řežou tou správnou stranou nože, vokál bestie, zničující bicí. Kosti létají vzduchem, lebky pukají tlakem a uprostřed celého šílenství stojí kapela v okovaných botách a drtí vše živé i neživé. Album "The Plague" má v sobě velké množství nakumulované temné energie, tlaku a špíny. Vztek je zde podáván na víku od rakve. Stačí jej jen přijmout a vyzvat k tanci tu nejkrásnější zombie. Jsem hrozně rád, že jsem přijal pozvání na tenhle hororový večírek. Vám mohu nahrávku jenom doporučit. Pokud jste stejně jako já staří prašiví metaloví psi a zvedáte hlavu už jenom v momentech, když se hraje od srdce, poctivě, s pověstnou krvavou jiskrou v oku, tak neváhejte ani chvilku. Dostanete pořádnou porci nahrubo nasekaného masa, tmy a totálního šílenství. A pokud máte ještě navíc rádi chlad a zmrzlé kosti, tak budete určitě spokojeni. FARSOTH jsou jako silný rezavý buldozer, který se řítí přímo do pekla. Už se těším, až bude zase půlnoc. Nemrtví vylezou z děr a márnice bude zase jednou plná. Surový, syrový švédský death metal s příchutí temnoty a zkažené krve!
Asphyx says:
They all came. The living and the undead. To the old morgue, built in the 1990s. We were served rotten pieces of meat in wooden coffins and toasted with black poison. All we could do was wait for the band. The zombies were a bit restless that day. They were as excited as I was. To Swedish maniacs FARSOTH, who performed a classic, traditional ceremony. We didn't want to let them off the stage. I felt like I was in a bad, scary dream. But it was true.
The music is signed by experienced musicians. If I tell you names like FACEBREAKER, EREB ALTOR, CARNAL FORGE, ONE HOUR HELL, DIARTYMA, I wouldn't need to add anything else. Add the sound done by Jari Kuusisto (mix), Jonas Lindstrom (mastering) and I think no honest death fan will be left in peace. I must also mention as always great artwork by Mark Riddick. This is raw, morbid graveyard work that will set your insides on fire. Massacre in the morgue!
The basis is HM - 2 heavy metal boss pedal. FARSOTH are of the same kind as their ancestors DISMEMBER, ENTRAILS, GRAVE, ENTOMBED, NIHILIST, DEMONICAL. Added to this are of course their own ideas, lots of interesting moments and a very near death atmosphere. Sharp riffs that cut with the right side of the knife, beast vocals, devastating drums. Bones fly through the air, skulls crack under pressure and in the midst of all the madness stands a band in metal boots crushing everything living and inanimate. The album "The Plague" has a lot of accumulated dark energy, pressure and filth. The rage here is served on a coffin lid. All you have to do is embrace it and ask the most beautiful zombie to dance. I'm so glad I accepted the invitation to this horror party. I can only recommend this record to you. If, like me, you are an old mangy metal dog and you only raise your head when the music is played from the heart, honestly, with the proverbial bloody sparkle in eye, don't hesitate a moment. You will get a good portion of roughly chopped meat, darkness and total madness. And if you also like cold and frozen bones, you'll definitely be satisfied. FARSOTH are like a powerful rusty bulldozer going straight to hell. I can't wait until it's midnight again. The undead will come out of their holes and the morgue will be full once again. Raw, crude Swedish death metal with a taste of darkness and rotten blood!
01. Black Death
02. The Plague
03. Pain Master
04. World Demise
05. Rotten
06. Zombified
07. What I Kill Is What I Keep
08. Scarlet Black
09. Thorn Of Lies
Jari Kuusisto - Guitars
Jonas Magnusson - Bass
Kristofer Elemyr - Guitars
Joakim Mikiver - Vocals
Swedish Death Metal with members from Ereb Altor, One Hour Hell, Facebreaker, Carnal Forge, and Diatryma
Artwork: Mark Riddick Logo: Jens Ryden Grafik Design: Jocke Mikiver Mix: Jari Kuusisto Master: Jonas Lindstrom
Ave GLUTTONY! I have never found any interview with you in Czech language. I will ask you first to introduce the band to the readers who do not know you yet. You can start from the beginning and take us through the whole history of GLUTTONY.
Hail Jakub! GLUTTONY was formed in 2009 by me, John and Max, after we had disbanded MY OWN GRAVE. One guy who truly understands the early days of Swedish Death Metal and was already involved in the early scene is Johan Jansson (INTERMENT, ex-DELLAMORTE, ex-CENTINEX, ex- REGURGITATE) so I asked him to sing on the first demo which he did. We recorded the Coffinborn demo mostly for ourselves but a few copies got circulated and one ended up at Rogga Johansson (PAGANIZER, RIBSPREADER, ex-DEMIURG) and he really digged it and told Roel at VIC RECORDS who also liked it so we signed with them for two albums. The debut album Beyond the Veil of Flesh turned out exactly like we wanted thanks to the great mix and master by Dan Swanö (ex-BLOODBATH, ex-EDGE OF SANITY). It was really hard to stay active as a band with Johan living 7 hours away so we decided to part ways and we brought in our friend Magnus Ödling (ex-DIABOLICAL, ex-SETHERIAL, ESCUMERGAMENT) on vocals. The debut album got great reviews and we did a few shows. Then we started writing the second album which became Cult of the Unborn. This album took longer to write since me and Magnus created a horror tale and wanted to make the album a theme album, telling the legend of The Casket Master raising the dead to life. This time around we choose Daniel Mikaelsson (SYN:DROM) as a producer because he did such a good job on our split with SORDID FLESH. I still think the album is strong song-wise, but I’m not as happy with the sound as on the first album. It also got mixed reviews – overall positive reviews but the sound was a watershed where some thought it was awful whereas others thought it sounded better than the debut. We played a few shows and started preparing for a tour with MOB-47 and CRAWL when the pandemic came. Since we couldn’t tour, we figured we might as well start writing a new album, so we did and that became the latest album, Drogulus.
This year, you have just released the new album „Drogulus“. Again, it's a dark, harsh and honest death metal. Did you access the recording process differently than last time or did you choose verified practices?
Actually we recorded this album in exactly the same way as Cult of the Unborn. We meet up for 2-3 hours and write a complete song and record it. We continue this process at each rehearsal until we feel we’ve run out of inspiration. Then we listen through the songs and decide what songs are good enough and which ones need adjustments (usually they all do). Then the second iteration starts where we re-arrange the songs and record them again. After that we listen one final time and decide which ones are good enough to be on the album. After that me and Magnus write the lyrics and we record it in our own studio, starting with drums, then guitars, then bass and finally vocals.
The new album seems to me more complicated, perhaps initially less accessible, at the same time incredibly dark and evil. Was it intentional? How did the album originate and how did you compose the music?
There are some Black Metal-minding musical parts on the new album but I think musically it’s actually very similar to our previous albums, but the new vocals overarch this and gives the impression of the music being harsher and more evil even though it’s quite the same. The reason for changing the vocals was the lyrical theme. We wanted to do an album dedicated to the universe of H.P. Lovecraft and subsequent, inspired authors. When it was time to record the vocals, the lyrics simply sounded better with a more high-pitched growl so we went with that. This is actually something we talk about in the Studio Diary on our YouTube channel as we are recording the vocals.
I have a „Drogulus“ in my MP3 player and I have to say that this album literally engulfed me. These are not just great ideas but also sound is simply devastating. I'm sitting in the tram, and suddenly I find myself shaking my legs. I have a feeling to start moshing. If I weren’t so old, I would probably start to. Where did you record and who is signed under mastering?
That makes me really happy to hear! I’m 41 myself but I find that I still want to write and perform the same fast and aggressive music as I did twenty years ago. A lot of people in my age shift towards softer and slower music and that’s fine but I simply can’t. If you can’t mosh to it, I don’t want to play it. We recorded the album in our own studio where we have recorded the two previous albums, but for mix and master we co-operated with Jonas Jönsson (BLACK BAY) who is a very talented yet unknown, local talent here in Sundsvall.
Who is the author of the lyrics on „Drogulus“? What are they talking about? Where do you get inspiration for themes?
On the two last albums, Magnus and I have written about 50% of the lyrics each. I wrote the lyrics to the title track. It started with me trying to find a title for the album that would encapsulate the vast lyrical theme. I stumbled upon the word Drogulus which means “Something that exists but whose existence cannot be verified because it is completely intangible” which to me is a perfect metaphor of what H.P. Lovecraft is conveying. In many of his books, he describes the monsters and beasts as hard to describe, explain, or fathom, so I found it to be the perfect title. Then when I wrote the lyrics for the title track I wanted to do the same: To write something that summarizes H.P. Lovecraft’s world of horrible beasts. For the chorus I used a line from the book The Case of Charles Dexter Ward which I found poetic and dark: “And of ye Seede of Olde shall One be borne”. Besides H.P. Lovecraft, for this album we also found inspiration in the works of Robert W. Chambers and Clark Ashton Smith.
Who is signed under the cover of „Drogulus“? I like his work very much. How did you choose the motif for the cover?
The cover was drawn by the artist known as Karmazid. I follow a lot of artists on Instagram and I always think a lot about what kind of esthetics would suit the music. I really like his raw and occult style so I contacted him and explained what we envisioned for the cover: some kind of Lovecraftian monster arising from the sea.
When we look back at the beginning ... What was the first impulse to found the band? And why the death metal? It's not the typical style which can would give you great "glory".
I grew up listening to Swedish Death Metal in the late 80’s, early 90’s. But for some reason when we formed our first Death Metal band MY OWN GRAVE we went for the more thrashy / Gothenburg style of Death Metal. So I’ve always had the desire to start a band playing Death Metal the old-school way and when MY OWN GRAVE disbanded in 2009 it turned out that Max (bass) and John (drums) felt the same way so GLUTTONY was formed. And you’re right, we didn’t start GLUTTONY and choose to play this type of music to get fame and fortune. I think with MY OWN GRAVE we had that rock star dream of making it big, but pretty soon we realized that there is a very select few Death Metal bands who do and I think they’ve all earned it. We wrote great Death Metal, especially the last album, Necrology, but we weren’t original in any way and did not deserve to make it big. So when starting GLUTTONY we decided we just wanted to start a band and play the type of music we love and grew up with. That has been the ambition from the start and I believe we have been consistent so far, staying true to our formula for how GLUTTONY should sound.
You come from Sweden and you play extreme death metal. Our readers would certainly wonder how the death metal scene works in Sweden. To tell you the truth, so lately I hear only the great new bands from there. Does this mean that the scene there is so strong at the moment? What about concerts, how many people coming to them?
I am very proud of the Swedish Death Metal heritage and that is what we try to honor with GLUTTONY. I would say that the scene has had its ups and downs but has always been strong with the old bands continuing and new great bands appearing each year. I think the pandemic hit the scene hard as with all live music but I’m seeing many of the gigs, tours and festivals re-emerging so I have high faith in the future of Swedish Death Metal. I’ve always liked the community and have met vey few rude fans or bands. When going to the shows, you meet people that you’ve met at concerts since you were 15 and that you share some kind of bond with for that reason. That’s one of the reasons I keep doing this and that’s what I like about the Death Metal community worldwide as well – it still feels like a strong subculture even though it’s not as active and steaming as it was in the early 90’s.
I have to ask. You live in Sweden, which is considered a strongly Lutheran country (61%). You play death metal. Do you have any problems with it? Do you get space in TV or in newspapers? How is life in your country affected by religion?
You have to understand that Sweden is a very non-religious country. It’s true that statistically a lot of people are registered with the Swedish church which is automatic when you’re born. But the number of people who are actually actively Christian is much, much smaller. Of course, during the years, often when I was young, there were situations with people commenting on our shirts and our lyrics but nothing more than that. We have a strong freedom of speech in Sweden and musically or lyrically I have never once stopped to wonder what people might say about the work we put out. Death and Black Metal are accepted musical genres so it would not be odd to see such bands in the media but it’s often the recognized bands like In Flames or Entombed who get the spotlight. Which I think they’ve earned, we’re comfortable with getting press in the underground media and have no strive to make it big. We only want to keep writing our music and get to play it live. Although I do miss touring in Europe, that was too long ago.
From your music it is possible to feel that you are influenced by strong Swedish old school death metal bands. How do you feel about it as a fan? Do you prefer the original death metal of the 1990s or do you get inspiration as well from the new albums? If yes so I am wondering which bands had the greatest impact on GLUTTONY.
I’m a bit traditional when it comes to Death Metal. Sometimes I say things like “but I do like the never stuff, like The Crown’s Deathrace King” only to realize that it was released 2000... I’ve realized that the Death Metal I listen to span somewhere from the mid 80’s till somewhere around the millennium. I try to listen to new bands sometime but I realize that the ones I like seem to play old-school Death Metal that sounds a lot like it could have been recorded in the early 90’s. As for influences, it’s not any particular band, it’s more like a mood or feeling that emanates from those bands. One record that for some reason always has stuck with me as inspiration is Ancient God of Evil by UNANIMATED. On that album I think they combined Death and Black Metal in a way that has inspired many songs I’ve written. And sound-wise there are of course albums like Left Hand Path and Slaughter of the Soul that you unintentionally define as a foundation. But my favorite band in the Swedish scene was always DISMEMBER. Since no song on any GLUTTONY album is intentionally inspired by any particular band or song I think it’s better for the fans to listen for themselves and let me know what they hear.
What about you and concerts in general? Are you a band that goes for concerts anytime you can or you are picky about where you will play? Do you have a dream, maybe a group you would like to go with for a tour or festival, a city where you would like to perform?
We really like playing live but living in the North of Sweden has limited us in many ways for instance when it comes to being booked in Europe. We have to charge more than a band from Malmö or Gothenburg for instance. But we’ve done several European tours with our previous bands MY OWN GRAVE, DIABOLICAL and SETHERIAL and we definitely want to do it again. So if there’s any organizers out there who are interested, please get in touch. We’re not picky. As for touring with any particular band I think BLOODBATH + GLUTTONY would be a great bill but there are so many other great bands as well. As for places to play on the bucket list, it would be fun to play in the U.S. since we have so many fans there and also in Japan or South Korea.
I'm going to listen again your new album „Drogulus“. I have to say that for me personally, this is basically a perfect death metal work. Totally inferno. I wish big success to your record and to get this album to as many people as possible. This album deserves it. I wish you all the best in your personal life. Whatever you do and the last words are yours. If you want to tell something to fans, labels, promoters, you have space here..... Thank you for the interview and I am looking forward to seeing you live!
Thanks Jakub, I’m very happy that you enjoy the album. As for any final words, keep an eye out next year for the LP release of Drogulus and if you want to book us, just reach out to info@gluttony.se